Our scientific discoveries stolen by the Vatican, controlled by Draco reptilians
Cristaldi Research Group, the Corteum, the Montauk Timeline Project
By Al Bielek (formerly Edward Cameron, natural son of Luciferian Alexander Cameron). Recorded in April of 2000 in Castle Rock, Colorado.
Complete Video Autobiography
But a lot has changed in our history, and a lot has changed behind the scenes historically that we are not aware of. And this business of re-engineering history through manipulating of time may not be functional today, because of the problems induced by doing this to an excessive amount; but it definitely has been done, and has continued up to nearly the present time.
(59:00) Now let’s get on to some other things here, which I want to include in this report, or, shall I say, this whole thing of my history.
There was another element I’m not going into in appropriate depth. When I was removed from Los Alamos Laboratories, reassigned to the Pentagon, and, of course, went to Muroc, now Edwards Air Force Base, and was a witness to the Mach I proceedings and the Mach 1 test—which was successful, as I had stated—on 28 October, 1947, I met Jack Ridley, who was a aeronautical engineer with a master’s degree from Cal Tech, was also a pilot in the Army. And it, of course, eventually became the Army Air Force. And in about 1947 they were just changing over to the official U.S. Air Force.
I got to know him quite well. We talked a great deal about this problem of propulsion, high-speed aircraft and such, and we were discussing the aspects of future travel, such as in space. And we came to the conclusion, you know, rockets are fine for short periods of time, they’re very powerful, but they are very short-lived: they don’t last long. NASA has made them work amazingly well, but that’s still the same story and basic principle—a lot of power for a relatively short period of time. How do you conduct long, extended explorations in space?
Now, this is without any consideration of the Montauk tunnel situation or anything like that, which at that point we knew nothing about, because it hadn’t yet happened. I’m speaking, of course, in 1947, into 1948.
We became good friends, and we both hatched up an idea where what was needed was to develop an ion propulsion engine. Well, we were convinced it would work; we were both physicists, and he had the advantage of also being an aeronautical engineer, and he liked the idea. So, he went back to his principals in the Air Force and I went back to mine in the Navy at the Pentagon, and gave a pitch as to what we thought would be some of the future engines, future propulsion systems—particularly for space exploration—and we thought we could develop one. Well, both the Navy and the Air Force loved the idea. And they gave us some monies, says, “Go ahead and acquire a facility—we’ll fund it. See what you can do.” And put us on executive leave.
JRC (Jack Ridley Cameron?) Enterprises in Malibu, California
(1:01:30) I don’t know now why we made the decision to go to California, but Edwards is in eastern California, and we liked the idea of perhaps something closer to the ocean. We wound up acquiring a facility which is about half a mile east of Coast 101, which is to say about a half a mile east of the beach. And it was up in an area which was at that time extremely open. One of the roads led up into the canyon country—Topanga Canyon specifically—and this beach road was where we built the facility.
We started operations about ’49, without going into the history of the failures, of which there were many. And we had a small staff—was all paid for by the military. By 1952 it looks like we were getting somewheres, and in January 1953, we had the first fully successful test. We had an engine on the test stand which produced 1,200 pounds thrust for twenty minutes, and our goal was 1,000 pounds thrust for ten minutes. Well, we exceeded it. I decided we were going to let the engine run all day to see if it would. It didn’t—one of the ion feeds broke down after 20 minutes and we had to shut it down.
(1:02:40) Even though this was a very highly classified project, the word got around to the industry—the aircraft industry, of course. And Douglas of Long Beach was ecstatic: they wanted to work with us. I don’t know what they had in mind, but they did definitely like what we had done and wanted to work with us. Martin Aircraft on the East Coast—which was a well known aircraft company at that time and still exists, though it has merged with Lockheed—were, shall we say, rather gruff—no comment. Boeing heard about it and they hit the roof. Well, when we got the feedback on that, we figured, “Well, they must have something of their own in the skunk works, their own skunk works, and probably we beat them to the draw.”
Al’s Illuminati father offers him Nazi money
Appears on the scene at that point my father, the natural father, Alexander Duncan Cameron senior, whose life has been a great mystery and only in the last year we’ve been able to put together some of the missing pieces. At that time I had almost none of the missing pieces, other than we know he disappeared for long periods of time. And superimposing knowledge from now on what happened then, I will say when he approached us and said to us, “I like what you’re doing. Incorporate, and I will give you unlimited funding.” He says, “If you ever get this company off the ground, you will undoubtedly make a great deal of money and this will become a multi-million multinational company.” So, he was all for backing it. And his source of funds was a strange organization called the Wolfsburg Trust—that’s W-O-L-F-S-B-U-R-G Trust, out of Wolfsburg Germany, founded by Dr. Hans Porsche, the founder of Porsche Motor Car Company, and, of course, VW Motor Car Company (Volkswagen).
(1:04:20) The info I have, which is sketchy—and it is very difficult to get information on the Wolfsburg Trust—is that it was founded by Hans Porsche in the thirties, and, of course, it was under the nose of Hitler. But Hitler was not completely the maniac—at least in those days—that he has been portrayed to be. And he was rather hard-headed at that time, and his problems—that is, Hitler’s problems—of going off the deep end occurred, apparently, after 1941. But at that time, at least, Hans Porsche made a trust fund, which he intended, as it accrued money, would be available after the—at that time he saw the war coming—he said after the war would be available for third-world countries that wish to become democratic governments. Now, they would hopefully have enough money to help these smaller countries to incorporate their own government on a democratic basis. [The Nazi-controlled State Department has been using this pretext for imposing fascism since the end of the war. - editor]
(1:05:20) At the time that Father walked in that office, I didn’t know how much money he had or where it came from; but since then, I found out that the Wolfsburg Trust at its peak—which was around that period—had something over three trillion dollars in trust—trillion, not billion. They definitely had the clout to help a few nations become independent. Well, father said he would put up all the money; we’d incorporate. We did incorporate: between January and March we had the papers in the mill, and I filed for patents. I don’t know if they were ever issued or not or where they went because of what happened to only two months later.
Abduction by the NSA and interrogation by extraterrestrials on Alpha Centauri
Alpha Centauri is a three-star system. At a distance of 4.2 to 4.4 light-years from Earth, it is our closest neighbor. It is located in the constellation Centaurus.
Although Alpha Centauri was well documented in antiquity, it wasn’t until the late 1600s that astronomers began to notice that it was made up of multiple stars. These are Alpha Centauri A (or Rigil Kentaurus), Alpha Centauri B (or Toliman), and Alpha Centauri C (Proxima Centauri).
(1:06:00) In March of 1953, on one of the business trips when Jack was out of town taking care of business and such— I don’t know whether it was company business or Navy business; he said he had to go out of town on business. I’m sorry, Air Force business. But he was out of town, and during that time a period, when sitting in the office one day, a team of black-ops personnel descend on me—seven of them. They grab me, take me out of the building in front of everyone, and off we go down to Washington, D.C., and from Washington, D.C. I’m taken to McLean, Virginia, a special joint facility of both NSA and CIA.
And much to my surprise, not knowing anything much about this sort of thing, not expecting another return of what we had anticipated and gone through in the Philadelphia Experiment, there they had a portal inside one of those buildings of the facility at McLean, Virginia. And I was kicked in it, and I wound up elsewhere. So, what else was new? This one was definitely very new.
(1:07:00) I wound up, as I was told after arrival, on Alpha Centauri I—I being planet number-one in their system. And I was being interrogated by a group of near-human looking beings, about six-foot [tall]. They had essentially human form. Their facial features were not exactly human—they were rough—but in any case, they interrogated me for some four days. And they wanted to know my history, what I had done, what I was doing. Of course, I want to know what the blazes I was doing there and what their interest was.
The American government made an alliance with a separatist faction of Telosii, a colony from Alpha Centauri which is part of the Agarthan [Inner Earth] kingdoms. These two allies later made secret treaties with the Do-hu (greys from Zeta Reticuli) . . . The deal was to [allow them to] conduct a few abductions of Terrans . . . in exchange for technology . . . – Satanist Elena Danaan, Book of Alien Races
Well, I had the feeling that my life hung in the balance and that if I wanted to get out of there, I better tell them everything. So, I started with the Philadelphia Experiment, of course, going in the Navy, the Philadelphia Experiment. “Oh, yes, we know about that.” And, a little bit of time travel. “Oh? Where’d you go?” Well, I went to 2137.” “Hmmm. Okay.” “Then I went to the 28th century.” Then he got a little more interested. I told him about what I saw there, and so forth, and they expressed some passing interest.
(1:08:00) But I said, “I met a strange group there.” And they said, “Oh? What was that?” I said, “The WingMakers,” and I told them all about them. These guys absolutely went bonkers; they freaked out. They said, “You contacted who?” And I said, “A group that calls themselves the WingMakers.” And they said, ‘You’re going back.” And they did something which I learned since rarely ever happens. I was shipped back to the point of origin—namely that CIA/NSA facility at Fort McLean, Virginia. From there, I was sent back to the Pentagon.
Centurion is a massive jungle planet. It’s home to numerous bases and colonies in the German Breakaway. There’s also a small Czech population in the capital of New Berlin.
The native inhabitants of Centurion are greys whose skin has a color similar to ours. However the planet, along with every inch of the Alpha Centauri [star] system, is owned entirely by the Draconian Empire, whom I dealt with during the early colonial period. The only wildlife I remember are green parrots with a wingspan of approximately six feet, and a black beetle with yellow spots and a wingspan of approximately two feet. - John Whitberg
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: “It is out of our hands”
And the next thing I asked was, “When am I going to go back to California?” Nobody would give me an answer. And I kicked around the Pentagon for months, literally, from some time in late March—that same day, almost, that I was taken out, or several days later, because it was four days that passed on Alpha Centauri, which did not correlate directly with our time frame. But it was close. And I had nothing to do, no job to perform, reported in daily as I expected to do at a living-quarters, could not see the family, was not allowed to. The last time I saw them was in 1952 when I snuck a visit to the family, finding out where they were at that time out in California.
(1:09:30) So, this went on for months, and I kept asking questions: “Well, when am I going to be able to go back and do some work?” I wasn’t doing any work of any kind. Nobody would give me an answer. I finally went up to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and I asked them, particularly the Navy. “Don’t know. We don’t know what’s going on. Can’t give you an answer.” “Go away” type of attitude. Not that rough a statement, but that kind of attitude, like they wished I wasn’t asking the questions, because you don’t get that gruff with somebody of the rank I had, which was then captain in the U.S. Navy.
But they wouldn’t give me an answer. Neither gave me any bad treatment, nor did they give me any answers. And I stood there, and I walked around there, and worked a little bit now and then. Finally went to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs and asked him, “What’s going on?” and so forth. And he says, “Frankly,” he says, “I can’t tell you.” He says, “I don’t know.” And I says, “Well, I’d like to get back in the mainstream of the Navy. I’m a career man; I would like to finish my term. I would like to do what I’m expected to do and what I’m capable of doing.” And he looked at me almost tearfully and says, “I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do.” And I’ll not forget those words, “It is out of our hands.”
(1:10:50) Now, this is the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and finally, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs saying it is out of his hands. If it’s out of his hands, whose hands was it in? Certainly not the president of the United States in a military matter like this, who was probably totally unaware of the projects that were ongoing. So where did it go? Well, it obviously went back to where I’d just returned from—Alpha Centauri.
(Located in the Centaurus constellation, Alpha Centauri star system is our closest neighbor. https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2022/12/29/centurion-alpha-centauri-major-german-stronghold/)
Cristaldi Research Group
Before I left—I should say, before I was removed from the operation in our little facility on the beach—a group had started nosing around like they were interested in taking over our operation, and that is a group called the Cristaldi Research Group. I’ll give a little info on that very briefly. But I remembered the name because at that point they were poking around after Father had also made his pitch, and asking questions. And as I left or was about to leave the Alpha Centauri group, I happened to ask them, “Oh, do you know anything about Cristaldi Research group? “Oh, yeah: we run them.” And that stuck in my craw for quite awhile.
(1:12:00) It provided some answers and an analysis of what did finally happen to that company. Jack Ridley was removed in 1954. It was shut down. He tried to keep it going, but he could not keep it going very well alone, and when he was removed, nobody could. It was shut down, sat in limbo for years. Eventually, Hughes Research corporation was formed, and they bought the property. It was in Malibu—the Malibu Beach area—about a half-mile east of the beach. And it’s very visibly there today—much expanded. But the original facility was in limbo for years and nothing happened.
Well, in the last year—I mean the last year of the last century—of 1999—having not recalled up to that point of January any of this, what I just described to you, I fell across a book in the Barnes & Noble book store entitled, The History of Mach I. That was a title on the book. It was literally the history of the development of the Mach I-plus aircraft at Edwards, then Muroc. I looked at it and I says, “Oh, I know a little bit about this. I wonder what these people have to say about it.”
So, I open it to look through it, found some pictures, and opened the book, and they were looking at a picture of five of the crew members—or the associated crew—for the Bell X-1. Chuck Yeager was in the middle, and on the right end was a man by the name of Jack Ridley. Well, I didn’t know the name, but when I looked at it, I recognized Yeager, but Ridley I recognized. I says, “I know this guy—where is he from? What’s the connection? I know I know him.” I’ve never forgotten the face, no matter how much I’ve been brainwashed. And I recognized him and I knew him from somewheres. [Al developed the ion propulsion engine as Edward Cameron.]
(1:14:00) Well, it was that search from January of 1999 until approximately September, and then a lot of corollary research with, let us say, internet searching, that brought up some of the most interesting answers. Jack Ridley, of course, as I described, was in the Air Force. He became part of that project. He was thrown out in 1954. The project collapsed, but on the history of his life, there’s a huge gap on the internet history of Ridley’s life between 1948 and 1956. It’s blank, completely. In 1956 he formed a company of his own entitled Ridley Aeronautical Machines in Coral Gables, Florida. I don’t know if it was successful or not: the internet report didn’t say. But in 1957 he flew to Japan to have a reunion, the tenth-year reunion, of the group from Mach I project. He crashed his plane. The public record says that he died in that crash. Of course, they had a big memorial thing for him, and the tower at Edwards Air Force Base today is called Jack Ridley Tower as a result of that. But I have other information that says he didn’t die in that crash, that he lived on. He survived the crash and was brought back to health slowly, but eventually died about seven years later at Edwards. And I’m not even sure if that’s a true report, but that was what I was told.
(1:15:20) And the other information—again confidential, from very confidential sources—said that, “Yes, he did die in ’54, but then the time-travel crews went back and pulled him out before he died.” So here we get again into the area of—not merely time manipulation, but altering history. Pulled him out—probably gave him a brainwashing, because I have not met him since—and put him back to work under his own name. Rumors were that he was back up in Marietta, Georgia, at Martin Marietta, which later became the Martin Lockheed Company. That he had been there, I could find no trace of him going through the entire, shall we say, department of personnel, all their records. Did they find a Jack Ridley? “No, nobody by that name here. We haven’t run anybody by that name here,” and so forth. He may have been there under a pseudonym; I don’t know. But I’ve never found him. But the facts are that GRC Enterprises is alive and well. It is still in some manner functional. It is carried as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Cristaldi Research Group.
Cristaldi Research Group, the Vatican, Long Island headquarters
(1:16:50) Now comes the question: who is the Cristaldi Research Group? That was a question it took a great deal of effort to come up with any answers at all to. They were listed on the internet as Cristaldi Research Group, offices in principal cities, office in the Vatican and the sort of thing. And also that they were building a new facility on Long Island—a headquarters facility. More than one person was involved in the search for me, and one of them found out that it was quite obvious that the headquarters for Cristaldi was the Vatican itself, because two-and-a-half centuries ago, a man by the name of Cristaldi, the Cristaldi family, was the treasurer for the Vatican. And that itself proved very, very interesting. They had large sums of money available. They apparently intervened at a time when there is some very original or avent-garde information being made being made available, research being done, such as we were doing with the ion propulsion engine. And we found some interesting material.
Cristaldi in the Georgia Institute of Technology
(1:18:00) The project which we were on, we were trying to develop, was scuttled, and buried for years. In the last few years, Cristaldi Research Group is now functioning at the University of Georgia—Georgia Tech—on the Mars colonization project. This is straight off the internet. And what this project entails is the developing of an elevator system from the surface of Mars to an orbiting stationary vehicle, which has supplies on board, transferring personnel, transferring objects, hardware, tools, whatever. And they would use an elevator, according to the plan, consisting of a carbon-filament-type structure, very strong, and an ion propulsion engine to run the elevator from the surface back up to the top and to control its descent. And, of course, Cristaldi is involved with this. So, the project apparently has been resurrected. I have not yet been able to dig in there sufficiently to find out what I can find out, if anything, but I do intend to do so.
(1:19:00) And, of course, several other ion-propulsion-engine projects have turned up in the meantime. There is a Kaufmann engine; there are several others. I think NASA has gotten into it. There were rumors that Hughes themselves got into it back in the ‘60s, and developed an ion-propulsion engine for use aboard a B-52—perhaps to replace the—if sufficiently strong or enough propulsion—to replace the jet engines that way. They could not do that; they found that out. And one of the limitations of a propulsion engine of that type, an ion propulsion, is about 2,000 pounds thrust under the theories which were then current. And I came up with a conclusion at that time that the math was incomplete and was not correct— obviously not totally wrong, because we made an engine work—but that as you increase the power up to a point—like about 2,000 pounds thrust—the mathematics has an in-built error function, which will not allow you to get past about 2,000 pounds thrust.
(1:20:00) I was already past that and I was ready to design an engine for 10,000 pounds thrust, which would have made a difference—not only in space, but on some of our military aircraft. Because the B-52, and the earlier versions at least, ran eight engines with 20,000 pounds thrust each; currently I believe they run about 30.000 pounds with water injection and a few other booster systems for takeoff power. [The] B-52 is still being flown with eight engines of 30,000 pounds thrust: that’s a lot of thrust. And, of course, we have the C-130—or the C-5-A is the particular one I mean to refer to—using much larger jet engine today, and of course it’s a very, very heavy craft. I don’t know if that could ever be converted to ion-propulsion engine, because it’s not intended to go to space anyway.
(1:21:00) But the project died, and may be currently resurrected, but I’ve yet to find any kind of information about it. I did find enough to know that my recollection—JRC Enterprises—was quite correct—it’s on the internet. Anybody can find it if they know where to look. You have to look at it for it under Cristaldi Research Group, but it won’t give you much of the history of what JRC Enterprises did, if any at all. A strange thing happens; a history of those developments and those activities which the establishment does not want on record for the general public has a way of disappearing.
Time Travel
(1:21:40) On the subject of time travel, I think a few comments are necessary, or at least desirable, on my part. Many people cannot accept the idea of time travel. Many scientists, for that matter, cannot say it’s impossible. But again, we get to that strange schism between—pardon the expression—public science and private science. By public science, I mean that which is taught in the universities and is commonly accepted throughout industry in the trade. The private science being that which is restricted to only a few, to certain government agencies, to certain major private corporations that helped build some of this hardware in secret. And there is a large gap, a large schism there of, I think, an average of 50 years. In reality, science and technologies about 50 years ahead of what is reported and taught in the usual school systems and even the best school systems.
Time travel was discovered by the USS Kearsarge in 1936
(1:22:30) With the idea that, as I have found, time travel is a reality— It actually was first accidentally discovered in 1936. It goes back to a Navy expedition involving a brand-new USS Kearsarge digging around in the . . . South Atlantic off of the shores of South America, perhaps on the fringe of the so-called Bermuda triangle. They found a large crystalline structure on the floor of the ocean, sent divers down to examine it. The next thing they knew, the Eldridge—oh, sorry, it’s too bad the Eldridge wasn’t able to do it this way—the Kearsarge disappeared. About two months later, it came back with a very strange explanation, that is, it had time traveled into the future. And those people in the future realized what had happened, knew about the Atlantean installations, and showed them how to calibrate their system. Because these crystals were activated by a combination of electronic—or actually, RF and magnetic—energies of a certain combination, certain frequencies, and so forth. They were key to turn this thing on. And they knew that the Atlanteans had built these ages ago when Atlantis was an empire that was traveling all over the world, moving heavy hardware everywhere, and they used them for transport of large and very heavy cargoes—from point A to point B almost instantaneously—didn’t have to expend any fuel on it. It was a very quick and easy, and very inexpensive, transportation for very heavy loads.
(1:24:15) It was also usable, as the Kearsarge found out, for time travel. They were told how they could calibrate the system, and by the end of two years of research, they figured out a system to utilize this system of crystals, which apparently were on the ocean floor all over the U.S.—I’m sorry, all over the world—around the U.S. and around any other ocean-surrounded or ocean-adjacent nation.
So, they found out that they could use this system for time travel. I don’t know if they ever attempted to use it for just plain point-to-point travel: that I’m not aware of. But the stories I ran into, the information I had—which partly came out of the Los Alamos Laboratory’s black vault, as did so many other things—was they found out how to calibrate it. They were able to use the Kearsarge—and later on, a number of other ships similarly outfitted with the appropriate equipment—for time travel into the future. And this allegedly—according to my information—became essential to the winning of World War II against Nazi Germany. We had to pull some hardware out of the future, modify a few things.
The United States didn’t have enough plutonium to make a plutonium bomb to drop on Nagasaki
(1:25:30) And even if you look at the end of the war, when we dropped a plutonium bomb, as well as a standard uranium gun-barrel-type bomb on Japan—the one on Hiroshima was a uranium gun-barrel bomb and the one on Nagasaki, by public statement, was a plutonium bomb—one has to ask some very serious questions.
In the record of the development of the atomic bomb, these tests at Trinity Flats was stated in their manuals—and [UI] that information—to be a plutonium bomb, and that it took all of the production of plutonium out of Hanford Engineering Works for over a year to produce enough plutonium of bomb grade that they could use to test a bomb. They were so concerned about whether it would work or not because—they implied previous failures, which was true—they put a very heavy steel shell around the bomb in case it failed, that they wouldn’t lose the plutonium—they could salvage it. Of course it has happened that that particular device exploded quite well, left a nice glassy plating on the fertile desert floor, and was seen for many, many miles. That took all of the plutonium that we had produced up to that time. How did we, within one month, get enough plutonium to build a bomb and drop it on Nagasaki?
(1:26:45) That has never been answered, and I think the answer lies in the fact that we had time-travel capability that took some of the plutonium production out of the future—where, in the eighties and nineties, and seventies, even, we were able to produce rather large amounts, relatively speaking. The Russians over 40 years, in one of their secret cities, have built up a stock of 40 tons of bomb-grade plutonium they don’t know what to do with. And they’re still producing it. So, it’s not that difficult to produce once you have the proper facilities.
(1:27:20) Other than that one specific instance, I’m told, there were other instances of time travel being used to produce hardware in the future—that is, our era, let us say, the eighties—to be used during the period of World War II. The bottom line was we militarily defeated Hitler and the Axis powers and Japan, and the world settled back to an uneasy peace.
The effects on the present of changing history
This is a, shall we say, a small inference, a small indicator of manipulating history—in this case, ongoing history—to make it come out the way we wanted it to come out, assuming all my data is correct. What about modifying history in the past to change the outcome in what is now our time? It was, of course, the future of, let’s say, the period of the Civil War. What about doing something like that? Could it be done? And if it could be done and was done, would we even know about it? Well, the answer to the last question is, no, we would not know about it, because if you rewrote history by changing certain events in history, then the whole time field alters those portions of history after the event to correlate with what has been changed, so that it is a unified, connected and cohesive whole, so to speak. And if you keep modifying history here there and everywheres, eventually got in a severe trouble, wherein the time field is at risk of collapse.
Atomic clocks lost time between 1994 and 1995
(1:29:00) I think—my own personal opinion I’m stating—I think this happened in the 1994, 1995 period, because I was seeing evidence that time is getting very unstable. And there were some reports of some very strange effects at atomic clocks—which normally are accurate to one times 10 to the 23rd [power], or something of that order on the newest ones, one times ten to the 14th or 15th on the older ones—was suddenly changing time by the matter of minutes in a matter of two weeks. Complete and total instability, if you will, in terms of the type of clock it was.
These reports persisted, and I cannot say they’re not true, and I cannot say they are not true, because I don’t have any direct inputs to those government circles wherein that information would be available. But information has a funny way of surfacing and a funny way of getting around through certain connected links of information and information specialists. But that was one I definitely heard.
The Civil Wars
(1:30:00) Now, in terms of re-engineering history on a major basis, let us look at the Civil War, that is, our American Civil War, 1861-1865. History books today record, of course, as everyone can read, the North won the war. It was a devastating war, without question. We lost more troops in that war, dead, than all of the wars combined, including World War I and World War II—over 550,000 dead, some 1.2 to 1.5 million injured. I’m not sure those figures are even accurate, because they weren’t keeping accurate figures at that point.
History records we, the North, won the war against the South. The southern states, of course, seceded; they had every legal right to do so. The war was not over slavery; it was over economic issues, and, of course, that is fairly well known to those who have dug into it, but what is not well known is the fact that something strange happened about 1863.
(1:31:00) The South was winning war hands-down up until 1863. Every battle they engaged the North in, they won. As the North noted, and the historians have noted, the generalship was superb in the South: with half the hardware in terms of guns and other military hardware that the North had, the South was able to beat the pants off of them. Then, in 1863, it changed suddenly. I think it was the Battle of Antietam that turned around. The North started winning. And, of course, they beat more and more Southern troops, Southern generals were changed, and there’s a general retreat into the South, and, of course, and finally Sherman had his march to the sea in which they burned Atlanta. And the South was defeated, according to the history books as we read today. The rest is history; I don’t need to go into it.
(1:32:00) Suppose that were not what really happened in the first place: how would we possibly know it? How could we know it? Because, if there was a change made in who won the war, then everything following on in the time field would be changed, except, perhaps, off-planet, or except, perhaps, in one other item, one other area, which, perhaps you might not give too much credence to, but is worth investigating. What about people who lived through the Civil War, died, let’s say, 1880, 1890, and were reborn and living today? What would they remember if you could probe their subconscious memories, the memories from past lives, and what would they say about who won the Civil War?
I’ve heard a number of accounts, and I have one very good friend in Arizona, a lady friend, who has told me, in all of her psychic encounters and all of her memories that she has been able to pull out of a past life, she remembers living through the Civil War era. And when she died, it was her memory that the South had won the Civil War, and that the capital of the United States had been moved to Richmond, Virginia, and that there was literally a line of demarcation between the North and the South—it was never totally unified after that. Of course, that would be a disaster for history as we know it today if that had happened, because, who knows whether the U.S. would ever become a world power as it is now? But that is her memory.
(1:33:30) And I also have some friends who insist that they have taken part in time-engineering projects—re-engineering history, that is, going back into the past and doing things which were, perhaps, in most cases, minor modifications, that wouldn’t cause a great deal of impact on our current civilization—maybe very little—but were corrections of some kind or other. One of these friends insisted he was one of many teams sent back—from what time period I’ve yet to find out; I haven’t been able to nail it down and I haven’t been able to talk wtih him that much—they were sent back, several teams, male and female, into the year of about 1862, 1863 of the Civil War, infiltrate the South and become part of the general staff the of the Southern armies and the Southern generalship. Whether they were on General [Robert E.] Lee’s staff directly or not I don’t know, but they were well infiltrated. And then their function became obvious—not to the South, but in terms of results. They gave disinformation to the Southern military leaders as to the contents of the Northern troops’ armaments, etc., etc., based on historical information they had been given from the future, if you will, and then the South started losing battles, one after the other. And finally they no longer won the war: they had lost the war because the history is re-engineered—or so told told me this one friend who was part of one of the teams.
(1:35:00) I don’t find that impossible. My own commentary on that is it’s very possible. Because Lincoln as president was faced with a terrible quandary, and I certainly would not want to have been in his position. He was quite a humanitarian. He wanted to end slavery, and, of course, slavery in the South actually was ending. In any case, the war was not fought over slavery, but economic conditions. It is thought that had already freed a lot of slaves, and many of the former slaves, black men, had become plantation owners and were hiring, if you will, black slaves. Slavery had been cut off by the English government in 1825. It was no longer legal to ship slaves on any English ship anywheres in the entire realm of England, which included the colonies—or what were formerly the colonies—in the United States. It was outlawed. The only ones left who were really engaging in slave trade at that time were the New England businessmen. Now, that sounds like a strange comment, but that is historically correct to the best of my knowledge. And they were engaging in it and keeping this going because it was an extremely lucrative business, and a lot of money was made on it.
(1:36:00) But nevertheless, it was a failing institution before the war started—the South was disengaging from slavery. The North long since had, in practical aspects. But the war, of course, was still fought, and, of course, one or the other one of them—but history records now the North won it, and I will leave it at that, because it has made the United States a very strong world power. And I certainly would not have wanted to have made some of the choices which Lincoln did. He instituted the first draft. He became the first president in history to have instituted the function of the commander-in-chief, and then declare a national emergency and start issuing executive orders. He was the first president in our history to do this. Every president since then has; they don’t want to let go of that little piece of power which says they can write an order which overrides Congress and the Senate. And he instituted the tax laws, the first ones in the country. Of course, that resulted in major riots, and they were repealed.
But a lot has changed in our history, and a lot has changed behind the scenes historically that we are not aware of. And this business of re-engineering history through manipulating of time may not be functional today, because of the problems induced by doing this to an excessive amount, but it definitely has been done, and has continued up to nearly the present time.
(1:37:30) Whether this will happen in the future or not I don’t know. Time travel still is functional, in spite of some people saying it is not and some others saying it is totally impossible. I know the locations of some of the time operational equipment and time tunnels, if you will, but I’m not about to reveal them. I do have some respect for national security, in spite of what some people say. But I think my comments are quite sufficient. Time travel, from everything I’ve seen and having participated in it myself—including some of the trips in the past—I know it works; I know it’s real. And that’s something which, perhaps, the first time you do it is rather overwhelming to understand what you are doing and what is being done. It is not something which the average person will ever experience, whatever belief, and those who are the participants are very carefully chosen.