The First Reptilian-Human Hybrid in Ancient Sumer
Inanna, also known as Ishtar, Isis, Astarte and Aphrodite
Today I was reading an old post summarizing conversations between Peter Moon and a woman named Anna, who was a slave of Ewen Cameron, the first director of the CIA’s MK-ULTRA mind-control program.
At the time I published the post, I was more interested in Ewen Cameron’s relationship with Joseph Kennedy, as Anna described gatherings of influential men hosted by Kennedy, for which Cameron would provide Monarch sex slaves.
But as I read the post, something else stood out, and that was that Cameron believed that Anna was directly descended from Inanna, and even more significant, that Inanna was the first reptilian-human hybrid created in Sumer.
Here is Peter Moon’s account:
Anna was born in Washington, D.C., on 11/11/1942, a date specially chosen for astrological reasons. Her birth was carefully planned, and she was considered to be the reincarnation of Inanna, the daughter of Enki in ancient Sumer.
Anna explained that Cameron’s family, like hers, were multigenerational occultists. Both families embraced the same occult philosophy as those who surrounded Hitler. They believed that as Aryans, their genetic lines predated ancient Sumeria. Identified as the Sumerian Brotherhood of the Snake, or the Vril, these people . . . [founded] the Knights Templar, the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and every other secret society. Anna refers to these as the Controllers, and says that this elite group changed the very nature of time.
Anna was designated as Ewen Cameron’s control, a term that denotes ownership. Ewen believed that she was the incarnation of Inanna, the first “non-human vehicle” on Earth. The Controllers believed that by harnessing the energy of the goddess, they would [have dominion].
Efforts had been made since the beginning of time to keep the Cameron lineage pure. She said that the Brotherhood of the Snake operated through the Assassins [the Jesuits?] . . . One of their primary missions was to keep the lineage of the Aryan blood line pure. Ewen was a part of this and his specialty was mind control. He used these very words to her in describing his role. His goal was to keep the genetic line [pure] in order to establish and maintain the New World Order. The desired population were to be Aryan.
Suddenly, things became clearer. Inanna was the daughter of Enki, meaning she was genetically engineered by Enki. Enki is an Anunnaki, and the Anunnaki are “master geneticists,” according to Megan Rose. According to Rose, “Long ago, they [the Anunnaki] made an alliance with Draco reptilians to manipulate the genetics of the human race into a slave race” (2021).
Again, on August 1, 2022, Rose said,
“They have many, many practices of genetic research in the human race. And he’s saying that they’ve come back through the centuries. Many, many years ago, they made an alliance with reptilians . . . many, many years ago. He’s showing me them experimenting on the human race.”
When Megan Rose talks about the Anunnaki creating a slave race, she’s talking about their manipulations of blacks in Africa — which was unlawful, as the blacks were supposed to be left alone (see The Only Planet of Choice). But her information about an alliance between the Draco and the Anunnaki is significant.
According to Stewart Swerdlow (2002), in the past the Draco depended upon other races for advanced technology. Though they are extremely intelligent, the people from Sirius A and their offshoots in the Orion Constellation were even more advanced.
Here is my theory. In ancient Sumer the Draco made a deal with an Anunnaki leader, Enki, according to which Enki would create a hybrid reptilian-human race to rule Earth. Enki’s first hybrid was Inanna, and she was made into an earthly goddess.
In the Babylonian creation story, Enuma Elish (tablet VI), “Marduk” divides the “Anunna” into 300 assigned to the heavens, and 300 to the netherworld:
King Marduk divided the gods,
All the Anunnaki into upper and lower groups.
He assigned 300 in the heavens to guard the decrees of Anu
And appointed them as a guard.
Next he arranged the organization of the netherworld.
In heaven and netherworld he stationed 600 gods.
What the Enuma Elish here calls Anunnaki may be hybrids. If this is the case, then the Committee of 300 may be descendants of the hybrids who lived on Earth as rulers, and another 300 hybrids may have remained “in the heavens,” perhaps on the planet-ship, Nibiru.
Another possible interpretation is that 300 lived on Earth (the upper group) and 300 lived inside Earth.
Chronological History of the Terran Race (Diana Barahona)
Who are the Anunnaki? (Diana Barahona)
Moon, Peter (1997). The Black Sun: Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connection. Westbury, New York: Sky Books.
Rose, Megan (2021). Welcome to the Future: An Alien Abduction, A Galactic War and and the Birth of a New Era. Self-published.
Swerdlow, Stewart (2002). Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict and Creation--A Personal Account. St. Joseph, Michigan: Expansions Publishing Company, Inc.
Swerdlow, Stewart (2014). True World History: Humanity’s Saga. St. Joseph, Michigan: Expansions Publishing Company, Inc.
This is very interesting information! Love how you put many sources together to complete the story, which is how deciphering the truth is. Attached is a recent video from Disclosures with Peter The Insider on Jessica Arael Marrocco's channel. She goes through the glyphs and carvings and asks Peter about them and he gives out the information and she keeps asking more questions and he keeps answering. He explains about the Annuaki, the watches they wear, the giants and little people, that purse they carry and much more.