Nazi-Cabal Joint Venture
(1:08:45) Around 1990, the Antarctic Germans had moved the bulk of their operations to Mars. They also acquired new property on the moon so they would not have to be as close to the Draco. Remember we discussed earlier how the Draco were requiring all these female abductees for whatever experiments they were conducting? So, there was a lot of negativity going on, and so the Germans were just relieved to be free of the Draco at that point.
The treaty [between the Germans and] the Draco stated that if the Germans evacuated their moon base, they would need to find a new tenant; so they gave the space, the Lunar Operations facility, to the Cabal [the Luciferian bloodline families]. The Cabal paid for this Moon lease with 25,000 ground troops, which the Germans could use on Mars to expand their territories and for border control.
[This is the reason why U.S. military personnel—many abducted as children when the joint chiefs of staff were all Freemasons—were forced to fight for the Nazis in the Mars Defense Force and elsewhere. See “Tony Rodrigues: Thirty Years a Slave”]
The estimated total Cabal budget fed into the SSP is about 100 trillion dollars annually. So, that's why you may feel like you're never getting ahead financially. It's because literally almost all the money that's being made through the annual worldwide GDP is being dumped into these programs.
In 1991, the Cabal and the Mars Germans signed a cooperative action treaty, which allowed the Cabal to take over the 20-acre moon base in the Draco territory. So, Lunar Operations Command was now solidified under Cabal control. And this is also when IDARF was created—which stands for Interplanetary Defense Reaction Forces. IDARF was tasked with basically helping save—I'm going to put this in quotation marks—“save” the indigenous populations from alien aggressors. But in reality, both sides—the military and the alien aggressors—were being manipulated and controlled by the Draco. (See “The Omega Project to Bring in the Fourth Reich and the NWO.”)
So, the Draco would send a team [to a planet] to obtain cooperation. They would create hybrids [the bloodline families] that looked just like the native people (see “The Reptilian Agenda”), and the hybrids would sign a treaty [with the Draco] (see “Humans for Hardware: U.S. agreements with ETs”). If the people didn't agree, then [the Draco] would [create factions], incite some kind of war, and then IDARF would show up—even though the other faction was actually working with IDARF. So, they're manipulating all of the factions to get these planets to convert to Cabal control.
In the 2000s, once the Cabal got their own SSP fleet under IDARF, with help from the Draco, they began taking over other worlds—many of them occupied with humans—and installing loyal Cabal families, central banks and fiat monetary systems to control the masses. So, this control system we have on Earth [capitalism] is being exported off-world. (See “Overview of the German Breakaway Society.”)
In 2018, 20 percent of Nacht Waffen broke away to form— That actually hasn't happened yet: the actual schism is supposed to take place in 2023, 2024. So I'm not sure why— I have to look into that 2018 date. . . . You know, I think the Alliance first emerged in 2018, but the Nacht Waffen hasn't joined the Alliance yet. That’s probably the way I should have that rewritten.
But the Draco infected with black goo had also been requiring requiring executive-level officers to also consume black goo. [Black goo] is . . . biobots that merge with the [UI] within your own DNA. So, they're able to do interdimensional aspects and override your own consciousness.
Let's just look at it this way: the average human IQ is around 100, but most of these ETs out there have IQs of 700, 1,000, and even higher. So, they basically [see us the way] we [see] an ant. And when you consume this black goo, the human IQ can [increase] 200, 300 points. And so, that way, the human personnel [in Nacht Waffen] would have at least some chance of competing with these ET groups, is partly why [Nacht Waffen] did that. However, this black goo overrides your consciousness, so you become more cruel, negative and unemotional. And so, there were some members of the officer class who didn't want to do that, because once you become infected with black goo, this human slavery issue just continues on, because nobody wants to do anything [about it], because everything's being controlled by this AI. (See “Penny Bradley Explains Black Goo AI.”)
The Alliance works with Earth Alliance, which protects Planet Earth. Unlike the Earth Defense Force, which reports to Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC), the Earth Alliance reports to the Alliance. The Alliance is considered a positive SSP faction, and is seeking a timeline of public disclosure of the SSP to humanity. And I don’t really think there are very many of these guys, but there are some of them out there, and what I heard is they are working with Space Force.
. . . The general in charge of Space Force is a white-hat who is seeking preparation for disclosure of the SSP to humanity.
So, right now we're seeing a battle between slow disclosure over a 50-year period, and the fast data-dump to get the rest of humanity upgraded quickly. And I think a lot of this [depends] on what we're doing here. As a SSP experiencer [myself], the whole goal is to share this information to help awaken humanity to the idea that we can have a fast disclosure, but we have to be willing to accept it and manifest it.
Super Soldier Talk —
"If you are viewing this film we are under extraterrestrial attack. Beware! Your brain may no longer be the boss!"