And we didn't do it with Encyclopedia (Nathaniel Rothschild); we waited till he had wandered off, so it was just me and my training partner—one of the other Rothschild boys (grandson of Michael Karkoc)—and Brown Eyes.
2:00 Once you start going to these castles—especially because I was there during specific times where rituals or certain training things were going on—for myself, there were many things that I began to pick up, seeing patterns in the structure and why they built things or put things in these castles in certain patterns. I noticed that every single room had at least one mirror or multiple mirrors, and I soon found out that that was because these elite used mirrors in several different ways.
First, they can use it as a gateway or doorway to access the spirit world. So imagine that as a kid, you've seen people use those mirrors to go through them; and the next thing, you're staying at one of these castles or a palace and you've got three mirrors in your room. And many times I would put coverings over them, but even so, I knew that that wouldn't keep people out. So, there was always that sense of never really being safe, never really being alone, always having to be on high alert because I never knew what to expect in any situation.
Now, when you look at the overall layout, those rooms with mirrors are very specific. Many of the ones that are in the bedrooms are used for monitoring. A witch can stand in any room in the house, or even farther off—they don't even have to be at that palace—and through their magic, they can access those mirrors and use them to view what's really going on.
But they also use it as a form of communication through the spirit world with one another. So, they don't even have to go through: they just have to speak to— or they could go in front of it. And they would use the black mirrors to access some of the deeper realms. What's more interesting is that the clear mirrors are not necessarily the more prized mirrors: it's the older mirrors that they they look for. And usually witches or warlocks will have their mirrors for a very long time. And if they're purchasing mirrors, sometimes they won't go out and buy a brand new one: they will look for those older mirrors.
So, some of these old fables that we hear, such as Snow White, the Grimm brothers were bringing out the truth about how the witches use mirrors in their witchcraft. The witch spoke to that mirror.
But basically, mirror shapes were very important. We know in the System and in Solomonic magic that that square, that rectangular shape can also be used on the floor. Think about foyers or rooms that you walk into in these elite mansions where they have checkered floors. Those are the same checkered floors that you see in Masonic lodges, and it's purposely done, because that's their sacred space. And in fact, many of those Masonic lodges will build a space underneath those checkered floors, and they will use that as a ritual doorway to go into another space. They call those ritual squares, and if they're summoning demonic spirits, they're going to summon through those doors or access points. They can also be circular: it just depends on the layout, the design and the different types of energy flow and magic that they're trying to do.
One of the other things that you see in a lot of these older castles and palaces is you'll see the really dark mahogany wood furniture or the emphasis of that mahogany wood and you'll see a red velvet or kind of that dark red color as the main color for the furniture and the walls, and you'll start to notice for example the designs on the wallpaper. Those designs were reflective of different meanings in the system. For example, if you think of the floret I've talked about that belongs to the Priory, some of them will have that floret. And then they'll have another shape that goes up and then a kind of headpiece, so that it almost looks like a woman in a dress, and that's purposeful. Those represent some of the different bloodline families, to identify the Russian, the Italian, the French, or the Germans, some of the other main lines.
Going back to the red furniture, that was actually used for very particular things. When I was a kid, many times in the studies or in weird hallway alcoves they would put a random dark wood chair with that red coloring on it. And what I would see as a kid was that at night, I would wake up, or if I was there in a room practicing for ritual, all of a sudden I would start hearing somebody speaking in a trance, and then creepy things would begin to happen. And as I walked out into those hallways, I would see people sitting in those chairs. And whatever it was about that mahogany, it enabled high-level witches and warlocks to channel spirits. So they would sit in those chairs and use them for channeling.
And actually, they went beyond the mirrors. Those mirrors then evolved into phones, into TVs. You've got that black screen. They achieved being able to put that not only in the homes of the majority of people, but literally to the point that you carry that with you at all times. And why did they do that? So that you can constantly monitored. They know exactly where you are, they know what you're doing.
Also, a lot of these old mansions would have a a tiny room. Usually it was off of a staircase, or a little closet that they would set aside, and they would put the older telephones in there. And those initially were used for contacting the dead. So, they would build a room that was like this big breakfast alcove, and that breakfast alcove would be either above that little phone room or it would be on the side; it would be somewhere close to there. And the reason that they did that was because those breakfast alcoves would have a big, massive round table, and they would pull people in and do seances at those tables.
The phone connection actually was a safeguard. It wasn't necessarily so they could call up and hear the spirit. Why they would put those rooms in conjunction with each other was because as they're doing the seance, sometimes you get unruly spirits. Instead of the loved one that that person wants to hear coming through, you get something that starts to do paranormal activity. So, the phone was a distraction: they would use that as a means to control unruly spirits. They would call them to that place, get their attention, and that allowed them to close whatever portal or door they had opened in the room above.
At some of the major castles where that happens they also have a few other safeguards, because sometimes in these séances you get witches and warlocks that are going to fight with each other. And so they would have the rooms with the multiple mirrors, and they would put the sisters of light who were the— There are two security teams. Many of them would have protectors, who were their own personal protectors, . . . but the majority of the time it's just understood that there are only certain places you can battle, and if you have a problem with an individual, you can't just come out in a random room and attack that person. You have to go pull him into the different designated battlefields for your level within the System.
But they would have the sisters of light there as back-up for some of the different rituals that they would be doing [as well as personal protectors]. And so, they would be sitting in a nice living room that is filled with mirrors, and that's so that they can help protect, but they would also be watching. So, they're going to be using those mirrors to watch the property. They're going to be watching for any random people who are coming onto the property. They're gonna know what's going on in almost every single room in that palace or mansion, because there’s that mirror connection. So, if that palace had slaves or servants, they could even make sure that no servant is wandering into this ritual.
CHANTELLE: What do they need in order to use the mirror? Is that all done by sorcery?
JESSIE: Yeah, sorcery. And they have something that allows them that spiritual access. These people have learned to use the glory or the light that God’s given them. And what is magic? It’s basically entangling with something at that quantum mid-molecular level. So, we're talking magik with a K, as the elite spell it, not magic with a C, which are illusions, tricks, slight-of-hand distractions of the eye. With real magic, Solomonic and Nokian blood magic, these people know how to transfer their state of body, where they can turn into that spirit state and enter into that spirit world through these portals or doorways.
One of the castles I spent the most time at for ritual prep was Neuschwanstein. So, with that one, the layout's very interesting. Much of the ritual prep was done in that main tower. Off of the main entrance, there's a massive sanctuary. When you go in, it's actually not that big, but they've got the painted ceiling with the thousand lights, and that was the access portal when you're doing magic in there that literally would open up at night where you wouldn't see the ceiling: instead you would see the sky and you would see the stars.
So, it was one of the first rituals where I was about five years old and I just remember walking up that stairwell to the upper room in the tower. And it didn't look like it looks now. Now they have that stairwell painted in some areas I've seen, but I remember it looking like cement. And they had us walking in pairs, and there were sisters of light, and then the mothers of darkness.
And usually they don't allow males up there, and I'm not sure why they particularly allowed my training partner up there, but he was the only male that was up there. and they had him stationed right next to the door as you come in, and I think that was because they knew they were going to be summoning a spirit which was actually Ashtoreth — or as they called her at that time, the Queen of the Dead. And they were trying to connect me to that Queen of the Dead and I think they wanted him close to that door so that if she attacked, they could shove him out.
So, they drew a pentagram on the middle of the floor, and that's what they laid me down in. And they don't sit there and say, “Okay, now, you're gonna lie on the floor and this good fairy's gonna come, and you really want to talk with her and make a connection.” They don't tell you anything. I'm just lying in this pentagram and there are candles. All the sisters of light are singing and I see this ceiling open up, and I can actually see the stars. And I was like, “What's happening?” Next thing I know, I hear this little scratching sound and I sit up, and I'm watching this evil-looking, grotesque thing come through the ground. I mean, she looked like a gross mummy. And I was just like, “Oh, heck, no.” It's like, “No, no, no, no, no. That's not gonna happen,” And as she came out and started coming at me, I literally stood up in that pentagram, and the only words that would come to my mouth were to one of the songs that I knew, which was, “The B-I-B-L-E.” And I just started singing you know, “The—” Actually, I was speaking it: “The B-I-B-L-E, yes, that's the book for me; I stand alone on the word of God, the B-I-B-L-E.” And I kept going at her with that song, because she recoiled. And so, that connection was not made.
Now, what's interesting is that part of the title for the queen mother of darkness is the queen of heaven, which is also a term that the Catholic Church uses to speak about Mother Mary. So that's kind of ironic, isn't it? But the queen of heaven is is literally the host, at times, for Ashtoreth, so that's when they use that term is when she’s opening herself up to be that host for Ashtoreth. So, there's that duality that they create between the false good and the evil.
So, that was one of the rituals. I remember that as we came up and then went down the stairway, we all had candles in our hands, and we had robes on as we walked in twos up that stairway. and it's a pretty tight stairway, but everything is so methodical. You have this group of women going up that stairway together.
I've talked about the underground. There's this massive battle arena, and the side of that arena wall is actually the cliff wall or the cliff face on the one side. And it looks out to that area where there's kind of a split: there’s a chasm there. And I can remember that as a kid, there was a wooden bridge that went across that expanse, and I would absolutely pitch a fit. I did not want to have to walk across that bridge. The wind would blow, and at certain points — because it was wood planks on the bridge — it would make this clacking sound when the wind blew.
And so, that arena, the windows were a little higher up, but if you were up on some of the archways around the arena on the the one side— It's got a two-level archway, and that second level, a lot of the sisters of light would sit in those archways during the battles and they would usually have candles and lights, like the swinging lights. And so, that would be the light that was coming into that area.
If the battle was later at night, it would always have this misty, dark feel to it. Some of them would have incense, like the incense balls that the priests in the Catholic Church use, so they would be putting frankincense in the air, and that would also give it that kind of foggy atmosphere in there.
CHANTELLE: What type of battles took place there?
JESSIE: It would be usually battles for positions, so, if it was a high priest or priestess that was wanting to graduate to become a grand high priest or priestess. For example, if somebody was older and was stepping down or somebody had died, then they could battle to see who would step into that position.
So, whenever somebody dies or steps down, that position or seat for the quadrant becomes open. Some of the other things with that, you had the eye-witness the protector battle there. I only experienced the one, so I'm not sure when they decide to do that or how often that happens.
You have some different things with that. I'll say the specific one I witnessed, they were battling for positions. So, you had three different levels of protectors. You had the ones who were active protectors who were adults. You had the ones that had been through some of the training that were called the junior protectors: they were in their teenage-to-young-adult years. And then, you had the children that were being trained into that position. And they were on teams, so, you had an adult, a junior and a child all on one team, and then they were battling each other. And I think it just decided authority or jurisdiction.
One of the individuals I've named, who was the Wheaton [Illinois] chief of police at the time—that's what I knew him as—he was the head protector at that time. And the end of that battle, it came down to him and my training partner, and my training partner ended up beating him in battle, and he became the head protector.
CHANTELLE: And he was how old?
34:00 JESSIE: He was about seven years old. We have to remember that his grandfather was our defense magic trainer; he was a Nazi [and a Rothschild], and that was Michael Karkoc.
So, we went through intense training with defense magic and different forms of combat and stuff like that. And when I say combat, we're not talking necessarily physical: even though there was a lot of physical combat that we were put through, the majority of it was connected with different forms of dark magic that was used in protection or in offense.
CHANTELLE: I imagine everyone comes in his long, black outfit.
35:20 JESSIE: Not necessarily black. It depended on his position and and what the ritual or the battle was about. He could be in white if there were hidden— what I found out later was that hidden marriage ceremonies were going on. They would fight sometime for certain vows or covenants with each other. It could be red.
The sisters of light have three different outfits. All the members had three different robes, so which one you wore depended on what you were called to. But they were either red, black or white, for the ones that I was used to. And sometimes some had gold or green or blue. When I saw those, usually they were more like a witch's cloak, and usually they were made out of a velvety material.
There were times when I was in certain areas—for example, when I first started off in areas in the military that were connected to CERN—they would have me dressed in this little outfit that—I mean, it was one of my favorites. I didn't know the full meaning of it until later . . . And I'd be in this blue velvet. The outfit that they had found for me, I was the only one that had a V-neck in mine. And it had a little cat pattern on it that you could barely see. So, I thought I had this cute little outfit with a little kitty on it, and it had come with a skirt and pants. And I liked it because I hated wearing the dresses when I had to wear them in the System.
So, I get my little blue velvet pants and I get to wear my little boots, and not the little patent-leather dress shoes that they'd make me wear with those lacy socks. That would drive me crazy. But I found out later what the purpose of that blue velvet really was, and it was connected to the Norwegian hierarchy. I was of the Norwegian bloodline as well: my father's side is Norwegian. So, that's where I connected to some of the witchcraft from my dad's side. Even though his family was not active in it, they still had ancestors.
So, they used this outfit as part of my cover as a child, especially when I started working in the military, because they hid me in that Masonic system as a little boy. They wouldn't necessarily say I was a boy, but those who didn't know who I was, they would see me in these these groups of little boys who were all dressed in the blue velvet shirt and the pants, and so they didn't catch on that, “That's actually the little queen successor mother of darkness.” There wasn't any gender stuff going on for me: they would simply try to bring me into these programs with a group of boys, initially, and that was for the Looking Glass experiments. And then as I graduated further, that's when they started adding girls, and then there was no more hiding my identity.
42:00 The Looking Glass experiments are highly connected to CERN, which at the time was primarily run out of Switzerland. So, when you look back, you'll see Switzerland, they would often dress the little boys in that blue velvet. And then, during those times, instead of my ritual name, which was Sunshine, they actually hid my name, where they would call me Sonny and use my protector’s last name when they were referring to me, and that made it seem as if we were brothers. So, in the lodges, that's how they would refer to me.
The interesting thing is that the sun in that culture, what are they really doing? They're honoring the sun and the moon; they're getting into all sorts of worship of created things. And who was the god of the System for the majority of the world? They made it look like that connection to Ra, or the sun god. So, most people that were in lower levels at that time, they're expecting that the head of that System is going to be male or masculine.
44:00 So, they hid the the truth from the lower levels. Yet, as you get to the middle levels, the majority of those high priests or priestesses, they didn't know exactly who the mothers of darkness were, but they would see them appear at rituals. They would come in four times a year when everybody's together. Very distinctly, those mothers are going to march in together and take their seats at thrones, and then Satan would appear and take his seat on a throne. So, they would see that procession.
So, those processions in the arena down in Neuschwanstein, sometimes you would see that the gathering for some of the different rituals or ritual events, or if he wanted to come for a certain battle, some of the brides of Satan would engage in those battles for positions, and that's when you would see Satan appear for some of those battles.
46:00 So, some of the other castles, I was there during times for ritual hunts; we've talked about those. Some of the elites, they may not use a castle at that time per se, but they would have hunting lodges that would be connected, or land that would be forested areas that would be connected to those castle areas. And when you looked at the layout, especially in England or Scotland, Ireland, they would be built on lands where there was a castle or a palace or a mansion, and whoever had the title over that land, he’s going to reside in that castle. And then there would be other homes or buildings on that property, and those would be the people who were hired to work the land or caretakers for the palace or the mansion.
48:00 I suppose the reason I brought that up is because [children] who had escaped out of the main perimeters for those hunts would try to run to some of those houses. Later, I would run into people who had survived the hunts, and it was because they would find their way into some place that was around. But it just meant then that they would be put back into those hunts at another time. There's really no escape, and if they did, they would just be put back in at a later time or season. Some of them became quite good, which meant then they were kind of the prize stag for those hunts, where the elites would target them all the more because they they really took pleasure in that wickedness of hunting.
There's really no escape, and if they did, they would just be put back in at a later time or season. Some of them became quite good, which meant then they were kind of the prize stag for those hunts, where the elites would target them all the more because they they really took pleasure in that wickedness of hunting.
49:30 So, at certain times of the year, the bigger mansions or palaces, they would put on those hunts. And I don't know where it was, but I know it was a Rothschild property. The outside I remember being that gray stone—a very elaborate kind of palace or mansion—but at the same time, the outside of it looked more like a fortress. For example, there were two front doors to this place. One was off to the side, and then it had the more elaborate door, which, as people came in for the parties, they would drive up and they would be let out and they would go into this big foyer that opened up into bigger rooms. You'd go towards the back and there would be this big ballroom that would open up into the back gardens.
So, that side door, when you went in the foyer, there were these stone stairs that would lead down into this long hallway that had these old doors on each side. And those older doors, I'd seen them in some of the older Catholic churches, where it was these big, heavy, thick wood doors that had metal on the doors in the shape of a cross. And I just remembered there was a door on each side. And at that foyer there was also a staircase that lead up, and it was kind of like a half-staircase: it wasn't as long as the other one. And that lead up to a hallway that connected to that main entrance area.
So, anyway, that was the door that the children were allowed to go in and out of. And as I've explained before, we would always use Encyclopedia, who was a Rothschild, to give us the tour. So, he had given us a tour, and had mentioned that hallway, and told us that there was a graveyard down there. And he told us the name of the individual, who supposedly had been a single older man, more like a priest, and had said— there was something about a toy. And it was this little carved wood horse that had been painted white, and there had been a little soldier that could go on top of that horse. And a little boy who lived in the palace had died—he was about three or four—and so, when he died, they buried that horse with him. And he'd even told us that for some reason, the little boy had been buried in that grave with the old man.
53:30 But of course, then you've got little— we called him Little Big Brown Eyes, who is the little one-year-old. Because when they did these hunting parties, you would have the expendable kids that would be released outside, so the elite who were able to go after the expendable kids would be doing that, but then you had the older elite that may have lost some of their ability—they’re not as fast, they’re not as agile. And so, they didn't stop the hunting; what they would do inside is, they weren't allowed to kill the hierarchy children, but those older men and women would hunt them [indoors], and if they caught you, you would quickly find yourself in a bad position where they're raping you, doing sex magic.
54:30 So, [being hierarchy children], we were always inside of the house. And my training partner and I would automatically go for Little Brown Eyes, because he was just a little guy; he was just like one. And so, we would hide him with us wherever we were.
So, he hears the story, and he's like, “I want the horse.” So, of course, we had to comply because he's just— those big, brown eyes; he was so sweet. And so, we decide to make this little escapade and go adventuring. And we didn't do it with Encyclopedia; we waited till he had wandered off, so it was just me and my training partner—one of the other Rothschild boys—and Brown Eyes.
And we didn't do it with Encyclopedia (Nathaniel Rothschild); we waited till he had wandered off, so it was just me and my training partner—one of the other Rothschild boys—and Brown Eyes.
55:30 And we go escapading down there and we find, sure enough, there's a graveyard: it was along the left side of that wall. We got that opened, and it was very interesting, because there were all these bigger pebbles. So, the whole floor down there, and it extended all the way underneath the house. So you had this big graveyard down there with multiple graves, and all of it is in these pebbles that are the top. It was laid out where you have walkways, and then there would be squares that would have six graves: you'd have three on one side and three on the other facing each other.
But anyway, we find the one with the name on it, just as Encyclopedia said, so we were excited. And the way that the headstone was, it was this massive— I'm not sure what the material is, but it's like this slab of stone that's laid over the grave. And then you have a stone sarcophagus that the body’s laid in. And so we jimmied off that stone. We couldn't get it all the way off, but we had just got it enough to the side so that we could see in.
And I remember, as we pushed and we got that off to the side, we saw that there was this man. It was this old— his clothing was kind of this white tea-colored type of material, and he had red shoes on, red leather shoes, so, that was very interesting. Up until then we didn't see a lot of individuals that wore those shoes.
And so, sure enough, there were two skeletons in there, and one was a small one, and we did find that toy.
58:30 All of a sudden, in the back, back part of that graveyard, we started hearing this roaring of an evil spirit, and it was like this “Oooh” that was getting louder. And we just looked at each other and it's like, “We gotta get out of here!” But I think Encyclopedia had come down at that time and had found us, and he started pitching a fit and was like, “You gotta put it back! You gotta put it back!” and and we're like, “Oh, no, no, no: this is ours.” And we start to hear this spirit, and we're like, “We gotta get out of here!” and he's like, “No, no, you gotta put everything back like it was!”
So, we're trying to push that slab back into place before we have this confrontation with whatever is coming. We finally start running out, and he's like, “You gotta lock the door! You gotta lock the door!” and we're like, “Forget locking the door!” and he's like, “No, you gotta lock it!” And so we're trying to lock it, and then he goes running with the light.
1:00:00 And so, I and my training partner and little James at that time, down there in the dark, and we're trying to lock this door. And then we turn, and I could feel Little Brown Eyes’s hair. So I'm trying to run with my hand on top of his head and his shoulders in front of me, kind of pushing him, and then I've got my training partner behind me pushing me, and we're trying not to trip over each other.
And we finally get up into that main platform where the door was, and luckily, Encyclopedia had stopped there, and he had opened that door a little ways, and he saw his dad coming to that top stairwell. So, just as we get up and we kind of turn, he shuts that door, and his dad's like, “What are you guys up to?” And we’re all like, “Oh, nothing, we just came in from outside.” We would have been creamed if we had been caught with that. Later, I did see the toy. I think that the boys got caught with it, because later it was in Jacob Rothschild's library; he put that on his shelves. . . .
1:04:40 CHANTELLE: In those battles that happen at these castles, do people actually get killed and get brought back to life, or do they get killed and then can't get brought back to life?
JESSIE: Yes, depending on the situation. And you’ve got to remember that these people are are fighting for power, and power over their region, their area. So I witnessed a lot of disdain. They had that false nice, where they would make alliances, you'd have your covenants, your vows, your contracts with others. What that did was, those that aligned with you, you would be able to use them or their spirits that they worked with in battles or to help yourself if somebody was coming against you. But this is the biggest world for betrayal. They'd make these alliances and contracts, but they're not loyal to anybody but themselves. They will always guard and protect themselves above all else.
I actually found out later in life that that was why I grew up with so much of that where they would be giving each other compliments, but it's as if they're gritting their teeth. The one I would get all the time was, “My, don't you have a memory like an elephant,” and I would get that because I would be repeating back stuff that they didn't want me to repeat back. So, they would give those fake compliments, especially about people's appearances or looks, but behind it was the coveting, the envy, the hatred. You knew that if they had the opportunity, they'd be ripping that beautiful dress off that person just so nobody had the dress. So, I realized later I have trouble giving compliments just because I saw so much fakeness.
See also:
Jacob Rothschild’s death triggers ‘Succession’-style battle for his $1B real estate and investment empire
However, the elder Rothschild was known to have a distaste for his heir apparent’s playboy lifestyle and rebellious streak, including when he eloped with socialite Annabelle Neilson in 1994 in Las Vegas.
Family tensions were strained over the marriage, which only lasted three years.
Nat, who now lives in Switzerland, then infamously refused to invite his father to his second wedding to model Loretta Basey in 2016.
At that point, Nat was already building a name for himself at Volex, a manufacturer for Tesla, He’s been Volex’s executive chairman since 2015, according to This is Money.
Nat does not have a direct stake in RIT Capital Management, but instead holds an indirect holding through the family’s private equity firm, Five Arrows, This is Money reported.
Mathematical proof of God’s mind
Who could have imagined that mathematical images could be so beautiful?:
Movie Review: After Death
Scientific proof of God and the soul:
Scientific proof of religion
What do you believe comes after death (Science backs religion)?
Which Christian denomination is more Biblical?
What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?
Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.
The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!
The most effective strategy is asking about the person’s opinion on some of these topics:
I start with the 20 million dollar question, while showing videos of baby seizures (money or babies always get attention):
If the person doesn’t want to discuss injections, then food is a good start:
Why is food poisoning legal?
How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.
Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!
Then I’d follow with "Are you opened to see if the actual data matches your opinion?"
Then I start showing some of the shortcomings of the Pharma industry:
Then, show that every single person in the planet should be suing Pfizer and Moderna for deliberately hiding human DNA in their vacicnes, and Pfizer, for injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) sequence into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!
If he doesn’t like the topic, I’d show this video (all you need is 10 secs in the middle, who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):
(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)
9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings (they never skipped work before). The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!
Watch amazing short and more evidence here:
Please watch all of this! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:
- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.
It's such a mason manual that they organized the same J6 play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:
All political parties are compromised/infiltrated. For example, Italy supports vax pass and WHO Pandemic Treaty !!! Meloni's Government! People voted her for being against that!
- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:
1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries
2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)
Check or videos at bottom after this page:
Free 100 redpill movies and documentaries:
(don't miss the 1st one, 10 min at 2x, an amazing tool to start a discussion):
- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:
- You’ll go nowhere and you’ll be happy:
- It's genocide for depopulation:
- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.
This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:
Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):
Confessions of illuminati, David Rockefeller (finest quotes):
Ex illuminati Ronald Bernard: how the world REALLY works
Attali illuminati (“finest” quotes)
The way out of this mess:
1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)
2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with
3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)
4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits
Anything else you might think of?
Now, are you really ready for this?:
The full PLAN exposed:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.
Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):
Confession of 33rd degree master mason - Masons worship deities/demons
Masonry's Satanic Connection's-Satanic-Connection:4
Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books
Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See't-Want-You-To-See-%EF%BD%9C-Hidden-Agendas---Walter-Veith:0
Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies [1995] [VHS]
Satanic Pedophilia Torture and Blood - Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed
Freemasonry: 100% incompatible with Christ
or rumble:
Obama pushing Freemasonry: