"We are In a Military Coup" Says CIA Officer Involved in Removal of Three U.S. Presidents
Steve Pieczenik joined a secret military faction to bring down the Cabal
Just one more.
The title of this video is “Steve Pieczenik’s Last Appearance on Infowars?” and it was recorded January 13, 2021. Here are some excerpts:
“You’ve never been in a military coup. You do not understand how quickly we work and how long we’ve been preparing for this.”
“This is a fascist system coming from . . . Obama, from Brennan.”
“When does the director of the CIA, who’s a Catholic moron from Florida, who screwed up in Saudi Arabia, becomes the deputy director of the CIA, was an analyst, and then brings forth another CIA operative in Obama—”
ALEX: “I like Steve; he’s been on the show about 19 years.”
4:00 “Let’s first tackle the fact that we are now officially in a military coup. What has happened, and why I was part of it, is because I’ve had a hstory of doing soft coups in the United States, and what we call hard coups overseas—overthrowing regimes, at least in the military. In this case, we had what we call a hard coup.”
“It was initiated a month and a half ago, two months ago, by our cyber command using special forces. There were over 400 people from all parts of the intelligence community: I won’t go into the names. But in effect, now we are about to arrest Pelosi, we are going to arrest Biden, Hunter Biden, Mitt Romney—you’re talking about a whole list of individuals whom I identified on this show for years. When I said, “Gina Haspel has to go,” she went. When I said Barr was a CIA operative, he went. When I told you Pence was not to be believed because he came out of a Democratic Catholic background, became an evangelical Christian, he left.”
“So, what’s happening now is that we are literally in a military coup. That means, in effect, this country will watch the arrests that will come out of this. We have already arrested, and basically overseas we have taken out the pope, whom I’ve identified for over 30 years as a terrorist—when he was director of the Jesuits had killed three of our American nuns (in El Salvador), two of our Jesuits.”
“We arrested an older man from the State Department, Stefano Serafini, who basically leaked all the information, used Leonardo, the sites going up to the satellites, which were controlled by the Vatican; we in turn intercepted all that information, and were able to get, with Nancy Pelosi’s computer—“
“By the way, there was no rioting in the Capitol. I happen to know three to four people here from my town who said it was very peaceful. The police took down the barriers. And in effect, what people don’t know is we sent special forces operators in there to take Pelosi’s computer.”
Let’s take a lunch break.
“This is important for you, Alex, to understand: you were the method through which we were able to implement the coup. When you used to ask me, how did I know what I was doing, or how could I predict, the truth was—and by the way, you did an excellent interview with Mike Flynn—the truth is, you were the vehicle through which I was promoting the necessary actions that had to be accomplished.”
“Think of that for a moment. You were the first entity. As a banned video, you were identified 19 years ago when you came forth and I associated with you on 9/11. Subsequently, many generals and special forces and cyber command at NSA and elsewhere understood that the wars that were created by Cheney—who will be under arrest—the coward that he was and the avoidance of going into the draft; by Mitt Romney, a Mormon, who will also be arrested for the corruption he committed with Ben Capital and elsewhere—he will probably be desanctified from the LDS.”
“All of these elements came out through you, Alex Jones. The reason we never used The New York Times, we didn’t do The Washington Post, we didn’t do any of the others: we understood who controlled them. I knew about the Murdoch family from the day they came over in 1958. I didn’t trust Murdoch, I didn’t trust his family. . . . He is a totally corrupt individual, and a coward, along with his family, who brought in all of these stations that kicked you and others off of it. So, you were chosen as the method through which we could initiate a military coup.”
. . .
“We marked the computers, we marked the ballots. Everything that was done was a sting operation. Nothing has changed. And what was done, it was done by Trump, a businessman who understood the degree of corruption that existed among the Democrats.”
. . .
11:00 “I’m about to say that Biden’s not going to be the president of the United States. What I’m going to be saying is that there are going to be massive arrests. What I’m saying in effect is that we are in martial law and we have a military coup, which simply means that there is going to be a large number of people who are going to be arrested, detained, and will be tried by military tribunal. The reason it’s military is because we no longer trust our CIA, we no longer trust our politicians, we do not trust our governors, we do not trust the senior officials who are in the Congress or in the Senate. It’s as simple as that. . . . I wrote the book 27 years ago about a military coup happening in the United States, State of Emergency.”
ALEX: Well, there is talk about the pope stepping down.
STEVE: Listen for a minute: the pope was arrested well over a year ago. The reason why he was arrested, Alex, because on your show I said this pope was corrupt and had been involved with terrorist organizations 20 to 30 years ago. I was forbidden to take him out under Cyrus Vance.”
“There will be people who will be arrested: Pelosi, Biden, Schumer.”
14:30 “John Roberts, the Supreme Court justice, has been indicted. He was corrupt at the time that he made the Obama case into a tax. He then went to Malta; he was paid off. He will be arrested. You’re talking about Obama’s people, where I said repeatedly, he was a CIA operative: there was nothing about him that was real. He was a homosexual who had been on drugs—“
16:00 “So, what I’m getting at is there are different types of generals. There are those who are secretaries of state, like Cheney, who said, “This is treason.” Then you got Liz Cheney, this incompetent fool from Wyoming, who said, “This is treason.” Who is the biggest Benedict Arnold in the history of the 20th century, that I’ve said to you for 19 years? The Cheney family is the equivalent of Benedict Arnold. He should have been arrested. He should have been executed for what he did all over the world. He sent our boys into war, to Iraq and Afghanistan.”
. . .
28:00 “I’m going to choose a businessman who effectively took down 42nd Street in New York, built hotels all over the country and the world, never asked for one penny in this action. And the man, I said to you for 30 years, do not listen to what he says: watch what he does. He’s brilliant. He came out of a past where his mother was from Scotland. his uncle, Trump, was a major, major professor at MIT in electronics and radar. He doesn’t say a word, but I’ll tell the following. . . . We’re going to talk about the president of MIT: he’s going to resign, because he’s compromised. The president of Harvard: compromised. The president of Cornell: compromised. You’re talking about people who have brought in Chinese operatives.“
30:00 “We have all of the companies that are under Chinese control: Tesla. We have the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, the Hilton chain, the Renaissance chain—I could go on and on for 30 companies that have been under Chinese control.”
Frustrating because Biden DID become "president." Word is he became president of the completely bankrupted U.S. Corporation and nothing more. Other's say it's not really him, but an actor in a mask, and everything is done from a studio.
All I really know for SURE is that Americans are being slaughtered right now with the jabs, DEWS, and other fun things in hospitals where we go for help. And the "warp speed" slaughter CONTINUES with no end in sight. Our courts fully support the wholesale slaughter of the American people at the hands of the federal government, all the way to SCOTUS. No part of this "plan" includes saving American LIVES, so again, it's very confusing.
If "Patriots are in control" then these purported "white hats" are apparently fully onboard with the depopulation of America right now.
Never paid much attention to Alex Jones, but I understand he's been proven right many times, over the years. I just don't like his over the top, pro-wrestler style of journalism. This video is something I would really love to believe. It would be glorious if Alex would be proven right, yet again. I'll bank on the fact that Trump doesn't like to lose and can't wait for the long-awaited and happy day when arrests are made public. Very interesting read!