“It is called an organ-harvesting factory, and these are real"
Sue Ford (Esther) with Pastor Dan Duval
Esther Ford is the hidden twin of Sue Ford, the author of Thanks for the Memories: The Truth Has Set Me Free! - The memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s mind-controlled slave
32:30 ESTHER: So, this starts September 2020. I wrote,
I had sweet dreams of beautiful flower gardens, maybe heaven, and woke up at 5:00 a.m. amazingly refreshed, and after yesterday’s deep and painful work, God is so faithful to restore me, but I wasn't prepared for what memories were to come.
The Holy Spirit said, “Esther, your time to be public is not yet. Seek me as I do the work of the scripture you just read.“
Romans 12: “Give your bodies to Christ as a living sacrifice.”
Number two: “But let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
Number three: “Don’t think you are better than you really are. We are all just a part of Christ's body, and I await His position, job and gifts of spirit he has for me.”
And I wrote,
I feel really weird. I'm devastated, numbed, sickened by what I just saw and remember flashback to in abreaction. I know the Holy Spirit is with me but this still feels impossible to endure. I was preparing a smoothie, and as I poured the milk in, it bubbled up some, and I had a flashback of seeing a baby gurgling.
The definition says, “So-called death rattle refers to a gurgling sound that individuals often make during the dying process. When people are no longer able to swallow or cough, saliva builds up in the back of the throat and airways, causing a rattling sound when air passes through.” This was unmistakable, and yet I had no idea consciously, not me, Esther, of what on Earth this was or meant. I was just horrified.
Organ harvesting factory
(35:00) Then I saw in an abreaction, I saw live baby, lots of them, in line, assembly-line fashion, and they were being stabbed in the throat or near there. And they were still alive when someone skilled like surgeons in the lineup knew exactly how to surgically disconnect, carve out their vital organs.
Now I feel sick and I throw up. But they knew how to carve out their vital organs—heart, liver, spleen, eyes—all their organs harvested and carefully placed in containers with smoke, like dry ice, and flown away.
Help me, Jesus. I feel dizzy, thck and weak. My legs are shaking. God, what is this? It’s like a big warehouse and everyone has on surgical gowns and masks.
The lineups, assembly-line mind-controlled slaves, stand lined up hold ice picks or some type of sharp instruments, and as the babies come through the conveyor belt in little containers they are stabbed to death. The slave stabs them, then the next slave in the line knows her job, and the next, and the next.
Some women slaves have been trained as surgeons to perfectly remove baby organ. No one could snitch or go to the cops because they are all under mind control with no control over their own self, body or mind in any way. Their parts [alters] hold the memory of the event, but their presenter parts have no memory and clue.
Holy Spirit came forward and He said,
“It is called an organ-harvesting factory, and these are real. Babies, are bred in slave factories where the slaves are totally under mind control, like you were until last year when I rescued you and had you escape. The slaves are bred and fed and their babies are harvested from them by induced labor and planned births, and then the infants are immediately removed from the mothers and kept alive until the optimum time to harvest the the infant’s organs. Then they are sold at market and flown all over the world.”
“This is still happening in the United States of America and in other countries. It is a big operation and funds many Rothschild endeavors in advanced research, largely DNA.”
“These factories, infant organ-harvest factories, are also in Germany and France, and are undercover Rothschild enterprises, but veiled and secretly hidden. The rich and famous are always able to order body parts for themselves or their families through these underground sources.”
And I wrote as Esther,
My heart is racing, acting weird, and I'm so upset I can hardly function to write. Holy Spirit is with me helping me—even the words when I can't find them right now. Holy Spirit said,
“Esther, I am here with you, and with your permission I am undoing, disengaging the programming within you and Sue and her daughter, as it is linked up.”
DAN: Wow. Well, before you continue to the next I’m just going to take a moment to just say this is a massive bomb-drop for some people. And you know, folks that are listening to this podcast, what you have to understand is, this is a season, I believe, where God and heaven are moving to bring about massive justice and course-correction all over the world.
The highlight of the descriptions that you're hearing Esther bring should not be “I feel uncomfortable because I’m disturbed.” What's disturbing is the fact that organ-harvesting factories exist. What’s disturbing is that this exists while we are sleeping, so many of us completely tuned out to the extraordinary amount of human suffering. This is absolutely a subject that should be understood and on the radar of communities all over the country, because, like she said, this is happening here right here in the United States—other countries as well, Germany.
40:00 So, my question to all of you listeners is, are you okay with this? Would you rather let this continue while you're conveniently left out of the loop, you know, uninformed, just get to pretend like it’s not happening to hundreds of thousands or millions of children, just on a conveyor belt being killed? I would suggest that it’s time that we lay down our comfort zone and take seriously these things, these matters, and begin to ask the Lord, What is our part? What is our part? Many of us, it’s just to literally pray for the exposure of these things and to hold the information in our hearts.
Jews running this mayhem