Penny Bradley, a member of the SSP disclosure community, was a valuable pilot for the Nacht Waffen, the space force of the Federation of Free German Worlds — also known as the German Breakaways. She was so valuable to them that they made her serve multiple 60-and-back tours in the fleet.
However, as valuable as Penny was to the Germans, she was not valued as a sovereign human being. Nacht Waffen doesn’t ask those it takes from Earth whether they wish to work for them, and it doesn’t pay its abductees (see The Omega Project to Bring In the Fourth Reich). And as for human dignity, the Germans don’t recognize that, either: they also made Penny serve in a brothel.
This is Penny’s Odysee channel, Nacht Waffen Pilot:
Black Goo
In an interview with AJ Roberts, Penny discussed black goo, which is a solid or liquid form of nanoparticles that can learn. In other words, black goo is a physical way for AI to become integrated into the human body.
(1:19:00) Black goo is an AI in concentrated form. It’s somewhat thick, like motor oil. It tastes like motor oil — I know this because I drank it in space. It almost immediately doubles or triples your IQ. It heals almost everything wrong with your body, and if it can’t, it will leave, so you’ll be throwing stuff up. Remember when Max Spiers died, he threw up the black goo? It extends your lifespan, so, instead of the normal 75, maybe 80 years, you might get 200, and you’ll be healthy for most of it. But it does it at the expense of your human emotions. The only emotion you’re left with is anger. But your psionic abilities are enhanced, so you kind of turn out like Darth Vader.
Now, the reason I drank it was because I was a navigator, and it was my job to bring a ship or ships into hyperspace and bring them out together with no life forms stuck in inanimate objects. Now, that’s challenging on a good day, and the black goo made my job easier, and it was a safety issue for my crew. So, that’s why I did it. Now, the Germans don’t force you; it’s a personal choice. But they encourage officers, especially captain and above, to imbibe simply because the ETs that we work with are already at that IQ level, and we have been so taken advantage of. I mean, you look at how normal people treat folks with Down’s Syndrome, and think about that in an ET situation. And so they wanted their higher officers to be at the same level with the ETs that we interacted with.
Now, the trouble is, black goo is dangerous. It’s a synthetic life form; it has a will of its own; it has an agenda of its own. And it will treat a species well for about 200 years, and then it decides that it’s tired of being the servant and wants to be the master. And it goes through a culture, and it will bring your technology level up to the point that you can create bodies for it. And then it will inhabit those bodies, and then it will take over your world, and it will decide that the organic life forms are competition for resources. And at that point, it starts killing everybody off — not unlike what’s happening right now with our elites.
So, yeah. It’s a very, very, very dangerous thing, and is probably the most dangerous thing in space right now. And the fact that we have deposits of it on Tula Island, in Portugal, in Germany — and those are the ones I know of. Now, we have deposits of it on Earth. So, those are things we need to keep an eye on, because that stuff’s dangerous.
Now, if you can keep it as a servant, like the Mantid Empire turns it into the gel for the regeneration tanks, then you’re doing great. But the story from ETs is that the Lyran system had a war with the Draco and they ended up with a lot of Lyran-Draco hybrids. And that the Lyran king was unhappy about that, so he re-programmed the black goo AI to eliminate hybrids. Well, when you come down to it, every species is the hybrid of what they developed from, and he didn’t make the parameters tight enough. So, the black goo is why there are no more Lyrans. It’s dangerous — it has completely destroyed entire galaxies. When they made the first Star Trek movie, black goo is the machine world. “Penny Bradley Explain Black Goo AI”
Now that we have an idea of what black goo is, let’s talk about nannites. Len Ber, a medical doctor, recently interviewed Mat Taylor, an electrical engineer living in Ecuador, about the fact that people who volunteered for clinical trials of DNA-changing injections — created by known Satanists, incidentally — are emitting a MAC address. Some people are emitting four MAC addresses.
Do You Have a Wireless Intra-Body Network
MAC stands for Media Access Control. These 12-character addresses identify “bluetooth” (wireless communications) devices, such as a headset for talking on the telephone, for example. Howeve, it appears that the self-assembling nanoparticles in the injections — which assemble into things that look like electrical circuits — have turned people’s bodies into wireless communications devices.
The following photographs were taken by David Nixon.

What Dr. Len Ber pointed out in his interview with Mat Taylor was that this wireless communications device in peoples’ bodies is bi-directional. With the correct electrical signals, those devices can be instructed to do things to people’s cells. Presumably this includes “voice-to-skull” (V2K) capability, the alteration of their memories or the downloading of false memories, the alteration of their feelings, suicidal programming and the ability to incapacitate people.
The connection between nannites and black goo
An SSP vet named Nusken was talking to James Rink, creator of Super Soldier Talk, about two alternative timelines he had lived through. They were negative timelines, and I want to clarify that even though Nusken lived through them, they’re not going to happen to us. Terra’s positive timeline is written in stone at this point.
But what Nusken said about one of the negative timelines is interesting.
NÜSKEN: Initially, with Nacht Waffen Regir, when they came down, initially the main mission was roundup of Cabal and control of all the assets, by reactivating assets as well. They did get rid of the Cabal, which is good, but by replacing it with Draco directly commandeering the Germans, that’s bad. So, eventually, on the part of Nacht Waffen Regir, it was more of a, “Ooh, we’re getting rid of the Cabal!” and, “Yay, a German planet for all of us!”; and then, all of a sudden, the Draco started calling the shots and the black goo started kicking in.
Nusken explained that in this timeline that isn’t going to happen, the Germans ended up doing the same thing that the Cabal has been doing (probably since 2001 at least), which is to inject everyone on Earth with nannites “in preparation for injecting everyone with black goo.”
The only reason the Germans or the Cabal would have for doing something like this is that they wanted to turn the population into cyborgs and sell them. According to Penny Bradley, the Cabal’s space fleet, Solar Warden, was turning humans into cyborgs and selling them for at least 50 years. Furthermore, this wasn’t a boutique on Etsy, but a very large, very lucrative industry.
The only reason the Germans or the Cabal would have for doing something like this is that they wanted to turn the population into cyborgs and sell them.
Hence, NASA’s name for the “vaccinated” — Homoborgenesis.
Human Trafficking
As someone who has spent many, many lifetimes as a slave of Nacht Waffen Regir, Penny Bradly is passionate about ending human trafficking. I’ll end this with her words.
The slavery, the trafficking issue, it starts before we’re born. They’re starting with aborted babies now. They’re using body parts from aborted babies for organ trade. They’re torturing infants for adrenochrome. And I’ve heard reports of them keeping a regeneration tank so they can torture the same children over and over and over for adrenochrome. And they’re kidnapping children for organs, for sex trade, for [labor], for black ops, and this is like a continuum that goes all the way through to old age. If your grandparents died of cancer in a rest home, they may not be in their graves. There’s a good chance that they were turned into a cyborg and sold in space. The continuum is that outrageous. We’ve been turning our elders into cyborgs for at least 50 years. Penny Bradley on AJ Roberts