Survivor: Churches Have Served as CIA fronts for MK-Ultra abuse
Isaac Mars remembers SRA at his church's nursery from age 2 to 4

Previously, I’ve pointed out eerie similarities between the Covington Christian Church shooting (Nashville, Tennessee, March 27, 2023) and the Lakewood Church shooting (Houston, Texas, February 11, 2024). The main similarities are:
The assaults were carried out by women: Audrey Hale and Genesse Moreno
The women had attended the church they assaulted
Audrey Hale was 28 and Genesse Moreno was 36
Hale believed she was a man, and Moreno was allegedly given the name, Jeffrey, at birth, although she always lived as a woman
Moreno suffered from DID (dissociative personality disorder, i.e., multiple personalities) and Hale was described as infantile, which is a sign she, too, suffered from DID.
Hale (Tennessee) claimed she had been sexually abused by the head deacon of Covenant Christian Church, John Perry, (who was doubtless subjected to SRA himself as a child)
Moreno was heard to yell “You killed my son!” after off-duty police working as security guards at the massive church shot her seven-year-old son in the head. You would think sworn police officers would be able to hit an adult without hitting a child.
Moreno was wearing the clothing of the Trenchcoat Mafia: a black shirt, boots and a trench coat. (See Al Bielek on the Columbine shooting and the Trenchcoat Mafia.)
Another story that has been in the news is the slow-motion exposure of a Mexican megachurch called La Luz del Mundo, which has been accused by many women of child sexual abuse and human trafficking, not only in its flagship church in Guadalajara, but in its churches in East Los Angeles and Houston. (See Houston’s La Luz del Mundo church leaders enabled sexual abuse for years, former members say.)
Simultaneously, we learn that the Houston Police Department decided in 2016 that it wouldn’t investigate any reports of sexual assault. When this was made public in 2021, the department, apparently embarassed, said it would start investigating sexual assaults, but then it never did. Now, in 2024, the department has 264,000 sexual assault cases that it hasn’t investigated (
Two shocking facts in one scandal: as rape became an everyday occurrence in Houston, the police department hid this from the public by protecting the rapists.
Isaac Mars
Now a new whistleblower has come forward, not with a rifle, but with an interview on James Rink’s Super Soldier Talk. Isaac Mars has memories of his parents dropping him off every Sunday at the nursery of the church they attended when he was age two to age four, and being taken somewhere for Satanic ritual abuse.
Before I get into Isaac’s story, let me tell you what a young mother told me in around 1992. We met because we both had preschoolers. She said she had been taking her daughters to her church nursery school until the girls told her about experiences that were clearly Satanic rituals, such as having their clothes taken off and their bodies painted red. Of course, she was dismissed as crazy.

Isaac Mars talks about more important topics than the control of the world’s churches by Satanists; however, I’m covering just his childhood experience with church SRA. I hope you keep listening till the end of the interview, because it may help you to raise your own consciousness.
(1:20) Although I have no memories awakened yet of being in any secret space programs or super-soldier programs, I have been in an MK-Ultra program.
This year, in January [2023], I kept running into a body worker from Sedona [Arizona] named Jacob Massey. . . . I got a session with him, and by the end of the session, he asked me if there was anything I wanted him to work on. And I told him, “the atlas” — it just popped into my head. And that is one of the top vertebrae in our spine.
And as soon as he started to hover his hand over it, all of this energy started coming out, and I had these visceral memories flip to the surface. And I realized that from ages of about two to four, every Sunday or every other Sunday or so, when my parents were taking us all to church, they would give me off to the day care.
And whoever was in the day care was actually part of the dark agenda. And they would take me to a separate room of the building we were in — because we would often use schools and stuff for our church — or they would take me to another facility. And they would give me a lollypop that I imagine was drugged, most likely.
And what they would do is, after I had the lollypop, they would strap me down with leather straps on a metal table, and they would put electrodes my temples and on the back of my neck. And then they would electrocute me so intensely that I’d go stiff like a board, and tears would just be streaming out of my eyes. And I was only like two to four, so I had no idea what was going on.
And recently it came through that they would do, like, sexual acts on me while this was happening, or, like, in-between the electrocutions. And they would also look into my eyes from behind, standing above me, and their faces would, like, shape-shift into demonic shadow faces, and they would tell me things like, “You can never trust women; women are your worst enemy; they just want to use you and take from you.”
And my entire life after that experience, I had that subconscious program I didn’t even know was running. It was like every woman I talked to, every girl that I had a crush on, they would never even pay me any attention. And it was only the very traumatized women that I would attract into my life, and that was a reflection of what I went through.
I confronted my mom about it, and she has no recollection of anything bad ever happening. To them, our life was a very average American family life with non-denominational Christian upbringing. I was treated rather well in my childhood; I was given a lot of unconditional love from my parents. But I know that these things definitely happen, because not only did I have symptoms of those experiences, but my middle sister has also gone through a lot.
Just finished listening to the entire Isaac Mars video. A lot to unpack there!
My stupid V2K or astral voices always bring up a church nursery experience although I haven't had a memory yet
I do have other strange church memories where I was used in the astral realm as some type of judge of fairness or something around ages 4-6 during male leadership meetings. Or a conduit?