The Great Replacement
"They’re mixing human DNA with ET DNA and they’re growing hybrids in a vat system and a regeneration tank"
Originally posted HERE
Mankind is currently facing many threats due to the genetic research. It is now possible to create a super human, a specialized human being, a genetically engineered athlete, scientist, military man. – President Vladimir Putin (1:49:00)
Hidden beneath Archuleta Mesa on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation near Dulce, New Mexico, was one of the most protected sites in the world. This was the first Joint United States Government/Alien Biogenetics Laboratory. Others existed in Colorado, Nevada, Arizona and a number of other locations, but Dulce was the largest.
The deep underground military bases known as DUMBs (132 in the U.S.), the magnetic levitation train system that connected them, and the activities that took place in them have been described by multiple eye-witnesses. One witness was Phil Schneider, a former geologist for the United States and NATO who carved out 13 underground U.S. bases.
Another eye-witness was former security officer Thomas Edwin Castello. He claimed that the projects at Dulce involved reverse engineering of ET technology, development of mind control methods, and genetic experiments — which included human-animal chimeras and human-ET hybrids, as well as cloning.
Ileana the Star Traveler:
So, what’s on top of Area 51—the military hangars, the buildings—those are just surface-level buildings where there are things that are normal. The things that are experimental—the things that are UFO crafts being reverse-engineered, ancient AI technology being studied, creating human-ET hybrids with grey DNA, the regeneration tanks, the plasma-like fluid that heals things—that’s what I had seen in S1.
And they’re doing a lot of DNA experiments. They’re mixing human DNA with ET DNA, studying it, and they’re growing hybrids in what I can only describe as a vat system and a regeneration tank. And you’re seeing how the beings are grown, from gestation to fully grown. And it takes time for them to go through the maturation process and develop. And then, once they’re fully grown, I’m assuming somehow a soul steps into the body vessel.
(9:15) And these humanoid-ET hybrids are then transferred into a circular saucer craft and taken away for training to integrate with the humans on the surface of the planet. That’s what they were doing in S1 where I had been taken.
When a clone is being created, the body grown, what can happen is, they might not have an original soul coming to the vessel of the clone. They might get a little disk, very small disk implant that has the vibrational frequency with somebody else’s memories and experiences, and that’s implanted at the back of the head or the neck, and it integrates with the cranial brain capacity, that little disk implant. And it’s nanotechnology and crystalline technology, and it literally is the soul-vibration that this clone will carry. It is not an original soul, but it is an implant of a soul frequency, because not all clones get a new soul walking into the clone body.
Sometimes what happens is, frequency-wise, there is technology with frequency, vibration, that can entrap a soul to come into a clone body. But usually, the clone receives this little disk insertion, dermal implant, through the skin to the back of the head or the neck. And it has memories and experiences, traits and characteristics of somebody that had been alive at one point—or is still alive—and their life experience information and memories have been copied from them to put into this clone body that’s grown and maturated at Area 51 in the S1 facilities. So, again, the clone does not necessarily have to have a fresh soul walk into it, or call in a soul to come inside of it. . . .
At Area 51, though, they’re using those nanotech disks, [which] store memories and experiences of other people, to put in the clone, to power the clone. And the clone won’t know that it’s somebody else. The clone will think it’s that person, unless it’s given other memories that are protonic inserts that are put on that disk. Because the disk can be reprogrammed, and more things—memories, traits, characteristics—can be added to it along with that programming of what the clone is supposed to do. The clone is programmed. That’s what they figured out how to do at Area 51 with the maturated cloned bodies of the human-ET hybrids, the genetic imprint that they have on that clone. – Cloning and Growing Grey-Human Hybrids at Area 51
James Rink, from his book, Lone Wolf: Alpha Squad Copy Over
There is also a list which shows how many spaceships the reptilians had given to the shadow government, about 100, as well as the amount of credit each ship was worth.
I see pictures of brown robotic greys with metal appendages and how many of these were given to the U.S. government each year–about 100,000 units. These [units] do not have souls and are simply biological [robots] enhanced with nanotechnology. They are prone to breaking down.
It appears they are being used for some kind of breeding program. Inside these robots is a round receptacle between the legs. There is some kind of device which makes contact with a [man’s] penis and extracts semen. It’s then stored inside the unit and injected with nanotechnology to alter it. Once the semen is changed, the robot puts on a different [appendage] and implants this semen into an unwitting [woman]. These robots are also used to drug people. They can target people they don’t like and infect them with illnesses. (p. 224)
And these humanoid-ET hybrids are then transferred into a circular saucer craft and taken away for training to integrate with the humans on the surface of the planet. That’s what they were doing in S1 where I had been taken. - Ileana the Star Traveler
Born in West Germany in 1954, Angela Merkel is rumored to be the granddaughter of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. She became a research scientist with a doctorate in physical chemistry. Merkel had only been a member of the Christian Democratic Union for a year when chancellor Helmut Kohl surprisingly made her the minister for women and youth. She was elected chancellor in 2005, and by 2008 had became the defacto leader of the European Union, ushering in the New World Order until 2021.
George Soros was born on August 12, 1930. Undoubtedly a Rothschild, Soros became the phoenix on the Satanic Council in 1960.
Aug. 12, 1983, was the day the NSA acquired time-travel technology. Giving Soros such a significant birth date may be the Satanists’ way of boasting about their ability to insert a NWO agent in Earth’s timeline.
The Satanists also love to infiltrate the ranks of their adversaries with agents. These agents discredit and destroy whatever groups they identify themselves with by perverting their values to advance the New World Order. Advancing the NWO while calling it Zionism, socialism, trade unionism, environmentalism, civil rights, human rights, etc., crates confusion, conflict and mutual distrust, rendering mankind powerless to unite and fight back by traditional methods.
George H.W. Bush was stationed in China from Oct. 1974 to Nov. 1975. This was around the time that Mao Zedong began to accuse Deng Xiaoping of being a “capitalist-roader.” Following Mao’s death, Deng became the maximum leader of the PRC, in December 1978. Under his leadership, the Communist Party of China was transformed into a subsidiary of the Luciferian Brotherhood, and China became a Luciferian-controlled state.
Former Chinese president, Hu Jintau (79), is unceremoniously removed from 2022 Communist Party of China Congress
When a vril introduces its proboscis in a person’s brain through the eye, the eye usually bulges out. The vril kills the host and then lives in the host’s body for three years, which is its life span. (See Donald Marshall)
J. Edgar Hoover served as FBI director from 1924 to 1972, a combined 48 years with the BOI, DOI, and FBI. Hoover was a cross-dressing homosexual and a pedophile, and I believe he was a grey-human hybrid inserted in Earth’s timeline. Note the ‘Lori Lightfoot’ eyes and the shapeless nose, suggesting he was born without nasal cartilage.
Affirmative action and skin-deep diversity was just a ruse to place NWO agents in power. There has been systematic discrimination since the end of the 1970s against people not controlled by the Satanists.
Bill Clinton was being groomed to slip into the office of president because he would do and say what needed to be done. Therefore, it was decided in 1984 that—I heard him and George Bush talking at Swiss Villa Amphitheater in Lampe, Missouri—that when people became disillusioned with Republicans leading them into the New World Order, then Bill Clinton as a Democrat would be put into place. – Cathy O’Brien Trance the Movie
“Bill, you are Mr. Casey’s fair-haired boy. You and your state have been our greatest asset. Mr. Casey wanted me to pass on to you that unless you f*** up and do something stupid, you’re number-one on the short list for a shot at the job that you’ve always wanted. You and guys like you are the fathers of the new government. We are the new covenant.”
– William Barr speaking to Gov. Bill Clinton in Little Rock, Arkansas (
One of the most interesting [discussions] was between George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton. George Bush was talking about how he believed in pedophilia so strongly, especially incest, in sexually abusing a child to heighten their suggestibility. He was very much for that aspect of things, whereas Bill Clinton was discussing how he believed in the genetic cloning aspect of things and genetic manipulation; how important it was for us to be able to catch up with artificial intelligence by stopping human procreation and creating a generation of genderless children. – Cathy O’Brien (
Pope Francis is from Argentina, which had a large Nazi presence and an NSA DUMB producing hybrids and clones. The Jesuit order is one of five Luciferian secret societies, the other four being the Temple of Satan, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), the Masonic orders and Kaballah.
More than meets the eye: all of these people are chattel slaves.
Seemingly overnight, everyone in the world has Asian eyes.
Like Oprah and Joy Reid, Whoopie Goldberg (Caryn Johnson) was raised by a single mother. The story is that her father was Robert Johnson, a Baptist clergyman: she isn’t Jewish and she isn’t Asian. Whoopie’s only child, Alex, was with her first husband, Alvin “Louise” Martin, whose nose appears to have been reconstructed. Alex has three children with Bernard Dean, whose nose also appears to have been reconstructed. Their children look natural.
Note the device over the bridge of the nose, which is especially prominent in Bernard Dean, above. This may be prosthetic nasal cartilage. And why are there no news reports of all of the babies born without noses?
The greys . . . have demonstrated an interest in human emotions relative to mothering and human relationships with their children. (See Appendix)
You’ve got ETs who own DNA down here; you’ve got ET corporations who own people down here through, like, banks and medical facilities, and everything else.
There is a certain web site, and I don’t remember what it’s called, where you can actually type in your social security number, and it will tell you what companies own you. And at first I thought this was a fraud, and I typed in like five people’s social security numbers, and some of them I just made up. And some of the corporations were the same. But the one that freaks me out the most is when I typed mine in: it actually gave the name of my grandparents’ great-grandfather. Like, their line before they changed their last name was on there, and that completely sold me; I was like, “Oh my God, this thing is real.” – Apollymi Mandylion (1:20:00)
This is like a human, but then as soon as I looked at him, it’s like not really. Sort of like some type of synthetic android-type person, but they look human. But they’re not human. And he shows me in this guy’s brain, that there’s a chip. There’s a chip in his brain. – Megan Rose (June 16, 2022)
“Within the bowels of these DUMBS are quantum supercomputers, known simply as The Beast, which monitor fiberoptic implants placed within all clones and Monarch victims. Using a process known as remote neural monitoring, the NSA can record what they hear and see by tapping into the electrical impulses of the brain. The government’s goal to chip the world population has been put on the fast track. In the early 1990s, 1 out of 40 people were chipped. According to James Casbolt, the world’s population is expected to be chipped by 2009.” – James Rink, Lone Wolf (2012)
Note from the author: It’s evident that many malformations occurred when greys were mixing grey DNA with the DNA from Terran mothers and fathers, which accounts for gross deformities, hydrocephaly, Down’s syndrome, a lack of nasal cartilege, one eye lower than the other eye, excessively slanted eyes, and Lori Lightfoot eyes (Crouzon syndrome – which possibly affected Clinton and Susan Rice). When parents were allowed to reproduce naturally, we start to see children with the more attractive eyes of Annalena Baerbock, Greta Thunberg and Rosie O’Donnell’s adopted daughter.
With regards to how this may have affected people spiritually, I’ve seen no evidence that having grey DNA, by itself, has any effect on a soul, since there are many good and even noble people with these facial characteristics. Grey DNA may have made the hive-mind control system possible in theory, but human beings never lost their power to reject the signals and think and act for themselves.
The widespread moral degeneracy of the late 20th century can be attributed to highly advanced social control mechanisms that were in place that rewarded and normalized depravity by various means. It can also be attributed to “Montauk” programming, which wouldn’t be necessary if DNA had any effect on the soul. It is my view that the Terran race wasn’t genetically damaged by hybridization, and it may have raised the average intelligence.
Appendix 1 – hybrids
Appendix 2 – birth defects
Megan Rose (Oct. 24, 2021). “The War Underground: Dulce and Area 51” (
Megan Rose (June 16, 2022). “Galactic Federation: Australia, Area 51 and US Navy” (
Megan Rose (2021). Welcome to the Future: An Alien Abduction, A Galactic War and the Birth of a New Era. (See Megan Rose: Welcome to the Future)
Thomas Castello. “Dulce Base: The Thomas Castello Declaration.”
Scott Matthews describes his tour of the Dulce base
James Rink (2012). Lone Wolf. (
Project Camelot: “Underground Bases and Tunnels”
So interesting
These people making so much trouble for humanity. They must be bored with their lives. Why don't they just take up a hobby or two?