Rothschild boys, Elon, hunting parties, swimming pools, red shoes and viewing the future for the CIA
An interview with Jessie Czebotar
Hunting Parties
So, at the hunting parties they would— they’d have all these expendable children outside in the woods. And usually they have holding grounds, like a tunnel system or something underground, where they hold the kids in cages until the time of the hunt. And the hunt usually happens later, once it’s dark outside.
And so what they’ll do is they’ll make a perimeter, which is pretty large, of these woods, and they’ll station the different elite people around the perimeter. And then when they give the go, they release the kids, and the kids are told just to run, to hide, and that’s when the elite will go through the woods and start hunting for them. When they catch them, a lot of times they will first sexually abuse them, and then they’ll kill them. So not everybody will get killed in that situation. If they don’t, then they’re used for other hunts. But there were kids that I saw who were really good survivors, and they would just continuously have to relive this trauma.
Jeanette Archer, SRA survivor, at Windsor Castle
One time, we were at the lodge and we had— we had grabbed the youngest Rothschild and we had gone upstairs. And there was like a laundry chute, and that’s where we were trying to get to, was to be in that chute and try to make our way downstairs to the basement. But we didn’t make it that far. I’ll just say, Jacob Rothschild we found was already up there, and we heard he was pulling one of the kids with him. And so, we just snuck into the first room that we could find, and there was this huge wardrobe in there. And so, we got inside that wardrobe, but we picked the wrong room, because that was the room he pulled the child into.
And so, many of these older gentlemen, it’s not just for sexual pleasure that they rape these children: they do it for sex magic. So, he started to do the magic spells and incantations with this child, and was telling the child to do his part of the incantations.
So, most of it was just trying to survive through that and not— You know, the one time when my training partner did— like, we said something, and they hauled him out to an old well and they dropped him in that. And he was down there for a couple of hours. And we’d call those, the wells or the deep holes, we would just call “the pits.” And that was a form of punishment, where they would throw you down there and you were just down there, cold and sometimes wet. Sometimes there were strange creatures down there, so there were times you had to fight to survive, and you couldn’t see what you were fighting: it was pitch dark.
So, that was one of their favorite forms of punishment for us. Sometimes, for us, they would stick us in rooms with adults who had weapons, and it was either they survived or we survived. So it was like an automatic— they put us in this automatic combat situation where we had to make a choice to take life or to die.
Project Looking Glass with Elon Musk and Jessie’s older training partner
So, why I’m kind of wanting to talk about these boys is that that child, he was from South Africa. [That] was one of the prominent areas his family lived in. There were some special things about his family. They knew how to hand-procure a special— they called it a perfume, and that perfume had special ingredients from some of the islands, particularly the Canary Islands. And so, once a year, they would make this perfume and they would bring that to the queen mother of darkness and present that as her gift once a year from their family line.
So, he was the one that they brought in to do these experiments with us. And with the Looking Glass project, they use three children, and what they call “going through the looking glass” means that you’re literally— like you’re connecting into the spiritual world. So, it’s really a form of clairvoyance or divination. You’re accessing the spiritual world and then connecting to demonic spirits that are there that teach you and train you how to see the future. Sometimes you do see the past.
(24:00) And so, each of us, though, had— like, our gift to be able to see into that spirit world was slightly different. So, like for me, I always saw the end-picture of an event or a situation. And you never knew; like, there wasn’t necessarily a way to control what you were going to see. So, as you were looking into the spirit world, you would just see, and the three of us would see kind of the same thing, but we would see it from different perspectives. And then they would pull us out, and we would have to recite word-for-word what we saw, what we heard, what we felt, and they would compare those things to get the whole picture.
And so, I usually only saw the end-result, and usually it was very clear, where I could detail exactly every little detail of that end result. “E” could only see step-by-step; like, he couldn’t see what the end was, but he would see what steps led up to that end-point. And then my training partner, he could see kind of all the steps and all the consequences. Like, if you took that step, what would happen? And so, they would kind of use it as a triple accountability to maneuver their decision making for certain situations. So, they would kind of know the time frame, they would know what was expected, and they would know things that were going to happen that would lead up to that expected situation.
(26:00) CHANTELLE: Can I just ask you something? So, were they able to manipulate the energies to create a certain outcome?
JESSIE: That’s what they would try to do. Yeah, that’s what they would try to do was use that information so that if the end result was not what they wanted, they would look through, “Well, at which step do we need to change and try to manipulate that outcome?”
There were some things, a lot of it was apocalyptic end-time things. There were a few times I felt bad, because we really threw “E” under the bus. But I and my training partner could communicate without directly talking to each other, so, we were more— like, if I saw a vision, then he would know. Like, I could tell him what I saw, and we could do that without “E” knowing the full picture. There were some things that we knew they were going to try to manipulate, and all of us, we were all trying to get out. So, it was like, “What can we say at what point to give them the wrong picture so that they make the wrong choice and things end up so we can have a better chance of getting out?” So, there were a few times we outright lied about what we saw.
We did have, like, when they pulled us into more of the operational experiments — or actually, they were operational military projects — we did operate with a group of men who were trained in this as well. And so, that was a team of— there were five guys, so, there were five of us kids at that time. And two of those guys were— I never saw any evil from them; I would— in my world, they were good men. So, I’ll say two of these men in these experiments were good, and the one, he knew that we were lying about things and he helped cover that up. So, he never revealed, as far as we knew, that we were lying about some of those things. That individual now is currently working with our government with some of these things to rescue children.
With “E”, he was a very intelligent, bright child. He was always playing with tinker toys or different— those connects (K’nex), and he was always building things, building models. One of the things that I’ve shared about him was that the Illuminati was using the Frank Lloyd Wright houses as auction houses for selling kids. Part of their cover-up they did through art projects. So, at these Frank Lloyd Wright houses, sometimes the auctions would be under the guise of art sales. And sometimes that artwork included pieces of children or ground dust, the paint might have been mixed with some of the ashes that were left over from those things.
Red Shoes
Mostly you’re going to find that people who are wearing those are part of the Jesuit and the Kabbalah esoteric levels of the Illuminati. So, it signifies that they’re pretty high in their levels. They don’t usually go by degrees in those two departments, but it would be comparable to the Masonic branch who would— you’d be above a 33-degree Mason when you get those red shoes.
And it usually signifies a very significant kind of higher-level ritual killing. And the shoes— the shoes are made out of a child’s skin. And usually you’ll see they get significant rings with diamonds in them. The more children they kill, a lot of them like to have those diamond trophies [diamonds made from the remains of children] that they wear around.
CHANTELLE: So that would be the same child. Would they themselves have sacrificed the child whose shoes he was wearing?
JESSIE: Yes, usually, yes.
Ritual of Blasphemy
I did see two twelve-year-old rituals with the boys that I grew up with, and one did happen at Gloria Vanderbilt’s.
What I saw happen was that the high priest and the other people who were then going to be what we consider the apprentices, or the individuals who would be guiding that child then through his life and his career, and making sure he had everything he needed to fulfill his position, those were the ones that were involved in the ritual. And they would sexually rape the child, we’ll just say from every direction that they could. It was all at the same time, so kind of a gang-rape type thing. As they were doing that, they would be telling the child, “You want this. This is your big day. You’re going to renounce God and take your position in the Brotherhood and you want this.” And so they are leading the child and telling him exactly what he needs to do and say.
And then, once the child says his blasphemy against God, the child then would be released, and the first thing that they have to do is murder with their hands. But they basically cannibalize— start to cannibalize the other children that are hung around [the sides of the pool], and then everybody would get involved in that. So, there was a lot of blood that would be all over and all around.
So, that was what we call the first blasphemy ritual. And then from that point on, they’re considered a full member of the Brotherhood.
Full transcript:
I've come across other accounts of these hunting parties. Icke has discussed them as well. The stuff most normies will reject off-hand, not being able to imagine such inhumane cruelty. I'm convinced its source is non-human, and has taken over some humans. (Which in part is why humans can't accept it.) The layers of anti-human doings behind our distorted world and TPTW. (The Powers That Were.) Painful realizations yet required. They only succeed in secrecy and shadow.
Thank you. Best.
Timothy Charles Holmeseth has discussed Elon’s particulars in a party at the Vanderbilts mansion. A creepy sexual ritual.