I first heard Chastity Campbell tell her story on James Rink’s Super Soldier Talk, and I was as captivated by her spirit as I was by her stories.
Super Soldier Talk – Chastity Campbell – Revelator of Fire
Chastity was told that one day she would testify in a universal tribunal about all of the crimes committed against humanity. She was told that she was the Revelator of Fire. Fire is the name of the immortal that governs the multiverse in which our universe, Nebadon, is located. This means that Chastity has been called by the ruler of a multiverse to bear witness on behalf of the human race.
There are seven multiverses, and each one of them is governed by one of the Immortal Seven. And we are in Fire’s multiverse, and our universe is called Nebadon.
Here’s another wonderful interview of Chastity by Tyler Kiwala and Aaron Kuhn, the creators of Journey to Truth Podcast.
Chastity Campbell was born just outside of Phoenix, Arizona, at Luke AFB, and taken at birth into government projects and programs, including Project Phoenix at Montauk. She has had many encounters with angels, earth-spirits, aliens and higher beings throughout her life. She has visited a spaceship city, and has been in underground facilities on Mars. She has also met Archangel Michael, who told her about the future end-times signs and events.
TYLER: We appreciate you stepping forward and and joining us today. And I know you have an incredible story that starts with at childhood right? And you've had just these amazing, I guess, sightings, visitations. You've seen a lot of stuff. But I would like to kind of fast forward a little bit and start at a part of your story where you were visited by a blue orb, and that orb led to you eventually being taken on the ship. And then that leads to so many more amazing things that we can get into. And then maybe we could start there and then kind of fill in the blanks about what happened in your life after that if you're okay with that.
CHASTITY: Okay. So, it was when I was married, and I would say it was about roughly between 2006 and 2010 that I started having really strong messages come forth that I would write down during the day. And it usually happened, of course, when I was in the shower, the bathroom or something; something about the water actually helps amplify all of that.
But at night I would have this orb come in, and it would start like as a pin prick, and then it would just drop down like a teardrop, and it like an electric blue. And it would do that and I would just stare at it wondering if anybody else could see it, and nudge my husband a couple times, “Hey, can you see this?” He's like, “What? No, I don't see anything.” And so I would just like look at it. Sometimes I would put my hand in it eventually, and my hand didn't disappear that I know of, and I didn't feel anything different, but it like hypnotizing, just the blue orb like a teardrop.
And then I started eventually having more like sci-fi dreams. And I went onto— I think it was a Pleiadian ship. It was definitely Galactic Federation.
Around this time, too, I was also talking to somebody named Merlin, and his wife is the great-granddaughter of the king and queen of Hawaii. And Merlin had told me a little bit about the ships as far as, you know, like that they were out there, told me their classes and stuff like that. I had no clue what he was talking about.
And when I went onto the ship, they gave me an outfit that was white. And it was very form-fitting, and there were no zippers, no pockets that I remember. And to get in and out you rubbed your hand down and then back up: down to open, up to close. And it was very comfortable just felt like you had on clothing that was part of your body.
And then I was given a tour. Inside of my room there was like a ambience light that— it just it was to give you like the the time of day simulation. And there was a bed; there was a couch. There was a restroom, but it wasn't anything like what we are used to. And to be honest, I don't remember but having to use it once, because it seemed like the suit like maybe absorbed things; I don't know. But I just didn't have to use it. And then there was a replicator and that was in the wall, and basically you just thought about what you would like and it would make it. It tapped into your thoughts and it would make it.
And then when we exited, it was almost like living in a mall where you have where you can overlook the different levels and see the other shops. It was like that. And it kind of did have shops, but you didn't have to pay to use them.
The floor that I remember the most of was the children's floor, the educational floor. And the kids were using holograms, and the kinetics, I think it's what it's called, where they make the objects float. They were practicing having blocks float in the air.
AARON KUHN: Telekinesis.
CHASTITY: Yeah. And then they had these chairs that kind of look like egg-shaped that they sat in. And they would look at a screen, and it just kind of flashed different things towards them. It was almost more like a triggering. It didn't seem to teach, like, long lessons, like what we're used to going to with classes; it was just almost like a triggering to remembering. And the kids weren't very old, I would say at most maybe 10. And they were enjoying themselves. It was playful; it wasn't rigid and structured and strict.
And then, the other place that I remember was the meeting hall that they took me to. And I had been in it before, but I didn't remember the ship being attached to this hall, so maybe there's a connection that they made to stop there. But I went down this long hallway that had like a red carpet, and out the sides, you could see space. And you just walked and walked, and then you came to these big massive doors. And there was also a way to go up and down.
And you go into this meeting hall. And it reminded me— I hadn’t— I don't think at that time that I had this happen that this was a thing, but I saw it when they did it on Star Wars. And Anakin's wife, when she went in before the council, it was a lot like that. There were these pods that kind of jutted out in like a a half-circle. And there was like three seats in the back and then there was a seat in the front, a seat or two in the front.
And I remembered being one of those three people that would sit in the back. And we had these tablets they were about the size of a regular tablet that we have now, but they were flat and you could shake them; they rolled up. You didn't have to use a stylus or anything: you could just use your finger or whatever. But they were really like a bookmark-type flat. And they were clear until they were activated.
I then saw the flagship of that advanced civilization: huge and spherical, about the size of our moon the image then slipped inside the ship and was fixed in a room with white arches of huge dimensions. In the middle of it was what we might call a “round table” with several representatives of that civilization who were part of the leadership of the ship. Everyone present wore a silver-white suit with blue stripes along the arms and torso. Telepathically, through the inter-dimensional headset, I understood that they were discussing the possibilities of boosting evolution and terraforming our planet.
Everyone there had some gadgets which we would now associate with computer tablets. They were thin, silvery, and almost-transparent sheets that could be bent but could also be as hard as ordinary tablets. I saw, for example, how some of the people at the table rolled their tablet, others folded it, and others kept it rigid in its rectangular shape.
And what we were doing was we were reading the other people that were testifying or talking; we were reading their energy.Aand we would put down—the three of us—what we had thought individually and then they would compile that to see what was really going on behind the scenes of the meeting that was going on. I remember being used like that in that particular meeting place. And it was part of the Galactic Federation.
TYLER: so it was like an intuitive empath type of thing yeah okay so see people were testifying and they brought you
CHASTITY: They were having meetings about what was going on in the galaxy in the universe on the planets and I don't remember all of it. I just remember I don't really remember what they were saying because I was tuning into how they were saying it and the energy that was either being guarded or put forth, their intentions.
14:00 TYLER: Ah, I see, I see. It makes a lot of sense, though. If you're focused on that, you're not really focused on the words, right, the energy behind it. That's how you detect deception.
CHASTITY: Right. That's what we were there for was to detect deception.
TYLER: Okay. So, was there more to this memory?
CHASTITY: That was brought up when I saw the place, when I walked into it when I was taken onto the ship. So, I remembered that. And they told me to remember this place because I was going to testify there one of these days. And I was like, “Oh, okay.” And I didn't know why they— I hadn't had the full recall of why. I do know now, because I found out later.
But we went back onto the ship, and I remember just kind of walking around. There was this really huge plant at the top; it was kind of the shape of a diamond. So, there was the top of it here and then it went down, and then it came to like this. And I didn't see, like, the control room or the driving room or anything technical like that or mechanical like that, but I saw this big plant that was in the middle hanging for all the floors. And I said, “Wow, that's really pretty. How does that keep growing? There's no sunlight up here.” And I then I noticed that there weren't any lights. And and and they said, “Well that that was all something that actually was generated by us.” And that the plant was there to help with the oxygen and the purification of the air. So, they didn't have all of these different mechanical systems running to keep the air pure for everybody: they had plants.
TYLER: Makes so much more sense.
CHASTITY: Yeah. And so I was like, “Wow, okay.” And that's really all I remember. I know they had a place for exercising and then of course, you know everybody ate together. The families were on one floor and then the single people had their floor. There was a place for gathering and dining together like going out to eat. It was like a little city. But it wasn't a little city: it was more big, but to me.
TYLER: Yeah I mean that aligns with a lot of the testimonies we hear about these ships and you know very reminiscent of Star Trek. but that comes from something, comes from somewhere. And uh okay so after that you I believe you mentioned in a previous interview about having downloads from somebody named Mira. Did this come after you were brought to the ship?
CHASTITY: Yeah, yeah. So, it was couple years maybe, I would say three to five years after that that my husband got sick; he had cancer. And we were fighting against Wells Fargo in the court system, because during that time— So, I guess this would have been between 2008, 2010. That was during that whole robo-signing that was going on with the mortgages, And a lot of people were losing their houses because they couldn't really afford them, but they got the loan anyways. And then they had been lumped together and sold on the market for pennies on the dollar in this large package of failing mortgages. And they were doing this with robo-signing.
And we actually missed that, but found out that ours should have been part of it, but we were able to pay when other people weren’t. But then, when he got sick, then we were having trouble because he couldn't work.
And so, we were going up against Wells Fargo, and we weren't being represented by anybody but ourselves. I wrote up the documents for everything with the help of a man in Florida named Eric. And he and I were working on the basis that the government was fraudulent, and that whole straw-man issue.
And when we finally went up against, it was the final day that we were going to court; we had been fighting them for a year. The guy that was representing Wells Fargo was the professor of law from the University in Wichita. And there was a murder trial going on in the judge’s court, and so he told us, he said “I don't do this very often, but I'm going to ask you to come into the chambers and welcome you there, because you guys understand the law.”
And so, what had happened is, either that day, that morning while I was getting ready, or a few days before that, Mira had come to me and told me that what I was doing was setting a precedence for common law in the court system. And because I was able to carry forth everything to the very end, that it was going to be recorded in the court system, and so it would make a place for future grievances to be sought after, because we didn't win. And then also to show what was being done in the courts that was wrong against humanity. And so, she said that it was setting precedence for the future hearings that would make things that were wrong right.
CHASITIY CAMPBELL: And I felt it going in. It was some heavy, heavy heavy energy that we came up against. And then the fact that they were having the the murder trial that they were trying was the Carr brothers, and they had slaughtered four people. And it was very synchronistic that it was that particular case, because I lived down the street from when that happened, and I had a visitor that I did not know who it was. It was in the middle of a snowstorm, and this lady came running up to my porch and banging on my door, had her driver's license wanting me to let her in, and I was like, No, I'm a single mom. I was like, Hell no. And so then the next thing I know these people are in a field murdered down the road for me. And I was like, “Oh my God, what if that was one of those people?” And I never did find out if it was or not, but it was their case that was on trial in the court of the judge that was overseeing our case.
The Wichita Massacre, also known as the Wichita Horror, was a week-long violent crime spree perpetrated by brothers Reginald and Jonathan Carr, in the city of Wichita, Kansas, between December 8 and 15, 2000. Five people were killed, and two people, a man and a woman, were severely wounded. The brothers were arrested and convicted of multiple counts of murder, kidnapping, robbery, and rape. They were both sentenced to death in October 2002. - Wikipedia
And so, we went in to the judge's chambers and he, “This is my chambers and these are my books and this is all my knowledge, and I'm welcoming welcoming you in here and you should feel very honored.” And I was just like, “Yeah, wow; this is an honor.”
And we had a a check that was made according to the law, the law books, the original law books, but they would not accept it. And so, we ended up losing our house. And our stack of papers when we were done was about this thick. And after we were done, they wanted to talk to us, the judge and the the professor. And they wanted to know how we came to know this information that we that we knew, and we said, “Well it's right there for anybody to read, and you just have to be smart enough to understand it.” And and they said yeah well obviously you're smart enough to understand it. Who taught you?” And Brian, he says, “Well, my wife did most of the work.” And and he goes, “So you coached him,” and I said, “Yeah.” And he said, “So you put together all these papers,” and I said, “Yes,” and he said he said “Wow.” He goes, “Have you ever wanted to be an attorney or anything?” And I said, “Actually, I remember coming and talking to you about that, but I asked you if I had to lie if I would have to represent somebody that I knew was guilty, and you told me, yes, I would. So I didn't want to be an attorney because I don't want to lie; that goes against my value system. And he was like, “Oh, wow. Okay. He goes, I kind of remember that.” And I said, “Well, that was a while ago.” And he said, “Well, you're better than my four-year students.” And he said, “To have you tell me that you are self-taught,” he said, “I would love to have you come to class so I can brag on you, because you do way better than they do.”
So that that was the whole Mira story. And and I did ask her. When she was talking to me, I was like, “How do I know that you are who you say you are?” And she said, “Well I knew you would ask that, so tomorrow when you get up and you go to look at your channelings that you listen to, you'll see one from me so that you know that I'm legit.” And I did.
TYLER: So what you mean? So like a YouTube video channel, and it was specifically directed towards you? You said you woke up and there was a channeling the next day and you would knew it was for you, right?
CHASTITY: Well, it wasn't necessarily for me. She was addressing the collective as a whole, but it was her. It was her name. It said that it was Mira from the Galactic Federation.
TYLER: Oh, okay. I see, I see. So didn't she give you the history of Earth, or was that someone else?
CHASTITY: That wasn't her; that happened before her. She was the only one that I can remember that technically gave me a name, because I didn't ever think to ask for one. Whenever I got messages, I always thought it was the Holy Spirit talking to me. And I didn't know anything about a higher self or anything like that, and so I just took it as a part of God talking to me.
So, I got the channeling about about Earth before that. And that was really intense for me to get, because I hadn't even stopped going to church at that time
TYLER: Yeah, so I guess I was mistaken. I thought that came from Mira. Would you mind going through the history that they told you?
26:27 CHASTITY: Okay. So, they were coming from the understanding that I had of the Garden of Eden and the whole serpent, and they’re talking to Eve. And so, what they told me was that that it wasn't an apple, that it was actually a DNA change. And that it was through the food that there was the DNA change, but there was also things that they did to tweak the DNA in the garden in order for life to not be as long, and for knowledge to come in, and so that they could be like gods. And that was the— I didn't understand. I was just like writing stuff down as fast as I could because I had never heard anything like this before. And so, that was what they told me about that.
And then they told me that the snake was actually a reptilian being, and that they had been going from planet to planet to planet and solar system to solar system as they came away from the galactic sun. And they were called the destroyer of worlds. And that they had gotten so far out that they had finally gotten to our solar system, and that they were doing the same thing that they had done to all the others, and that was use up the resources and basically bring it to nothing. And so, that's what I remember of it right now without going back and reading [UI].
TYLER: They said something about this being the final battlefield or battleground?
TYLER: What did they say exactly about that?
CHASTITY: They said that they had tried to catch them on other planets but by the time that they had gotten to them that they were already destroyed and couldn't be salvaged. And so this was like the final straw. And it was also because we are so far out away from the galactic sun that from here they would probably go to another galaxy. And so, they wanted to stop them here, and they had heard the cry. And so, they wanted to stop him here and this was like the the reason why it was the final place that they had to attack them and and take them to court, bring them to judgment, was because of us being on the far outer arm of the galaxy.
TYLER: So you mentioned also like I don't know how this story like the chronological order of the story, but you after one of these experiences when you went back to church, everything was different; you actually started seeing demons in in the church. Can you tell that story and what you saw and and what happened after that?
CHASTITY: Okay. So, seeing demons is nothing new to me but I hadn't in a while. What happened to me is when I went back I saw, to me they look like Dr Seuss characters, and they they ride on the backs of people and control them and manipulate them. Sometimes I see chains, and other times it's just whispering in the ears—a lot of times it's whispering in the ears.
And then also then I started seeing greya. I went to a particular evangelist, and I had always felt very uncomfortable about him anyways, and at that meeting I saw a grey. And it wasn't the little greys—it was a tall gray. And he was behind him, and it was like the guy was a puppet and he was saying what he wanted him to say and he was moving his arms around like he wanted him to. And I was just like, “Oh. I want to go I don't like this.” And so, that was that was later, after my husband had died that I saw that.
But so back to you know right after having the conversation with Mira and the whole Wells Fargo thing, my my grandmother let's see my grandmother had actually started telling me that she was seeing demons, and that was in 2005. But I hadn't seen them, but I started having them the church people that I had grown up with for about 10 years or more and they they were having very bad reactions when I would walk past them: it was like they would manifest demonically in front of me or just snarl at me. And and I could just see; I could see those things on them and and the people of the congregation, and it made me very nauseous. I didn't want to be in church anymore.
TYLER: So, it was the people, the members of the church, like the pastor the priest?
CHASTITY: It was a pastor and the wife, their kids, some of the congregation, and some of the other congregation. They were just sheep.
TYLER: So, basically, the church was comprised of demonically possessed people, essentially. And maybe we wouldn't call it a possession, but it's an attachment, you know; there's a puppeteering.
CHASTITY: Right, like an oppression. And I think it was through the sins that they had in their life. And I say sins very loosely, because I started getting taught and remembering things about what sin actually is. And and it's a it's like the sine and cosine that we learn about in math: it's cyclical. and you have your peaks and you have your valleys. And it's actually it makes more sense you know if you think about being everybody's born into sin well it's also a frequency we all have our own little frequency that we we come in on and that's our sine wave. That's our contribution to this orchestrated piece that we are presenting to the universe. that's our part in it.
TYLER: So along the way and and we'll get to this part of your story but you you you tried to take your own life and you were saved and you don't know how you were saved you woke up and some things had happened and it kind of steered you on this new trajectory. Would you mind explaining what happened?
CHASTITY: Okay, so there were two times that I specifically tried to kill myself. The very first one was, actually, I was almost 15, and I was at church camp. And I had taken— well, I was on an anti-depressant and a tranquilizer, basically, because I was very angry. And so, I had to take it three times a day, and so they let me self-medicate. And it seems funny to say this right now because I'm older, but the boyfriend that I had, he had like this perfect family, and everything that I had ever wished that my family could have been, and he told me that God told him to break up with me. And I was like “Why would God do that?” You know? I thought he loved me.
And so, I was just like, “I don't want to go back home. I'm tired of being beat up and dealing with all of the stress of trying to survive.” And so I took all of the rest of the bottle of the pills. And I counted them: there were 64 of them. And and when they found me, I had already started losing control of my body functions. And they were having to poke me with needles to keep me awake to stimulate me to stay awake all the way to the hospital, which was like an hour hour and a half away.
And they had stopped the whole camp and were having prayer vigils for me to survive. And everybody that was taking care of me had a kid at this camp. And when I woke up— well, they had called my parents to come get me I was in Missouri I was in Joplin Missouri and my parents, of course, were in Kansas where we were from they told my parents to have a paper so they could take my body across the state line because I'd probably be dead or a vegetable when they got there.
And so, I when I woke up I heard my mom, “Chastity, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand.” That's what woke me up. When I woke up though I was strapped to the bed and they had my wrists my arms my chest my legs my ankles and my chest down strapped down to the bed and they said that it was because I kept trying to rip the IVs out of me. And they put like seven or eight liquid liters of charcoal in me to try and get to pull the medicine out that I had overdosed on. And they were just shocked that I could actually talk to them, because I they said that I should have been a vegetable if I was going to wake up at all, and I would just drool on myself and that was it.
And so, I was up in the room they had a heart monitor on me and I was watching uh Benny Hin, and he turned around and looked straight at the camera and he said, “You got a second chance. God saved you. What are you gonna do with it?” And I was just like, “Oh my God.”
And so, I was like, “Okay, okay, okay!” And so I got all excited and I jumped out of bed, and I didn't know what to do: I had all this energy. And they came running. they called code blue because they thought I was dying, and they came running in the room. And I'm jumping, and I got back in bed and I was like, “I’m sorry.” And they were like, “No,” that what was going on? And I told them, and they were like, “Okay, that's fine.” And the doctor sat down and he says, “You know, I have a kid at that camp and they stopped camp and started praying for you, and that's all they've done since they've been there. And he said, “All of your nurses also have kids there, and we have been just dying to tell them that you're okay but we can't because of HIPPA.” And and I was like, “Oh, okay.” And he said, “Can we tell them that you're alive and that you're okay and what happened? Because,” he said, “you're not supposed to be here. There is absolutely no reason at all that you should be thriving and alive and okay and talking to me.” And I said, “Yeah tell them.” And so that was where I decided, Okay, I'm here for a purpose.
And then you know life went on. And the second time I had lost all of my friends they had turned their back on me and I lost my job I had just signed a a lease on my apartment, and I was getting ready to have knee surgery. And I didn't really have anybody to help me other than my grandmother, and she smoked a lot, so I didn't really want to stay at her house because it messed up with my asthma that I had. And I was like, “Great, now what I do?” And I was just like, “You know, I know I'm supposed to be here and all, but you sure give me the shittiest life and I'm I'm really tired of it and I'm done.”
And I was just like I went out. I want out. And so I overdosed again and this time I barricaded myself in my apartment and I put on headphones and was listening to In the Arms of an Angel and I don't know who was helping me there's nobody that could have gotten in there nobody even knew that I was doing that and but somebody was sitting me up while I was laying from laying on the couch and I would vomit all the pills out and on the floor and I did that repeatedly and I think until it was all out and then when I came to after sleeping basically the rest of the day my Walkman with my headphones, they were all neatly sitting by the couch on the arm of the couch. And I didn't put them there. I don't even remember anything but sitting up and and throwing up: that's all I remember. And so, somebody came in there and helped; I don't know who.
TYLER: So was it after this that you had the encounter with Michael, Archangel Michael at the car dealership? Was it after this?
TYLER: And so can we segue into that part?
CHASTITY: Okay. So, I started going back to church. And we had prayer meetings where we would pray for the city. During that time abortion was really big deal where I lived. We were considered the top place for abortions, and so we would always pray about that—and, of course, the other criminal things that were going on in town. and so we would take turns driving around the city to pray for the city. We could do it whenever but I always chose to do mine at night.
And I was driving around I-35, 235, and it goes in a circle around Wichita. And I got over by Rusty Eck Ford, their very first one that they had on Broadway and 235. And the lights were on, and I was like, “Well, that's weird; they're not supposed to be open.” And I was told to go down there. And I was like, “I just bought my car; why would I go down there there?”

But I did, I went down there. and I they were open and I pulled in and this is really late at night I don't remember for sure what time it was but it was late they would not should should not be open. And I I pulled in and I parked and I was told to walk this way, so I went down this aisle, and it which is was away from where everybody was at, the businessmen, salespeople.
and this guy came down and started walking towards me dressed up in a suit and all looking like a car salesperson and and he says so are you looking for a car he said I see yours is new and you just got it. You have a you have a 30-day tag on it. And he goes, “Is there something wrong with it?” And I was like, “No, I'm not looking for anything. There's nothing wrong with it.” And I said, “I was just told to come down here.” And he said, “Well, that's because you're supposed to meet and talk with me.” And I thought, “What?”
And he says, “My name is Michael.” And I'm like, “Oh, oh, okay.” He said, “I have some things to tell you and he said so we're going to pretend that you're buying a car and we're going to go into the offices.” And he said, “I need to tell you what's coming.” And I said, “Okay.”
So I'm sitting here going, “Is this Michael out of the Bible? Michael the archangel?” And I didn't ask him that, but I was just talking to myself.
And so, we got in there, and he just said, “Hey” to the guys when he walked in. They were like, “Hey.” And we went into this office, and they were looking up there like, “What is he doing?” And he said, “Just do what I tell you to,” and he gave me this paper. He said, “You can act like you're filling it out.” And he said, “But I'm here to give you messages about the end, what you will see in the end times.” And I said, “Okay.” And I said, “Will I need to write this down?” and he said, “No, you'll remember them when it comes, when they start happening.” He said that you'll just have a knowing that this is something that I talked to you about. And I said, “Okay.”
So he tells me these things, and the ones that have already happened is the military tanks being taken to different places in mass, and some of the exercises that have been done along the coastlines and in the waters, like over on the west coast. And then, the food: he said that the food would start becoming scarce. And I didn't understand that one until I was taking my macroeconomics class last year. But he said that the food would become scarce and that a lot of people would die. That there would also be changes in the earth, great changes in the earth.
And I don't remember a lot of the others, but we talked for a while and I know when I left there he did give me a card. I don't have it anymore but he said he said when he said I can give you a card because I feel like do you have a business card or something that I could have?” and and he's like he goes well I can give you one but when you call if you call tomorrow to ask for me he goes they won't even know who you're talking about.”
CHASTITY: and did call and they didn't know who I was talking about, and they even said they were closed. So I think that was just a divine appointment.
TYLER: And they also said that they don't have anybody by the name of Michael working for them.
CHASTITY: no And that was the second time that that had happened to me the first time that I had a angel encounter was with—
TYLER: let me stop you one second some because I remember something else he said to you or that you mentioned in a previous interview about the inflation too likehe talked to you about the the prices of food and like the inflation and what do you remember about what he said as far as that goes?
CHASTITY: Well, he just talked about how the prices would basically double or triple eventually to the point where very few could afford to to live and have good food or anything to eat. And that it would just be so hard on people that it was going to stir kind of like a rebellion.
I actually learned more about that when I was taking the macroeconomics class. that was last year. I it was like I had the Playbook opened up to me on what was fixing to happen for 2024, because we were studying the trajectory for class and we actually projected that they were going to cause similar circumstances or not that they would cause because we couldn't use that word but there would be a similar circumstance to the Great Depression in the middle of 2024 is when it would start and that it would carry out until like about spring or early summertime the next year.
So, first of all, I didn't know that economics was basically the science of scarcity. And then to top that off, it wasn't scarcity that was just happening: it was scarcity that was caused. Because what they do is, like if they have a whole bunch of oranges, and they need to get rid of those before they go bad, so they drop the price. And then when there's not very many left, then they up the price. And they have price floors and price ceilings. And they set those in order to make the economics go up and down, up and down. And then, what we were looking at was the fact of previous years, where they had like told the farmers to— they had all dumped their milk. Or when all of the poultry fires happened and all of the chickens were killed off. Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but this year we've had massive food recalls. And some of those could be legit, but in my gut I feel that they're not, because of what I learned how they drive this scarcity. It's fear-mongering. They cause scarcity so that people start wanting to hoard, and so that they can jack the prices up. And they keep pushing them and pushing them and pushing them until people can't afford them anymore. And that's what's going on right now
TYLER: I'm just very curious to know what else he told you that hasn't transpired yet, like this weather warfare. I mean, I'm sure that had to be part of the playbook.
54:00 CHASTITY: Yeah, I think it was. I don't remember him specifically saying there would be weather warfare, but he did talk about the weather being very erratic and unpredictable, and just that it would be very turbulent. And that's really all I remember as far as that. It was almost like he gave me nuggets that would trigger and then open. And that's usually how I remember or recall something is I get triggered, and I go a certain direction, and I just keep following my instinct. And then sometimes I'm being told, “Look at this. Read this.” Because that’s— you know, when I first started waking up I was looking at headlines that's all I would do was match headlines and I started I did it for like two or three years. And I started seeing patterns in the stories that were being talked about. Like in certain months they would talk about Bigfoot. Other times they would talk about the hurricanes, or you know the hurricane season coming up, what was it going to bring, stuff like that.
And then there were different fires that stuck out a lot. Because I had a a vision, an open vision when I had had my first son in 2003, and there was a lot that was revealed in that of what was coming. And a lot of it has happened. Like, there were gas explosions that were happening, and some of them were due to pipes that were old, and then others were due to natural venting of the earth that was happening, like around volcanoes that hadn't really been active.
And so, I started tracking those kind of things. And earthquakes, this warming that would happen with the fracking: that was something that was in the vision that I had. The other thing that happened was—and I think we actually missed that with Hurricane Katrina—was that I saw the Madrid fault line get activated because of an explosion that happened in— There's a sinkhole in the bayou that was having a lot of the petroleums and different gasolines that they had stored in the salt mines under the water, they started leaking into the sink hole. And I found out that that was on one of the 007 movies from old. And it actually exploded so much that it activated the Madrid, and it shot the river backwards, just like it did when it went off the first time. And I saw that happening, but I feel like that was avoided somehow through a collective cleansing and purging that happened at that time.
TYLER: Yeah, and it makes me wonder, also some of the information that he shared with you. Like they say just by knowing the future, you change it. Wo if you get information about these like devastating events like now like I guess it's not like 100% foolproof that it's going to change the outcome but I guess it increases the percentage of of the possibility of us like altering that timeline, that trajectory.
AARON KUHN: Yeah, it's a trajectory. there is no set-in-stone future. The now is all that exists. So, that's why you get too focused on the future, well now you're not creating in the present. And then someone tells you what's going to happen in the future or what's happening, and then you believe it, now you're creating what someone else has given you. And that's the manipulation that the dark ones do to us all, that they've been doing for a long time. They tell us what they want us to create, and we don't understand our power, we don't understand reality, we don't understand these things. We're in this kind of like zombified state, and then we just react to that, and then we end up creating the very thing that they implanted for us to create, because they can't create because they're not connected to Source like we are. But that being said, there is a trajectory from the now moment that collectively we're always on a certain trajectory, and if we don't really change much, then that's going to end up happening. And that's what technology like Looking Glass picks up on. It's like, whenever you look into Looking Glass, it at that moment is just showing you the current trajectory if there aren’t major changes. But like you said, just by us knowing consciously, understanding the current trajectory we're on, we can then consciously change it. It's up to us to do that.
TYLER: Right and you know and some of it happens is happening like we can't deny the inflation and stuff like that, so, ane the in the weather. But you also I know you were getting ready to talk tell another story about another Angel was this the one where you met Gabriel?
1:00:00 CHASTITY: No, this was actually my personal angel: her name's Luellen. And before, when I was 15, I was in the hospital for depression and stuff like that. And when I got put in I had been going to a counselor previously but he turned out to be a witch, a high witch in the coven that's active in Wichita. And he actually shape-shifted into a reptilian in front of me, and I didn't know that reptilians were a thing, so I'm thinking, “Oh, my God, Satan's sitting next to me.”
And I was in a group with other teenagers. And I had gotten close to one of the guys, and we had similar stories and situations, so we connected that way. And I had ran out of the group meeting and was sitting on the stairs of this church that we had the counseling sessions in, and he manifested into a demonic person, a reptilian. And that just totally blew— man, I didn't know what to think about that, And I was scared to death. But I still remember what he looked like. He had had these black horns that went back like a ram’s, and and scaly dark-green skin and long, black pointed fingernails. And he had on rings: one was a blue sapphire one was a ruby. And, yeah, he just had this really bad odor, and pointed teeth.
1:02:00 So, yeah, I didn't go back to him. And I was really freaked out about that, because that witch was trying to put people in my path to get me to join them. They wanted me, and I was not having it. And there was even a witch that I went to school with. And then I had people following me. They would sit outside of my house across the street. They would be in my dreams, then they would be across the street sitting out there waiting. And my mom, at first she thought I was crazy, and I said, “Go look: they're out there right now.” And she'd look, and they were. They'd walk by my windows when I was sitting in class at my desk. They would follow my bus route. And I mean, I was just like getting really paranoid. And just with everything else going on at home, too, I had had enough. And I started skipping school and drinking. I still kept my straight A’s—I don't know how, but I did.
1:03:00 But I was skipping school and my I got caught, and so, my parents were like, “Well, you need to go to counseling.”And that was also at the time when I had escaped being raped by a stranger, and then my dad's best friend had came into my room when I was asleep. So I had all this hit me, just, boom, you know?
And so, I got put into this hospital for depression. And this lady came to give me my test. And she said, “Sweetie, come over here and sit on this bed by me”—she had this really thick southern accent. And she says, “I know that you have to take this test, and it's going to be kind of hard.” She goes, “Just do the best that you can and don't worry about it.” And she said, but the real reason we brought you here is so you could be safe, because there's people out to get you right now and this is the only safe place that we could put you.” And I was just like “Whoa.” And she said, “My name is Luellen, and if you ever need me, just call.” And I was like, “Okay.” She said, “I’ll just be right there.”
And I'm just thinking, “Yeah, okay, she's a nurse,” because she was dressed like a nurse, she was kind of chubby, had curly hair and blue eyes. And I went down to turn my test in that I had taken, and she wasn't there. And I asked for her, but she wasn't there, and they didn't even know who I was talking about. And they they they started to think that I was hearing voices, so they were trying to label me as schizophrenic
TYLER: Wow. So, a few questions about that: how did you know the counselor was a witch? How did you find that out, or was it something that you gathered when you saw him shape shift?
CHASTITY: It was the way that I was being attacked in my dreams. And then, I would confront him. When I confronted him, he he told me that we had been in a life together before. And I didn't believe in reincarnation at that time. And so, he told me that he was Steven out of the Bible, and that I had been Mary. And I was like, “No, you're crazy.”
And he was trying to get me to work with him because I could see auras. And I also had started seeing demons at that time, too. It was kind of like with him, it was like an overlay; like I would see him, then I would see the reptilian. And and I was just like, “Whoa, something's wrong with my eyes.
TYLER: So then, with Luellen it was just a human nurse, right?
TYLER: It's interesting that the Angels never, like, shape-shift into the angel, right? They always stay in the human form. But I think it happens the other way around because it's like they have to tell you. Like, when they're deceiving you, they have to tell you: it's a weird universal law. So, I feel like that's why that happens.
AARON KUHN: Which is also why, when you ask, they have to tell you as well. You hear a lot of people say that they said an entity— even when they disguise themselves as a loved one or something else, if you ask them, “Who are you really,” or “Are you of the light,” either way, they have to reveal their true identity because of the universal law. So, I think that's part of [the reason] why, like you said, you see their true form.
TYLER: So, you weren't done yet: you actually ran into Gabriel and Raphael also.
CHASTITY: That was in 2005. Yeah.
TYLER: What happened then?
CHASTITY: So, my grand mother had passed away, and my grandfather, and I had had my son on the day that my grandfather passed away. And then like four weeks after that my husband was hit by a UPS semi, and was brought back to life and cut out of the vehicle and everything. He remembers seeing this big bright light, and that where he was, he doesn't remember what it looked like, but he said that it was very peaceful, and he really hesitated on returning.
So, that was that year; that was what I call ‘hell year number one’. But I had all of that happen, and I needed some respite, so I went to a ladies’ conference. And every time this conference came up for me, I would get, like, on fire. I felt like this vibration inside of me that was just like rattling my cage, and “You got to go to this. You got to go to this.” And so I was like, “Okay.” So I talked to my husband about going, and it was in Los Angeles. And it was in in the ‘hood [South-Central Los Angeles] and he's like, “Well, you won't stay there, but you can drive in back and forth.” And I was like, “Okay.”
So, when I was coming home is when I saw them. and I didn't know who they were until I looked at their name pins. And I had had an amazing experience that whole time that I was there, and I was on a high. But I was really tired, and when I got on the bus to be taken to the airport, these men had sunglasses on. And it's like four o'clock in the morning; it's dark. I'm thinking they must be hung over or something.
1:09:00 And he says, “Did you have a good time?” And I said, “Yeah.” And he said, “Well, that's good.” And I was the only one there besides them. And he said, “Well, you should return faster than normal, because there'll be a tailwind behind you, so you'll get home sooner than what you expect.” And I said, “Okay.” And that was just like normal conversation.
TYLER: Didn't they know your name though?
CHASTITY: Oh, yeah, they called me by my name. And I didn't think anything of it until later, because they were— Yeah, they used my name. And he tipped his glasses down, and his eyes were so bright and brilliant. And I was just like, “Whoa.” And then I saw his— he turned around and was talking to me, and that's when I saw his name tag. And and then the other one came up and said, “Well, I guess there's nobody else coming.” And his name was, I think the first one— I'm trying to remember how it went; I'd have to look at my journal. One of them was Gabriel, one of them was Michael, but it didn't look like the Michael that I had talked to before.
TYLER: Was it Raphael or Gabriel?
CHASTITY: There there was Gabriel and there was Raphael; there was three of them. There was one other, but he didn't get on the bus; he was just outside of the bus. And so, I don't know who he was; I just saw him.
So, I remember writing this down in my journal about them. And I was just like, “Wow,” like, “I wonder if they're archangels, too.”
And I did, I got home faster than I was supposed to by like an hour or something. And they even announced it on the flight. They said that, “Well, folks, you're going to be early, so when you get down there your ride may or may not be here, because we're about an hour early. We had a strong tailwind pushing us all the way through.”
And that's when I started seeing the triple digits, you know, and like 333, and 444, and 11, 11. and I'm just like, “What is with the numbers?” Like, every time I looked at anything, I was seeing that.
TYLER: I know you have Montauk memories. Do you want to cover some of that stuff?
CHASTITY: Well, the Montauk stuff's really long. I guess we could go into maybe current events, like with the hurricane and everything, since I've talked a little bit about Katrina.
TYLER: Sure.
AARON: Yeah, sure.
CHASTITY: So, it was after you [Aaron] moved out and went back home. I was walking through the park and I had my earbuds in and I— when I had taken all the kids to school I kept seeing all these fairy rings. And I was like, “Wow, there's a lot of fairy rings around town.” They were everywhere.
1:13:00 And so when I got to the park, I decided I was going to walk and see how many were around the park. And there was a really big one, and it had one opening. And I was told to go in, and I was like, “Oh, what if I don't come back out?” And so, I heard this group of people, beings, ask me if I would be the human representative. And I was like, “Okay.” So I went into this fairy ring, and then immediately I was in a meeting of elementals and fey—all the elementals. Like, I don't even know half of their kind of name. But they were very nice. But they were having a meeting on whether or not they were going to reveal themselves, and how they would reveal themselves to humans, and if they were ready.
So, my part was to listen and then answer if I thought that humans were ready. And I had had three experiences before this where I had either— Well, usually it had to do with a tornado. I had what I called rebuked a tornado. And the first time was me kind of playing around when I was in the hospital after meeting Luellen, so I was 15. And then the other two was when I was at a house meeting for church. A tornado was up in the sky, and I told it to go back up in itself and dissipate. And I had gone up on my toes and was speaking in tongues, is what I called it, and and it did. And it was even on the news; they talked about it. And the the pastor or elder of that meeting he witnessed what happened to me. Brian caught me when I come back down from being on my toes, because it was just like very electrical coming up like that and telling it what to do.
And so we went back in and they were looking at the news, and the forecaster said, “It was weird; it was just like it turned up in itself and dissipated,” and they looked at me.
And then the other time, Aaron witnessed me going into—and he mentions it in his book—where there was a tornado that was coming towards us, but they were not going to call it a tornado because it's Derby, and Derby doesn't get tornadoes. But that happened to me again, where I started commanding in tongues and telling this to go away. And so, I had had those kind of experiences with elementals.
And so, they were talking to me about that because they felt like I was different than the other humans. And so, they were asking me, how did I know to interact with the winds like that. And I told him I didn't know, that it just was something that would happen. And they said, “Is this something that happens with other humans?” And I said, “Some, but very few.” And they asked me if I thought that humans were ready for their appearance, and I said, “No, not really.” I said, “but maybe in a few years.” And they said, “Okay.”
And so that was the end of my part of it. I don't know if they talked about about anything else, but they had me go ahead and leave.
So, what I had learned from that, though, was that it was elementals that were in the storms. So, the one time—I don't remember; it was a few years back—there was a a really bad storm that was out in the ocean that was going to hit Florida. And I remember I was driving out to my friend's house in the country, and I just started going into tongues. And it was like I was taken into that storm, and I'm driving, so I was on autopilot, hopefully, because we didn't wreck. But I it was like I went into that storm, and there was a sprite in the storm. And it was like she was held up, like she had been kidnapped and was being tormented and used to make this storm. And so, I was asking her, “Is there any way that I can help you get free from this?” And she— it was just like she wanted me to hold her and and bring peace to her. And so, that's what I did is I started sending her love and peace and just trying to console her like I would my child. And the storm stopped. Whatever it was, it stopped.
1:18:40 And they told me that they name the storms according to the spell that they cast on the storm, like what they want the storm to produce. So I have been asking if that was something that we could do for what's happening now. And I haven't gotten a clear answer, to be honest. It's like I keep hearing this scripture, that what was meant for harm will be turned around for the good of those who believe. Like, it's something that even though it doesn't make sense to our humanness, that, you know, people perish and that things get destroyed, that for the greater good, something of this nature has to occur in order to rally and bring forth the truth and rally us together so that we can actually be that collective that we are.
And it kind of broke my heart, but but on the other hand, what I've been learning about ascension is that if you take the higher perspective and become the observer of what is going on, then you can see the overall picture of what will come about and how it transitions things for our good, even though it looks so bad.
1:22:00 AARON KUHN: Spirit comes first; material comes second. And that's what we got to wake up to is that that's actually our natural form, is spirit. This is more like a dream, the dream of form that we're in. And we're having an experience of physical reality, but it's the least real level of reality. But when you forget all that, when you're trapped—and we've been intentionally suppressed and that's been intentionally by the powers-that-were to keep us ignorant so we can be manipulated—then you think this is all that's real. And that's where fear comes in, because you're so afraid of death, you're so afraid of things happening to this form, but this isn't real. This isn't the real you: this is just an experience. It doesn't matter what happens to this. And then, the closer you get to mastery, the more you're okay with whatever happens, because you know everything's happening for you. Because we live in a divine conscious universe; it doesn't matter what happens. Whatever needs to happen is what will happen, but it's your response that matters, that you can control. And that's where the power lies, not outside of you. It's all within you. And that's where I think collectively humanity is being— like, that lesson is really being intensified, and that's why things are so crazy and seemingly bad. But it's actually happening for us so that we can take our power back.
CHASTITY: I think I learned that lesson early because of Brian dying and you know that was one of the things that I was walked through because I remember laying next to him and listening to him breathe, and there were times when he would stop. And I was just like, “Is this it? Is this happening right now?” And then he'd breathe again, and I was just like, “Oh.” And one of the times that that happened, I was told, “What are you afraid of?” And I was just like, “All kinds of things: being by myself, just, you know, I was just afraid of everything, because I always like to have everything everything planned out. Like, oh my gosh, I was a planner. I had it all planned out. And then I didn't because he was sick and and I couldn't because I didn't know what the next day held.
And so, they—my guides—walked me through that experience of him dying before he died, so that I could feel those feelings and not be afraid of them. Because actually, you're not really as afraid of what you think you are: you're afraid of feeling that emotion and not knowing what to do with it. Because that isn't something that we have been taught. It’s something that used to be taught, but we've lost that art of how to move through our emotions properly in order to manifest properly. So, we're not overreacting and manifesting things in fear and through fear. And so, that was something that I learned through that experience. And I would say I've gotten a little bit more lax in it, but I always said at first, “He transitioned to light; he's not dead. He's more alive than we are.”
And I even saw him after he left his body and he came up beside me and touched my shoulder and and told me you know telepathically that it was going to be okay and then I started seeing him in dreams. And one time I showed up with him getting ready to go through this fence into some meeting, and he had on a blue shirt, and it had an emblem on the side of the arm. And it was—I’ve seen it before—it was like the leaves that come out like this, and then there was like a globe in the center of it. And I asked him, I said, “What are you doing?” And he goes, “Well, stuff that you guys can’t.” And I was like, “Oh.” And he says, “What are you doing here?” And I said, “I don't know. I don't know how I got here.”
So, it's true: they do get to do things that we can’t. Because they're they're on a different wavelength that our eyes are not trying to see anymore. But we'll see it one of these days; we'll get to see that. But there's other wavelengths of light, and that's where other things exist, but it's right here by us.
AARON: Other vibrations, but it's in the same space—right. And as we ascend, and as our our DNA activates and our abilities come more online, we will start perceiving that more and more. And that's already already happening. There's many people that are reporting that and having experiences.