Discovering Truth Network - October 12, 2023
“Susan Ford (Esther) and Dan Duval Part 1 Thanks for the Memories, Twins, and Hidden Ones”
This episode featured an interview between Dan Duval and Susan Ford, who now goes by Esther.
Esther and Susan Ford are identical twins who were subjected to programming and demon attachment by Josef Mengele. They were programmed to have "one mind,” and Esther would replace Susan when necessary.
Through their twinning programming, Esther would psychically send demons to Susan whenever the latter was being used for sex. The demons would then attach themselves to the men who were having sex with her. This set up a network of demon-possessed world leaders.
Esther was on a Rothschild slave farm as a baby. Later, she was kept in underground bases in Antarctica and Area 51. Her experiences with advanced technology, space ships, hybrid beings, and off-planet bases are only part of her involvement at the highest levels!
Susan Ford wrote the book, Thanks for the Memories, but she wasn’t aware of Esther's existence. Esther is now living Susan’s life, and Susan’s current whereabouts are unknown.
Covered in this episode:
✨ MK-Ultra, twinning and mind-control programming
✨ Genetic engineering of humans and chimeras
✨ ETs, space ships, and underground and off-world bases
✨ Demonic possession and spiritual warfare
✨ Spiritual awakening and deliverance by the grace of Jesus
Thanks For The Memories - Brice Taylor (Author)
DAN: Welcome back to discovering truth with Dan Duval. Some of you listening to this podcast may know of Brice Taylor, who wrote the book, Thanks for the Memories. That book was part of my own awakening and preparation for the work that God has called me into to help survivors of Satanic ritual abuse and government-sponsored projects. It was an extraordinary expose of programming and the agenda for MK-Ultra, or Project Monarch, for presidential slaves and the high-level human trafficking, even to the White House over many presidential administrations.
The reason why I know this is because we use that book as part of the Bride coach training program. I make all of my students read it. And so when we were able to connect, I was very excited. I've been looking forward to this. And the curveball came immediately, because the Sue Ford that I'm sitting with today actually goes by the name, Esther. And she is going to tell you why, but this connects to a very deep conversation around twinning.
And as many of you may know, when they were doing programming and human experiments in Nazi Germany, Dr. Josef Mengele did a lot with twins. And it is not well understood even now why they did so much research on twins, but what that enabled them to do is extraordinary, and that has definitely had its effects in Sue Ford’s life. And so, Esther, welcome to Discovering Truth with Dan Duval.
ESTHER: Thank you, Dan and thank you for all that you've done to help survivors be heard, have a voice, and to make this all real that more people could come free.
DAN: So, you go by the name, Esther, and you introduced yourself to me as Sue Ford's twin. So, please explain who you are in relation to the Sue Ford that wrote Thanks for the Memories.
ESTHER: I am her identical twin sister, and I did a DNA test. She had already done it, and I did one, and it came back that we’re identical twins, but with different countries. What what this all means is that we were carried as twins in the same womb of our mother, who is partly our biological mother, but she was mainly just a surrogate to carry us. And Sue was born first, so Josef Mengele called her Twin A, and I was born second, and they called me Twin B.
And our mother never actually saw me. I became one of the hidden ones right then. And when the the men in suits — they were our owners — men came and took me . . . And so our owner — that my sister wasn't actually aware of because I was cross-programmed with her to keep her in the dark in these bigger, more evil places in our lives— His name was — he died in 2007 — his name is Baron Guy. Baron Guy de Rothschild was our owner, and that's where I was taken. From the minute I was an infant, I went to him in France.
So, I was a hidden one. I was taken to a Rothschild slave farm — black slave farm — where the biggest gift that God ever gave me was I had a black mama who carried me on her body. And I breast-fed whenever I wanted. When she went out to work in the fields or in the gardens, I was on her body. I was breastfeeding anytime I wanted. I felt very secure. It was the only place I ever felt secure and happy. And I slept in her bed with her. And she had a little daughter who slept right next to us as well. And while the slave quarters were very violent, I didn't feel— I was protected in that way.
So, I was Twin B. I was taken to France, to Paris to the Rothchilds. Also during my [early childhood] I was taken by the Jesuit general and the Jesuits to remote islands, where they dug holes and did all kinds of evil rituals where they would bury me in the sand and then bring me out. And I was being created.
At the same time, the majority of the time, I was taken by Josef Mengele — the real Josef Mengele, not some Dr. Greene or anyone else. He was the real Josef Mengele.
I was rescued by Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the real true and living God, on February 19th of 2019. And he helped me to begin to put this all together of what actually happened to me. He was my therapist; he was everything to me. And so I began— I had actually 80 memories. It took two weeks of memories of what happened with Josef Mengele, and it was— the torture was so bad that I had trouble even writing it.
And I couldn't read it back for— I just set it aside for months, it was so painful. And so then he would keep calling me back to read them. And when I would say, “I don't want to; it’s too painful; I can’t,” he would be with me. And he told me that there was an urgency, that this urgency had to do with a lot of other people coming free. And so, I read them.
So, I have all that documented. And since I've been free now, so to speak, on the way to being totally free for four and a half years, and I may not be making a very good timeline of this, but I'm doing the best that I can.
And what happened was that when I was when I was taken there, I was also then taken to the home next to my twin sister, Sue. And I never grew up in a family. I never— the family doesn't know I exist, including my twin sister, Sue, who would get swapped with me. And we were both Sue Ford. And so, I would be taken to the house next door to her, where the people there also were programmed. And they had little boys our age, and I stayed in the bedroom of one of the little boys. And during the day, our grandmother, who lived in the house with the family, she would torture us and cross-program us. She was the biggest witch, Satanist, that anyone ever knew. In fact, she worked for McDonnell Douglas in Santa Monica, which, when I do the history, that opens this huge— Oh, my God, she was part of everything that all the people are mentioning about that. But I won't go there yet.
So she told one of my parts [alters]— Sue and I had the same programming system. Josef Mengele made us of one mind. So, we were one mind. I knew everything Sue did, and I was programmed to believe that the life that she lived was my life. But I had nothing, really, to do with her life unless I was swapped in.
And we were trained and programed how to— They would— often it was McDonald's, the bathroom. I would be flown in from France and taken— Sometimes Henry Kissinger was the one that was the intermediary if we met in parks or something. But I would be flown in. We would be swapped in the bathroom at McDonald’s. We were programmed to go under the stall, and with the other one, take your clothes off, swap clothes, swap everything that you had, and come out of the bathroom. And we knew the one that was being swapped in was the one that left the bathroom first, and then the other one was to stay behind until they were they were instructed. And we had very, very extensive programming on that. And we were swapped our whole lives. And I would be in and out of her childhood life, in and out of school, every now and then when she needed to be reprogrammed, or whatever.
So, there was our grandmother, who was more than a master programmer. This woman knew witchcraft and was actually teaching. She was teaching and training the people at McDonnell Douglas and other places. She was high, high up in that evil world.
And one day one of my parts [alters] that knew her said, “Grandma Winnie told us that we are of the Royal Red Dragon bloodline.” And right there, that was the key I needed to understand how deep and evil this was. And having that one little piece of information— I'll just say this right now: these evil bloodlines we were born into and genetically engineered, me and Sue in one egg, and our— We actually have a triplet that was part of Josef Mengele’s project, but she wasn't in the womb with us. She was a whole other part of his project.
DAN: How common was this with the children going through the Monarch project and being prepared as presidential slaves, everything your sister wrote about? Was this only you, or were there many others?
ESTHER: Josef Mengele, one of the memories was that he had this big room and there was a huge cage, big giant cage with a lot of children in it. And I was held in another cage next to them. I was different. And I still haven't figured out exactly why, but I know that it's the level of evil bloodlines, because it wasn't just the Royal Red Dragon bloodline: it had others, too.
But all these kids were being tortured. We were all fed like pigs — slop. We had no clothes; no clothes, nothing. No bed, no bed, no blanket when you go to sleep, no nothing. You're just starving, and most of the time they kept you starving.
But I believe that a lot of people who were in the Monarch program also have hidden twins. And what I want to explain is that my sister prayed like Derek Prince taught her online. And she prayed, “Dear Jesus, please put me in the right place at the right time according to Your will.” And so that allowed Jesus to rescue me when I was swapped into her life in the perfect time. Because the truth is that my sister, Sue, Twin A, who wrote Thanks for the Memories, would never have had a chance to get totally free until I was. And she didn't even know I was real, so she couldn't undo the programming. And then, people who [claimed to be] experts in the field of all of this were not only lying to her, but were getting her reprogrammed so that she would never find her twin sister.
She had an internal twin sister that she was programmed with, but she actually has a twin sister: that is me. And we were cross-programmed massively by our grandmother, who stitched us together — our skin — with needles. I mean, she had a lot of these memories, but she didn't understand, because the therapists all told her, “This is programming; it's your twin-sister programing.” But it was both.
So, being as high-level in this evil as I have now remembered, you have to realize that on February 19th of 2019, I had no idea about any of this. I just thought I was Sue Ford, wrote Thanks for the Memories, had a public life, had been married, had children. I didn't know that I was not her, and I had no idea what any of my memories were.
So, some of this I refer to is from hours and hours and hours and days. Actually, I've been in ministry with Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, the true Holy Spirit of God, every single day since February 19th, 2019. And when I would ask for a day off, the Holy Spirit said, “There's no time; it's urgent.” And so, every single day I have not done anything else.
There were occasional times when I did go and do stuff, but mostly He wakes me up every morning at 4:00, 4:30, and we get up and do the work with Him. And I love Jesus. I can't tell you how much I love Jesus, and how real He is. And what I want every person that is a victim or a survivor to know is that He's standing there waiting for you, because He is the ultimate therapist. He knows everything that's ever happened to you. He knew exactly what happened. He knew every single detail. He was with me.
DAN: As you were putting all of these pieces together, you have got to be hitting this crisis moment. Because at a certain point you actually moved. You moved. You went into this deep place with God alone. Describe to me what that initial lightning bolt of awakening or awareness was like. What was it that just broke this open for you?
ESTHER: Well, the minute He rescued me, He gave me the list of the do’s and don'ts — you know, no TV. I really had no contact with anyone except the people whose house I stayed in for nine months. But every morning, I had no one else to turn to, so I would turn to Him every morning with “help.” I mean, all I said was “Help, Jesus; help me, Jesus; help me Jesus.” I mean, I must have said it a billion times. I still do.
So the the major moment came, when I realized how real this was, was when it was just a couple months into my rescue, when He said, “I want you to get two baby dolls.” So I ordered two identical baby dolls off of Amazon. And when they came, he ministered to me and said, “You are a twin, and your name is legally Sue Ford, but I'm going to call you Esther, because you have been called for a time such as this.” And then He said, “I’m going to help you remember your life.” And it took a couple years, really, for me to undo, you know, to remind myself as He reminded me, “That happened to Sue; that happened to Sue; that happened to Sue, not you.”
And while He was doing that, He was mostly bringing back the memories to me day after day after day — the memories of what I was involved with, what I was truly involved with.
DAN: So, they would swap you and Twin A — Sue — out in different locations: bathrooms—
ESTHER: Parks, Reseda Park in California. I mean, Sue wrote about it all in Thanks for the Memories; she just didn't remember the part about me being there.
DAN: And she didn’t remember; that was probably because she was programmed no to.
ESTHER: Oh, exactly! And cross programming, triple-corded; triple-cord programming with our triplet, who isn't even around, usually, and Sue and I. So, the cording was huge.
DAN: So, at birth you were taken overseas; you were taken to Europe. You were put on a Rothschild farm, which— Wow. Okay. And then your sister was left here to be raised by the parents that she wrote about in her book, Thanks for the Memories.
ESTHER: Right. Our family that I didn't grow up with! I didn't have a father or mother!
DAN: But you were then eventually taken and put in the house next door with the grandma.
ESTHER: All of this early stuff I've talked about was during my infancy. All of it. I was being flown place to place. It wasn’t like they waited till I was two to put me in next door. It was like I was there for a month in California being programmed next door, as our grandmother did the work.
Sue wrote in Thanks for the Memories about our grandmother, Winnie, taking her as a baby to the British royal family, Queen Elizabeth one and two. And it's true. And they end up being of the Royal Red Dragon bloodline — the Windsor family. And if you saw Queen Elizabeth's coffin, I could not watch that. She is a family member, and we were heavily involved. I was [involved] with her and all of this evil. I was like the evil strong person over her, too, and she had a bunch of people doing evil stronghold stuff over her. But she had a Royal Red Dragon draped over her coffin. That was the only part the Holy Spirit had me see. I couldn't believe it: she had the dragon on her coffin.
Alice Miller wrote about how people need to pray, because no one of us ever had a choice to be born into this evil. And when you're born into it and you're tortured even before you get in the womb, in the egg, in the ovum, you're tortured, they're [attaching] demons and doing Satanic rituals on you, and burying you with dead pharaohs of Egypt, and doing everything to load evil on you, there's no way to get free. And the only way that there is to get free is if you pray. . . .
And I believe that some of these people choose as they get older to go with evil, but many people don’t. And if you don't choose to go with evil you’ve got to dig out. So, that's what Sue did: Sue dug out. She lost everything she ever had. She lost everything digging out, but she wrote a book. And now, with that information and my information, lots of people are gonna get dug out.
DAN: So, they were switching you guys in and out, but at a certain point, I mean, they had you in underground locations. They didn't just keep you out in the public. Do you have an idea of when they started keeping you in underground locations and what that means?
ESTHER: It’s been very recent for me. I was in the Word six, seven months ago, and the Holy Spirit said, “Get up right now and draw. Get up and and draw right now what you see.” And I had no idea what I was going to draw. So I just stood there and I started drawing little black discs and little silver discs, what people call UFOs. And I began to understand, even before then, that I had been living under Antarctica, and Area 51.
I had programming that was more— how do I say this? My status and level of security was higher than most all the people on the bases. So, my programmers programmed me to have [alters] come forward to walk us into the highest levels of security, which is way, way in the back. And we were handcuffed and put in leg irons as we went deeper, because they were afraid of the demonic, I believe. The only thing I can come up with is they were afraid of the the power of the demonic beings that they [attached to] me and and possessed me with and—
DAN: So, while your sister is going through different stages of MK-Ultra programming, being groomed to be trafficked at the highest levels of U.S. government, you took part in some of that when you were switched in and out, but at the same time, you actually lived in Antarctica.
ESTHER: Yeah, and a lot of that didn't start until I was full-time, until I was older. But Sue was having my memories of being in underground places where there were huge giants and evil, evil beings. You see, the Rothschilds — did I already mention their name? The Rothschilds under Baron Guy, they had huge underground and off-planet places where they created hybrid beings. They created genetically engineered humans, animals. Everything that supposedly is yet to come on Earth has already been created. And there are giants.
So, a lot of my job as a little girl — and I've had a lot of memories of Miriam Rothschild, and I worked with her sometimes. She was involved — probably programmed, too, now I understand — in taking care of all these glass — this is all the stuff Sue started having bleed-through memories — glass tubes with air coming into it, with all these beings in it. And some of them are babies. And some of them are humans. And they actually breed human babies to feed to these evil giant entities that they plan on releasing at the end times to kill everyone. And they're full of demons. They are created hybrids that look like giants or dinosaurs or a man in a dinosaur — you know, every kind of freaky thing you could imagine — and you fill it with demons and set it loose.
And one thing I wanted to say is that they told my sister she would never stop trying to defect. Once she got a little glimpse of the memory that this was going on, she wouldn't stop. I mean she left everything. She left her family, she left everything to get free. And they kept telling her, “If you would just stop trying to defect, we will take you on the International Space Station when we create the cataclysm that takes everyone out.” And Sue looked at them and she said, “I’d rather die here with all these people than go with you.”
And what they've created on that side is hugely demonic, and I believe that they are going to loose this as part of Satan's plan. Satan had everybody so fooled. I mean, this guy, he's smart; he's very savvy. And people don't know what's coming. And the church has no clue. And the church is dumbed down in regards to deliverance ministry, and what's needed most of all right now. We need deliverance ministries all over the place, because there are so many people that don't know they’re programmed.
DAN: Well, let me let me take you back to some of the points you were making. First of all, I did a a long series of podcasts with a gentleman that I worked with for years, Robert Vandriest-Mitchell, and he was also programmed by the Rothschilds.
ESTHER: I want to just say that Lord Jacob Rothschild is our backup, and he was the worst. I mean, this man is so evil. And we had Sir Evelyn Rothschild. We were tied to a number of the Rothschild families, and had their children — all of them.
DAN: But he mentioned some of the same players — definitely Evelyn Rothschild. And some of the elements of his story included being on the Mars bases and cities, and the beings that they had created that were giant. Also looking at some of the giant reptilians, the different classes, even, some of them like 20 feet tall, he said. It was not just there: he spent time in Hollow Earth, also connected with their network, and other places off-planet. And it's quite robust; the amount of brokenness that he survived is off the charts. And I really consider him a hero. But there are so many things that you just mentioned, but it’s very, very similar. And he said those things on this podcast.
ESTHER: So, what I want to tell you that's current is, this story has a little bit of humor in it. I didn't really understand when I drew all those supposedly UFOs — that are not unidentified to us at all. We understand those are very identified, and they're real. And the Rothschilds also have been creating those.
And what happened, I told my one neighbor about this UFO stuff, and— I mean, he's been listening to me, and thank God he's an awesome Christian and he just listens. Otherwise, he could have turned around and said, “You're nuts,” but he didn't.
And so, I was telling him all about the UFO memories. And so, then I went back and I was praying the next morning. I said,” Holy Spirit, please show him this, if this is real or not. There's a way you can confirm this.” And this guy told me the next day, he said, “You won't believe this.” And I said, “What?” And he goes, “My wife and I stand out in the driveway and we saw saw a UFO right there.” And I said, “Wow.” And then he said, “There’s more.” And he said, “We went to my daughter's house for dinner, and at night, we saw another UFO.” And his wife said, “Wow, I guess they really want you to see that they’re real.”
And so, this is a couple months before our government starts saying they're finding true alien bodies. Well they are, but they're not— This UFO section is all very new to me, but it triggered memories that I already knew as a child how to drive those, that you drive them with your mind. And it's like part of the time I was escorting people. Or a lot of the time I was being the channel from the deepest level of evil to these scientists, like at Douglas Aircraft, who are building all of these things. It's like it's all starting to come together, but my mind's still very shattered and broken, and things come in and I document it, and I do the best that I can. But what the Holy Spirit wants me to know, is this is very real. They are real, and people may not fool around with going out to look at UFOs. It's dangerous. It's very dangerous.
DAN: So, now, you were cross-programmed with your sister. And your sister in her book wrote about being trafficked to many U.S. presidents, having to have sex with them, having to have sex with major people in sports, and—
ESTHER: Religion.
DAN: —religion. Now, while she was doing that, what role did you have as the one she was twinned with? Was there a significance?
ESTHER: Yes, yes. The way they had us programmed, the demonic— I was being exposed to the highest level of demonic forces possible. I have been in deliverance coughing and yawning up demons for four and a half years, and I'm still not done. While my sister was having sex and hands-on with the president, with religious leaders, with people in all [capacities], world leaders, and being taken in Satanic ritual with them, I was sending those demons into her that were going into them.
And I think she wrote in Thanks for the Memories that she didn't understand why they would use her as the rape victim at every Satanic ritual. Everyone would line up to have sex with her, and she didn't understand. But they were getting their demonic hit. Every time she was raped on the altar, the people coming forward were getting demonic power from her. And it was being funneled largely through me. And I don't know how our triplet factors into this, but I was the food, the demonic food, sending all these demons into her. I was sending the demons into her. I wasn’t, but my programming and the way it was set up was linking all those demons to her, and then she was delivering them to all the leaders. And the truth is, she got them all.
It's all the leaders; it's all the leaders. And it's some that people think are awesome. And the reason I believe the reason that people are all different in how they've been programmed, and they're all different in the way they've been used, and they're all different in what they know of God, and they're all different in whether they are good-hearted— I mean, that's what Jesus looks at: our heart, what's in there. And so, some leaders have done some pretty incredible things, but they were still bloodline families, because you're not allowed to be president unless you are a bloodline family. That's it. You’ve got to be part of it. You're chosen. You are a chosen person. And our country hasn't been free of this Nazi thing, ever. Because as Sue wrote in Thanks for the Memories, the Project Paperclip, the doctors, Josef Mengele was my programmer and my torturer and my creator, and Wernher von Braun was hers at NASA. So, we have NASA — it's all about this. NASA is a big lie, all that. Everything there. It’s like, this little story out here while they're creating UFOs; they're creating all of this stuff. And the masterminds from Nazi Germany took over the United States a long time ago with the CIA with George Bush. So, George Bush senior put all that into place, everything locked up. We're still under all of that. It's all a foundation.
(51:45) So, it’s time to save— What the Holy Spirit wants us to do, what Jesus wants us to do, all of us need to just totally turn to Him. And he has got to be everything, right now, everything to us. We cannot afford to not be in the Bible. We can't afford to not be praying or waking up, whether you're a victim or not. We all have to work together.
And Daniel said in one of his talks that as we save the victims it depopulates Satan's army. And that may be my words, but that's how I felt. If every Christian would just jump on the bandwagon here and help all these victims get free, it would undo Satan's whole plan. I mean, Satan can't do a thing without all of us slaves.
(54:00) Sue growing up in California and having done her recovery in California, a lot of people were — she knew Jesus always — but a lot of the focus was on therapy, you know, going to therapists who knew. And Jesus made it very clear in the very beginning when he rescued me, there's no way. There’s no way that anyone could get out of this. It's a spiritual issue, and there is no other way, other than Jesus. He is a solution, which is so awesome because it makes it easier. I mean, you don't have to be running around trying to find the answer: you just go to Jesus. And He has the answer for every single survivor and their helpers.
DAN: Now, I have a question. With the way that they set things up, so, they used you kind of like a strong-man anchor point. And so, you were able to send this massive demonic hit, but it was almost like psychically, if we can use that term.
ESTHER: It was automatic; it was just an automatic transfer. It went— I don't even think I had parts [alters] who were involved in that.
DAN: It was automatic; right through you to her.
ESTHER: Yeah, to her.
DAN: And so, all of these people that were using her and raping her at these rituals, they would all get that hit, and they kept coming back for it. Would you suggest that from the kingdom-of-darkness perspective, and maybe on an astral plane, this was building a grid of people?
ESTHER: Yeah, absolutely. Oh, yeah.
DAN: It was putting people on a grid of control and demonic manipulation.
ESTHER: Yes. And it was looping them in so they couldn't get out. [For example] Sue wrote a lot about John Kennedy. And she loved him, and she had sex with him a lot. And he was an amazing person, but he was a bloodline guy. And I think where the Holy Spirit has helped me to understand, one day I'm reading the Bible and I read the Ten Commandments. And I look at the Holy Spirit and I say, “How on Earth am I supposed to honor my my mother and father? Help me.” And he said, “You can honor them by writing why they did what they did.”
And as I have gone through my own recovery, I wasn't like Sue where I got to have public memories of a good life and the bad stuff — mine was all bad. But I realized, I did all that evil. My whole [life]. Sixty-eight years. Sixty-eight years of being used in that evil capacity that I had no control over. I had no choice. There was no chance that I could ever, ever have gotten in control of myself.
And it was only because our mother, who was raised by that witch, Winnie, got down on her knees as a victim of this— had no clue, [gave birth to] Sue, brought her home, got down on her knees, and her words were, “God, please help her.” That's all she said. God said, “That's all I needed to hear.” It set my whole course of our life to undo Sue, to set me free, to set— our mother actually was saved before she died. The people don't have a choice! They don't have a choice! And most people don’t even know! If my mom, our mom, hadn't said that prayer, Jesus wouldn't have had the legal permission to rescue me. I mean, three words.
DAN: Okay. Considering the twinning aspect, talk about the effect that that has on the mind. What possibility exists for memories to bleed from you to your twin, from your twin back to you, information that one learns? What is the nature of that mind connection?
ESTHER: The one-mind Josef-Mengele programming was powerful. But then they used programming to sophisticate and make it more detailed by, like, having Sue be the public person and me be the private person, but me having programming that links me so closely to Sue that I am with her in everything she does and have memory of everything she ever did — including having sex with her husband. So, that part of it has helped me in my recovery. It's like I have my sister to be able to confirm some stuff.
The programming was so high-tech way back when we were little kids, and then when Sue started breaking down and having memories in 1984, ’85, that's when Henry Kissinger said, “We’ve got to watch how she does this, because others that have the same system are going to be breaking down, too, and so we need to know how to fix this.”
Well, over the years they did upgrades and upgrades and upgrades and upgrades and upgrades. And so, our programming got more sophisticated, and they actually did the AI. And all the programs that Sue had discovered — she worked very hard to discover all the programs Wernher von Braun did, all the codes, the keys, the triggers, you know, what everything was — they overrode that and just did everything with frequency so you can't identify it, so survivors couldn't identify their frequency programming because they couldn't see it.
And that's when the Holy Spirit began to show me how right now, it's such high tech that it's nearly impossible to undo without supernatural intervention from Jesus Christ. . . . They've gotten so high-tech advanced that the younger people are going to have— Without Jesus, it's impossible to get out, because they can't read it, find it, discover it like Sue did.
Without Thanks for the Memories, I mean Sue just dedicated her life to it. And the threats that she got from it and the punishment that she received were something she could have never, ever imagined they would do to her and her daughte, but that's what happened. Kelly took a lot of the punishment for Thanks for the Memories; it was bad. They do very evil things to control people like Sue and me.
So, we need a lot of prayer. We need all of us real Christians, real true Christians that know Jesus, please pray and intercede for all these people, because in doing so, what the Holy Spirit showed me is that the church is undoing what's about to be done to them. It's been done to the victims, all of us; now it's about to happen to everybody. What happened to us, the entire world is about to be completely enslaved and taken over with mind control that is frequency that they can't figure out.
DAN: The painful part of the journey that I had to take in trying to help people is, it wasn't until I really got to the “Extreme Prayers that Shake Heaven and Earth” that that level of understanding and ability to articulate concepts that were being utilized to hold people in bondage that I started seeing massive breakthroughs in people that would consider themselves targeted individuals. And the people that do consider themselves targeted individuals, they go through things that can be very difficult to explain. “Well, yeah, I wake up with scoop marks, but I don't know why. People follow me and traffic patterns move strangely around me. I will just have ringing in my ears, and then suddenly it's like I'm a different person.”
There's a lot of stuff, and it feels very violating and confusing and impossible to solve, and started to really get some traction when we we got the extreme prayers together, because I was, for instance, able to begin hacking away at the artificial intelligence. And the artificial intelligence is a quantum problem. It's not like power lines running into people. The artificial intelligence is working off of these cosmic computers. They don't even exist on the planet: they're off-planet, some of them. Some of them exist on craft that go interdimensionally. But they're going in and out of people, the computers and the artificial intelligence, the programs. It's this massively complex problem set.
And of course, it's not even human intelligence that built half of this stuff: most of this stuff was was not built— The angels used the artificial intelligence to build the technology that they're using on people now. Not even all of the fallen angels are smart enough to figure this stuff out, which is probably going to be shameful for them to hear me say, but they know it’s true.
It’s a tough problem, right? But we were able to start getting some language around this stuff and start hacking away at it. And it is a massive thing. It’s not bigger than Jesus, though. And I was very encouraged when I found out that you did say some of the prayers in that book and they were helpful; that was very encouraging to me.
ESTHER: They are. And some of them took me into such deep deliverance that I had to go lie down. And some of the deliverances were huge. But yes, I have completed almost all of them. . . . The Holy Spirit is directing my path through your books. . . .
(1:09:30) DAN: So, coming back to some of these themes, we're learning that you had one-mind programming that was then reinforced, and then over the years the programming was upgraded and upgraded and upgraded. Now, you are sitting in some ways in Sue Ford’s life. And so, if you have Sue Ford's life, and have had it since 2018, then where's the Sue Ford that wrote the book?
ESTHER: I don't know this one hundred percent. What I do know one hundred percent is that they kept reprogramming her towards the end there, when she was remembering all that stuff I talked to you about. They were like, “This is it: we've had it with you.” I mean, they were [afraid] that she just would not stop. So, what the Holy Spirit has told me is that they they wiped her mind, and they are using her as the mind file that I once was for Alexander Rothschild. And I can't tell you how much pain this causes me. And all I know is that the Holy Spirit just keeps saying, “Trust me, trust me; I have a plan.” And so, I ask everyone, please pray for Sue Ford, and her daughter, and her children, and the whole family there. But really, for Sue, I mean, I know that when we die — if we're saved, and I know she is, I know she knew Jesus very well — that we we don't ever really die — we we just get to be with Him. So, for myself and for her, I'm okay with all that. But right now, I want her to understand that all the work that she did, years of work, I want her to be able to be with me. That's not what the Holy Spirit's saying, but she's not here, and she has not shown up again.
(1:12:00) And I didn't understand why the Holy Spirit wouldn't let me talk to you or anyone else until last week. And that was because he wanted me to be so sure that I am not part of her programming, that I am real, that my life underground, all over the place, all over the world, is real. And I know. Now I know my life is real. And I know that Sue is my identical twin.
And what was really weird was, some programmer asked her, when she was being turned in for reporting that she knew she actually had memories of a real twin sister. This was a long, long time ago in the 1990s, 1980s. And the question the programmer asked her was, “Do you—?” He was using ideomotor [response], where he asked a question and he raised one finger for yes and one for no. “Do you have a twin sister that's two inches shorter than you?” And I don't know what she answered; I'm sure it was “yes,” because it got her reprogrammed for three months at Redstone Arsenal, a long time ago.
But I went to her doctor in her life here, and they weighed me and took my height, and the nurse looked at me and she said, “You've shrunk two inches.” And there was that question that the programmer had asked. I am two inches shorter than my twin. Her clothes— I never bought anything. I'm just using all her stuff. Her clothes are big on me.
So, I believe that God in his infinite wisdom has perfect timing, if we will all just get on board with Him, and stay on board with Him, that he has a plan for his remnant. And I realize now that you're a big part of that in ways that I could have never imagined — that book with all the high tech in it that I can't even understand.
And one final thing is that on Rosh Hashanah of this year — the day of atonement — I fasted and I repented not just for my sin but for my entire bloodline’s, because I was genetically engineered; I have a bunch of evil bloodlines, which I'm digging out of with the help of the Holy Spirit.
But I was in my Bible chair, and I'm praying, and the Holy Spirit talks to me as always. But I looked behind me and there was this big huge bright light behind me. And the Holy Spirit told me it was Archangel Raphael that he had sent in order to help meet him. When I calmed down and I realized I was hearing from Raphael, he was speaking to me like angels in the Bible spoke to people who didn't believe.
Where I'm going with this is that our heavenly father — and I call him Aba Ya, because I had too many father evil Roman Catholic — he told me that he sent Archangel Raphael to help me; and for eight days straight Archangel Raphael helped me through the books, through Daniel's books. The Extreme Prayers book, especially, through all the ones that say, “do not do this without a coach or you could go unconscious.” And I had an incredible angel help me, and I went into the deepest deliverance for the last ten days during Rosh Hashanah, and the the feast days; it was absolutely amazing.
And then I was notified that I am released after all this time to talk to Daniel Duval. And he's just had a baby, and he's got no schedule, and he is unreachable, but God made a way. So, God is amazing. . . . God is all about truth, and He is telling us the truth, and he doesn't want his people to be blinded.
And it's like this church that I tried to go to: they just wanted me to shut up. And I couldn’t; I couldn't shut up. And the Holy Spirit showed me this picture — I have it in other room — it's of this lady with her hand up like this. And he said, “How on Earth are you going to help yourself and others doing this?”
I mean so it's like the church has got to wake up, if there really is a real church. The real church needs to wake up, because this is Satan's plan. And Satan is their enemy, but most of them don't know he's even real.
DAN: Well, that will change. I just want you to know I’m very grateful for you.
ESTHER: I'm grateful for you. I am very grateful for Jesus calling you. Most people can't even hear one survivor, and you've had years of hearing this. And what a gift that you understand. I mean, I don't have anyone to talk to that understands any of this. And they all think I'm crazy. But God has set you in a place where there's hope for this to be turned around, for the people that are involved to be set free.
And the Christians need to understand; the true believers need to understand that they're next. I don't think most people have thought about that, but the Holy Spirit showed me that very clearly. They're next; they're next to be enslaved. You know, this is Nazi Germany, and we are in stages. And it's so, so Nazi.
Anyway, thank you so much. And the ministry is of Jesus; it's a real thing. It's real God. Supernatural and all of it. It's just, this is real! This is a real thing! The only way out of this is supernaturally, connected every way to Jesus.
The other thing I wanted to tell people that are survivors before we close this off is that — it’s been a couple of years — the Holy Spirit told me: get a bottle of olive oil and put your hands around it, and asked me to come into that oil. “Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Holy Spirit, come in this.” And every single morning, He's had me take that oil and anoint myself in covenant with Him. And I didn't realize why I was doing that. But I understand now, coming in covenant with Him was lining me all up, and my parts [alters], lining us all up under the lordship of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in covenant with Him.
So, I don't know if everybody wants to pray about that. I pray about everything. I don't do anything Jesus doesn't tell me to do. But we we need the easiest, fastest track to get out of this. My sister spent from 30 years old to 68, and she did a lot of work compared to what everyone else was doing. But now we're at the point where [in order for] people to get free, what the Holy Spirit is showing me is that the door is getting ready to close, where people won't have that opportunity. So we all need to urgently jump on the bandwagon with Jesus to make this happen.
Read Thanks for the Memories -
Baron Guy Édouard de Rothschild (1909-2007)
He was a great-great grandson of the German patriarch of the Rothschild family Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1743–1812), who founded the family's banking in the 18th century in Frankfurt, Germany.
Very informative interview. So many points ~ and so sad. Our government is so much worse than I thought.
I never dreamed that evil spirits could be entering the person who is raping a child. It would explain the obsession with it. And to think that the future has Nazi elements- I have heard this from other sources.