By Dan Duval
Join us as Esther (born 1951) continues to share her story of surviving MK Ultra and Project Monarch programs. Dark secrets are revealed about mind control slavery, eugenics experiments, and Mengele experimenting on twins to achieve immortality.
Esther shares being experimented on by Mengele, which involved physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Traumatic childhood memories are discussed, including memories involving the pope. Esther walks us through her memories in the fashion in which they were recovered, highlighting the involvement of Jesus Christ in the healing process.
The horrific reality of secret organ harvesting factories is exposed, where live babies are slaughtered for their organs.
Esther discusses how her grandmother also knew Mengele intimately, and was involved in programming Esther and their twin sister with pins and drugs. Near-death experiences and demonic oppression are discussed.
The difficult realities of the dark world of mind control are exposed by the light of Jesus Christ, and in this podcast, the absolute supremacy of the finished work of Jesus Christ and the power of His kingdom are revealed.
Covered in this episode:
• MK Ultra and Project Monarch survivor's experiences as a hidden twin.
• Secret experiments and mind control on children.
• Traumatic events from childhood, including abuse and dissociation.
• Healing through faith.
• Secret baby organ harvesting factories.
• Josef Mengele
• Crimes of a former Pope
• Near-death experiences and demonic oppression.
• Healing and recovery through Jesus with a focus on memories and trauma.
• Jesus’s power to overcome mind control and depopulate Satan's army.
3:00 DAN: Welcome to Discovering Truth With Dan Duval. We're back, and I am back with Esther, aka Sue Ford’s Twin B, and we are here to continue the conversation that we have been having over the past several months. She's joined me on multiple occasions; now this will be our fourth interview together.
Now, if you read the book, Thanks For The Memories, you know that Sue Ford's life was the life of a true survivor of MK Ultra at the highest levels, Project Monarch at the highest levels, CIA programming at the highest levels, and that was Esther's sister. And as we have learned in taking our journey with Esther here on Discovering Truth, Esther was actually the twin — the hidden twin — of Sue Ford, the Sue Ford that wrote that book, living much of her life in underground bases and in different secret locations around the world. And she has now taken over her sister's life, and she is putting all the pieces together and joining us to continue this extraordinary story. Esther, welcome back to Discovering Truth with Dan Duval.
5:00 DAN: So, I'm going to just turn it over to you like last time. I think you're going to be reading us exerpts of the written memories that you have recovered and walking us through what the Lord has done.
ESTHER: Yes, I'm going to be reading just exactly from my journal, so things aren't in chronological age order so much, but they are— it's the information.
20:00 “And I said, [to Tommy, a three-year-old alter of Sue and Esther Ford] ‘Did Jesus say when to write the book and put it out?’ And Tommy said, ‘Jesus said you're writing it now, and more will come to add to it. Jesus say, Thank you, Esther.’ ”
And this was uh a couple days later — we were reading Acts, The Book of Acts, and I wrote, “Reading Acts this morning triggered me. Paul going to the Isle of Malta. We went there too.”
And I didn't get any memories about that, but later I did, but not here.
“And then again a few days later, we were out in the garden and I heard a little child's voice inside crying, and it was Tommy again. And he said, ‘Why they want to keep killing us, Mommy?’ And I said, I began to explain to Tommy, ‘Tommy, these were very sick, twisted evil men, and people who wanted desperately to know how we came back to life.’ But then I went into a panic and terror myself, but I couldn't figure out why.”
21:00 “And Jesus came in, and He said, ‘Esther, when you're ready, this will be very disturbing. I have Tommy with me. He is the one forward in the body who took this event. Eat now, or you won't be able to afterwards.’ ”
“And I said, ‘Okay, Tommy and Holy Spirit, I'm here. Jesus, please lead us.’ ”
“I keep hearing Catholic chant and prayer words chant repetitively. I see through the darkened cave-like area. It's underground. There are candles lit at the sides of the walls and on large pedestals in the room. The pope is there on his throne. He has on a white robe and the white cap on his head. Our body is in Susie part [Esther or Twin B] at three years old with curly blonde long hair, long, red velvet dress, before our hair was cut like a boy on both of us twins.”
22:00 “Tommy says, ‘Miss, this Tommy. Oops, I mean Esther. I forget.’ ” [Tommy has said he would refer to Sue Ford as Miss Sue.] He— I mean it was so real. I mean, the whole thing, he was having to adjust to that, too.
I know now Jesus say you are two different people. Sue I call ‘Miss Sue’ and you, Esther, I will call ‘Mommy.’
“So I said, ‘Esther.’ I said, ‘It's okay, Tommy, I understand. We were both, Twin A and B, called Susie or Sue, and both of us looked the same, had the same personality systems. So you were installed in both of us, and I remember some of what you had to go through when you told me about it last year in 2019, when we were first rescued. And I am so sorry.’ ”
23:00 “And Tommy said, ‘It’s okay, Miss Esther; I with Jesus. He helped Tommy stand and keep standing. Even when one Tommy falls to knees with too much torture, Tommy two takes over the body. And they made lots of numbered Tommies so we could make it to the end of competitions where they judged whose slave was the best and could take the most torture. Miss Esther, we always won. Daddy Rothschild’ ” — which is Guy Rothschild — “ ‘made sure we we did with the best latest and most advanced programmers like Josef Mengele. But Jesus brought me today to tell you about the pope when we were three years old in 1954.’ ”
“Pope Pius the XII — involved in Nazi Germany affairs, according to Wikipedia.”

“So we were taken by Baron de Rothschild in the dark of the night down into the tunnel under the Vatican. Daddy Rothschild wanted to be there with us; I think he wanted to meet the pope, too. Yes, there were many popes over our lifetime, but this one when we were three was especially bad.”
24:00 And I, Esther, I just, I wrote, “I keep dissociating, or maybe it's Tommy, but I lose my place listening to this memory.” So we were dissociating hearing it.
DAN: Wow.
ESTHER: So, Tommy says,
“Yes there were many popes over our lifetime, but this one when we were three was especially bad. Daddy hurried us he had on a robe kind of like the pope’s, and we got on a rickety old elevator of sorts down into the deepest part, where the pope was in that dark cave area lit with candles, creepy, and torches, which were the creepiest. Jesus says I can sleep on his lap tonight after I tell you this; otherwise I couldn't sleep because I would be too scared. My body is starting to shake now; sorry. Very nervous here's what happened.”
25:01 “The pope called his men — the priest, pontiff, all of those names he uses — to bring the ‘subject,’ he called us. Daddy Rothschild brought us to stand in front of him, and the pope asked us questions that he already must have known the answer to, because we were the only one there besides Daddy.”
“Pope asked, ‘What is your name?’ He asked in Latin, I think. And Daddy Rothschild told me what he said in English with his French accent. ‘Giuseppe,’ we said, because that is what Daddy said to tell him our name was, with our legs shaking so badly under our robe: ‘Giuseppe.’”
“He, the pope, kept asking questions, and I got so scared. Pee ran down into a little puddle at my feet. Daddy side-stepped me away from it. The pope motioned for Daddy to bring me closer for examination. That meant taking off our clothes to see if we were good enough, I guess.”
26:00 “Daddy brought me closer to the pope and took off all of our clothes. We were terrified then a pope told him to step aside. We didn't hear all of those words, but that is what Daddy did the pope stood up and he was naked under his huge robe, but he had this metal thing with pokers going out from it attached to his penis. He made us turn backwards to him, and he pushed us bent over at the waist, and then pulled his robe up and jammed his metal framed-with-pokers penis into our bottom. It ripped and shredded us. He entered our front and back, and we were no longer in our body — we were with our Jesus.”
27:00 “What would we have done without Jesus?
“Jesus held us in his arms while the pope did this to us, and we just closed our eyes eyes and stayed close to Jesus. We never want to be anywhere else, never. We'd rather die than be taken from Jesus.
“The pain was way past excruciating, and they brought towels to stick between our legs to catch and hold the blood. Daddy had a private surgeon waiting who came to our hotel room and worked for a long time sewing us up. We weren't in our body fully for quite some time, because healing from that was excruciatingly painful.
“You have no idea what a miracle it is that even today, we use the bathroom pretty normally compared to the number of times we have been assaulted by vicious torturers, men who cared not the slightest if they hurt us or maimed us or even killed us. Jesuit popes, Mengele, all did tortures and murderous things to us.”
28:00 “And Daddy” — Guy Rothschild — “demonstrating that we could die, be intentionally killed, and come back to life, only because of one thing that Daddy Guy didn't know, and that was our Jesus. It had nothing to do with us, and 100 percent of everything to do with Jesus. And most of the time he took most of the pain, if not all, but it was still terrifying and painful and too scary for a three-year-old.”
By Paul Lewis
June 14, 2007
Baron Guy de Rothschild, the patriarch of the French branch of the famous banking dynasty who rebuilt and expanded its Paris bank after it was seized during World War II and then saw it survive another government takeover in the 1980s, died Tuesday (June 12) in Paris. He was 98.
The Rothschild family announced the death, Agence France-Presse reported.
Lean and charming, the aristocratic Baron Guy was an heir to the House of Rothschild, whose several branches were financiers of kings and princes when Europe was a royal family affair.
Besides his financial acumen, he was celebrated in Paris, London, New York and elsewhere for the family wine, Château Lafite Rothschild, and for his thoroughbred racehorses. His enormous country home outside Paris, the Château de Ferrières, was regularly the scene of extravagant costume balls and dinners that set new standards for the Parisian high life.
After the fall of France in 1940, the pro-Nazi Vichy regime seized the family bank, which had been moved from Paris to the small southern town of La Bourboule in the Auvergne region. The next year, the baron slipped away to New York and then to London, where he joined General Charles de Gaulle’s Free French forces.
History repeated itself some 40 years later, when, in 1981, the newly elected Socialist-Communist coalition of President François Mitterrand nationalized the bank that the baron had reclaimed and built up again after World War II.
Although he had retired as chairman of the bank in 1979, Baron Guy was so disgusted by what France had done to his family for a second time that he again decamped to New York, where he helped run a small Rothschild business there.
But before leaving, he published a famous front page article in Le Monde accusing the Socialists of pandering to French anti-Semitism. It concluded: “A Jew under Pétain, a pariah under Mitterrand — for me that is enough.”
But fortune was to smile on the French Rothschilds again during the baron’s lifetime. In 1984, his eldest son, David, and a cousin, Eric de Rothschild, finally received permission from the Socialist government to found a new bank, which they had to call Paris Orléans Banque because they were banned from using the family name.
That restriction disappeared in 1986, however, after the Gaullist Jacques Chirac became prime minister. The bank was renamed Rothschild et Associes Banque and later Rothschild et Cie. Banque, reclaiming its old offices on the Rue Laffitte.
In his 198os autobiography, “The Whims of Fortune,” the baron wrote of the anguish of seeing his life’s work twice destroyed by government seizures. But the 1982 nationalization was particularly painful. Only three years earlier, he had merged the family’s holding company, Compagnie du Nord, with the bank. Thus, when the bank was taken over, the French state also acquired the family stake in many of the mining and industrial interests that he had built up.
I’m reading more and more about Luciferians and how wicked they are to children. I think that the darkness is finally being exposed by the Light.
Just like the other non Semite religions.