Testimony of Jessie Marie Czebotar
1) I (Jessie Marie Czebotar) sworn under the pains and penalty of perjury claim the following facts to be the truth. And that I am of age, of sound mind, and competent to put these facts upon the record.
2) I would like to submit upon the record the involvement in the Luciferian Brotherhood of what is considered some of the Northern Circle individuals whose abuse and crimes against children I witnessed and experienced.
I testify for the record that these individuals named are members of one of the highest Orders of the Brotherhood as Initiates of the Flame. That Order is called the Order of Melchizedek. For the women their place in order is signified by the wearing of pearls and the color purple.
Individuals Involved in the Order of Melchizedek Include:
Newt and ambassador to the Holy See Callista Gingerich (Not in ritual spoken of)
Clara Odelia Acker Church
Bill and Hillary Clinton
Dick, Lynne and Liz Cheney
James Danforth “Dan” and Marilyn Quayle
Former Vice President Mike and Karen Pence
John and Theresa Heinz Kerry
Cardinal/Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan
Archbishop John L. May
Archbishop Thomas Brady
Muammar Gaddafi
Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor of Free Thought Matters (Not in ritual spoken of)
Amy Coney Barret (not present for this ritual and [was] a child training with Callista Gingrich at [the] time
Anderson Cooper
Carter Vanderbilt Cooper
Gloria Vanderbilt
Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney
Mary Lou [sic] Whitney
Oliver Stone
Several Unknown individuals (I don’t remember any other specifics of who I saw at this ritual)
2. I testify that in 1982 at the Vanderbilt Biltmore Mansion Asheville, NC in their “Indoor Pool” or “Boat Cleaning” area that I witnessed the 12-year-old Ritual of Blasphemy Ceremony.
a) The 12-year-old Ritual of Blasphemy is the first time the 12-year-od boys involved will become full pledged members of their inner circle group and the first time they “willingly” perpetrate crimes on others.
b) The inner circle group are those whom you make your Brotherhood pact with. This pact means you are bound to these brothers and sisters and to keeping and covering up their secrets.
c) Chronicle of abuse for the ritual. The ritual is considered a Grand High Climax Ritual. All Elite hierarchy children (those born into the System who are chosen to continue to run the System) must be in attendance. The ritual is performed over a three-night period. It is usually performed around July 27th or whatever weekend the Harvest Moon appears that year.
d) The first night is made to look like a camp event for middle-school-age boys and girls. They stay on a Campground with Cabins. On Friday night, they are told by the Camp Counselors that they are going to play a night game. The 12-year-old girls have been programmed to seduce the 12-year-old boys during this nighttime “Hide and Seek” type game. The goal is just seduction, the boys are kept from having sexual contact with the girls.
e) The second and third nights are when the big ritual happens. All the adults in the particular inner circle the 12-year-old boys are being joined to will be present unless they have an approved excuse.
3) I testify for the record that in July 1982 I witnessed the Blasphemy Ritual for the following hierarchy children.
Elon Musk
Sacha Stone
Michael [sic] Trudeau
Nathan Rothschild
Saif al-Islam Gaddafi
4) I testify for the record what I witnessed occur during the 12-year-old Blasphemy rituals.
a) I and my training partner Douglas John Kilrush Mysecko were five years old. I was standing on the scaffolding on the left side overlooking the ritual area. My Proctor, the Queen Mother of Darkness, Clara Odelia Acker Church, stood to my left. My training partner and Protector Douglas John Kilrush Mysecko stood to my right.
b) Along the two long sides of the pool there were ropes strung. There were 13 girls strung to these ropes. The ropes that hung from the sides of pool went underneath their arms. The girls were facing the wall, their hands tied behind their backs. Their barefoot feet were tied at the ankles to each other. The girls were all naked and about 8-12 years old. They were being set aside for sex magik and ritual consumption.
c) Half the 12-year-old boys were chosen for the second night of the ritual, the other half went the third night. They only saw the boys they were with that night take their rituals. The first night I saw Nate Rothschild, Elon Musk, and Sasha Stone [sic] in ritual. The second night, Michael [sic] Trudeau and Saif al-Islam Gaddafi.
d) I remember the boys being strung upside-down by rope by ladder area into pool. Their hands tied behind their back and their legs were tied together. The High Priests presiding over the ceremony stood on the scaffolding above them. The following three Grand High Quadrant Priests were present: Cardinal/Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan (St. Louis, MO), Archbishop John L. May (Chicago, IL), Archbishop Thomas Brady (Rockford, IL).
e) The Grand High Priests have a statue of Jesus which they connect a sexual device used by women in sexual intercourse. It basically is a dildo that a woman wears and then inserts anally, vaginally, or orally into her victims. The practice is called pegging. The Grand High Priests pour blood over the statue (not sure where this is obtained from before this). The Grand High Priests begin to chant, ”Your duty is first to God, then to your brothers and sisters.” They repeat this phrase over and over. As they repeat this phrase, they begin moving the statue and inserting the bloody dildo into the 12-year-old victims oral and anal orifices. (The statue of Jesus is later cleaned with urine and semen mix and placed back into the church to be venerated and kissed by devout parishioners.) All the sex in this ritual is done softly and gently. The goal is to bind the brothers and sisters to one another through intimacy and desire. All the women present wear these pegging devices.
f) After the boys are raped by the statue of Jesus the Grand High Priests continue to emphasize that one’s duty is first to God and then to their brothers and sisters. At this point, those present who are part of the circle come in small groups and take turns raping the boys at the same time, inserting in all orifices at the same time. During this rape, there are pauses. During those pauses, each member in the circle will put their face close to the boy’s face. They will say, “I am your brother. It is your duty to keep my secrets and it is my duty to keep yours. Are you my brother?” The boy will answer, “I am your brother.” Up until this point, the 12-year-old boys are considered virgins. They may have been raped anally but it will be the first time they are allowed to initiate penetration upon a victim.
g) After the inner circle rape, while the 12-year-old boy is being brought down from hanging, the inner circle adults do various things to continue touching and arousing him. Slowly, all the adults but the Grand High Priests will ascend the ladder and watch from above. When only the Grand High Priests remain, they begin to direct the boys. First, they lead them in the blasphemy vow and towards the girls saying, “The Lord has given you a command. ‘Be fruitful and multiply.’ It is a sin to sow your seed upon the ground. Be fruitful and multiply.”
I watched as the priests drew the boys to insert their penis into girls. The adults in the scaffolding make noises that arouse the boy more. (I did not see it in this first ritual, but later learned that pills are given to the boys before the ritual to cause long-term arousal.)
h) Next, while carousing, Grand High Priests give the boys shots of adrenochrome to cause psychosis. During a psychosis, the high dose of adrenochrome causes an intense anger and impulse to tear and rip human flesh apart. It is at this point that the adults above summon high level demonic spirits. These spirits are welcomed to have their way. I saw them taking turns entering the boys. As they did, the boys began raping the girls and got aggressive and vigorous until they began ripping the girls apart into pieces and consuming them. As they do this, the Grand High Priests join and shout blasphemies at Jesus and declare they are god.
i) I testify that the girls who are ritually killed are not drugged nor paralyzed during this ritual killing. In the end, only a mess remains. When the ritual is done, the adults subdue the boys and tie them down to wallow in the blood bath on the pool floor until the adrenochrome completely wears off. When the adrenochrome wears down, the Grand High Priests give the boys a drug that makes them forget consciously what has occurred.
“Order of Melchizedek”: ufo researcher Jacques Vallee writes of a Melchizedek UFO cult in his “Messengers of Deception” in 1979. He says that the cult was global and spread when initiates received “transmissions” of automated hand writing in which they wrote the manifesto of the order and were directed ordered to bring others into their circle to prepare humans to receive them when they arrived.
Sick! sicker! Sickening!