Olivia James
Interview with James Rink
Olivia was born into a family of CIA-linked drug traffickers; her father sold her into the programs to avoid going to prison. At seven, she was taken to an East Coast psychiatric hospital for six-to-eight months, where she was tortured to create six front-alters and 102 sub-alters, which would later be used for gathering intelligence on individuals (beta tracking) and corporate espionage.
In the mid-1980s, Dr. Green (Josef Mengele) discovered Olivia had an ability to host demons. He selected her for Project Traveler, in which elites would pay Monarch to send her to their homes so they could spend time with their family’s “god.”
48:30 JAMES RINK: What were the entities’ thoughts?
OLIVIA: A lot of filth. They’re everything that you think is on the dark side: it’s all rage, it’s all red, it’s all blood. And they feel like that’s their job, is to be darkness. That’s their job. This is what one actually said: “It’s my f***ing job to be this.” One of the entities actually said that when I hosted him recently.
And I hosted a few other entities recently in a session I had a few weeks ago. And this is really interesting, because I see this portrayed as such a— kind of like a heavenly character. They came in a group—it was Bacchus, Ashtoreth, Bel and Isis. And a lot of people see some of these names as being like heavenly characters. And what I’ve seen from when I hosted them and they were inside of me and I was inside them, they said they want to thank us for destroying some of our ability to protect ourselves from them, because we’ve blown up a lot of pieces in our own universe, where they can come and go more freely. So, they wanted to thank us for doing that. And they said that they’re coming to take the world, because we’re the invaders here, they were here first, darkness was here first, and they’re coming back to take the world.
And as I said, I’ve seen some of these names like Isis, where people think they’re beautiful creatures, and she calls herself an angel of darkness. So, it’s just something to think about when we’re thinking of these entities that are presenting themselves as something other than what they are.
Olivia’s book is, Grey Mouse: Sex, Space and Mind Control. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BJC88X13
Kevin G. Pt 1 - First hand account of Adrenochrome effects, timelines, ritual abuse, redemption, save the children
TruthStream with Joe and Scott
41:00 (2012) And he hands me this pill, and it didn’t look like any pill I’d ever seen. It was shaped like a teardrop, and it was maroon. . . . I get a glass of water and I take the pill. I didn’t even need the glass of water, because when I take this weird pill and put it in my mouth, as soon as this thing hit my tongue, it exploded into a billion molecules that rolled down my throat. And it felt almost alien. . . .
And I’m in this guy’s La-Z-Boy, and these two guys come walking in [police]. And they’re sitting there and they’re trying to talk to me, and I’m just trying to ignore them. And they keep messing with me, and they’re like, “Hey, I’m going to hypnotize you, but I can’t do it unless I have your permission.” And I’m like, “Okay, well, knock yourself out; I’m going to sleep.”
And I roll over and I’m trying to ignore them, and they keep messing with me. . . . And they’re talking to me, and the guy . . . he ended up doing a repeat-after-me type of game. The thing that they did to me when I was four, I remember it sounding like spellcraft, like weird spellcraft-type words, where this guy would say something, and then I would have to repeat what he said, and it was like nonsense, like something that didn’t make sense. . . .
And they were asking me questions, and the one guy asked me a question about the girl that I had the kid with, and I guess he didn’t like my truthful answer, and he turned my elbow inside-out. Like he came over and my arm was snapped the opposite direction. . . .
46:00 And what it was is, when he went to Cornell, he got hooked up with this guy from— I remember hearing them talk; they were talking about DARPA a lot. I heard them talking about DARPA. I don’t know if the guy was ready to take a job with DARPA, or if he was already working for DARPA and he was ready to take a job with the CIA, but it was bullshit like that.
And this guy is the one that was trying to hypnotize me, is what he called it. But once they put my arm back together, they sat there and they would say shit about my girlfriend and try and get me to hate my girlfriend. And they were repetitively droning on about how I should hate my girlfriend, and then a random friend who I hadn’t talked to in a couple of years, and about the police. They’re putting all this shit about the police in my head and all this stuff about the police. . . .
I know there was a method to their torture, where when I would say no— Because they were sitting there and saying, “You’re going to do this to little kids.” And I’m like, “No, I’m not.” And they’re like, “Yeah, but you’re going to do this to little kids.” “No, I’m not.” “Well, then you’ll to do this to little kids.” They were obsessed with trying to talk me into doing shit to kids. . . .
It was like they were trying to program a human computer; it was weird. And if I gave them an answer they didn’t like, like they ended up dislocating my other elbow, but it was way more professional in the way that they did it. I know at one point I woke up, where they were trying to dislocate my legs at the knee. . . .
Eventually, they raped me . . . and then they made the guy from Cincinnati who set me up, they made him rape me. They held a gun to him.
51:00 This happened in June of 2012. They gave me the pill at 5:00 in the afternoon, and I woke up at 11:00 that night. So, it was six hours I was out of it. . . .
And I remember when he was talking me out of it, before he did, before they talked me up out of it, they had extra time. He was like, “Hey, we got extra time: let’s do this, too.” And the guy was like, “I don’t know.” He was like, “Come on, it’ll be easy.” And it’s like they wanted to attach another demon. That’s what they did. He said that they attached a demon to me. Remember how the two ladies, the Masons, when I was a kid attached a demon?
What’s weird is, when these guys started their bullshit, I know at one point, they put on masks and they made me wear a mask towards the end.
But at the beginning, it’s almost like he was coaxing my soul out of my body. And as he was doing it, once it came out, it was like, imagine a soul coming out of a body that’s lying in a La-Z-Boy, only the soul is facing over the head of it looking towards them, and it’s a little four-year-old boy. And they’re like, “Oh, look: there it is.” And it came out, and it’s up in the corner of the room looking down, watching everything happen. Like they coaxed me out of my body somehow while they were doing this shit to me.
JOE AND SCOTT: What did the masks look like?
KEVIN: They weren’t that cool. It was almost like they had, like, gems hanging off of them.
JOE AND SCOTT: Like Mardi Gras masks, like just over the eyes?
KEVIN: Yeah, kind of like that.
54:30 Like I said, they gave me the pill at 5:00; at 11:00, I open my eyes, and I’m sitting in this chair. Here’s what’s weird: before he talked me out — like he talked me down into this trance and he talked me up out of it — before he did, it was weird. Because towards the end, when they wanted to attach this demon to me, was when they did the repeat-after-me, and that’s when the words were weird.
I thought they said, Azrael; maybe they said Azazel. I just wanted to piss them off, so even if they didn’t say, Azrael, I acted like that’s what they said, and I was like, “Azrael [UI],” like just trying to be a dick. And I was trying to f*** things up on purpose, and they wouldn’t— like, they were very persistent. And they kept droning on and on and on until I would say it the right way.
And then they had a little bit of extra time, and he was like, “Well, I want to attach another demon to him. This will just be a little glutton him,” whatever that means. Come to find out, I didn’t stop eating until I weighed 333 pounds. That’s the target weight they picked for me. That was the number they picked. I didn’t lose weight until I hit 333. That was how I got rid of the [UI].
See also:
Satanic Rituals of America’s Ruling Families
In this room there were three men present. To my utter amazement, waiting for me were George Bush, George W. Bush, and Dick Cheney! The four of us began to engage in ritual on the bed, and as things heated up all three men began shape-shifting into reptilian form. I vividly remembered having sex with George W. as his father, the senior Bush, held one of my arms overhead and Dick Cheney held the other. All three men were in reptilian, not human form. During the ritual I again took in the demonic entity as I had previously, while the men began to emit deep gutteral noises. During the height of the ritual, tiny babies were brought into the room and devoured by the men. That was enough for me. I concluded the exercise . . . This occurred on the last full moon prior to February 26, 2003, shortly before the [U.S. invasion of] Iraq.
Herbert Hoover was also a freemason demon worshipper.
It's partly true that mankind opened a way into this world. God told mankind not to do it. Those who had the power at the time chose to disobey.
It's a long story. But it ends well. God triumphs.
It would be lovely to think it isn’t true but just look at where we are… I know from first hand it’s true but the human spirit when activated is more powerful than the evil . Most people are intrinsically good but have forgotten what they are. Super connected to the Creator just need to plug back in … it’s like a great forgetting low frequency mind state. It makes it very easy to control free masses this way. Be curious and calm you will find your way. When you are ready whatever you need comes and takes you back to your true Self…