Jessie Czebotar Affidavit - Occult Trade in Human Chattel Through Birth Certificates, Handprints, DNA
EPIC hospital charting system complicit
5. Under the Training Centers and in the Tunnel Systems there are WALLS, which the System calls Ritual Walls to Molech [Moloch] or Baal. These WALLS contain the handprints of over 200 years of individuals who are involved in the System. When a child born into the System turns age 5, they participate in a ritual where they dip their hand in blood and put their handprint on the wall. There is preparation that goes into this ritual. Before the ritual time, those preparing the children—called teachers—will take small groups of children into the tunnel system or places where children’s handprints are displayed like art, and they will have the children practice putting their hands on the wall in a way that ensures the full handprint is captured.
a) In September of 1981, Jessie Marie Czebotar and Douglas Killrush Mysecko were taken before the WALL in Rockford, IL, that is underneath Cathedral of St. Peter. I testify that our handprints are on that WALL and also on the following walls:
Ashton, WI, under St. Peter Church
Neuschwanstein Castle in Schwangau Germany
Frankfurt Germany
Emerald City under the Pentagon
Underground City of Tsion/Mars under Area 51
b) The purpose of the wall is two-fold. In the System it is considered a Vow or comparable to a contract made between the humans and the demonic entities who have dominion over those areas. The demonic entities believe it gives them “Soul Rights” or “Soul Ties.” It is considered a quantum genetic and blood signature unique to each individual. The System sees each of these quantum signatures as being comparable to a “Seal.” Therefore, if one possesses the seal, they are able to use it in the spiritual and physical fight for dominion rights, power and territory authority. They base these rights on the Universal Law of God: “Wherever the soul of your feet tread, I shall give that land to you.” Joshua 1:3
c) The System uses these “Soul Ties” or “Soul Seals” in connection to:
Birth Footprints (Tie is to physical earth and land rights)
Handprints (Tie is to unique fingerprint and connected to the work of our hands the Lord has ordained for us to do)
Birth Certificates (Tie is to individual’s name and breaths—the sound their name makes. The sound of our name is our quantum spiritual identifier)
Social Security Number (Tie is to the numerical value of individual’s identity)
Egg and sperm vaults (Tie is to our unborn descendants)
Blood (Tie is to the glory or life of God in the blood and DNA)
All of these different Quantum Signatures of a person’s identity are considered Universal currency. They are bought, sold and traded in the global black soul market exchanges.
d) During ritual or ceremonial magik, whoever is summoning or invoking a demonic spirit to aid them in that magik can also access energy, power and authority of all demons associated with each quantum signature that they have access to. To explain this concept further, the reason locations like Cathedral of St. Peter have a ritual WALL underneath them is so that any human or demonic spirit coming onto the location can access mass amounts of spiritual and dominion rights, authority and power that is outside of their own. This is considered “Ritual Ground.” Larger ritual ground areas such as Disneyland and Neuschwanstein Castle will be made tourist sites. That ensures that many people are coming on a regular basis, touching things, leaving their handprints and other signature identifiers “willingly” on the land, and giving high level witches and warlocks access to their “soul seals.”
e) Ritual ground needs to be connected to the land, such as a WALL which literally touches the ground. Ritual Ground is identified or “marked” by handprints. These handprints do not need to be in blood. Ritual ground can be mobile. For instance, the Shriners will put painted children’s handprints on the side walls of their vehicles or banners attached to these side walls.
f) There are many Ritual Ground locations. The BIG WALLS that are used by the Highest Level Elite in the Luciferian System are located underground throught the world. I do not have exact coordinates, but I grew up aware that some of the major locations include Rockford, IL; Ashton, WI; The Castle Neuschwanstein in Germany; The Chateau Amorois in Bavaria; Stonehenge in UK; the Georgia Guidestones; St. Lucia Catholic Church in Port Isabella, TX; House on the Rocks in Spring Green, WI; Tsion/Mars under Area 51; Chicago DUMB base; NORAD & Telluride in CO; CERN; Alpha Training Center in Australia; Disneyland in CA and Walt Disney World in FL; Emeral City under the Pentagon; Shamballa in Tibet Mountains; Ragnarok in Norway and Northern DUMB in Alaska by same name; Vatican City; City of London; Washington DC; Kuwait; Iraq; Babylon; Jerusalem in Israel; and Yellowstone National Park, to name a few.
g) I testify for the record that some of the mobile WALLS are put into the cement of hospitals, subway systems, public buildings, casinos or airports. They can be displayed above-ground as well. I have seen such walls at the EPIC headquarters out of Verona, WI. (See Exhibit E) I testify that the founders of EPIC are out of Ashton, WI, which is a very high-level occultic town. St. Peter’s Church in Aston, WI was one of the Mothers of Darkness’s hidden ritual grounds. The WALL in the building for the EPIC headquarters in Verona, WI, is an extension to the Ashton WALL, which means all dominion rights, power, and authority from Ashton can be accessed by humans and demons in the EPIC headquarters grounds. EPIC is connected to hospitals because they supply the computer charting system in the majority of hospitals in the U.S. This gives the Mothers and Elite members access to any individual’s “Soul Ties” or “Soul Seals” at a Quantum level through the EPIC Hospital Charting System.
Signed Jessie Marie Czebotar on October 2, 2021

Thank you, I didn't want to read it but now I finally understand why all the tunnels. I feel like we need to know so we can fight against it. Thank you for your research and for sharing!