I want the Brotherhood system to come to an end. It’s not a religion: it is a system. It is a form of government. It is a foreign government and a foreign military, and We the People need to release ourselves from it and get them out of our country.
What foreigners are we talking about?
Well, you have individuals whose allegiances are to another country, other nations. You have several that are involved with the Brotherhood, the top one being the Sanhedrin of Israel. Beyond that you have the connection to Germany and Ukraine, but those are secondary. I would say probably Israel and Germany are the two top alliances within the Brotherhood system, and within that you have the Sanhedrin, who are under the Leviathan system. Who is their allegiance to? Who are they calling god? It’s actually Lucifer; that’s who they’re calling god. So, that’s part of the foreign government.
Underneath them, you have their foreign military, which is the Sovereign Military Order of Knights Templars.
So, I've talked about how the old system was financially backed through the Vatican. The new system, the Leviathan system, is under the Sanhedrin. (https://www.youtube.com/live/PKpWFggPf00?si=eTiXtcJo45BtkXIS)
September 18, 2024 “KNIGHTS & PRIESTESSES”
The Knights
5:00 In my courses I go into that structure of the system and I talk about the Sovereign Military Order. Within that order you have a hierarchy structure.
At the highest level of that structure, you have protectors.
Underneath the protectors you have those that govern the Sovereign Military at the quadrant level, and those are your supreme preceptors.
Underneath your supreme preceptors you have those who will rule under them at a regional level, which are your preceptors.
Under the preceptors, you have their army, their military, which are the Knights Templars. And again, all that’s under the Sovereign Military Order.
The protectors are the top of this. They oversee the [six] departments that oversee the different supreme preceptors at the quadrant level and the preceptors at the regional level, who then oversee the knights.
The protectors, their job is to come alongside of the elite. They come from generational family lines that serve the elite. [See Jessie Czebotar Training Partner]
So, where are we going to see the protectors coming in? They’re assigned first to individuals in those upper parts of the system and their family lines. They’re going to provide protection, such as perimeter protection, for rituals or ceremonies or events.
They’re also going to be connected to the supply, and the four rituals and ceremonies. So, they’ll be in charge of bringing things in, such as witchcraft paraphernalia, altars. Whatever is needed for that ceremony or event, they’re part of the setup. They’ll also be part of the cleanup and the takedown.
When I say cleanup, let’s just say, a grand high climax for the month. First you’re going to have sacrifices that are needed, so somebody’s got to coordinate the abductions, the holdings, and then the transport from those holdings to the event. And management of those sacrifices, which are people before they are sacrificed. How are they coordinating all of that?
And then after those mass-sacrifices—or it could even be orgies, things like that—somebody has to clean up the mess. So, they’re the ones who give the order to the quadrant or regional leaders, who are going to coordinate the Knights Templars to come in and clean it up.
So, these guys are very proficient and good. They work as a system, but at the end of the day if there’s anything left on the scene that incriminates a brother, then that head of that department, that quadrant leader, that regional leader has then broken their brotherhood covenant to cover up each other’s sins. So they’re very meticulous about all these things, and they have a system, and they have it down where they are quick. And I think it’s beyond just physical cleanup. I think that there's a lot of magic involved in their cleanup.
CHANTELLE: Would these be the protectors that are the shape-shifters?
11:00 JESSIE: Some, yeah, because you have your Wolf and your Vampire [protector] departments. As far as I understand, there are only two. You've got a sixth department connected to the military specifically in the U.S., but out of the six departments that I'm aware of, two are connected to the shape-shifters.
For example, my training partner was connected to Michael Karkoc, who was the top specialist in defense magik. So, they have different skills, different abilities that they pull on and use. So, not all of them are shape-shifters or connected to those spirits.
[Preceptor: an expert who gives practical experience and training to a student]
You can look up Order of Preceptors—that's just the title for the quadrant. In military terms, your generals are the supreme preceptors and your commanders are the preceptors.
And the orders can come from— for example, you have your top protectors that are connected to the Mothers of Darkness, but then everything’s going to channel through that head of the protector department. The orders are going to come through the Mothers, or there is also coordination between the Mothers and the [Satanic] councilmen. So, they're able to coordinate things for their quadrants as long as it falls into the agenda.
Knights of Pythias
One of the top knights’ groups is known as the Knights of Pythias. [14:30] They are connected to your quadrants and they oversee what happens with those ceremonies, the rituals. Usually they’re the ones who host these parties or the events, ceremonies. When you see their symbols, they display their contracts within the system—who they’re under, what Brotherhood groups they work with.
There are some base things that we see here. First, they’ve got that shield. The shield is an upside-down triangle, which is an unholy contract.
The next thing we’ll notice is that the shield is broken down into three colors. Usually you’ll see it as three triangles; they’re just showing it this way because it’s a shield. But really, those colors with those letters in them represent three triangles, and that goes back to their angel contracts. Now, they’re not angels—they’re fallen angels that they’re contracted with—but it goes back to their seraphim or angel contracts in the Order of the Golden Dawn (https://hermeticgoldendawn.org/the-rose-cross-lamen/)
Also, we see above the knight’s head the eagle with its wings looking like it’s mounted. That’s significant as well because it tells you that this knights group is under the cherubic sign of the eagle. Usually that’s connected at your highest levels to the northern quadrants and their rulers.
We also see the two spears with the battleaxes at the ends. That’s usually how the system will display their keys. So, what does that represent? It’s the Kabbalah, the keys of knowledge, but those keys can also be used as weapons.
I want to say first, the eagle—especially with its wings mounting—represents junior programs in the system. So, the individuals at quadrant level who are going to be focused on the education of the children in the quadrants or their training, their programming are the Knights of Pythias. So, they’re highly invested in those junior development programs, because at the end of the day they they’re raising up people who are going to keep the system and the Sovereign Military going.
Now when we look at these colors there’s something else that's hidden that's very significant. A while back we did a show on the Rose Cross lamen and in the very center of that lamen you see a rose and a cross.
In the center of that cross you see three colors—the yellow, the blue and the red—and they’re laid out just like they are on the shield. That goes back to their contracts at a very high level with the Mothers of Darkness, as well as other contracts.
They represent some of the hidden Egyptian gods, especially in programming. They don’t tell you the name of the spirit that is guarding the gateway to your training and programming, but these color codes go back to the gods of Egypt.
Anuket, Ra, Set, Isis
So, within the system one of the things that they’re going to do is test children for their soul resonance. God created all of us to to sing and to praise and to glorify His name, and we enter into the song of the Lord with His creation. So there’s a beautiful song that all of us are a part of, and they know that.
One of the tests that they’ll put kids through is to have you stand there—this is at about age four and a half, five. When they start training, they’ll have the children in a group and they’ll have them sing O, Ma, Ra and Set. And the Set is really the stop in-between the different things.
But they’ll try to see if you can feel. When you say the O, usually you'll feel the resonance in your feet. When you say the Ma, you should feel resonance in the middle of your body. In the Ra, you’ll feel resonance up towards your head.
But they want to know what you can feel. And that is because what you pick up, that’s where your soul resonates most. So, they’re going to make your contracts based on where you fit in with others that are familiar to you. That’s how they begin to make the demonic and the principality attachments: it goes off of whom you are like. Two like souls or like spirits can work better together than two that are completely different, right? So that’s what they’re looking for: they want to know who can make attachments with you.
This goes back to those gods of Egypt. Now, let’s look at the order. The yellow is connected to O; there’s a deity connected with that, which is Anuket.
Now, in this you have some overlapping. The yellow is also connected to Ra, because at the very top of it you have colors that can be used twice.
Next is Ra. You’ve got the snake on his head, the falcon imagery, the eye of Horus.
The red is connected to Set, the dog head. And when you get the principalities, sometimes you have different imagery. Set Cano is a ram’s head; he has the same look as this. You have Baal, Moloch, Samael: all those are horned principalities, so they look more like a big bull or a ram.
Isis is another one. Isis is Ma, which is the same as Astaroth [Duke of Hell]. Notice with that you usually have the red and the blue wings. [Notice yellow and white triangles in men’s skirts. White could mean all three primary colors - editor]
Who deals with the upper-level contracts with these hidden spirits? It’s the upper-level Knights of Pythias who are holding those contracts.
26:00 As we continue looking at these contracts, here we can see the upside-down-triangle contract, the unholy contract. We see the three letters split into triangles there. And here it’s easier to see because you have a middle one there. So, you've got the O, Ma, Ra, Set. And all of that’s interconnected.
26:30 The blue is the other interchangeable one. The yellow is connected to Ra, and that’s because his contracts for governance that by the Lord’s authority is during the day, which is a yellow light spectrum. So, many times the training and the connections that happen within the yellow light spectrum have that contract with Ra.
Anuket has a blue light-spectrum contract, which is the night, so things will be put under that. Astaroth is both day and night, so you get a split there in the contracts.
Set can be both day and night, but you also get something more: you get the deeper abyss contracts with the fire.
And wherever we see the metal sunshine rays that are around emblems, those always connect to the Order of the Scottish York Rite Masons, which are Nazis. So, it’s a symbol of Nazism. It’s also a symbol of the Scottish York Rite connection.
So, these guys are in multiple circles. If they’re part of these Knights of Pythias, they’re also connected to the Scottish York Rite temples.
These symbols are their authorities. Their badges, their symbols identify where theyre allowed to to go. So, they can go in the Scottish York Rite temples; they can go and sit in those circles. They can also get into the underground secret cities, like ASGAARD, which is under Yellowstone, or VALHALLA, which is in Valhalla, Kansas. So, these symbols show their permissions to go certain places and not be stopped or hindered in their work that they have to do. [See Jessie Czebotar Talks About Underground Cities]
This is Knights of the Bath. The ends of the arms of the cross are pointed inward: that’s very specific to the person who received this medal and his position. But that cross with arms of equal length represents the Knights of Malta, formerly known as the Knights of the Order of St. John Christendom.
Usually you’ll see that cross colored red, black or white, but when we see that, it tells us structure. So, we’ve got Knights of Malta, but this symbol is for the Knights of the Bath. And in the middle we see their symbol, which is the three crowns.
Three crowns is also significant in the system because that’s the same theme they use when we see in the structure of the buildings the three archways: they call it the three crowns. And it represents the northern wall. And you identify the northern wall so that you know where the western wall is. The western wall is where the sacrifices are.
So, it’s all about connections, positions, stations; that’s why they wear these things. We see that the Knights of the Bath are under the Leo the Lion contracts, which is your Eastern Quadrant. Some of the Knights of the Bath may be under other quadrants, but this one is showing that it’s under the Eastern Quadrant’s authority.
Then we see the priestess laurels going around that middle section. We see also the balls on the tips of the cross, and that goes to a military underground connection.
Here we see the belt buckle, upside-down belt buckle. That can be the Knights of the Bath, but also the Knights of the Garter.
So, what are the orders of the Bath, the Garter and the Thistle really? They’re subdivisions of the Knights of Malta. If people are part of those orders, they would first have to have joined the Knights of Malta, and then they’re going to specialize. They’re going to begin to define themselves by their specialties.
The Q is the Order of Quetzalcoatl, which is under the Order of the Phoenix. And they’re also under the Shriners. The Order of Quetzalcoatl were first created to move assets—primarily finances, and, I believe, children through the Shriner hospitals from one place to another.
Look at Prince William. On his left side we see the Q belt buckle. We see the Knights of Malta shield in the center, so we know that he’s connected to the Knights of Malta. We know he’s connected to the Knights of the Bath and the Knights of the Garter.
Also, the collar that he’s wearing is significant because it has symbols. All the gold is supposed to be a rope with knots, and in-between the gold knots is the belt-buckle Q: that’s what makes up the whole collar. He’s also got the actual rope with the knot : that’s Knights of the Bath and the Garter where they have the knots.
Notice the white ribbons. When we see them on the right and left, it represents the Aaronic priesthood and Order of Melchizedek. So, he’s both.
40:00 That’s a closeup of what I was describing, the belt buckle. We see the two colored roses in there. The roses in the system connect to the breeder programs. The [center] white roses are connected to the Rotarians; the red roses are connected to the Rosicrucians; and then you’ve got the [blue] belt buckles. We see the knotted ropes.
This emblem also has a horse with a rider. That connects to still other orders, as well as some cherubic signs. It looks like the horse is over a dragon. But the horse is connected in the cherubic signs to your western quadrants, and the dragons or the birds are connected to the northern quadrants. When we see one symbol dominating another, it shows which has more authority. He has more authority in the Western Quadrant (horse) than in the Northern Quadrant (dragon).
47:30 Prince William’s robe is black, Princess Anne’s is green. The black robe is Knights of Malta as well as Order of the Bath; the green robes are the Order of the Garter. The head of the Order of the Garter is Princess Anne. She is one of the top generals over the Sovereign Military, and particularly the Order of the Garter.
We see their medals: the seal in the middle signifies orders. We also see the sun rays: they’re connected to their seraphaic contracts. The sun rays form a diamond and an X: that deals with with cherubic contracts. The X represents a contract with Abaddon. Another order that has that X contract is the Knights of the Thistle. And Princess Anne wears two white ribbons, which is Order of Melchizedek.
50:00 Again, on both Charles and Camilla we see the the white ribbons, signifying Order of Melchizedek. Their robe is red. We see the the knots, the gold rope that they use to tie it. All of that communicates things about their orders, their training, what they’re connected to. Look at the bottom of that rope on Charles: you see the ties, and that goes back to the Knights of the Garter. And the medals with the sun rays represent that York Rite, Scottish Rite Masonry in their training.
This is the Knights of the Thistle, one of their emblems. I encourage people to go back see if you can see on timothycharlesholmseth.com my decode of the Saint Cloud, Minnesota area. In that I talk about the St. Francis seal. And in that seal you see St. Francis the same way as we see the guy in here, with rays of sunshine around his head. But here we see St. Francis holding an X contract. It tells us that the majority of your Knights of the Thistle are connected to the Jesuit Catholic Department in the system. They’re also bound to that St. Francis seal that’s connected to the Solomonic seals. The Solomonic seal with the head and the sun rays is connected to Metatron, the contract with Metatron, and that’s the first Solomonic seal.
So, all of your Knights of the Thistle are bound to that first Solomonic seal. That connects to buildings that they can access. Any building under that first seal, they can go practice magic in it. They are also assigned to certain areas where that seal is applied to keep things in or keep things out.
Order of Jerusalem
56:00 So, again, at the very top we see that shield, the unholy contract. Notice how that cross is just a little longer on the bottom: that tells us it’s something different.
Where do we have the Knights of Malta in here? It’s that little cross at the top of the emblem. You’ve got a knight’s head and you’ve got that little cross: that’s your Knights of Malta cross. But the bigger one underneath it is Rosicrucian. So, this person is Malta and also Rosicrucian.
And from there it goes to your Order of the Knights of Jerusalem. That cross with the four little crosses in it is the Order of Jerusalem. They work specifically for the Vatican and the Holy See.
It feels very creepy to know that they have such in-our-faces symbolism, and we aren't the least bit curious, until this very time, when the awakening stirred us, as things incorrectly called virus, were unleashed along with jxx's meant to kill... . We didn't note the symbolism in movies, hand signs, expressions in dead or evil eyes, like Hanks, just vague rumors of Bohemian Grove, short lived notice of epstein. a judge killed with a pillow over his head. The picture keeps getting both wider and deeper. Thank you so much, I can't believe the symbolism and the importance of it just escaped us for so long.
Perfect drab for Halloween. What jokers