ETs have disabled nuclear warheads since 1967
U.S. government knew, but stoked fear to bring in the New World Order
Originally posted Oct. 20, 2023
From Megan Rose, Welcome to the Future (2021)
A Future Without Nuclear Weapons
October 24, 2021
Val Nek: I am very happy to report on this. Nuclear weapons are easily dismantled using technology from the Federation. This technology was offered to governments of your people in the 1950s but they declined. I can now report that this technology is in the hands of the Earth Alliance, and they have graciously accepted our view of nuclear weapons. Our view is this: these are weapons of mass destruction for all involved and will not be beneficial for Planet Terra.
This technology, to dismantle nuclear weapons, uses magnetic frequency. The magnetic force is made from elements that are not known to Planet Terra. It is rather simple when you think of a bomb as a simple chemical reaction, how to reverse a chemical reaction using elements is simple technology.
Rose, Megan (2021). Welcome to the Future: An Alien Abduction, A Galactic War and and the Birth of a New Era. (Self-published)
From The Huffington Post - July 7, 2011
UFO Researcher Claims Air Force Not Revealing Truth About Communication Outage At F.E. Warren Missile Site
When Military Lost Contact With Nuclear Missiles, Air Force Technicians Reportedly Spotted A UFO
In Washington last September, six former Air Force officers and a former enlisted man stepped forward to say that they'd seen or had been directly involved with UFO sightings at nuclear missile sites.
These sightings began at the dawn of the Cold War and continued through the 1970s.
At this press conference, organized by UFO researcher Robert Hastings, these men told the media that they were encouraged not to speak of these sightings by their superiors, and in some cases, were required to sign secrecy oaths.
Now, Hastings is saying three more witnesses are speaking to him about a more recent UFO sighting -- and it revolves around a serious communications scare at F. E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming last October, when the military acknowledged that it had lost contact with 50 of its nuclear minuteman III missiles.
While news of the communication outage in the defense system was well covered, Hastings is the first to claim that the event coincided with the reported sighting of a large cigar-shaped object high above the missile field.
"They said the object was seen in the sky above the field, throughout the weekend, both during the [missile] disruption and the following day," he said.
Hastings, author of "UFOs and Nukes," has spent nearly 40 years investigating reports of UFOs that have appeared over American nuclear weapons sites.
Hastings says that three missile maintenance technicians -- who agreed to speak on condition of anonymity -- claim that the Air Force put pressure on two of them who were on active duty not to talk to the media about what they had seen.
These witnesses also claim the incident lasted much longer than the Air Force admits. “It actually lasted the better part of 26 hours," Hastings said.
This isn't the first time UFOs have been reported by military personnel at F.E. Warren Air Force Base. In 1965, several people, including the base commander, informed the Air Force's Project Blue Book -- the official Air Force UFO study between 1952 and 1969 -- that their base was inundated by sightings of unknown aerial objects, including a large white oval-shaped craft.
The above account was included in the 1972 book, The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry, by the late astronomer J. Allen Hynek, who served as Project Blue Book's scientific consultant.
Two years later, in 1967, Robert Salas was stationed at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. The Air Force captain was monitoring a launch-control center equipped with 10 nuclear minuteman missiles when UFOs appeared in the sky above them just as something unexpected occurred to the 10 [missiles].
“As we looked at the display board in front of us, the missiles began going into an unlaunchable, or no-go mode. They couldn’t be launched — it went from green to red,” Salas told AOL, explaining how it was extraordinary that so many missiles could malfunction at the same time.”
“The overarching issue is that the U.S. government will not admit the reality of UFOs and the fact that they are superior craft piloted by entities who have a distinct and ongoing interest in this nation’s nuclear weapons program,” Hastings said.
From Patricia Cori
The New Sirian Revelations
To discuss the alien question, we need to jump back . . . to the time of your Second World War, when Earth’s pendulum swung so fiercely to the dark side, and two atomic bombs blasted open a new wave of alien preoccupation with Earth’s warring potentialities.
. . . At that crucial moment, highy trained Nazi occultists, determined to utilize advanced alien technology to conquer the world, pulled grey Reticulans into Earth’s realm. And they (the Nazis) got very close to achieving that end . . . so close that the opposing team triggered the atomic bomb as a show of might and superior technology — the deterrent that effectively stopped the Nazi camp from achieving its objective.
This last statement is actually false. The enriched uranium-235 used for the bombs dropped on Japan — a hydrogen bomb and a plutonium bomb — was supplied by the Nazis via a submarine (U-234) that departed Germany on May 1, 1945. This U-boat also carried infrared proximity fuses, blueprints, and an inventor, Dr. Heinz Schlicke.
The explanation for this aid is that behind the Nazis were the American bloodline families, lead by Prescott Bush and his son, George H.W. Bush. Because the Nazis embodied the values of America’s bloodline families — who controlled the government through wealth and Freemasonry — the State Department brought over Germany’s top echelon of military and intelligence officers, mathematicians, scientists, engineers, technicians and businessmen through Project Paperclip. (Joseph P. Farrell, Nazi International, 2008)
Those powerful explosions, and the poisons they released, created quite a stir amongst alien nations, some of whom immigrated to Earth around that time . . . to understand what possibly could instigate human[ity] . . . [to] recklessly detonate atomic [weapons] against its own civilization and into its own delicate atmosphere. . . .
Seventy years later: Fukushima. Those who observe you recognize the karmic significance in the fact that, from this nation, Japan, and its damaged nuclear power station, enough radioactivity has been released to create an extermination event of epic proportions across the oceans and, eventually, all the land masses of Earth. . . .
Suffice to say that the human race is not advanced enough to know how to contain this force, and to this day, less than a century later, you are absolutely vulnerable to any manifestation of its highly volatile, devastating energy. In the hands of your military and despots, it is annihilation waiting to happen. And yet, you build more nuclear power stations and more bombs, bigger and more powerful than those that come before them.
Perhaps this gives you a clearer idea as to why alien ships hover over nuclear bases, where several of your top military officials have reported the mysterious disarmament of several nuclear warheads. There is an antidote to nuclear fission, but it is a dangerous and highly unstable process. However, capable extraterrestrial observers, and their trained engineers, are methodically disarming military silos of those countries with the greatest nuclear strike force, rendering the most omnipotent weapons in their arsenals inoperable.
Cori, Patricia (2017). The New Sirian Revelations. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books (pp. 187-188).
From Dan Willis
The Web Matrix
(3:00) DAN WILLIS: The Bush administration denied the Congressional hearing we were seeking. I mean, my testimony was kinda lightweight compared to some of the other witnesses that have been actual retrieval cases, where they had 57 different species already categorized by 1989, they had the bases that were witnessed on the other side of the Moon, nuclear missiles had been shut down, NASA airbrushing UFOs out, and the president, CIA directors, heads of intelligence are all being denied access to these projects.
And probably one of the most shocking, explosive things is that we have the technology. That we have these scientists within these black projects that were willing to come forth in an open Congressional hearing to prove we have a solution to get off of nuclear, oil and coal. You know, we've had it for over 60 years — a clean, environmentally safe technology.
But what happened was, you know, I went there naive. I couldn't imagine all the witness testimonies that were being given in front of 22 cameras in the back row at the National Press Club. This one kind of grabbed everybody's attention. But what happened was, you know, CNN — probably one of the flagship control-of-media channels — they made it sound like we wanted a Congressional hearing based on the reality of UFOs.
There's a CIA term called a limited hangout, which means that you covered the event, right, but you covered it in such a way that the explosive, revealing information that would catch everybody's attention is purposely sanitized out.
And after CNN and all the other media outlets covered the event that way, CBS came down. They sent a special-assignment team to interview me. And I said, “Look, I'm not doing this interview unless I can say on the air that we have these scientists willing to come forth, the proof that we have a solution to get off of nuclear, oil and coal that we've had for 60 years, that could be non-polluting.” And I made it a fairly short sentence, actually, probably ten seconds long or something. They promised up and down, and when it aired, what happened was, they did a cookie-cutter of exactly like CNN did and said, “We are not alone? Some people think they have proof” [that UFOs are real].
(25:00) BARBARA DE LONG: Apparently, Russia and Germany were far ahead of us. I mean, the general public has no idea as to any of this.
DAN WILLIS: They have no idea what's going on. I had no idea. When I went to Washington, I had no idea what was going on. You know, Barbara, it wasn't until a media company in Hollywood — because I used to be an ABC news man and a broadcast engineer, you know, back in the 70s, long time ago. They wanted me to write an article on media control regarding the UFO issue. And I just jumped at the opportunity, because, yeah, I'm trying to figure this out. I was naive to think that, “My God, this is a world-changing event.” I couldn't imagine. We're going to have, you know, the cars will be replaced, the antigravity, every home and business can have a little energy device, you know, that could power— we can get rid of nuclear. My God, how wonderful that would be, especially, this is 2001, before the Fukushima thing and the Gulf oil spill. You know, I couldn’t imagine. I thought I was part of a world-changing event. I couldn’t imagine that it would be sanitized out.
BARBARA DE LONG: During World War Two, my dad was in the FBI, and he came home and told my mom that he had been in a demonstration where they had brand-new cars that had never been run. And they put water into their gas tanks and they dropped a little white tablet in, and the car ran beautifully with no emissions. The patent was bought up and never seen again. And the government, it does this. It buys up patents — over five thousand, I think you said someplace? That they have taken over five thousand patents that would do away with our dependence upon oil and coal and everything, and even electricity. And they're keeping them from us to keep us under the thumb of Big Pharma and all of the other groups out there.
DAN WILLIS: Yeah, a total geopolitical control on the entire planet. They've kept the whole planet technologically hijacked.
(1:13:00) That article was— when I started writing it, it was like, one “Oh, my God” after another, you know? I couldn't believe what was hidden, you know? I had to find sources from the Soviets, I had to find sources from leaked documents, and you have to kind of piece it together. Not to say I have all the pieces by any means, but there's a definite indication . . . that the entire planet’s been hijacked, and these people are part of this ruling elite fascist mindset, they feel self-entitled to keep the rest of the planet using these dangerous, obsolete technologies while they profit off of, you know, nuclear, oil and coal, pollutes our air, pollutes our oceans.
You know one of our one of the people that we were working with, Stan Meyer, we were trying to bid on his— After he got a patent and entered in an agreement with the Pentagon the next day he he was poisoned. And he said, “I’ve been poisoned,” and he dropped dead. And you know, he has a system that can convert any of these billions and billions of automobiles just to run simply on water. The car would actually last longer, wouldn’t pollute. The technologies— I've seen these technologies work. You know, even in the new WikiLeaks Podesta emails, Edgar Mitchell was talking to Podesta, talking about the Vatican's awareness of the ETI, and releasing the zero-point energy is, you know, honorable. . . .
If that technology gets released, we could retrofit these dangerous nuclear power plants. And while we create billions of jobs manufacturing these little boxes that will run any home or business with all the power you need, eventually we can get rid of all of these these grid power lines that are like huge antennas, that if North Korea was to hit us with an EMP, it would completely blow out all the electronics.
In fact, Newt Gingrich, the House speaker, said it's the number-one threat of 11 threats that, you know, either an EMP or a CME, you know, a coronal mass ejection from the sun, which, back in the 1800s fried the telegraph wires. You can imagine, if it hits the power lines, all these power transformers that supply your home, they'll be melted. And there's not gonna be anybody replacing them for some time. So not only are they ugly, you know, with wires running all over the place, but we can remove those, and, you know, recycle them.
And then, water power is a great transitional technology, since we got so many of these vehicles, and it would stop the pollution. And then we have, you know, with these energy devices, eventually everybody will have electric vehicles that don't need to be plugged in like a Tesla. And for some that want to live remotely, you know, the antigravity technology, like Doc Brown in Back to the Future, you know, “We don't need roads where we're going.” . . .
(1:22:00) So, they're wanting to keep a lid on it. It's not so much for just profit Sure, it's multi-trillion-dollar industries, you know, with oil and nuclear and coal and everything. And, you know, these wouldn’t take away jobs: they would create totally new jobs using technologies that work in harmony with our beautiful planet.
You know, the oceans. I'm in a radiation-monitoring station here on the West Coast, one of many civilian ones on So that the government doesn't control. There are individuals that are monitoring radiation levels, and what's going on in our oceans and everything is horrific. And it’s an ongoing situation with Fukushima. And what’s sad is they have the technology to remediate the radiation in these black projects.
BARBARA DE LONG: Yeah, that's what gets me. I mean, we have the ability to make the changes and they don't make them. Why? Because they don't want us to know that they've taken trillions of dollars and put it into the black ops? That's ridiculous. . . .
DAN WILLIS: Wernher von Braun exposed that we're gonna have many false flags in the future. This was also disclosed in the report from Iron Mountain in 1967, where they said the first one was going to be the Soviets. Well, we knew that the Nazi intelligence was giving fake reports to Truman in order to bring in all this money and funding and keep expanding the CIA, and these unacknowledged projects that they're doing.
Night Light Radio, with host Barbara DeLong - The Web Matrix with Dan Willis