CIA had a thick phone book listing all MK-Ultra assets living in Hawaii
Gene Decode's life story, including a meeting with YHVH
We have a very special guest joining us today on the AJ Roberts Show in the form of Gene Decode. Co Sensei Gene is a 20+ year veteran of the U.S. Navy Submarine Fleet. He is a 40+ year Martial Arts Instructor (Sensei) as well as a lifelong student and practitioner of naturopathic medicine. Gene has dedicated most of his life to the investigation and research of information pertaining to all things spiritual — health, social, political, and metaphysical. He was born with skilled remote-viewing and psychic abilities that have steered his life.
In today's episode we will dissect what we are experiencing around the world, the battle between light and dark, and what the future will bring.
1990: A mind-controlled slave on every block
(8:22) So, I had a spy — a spook, as we call it in the Navy — come up and talk to me, and he had me come to his house where he lived. Nothing in there but books and stuff stacked everywhere and all kinds of electronic devices.
And he says, “I think this might be of interest.” And he handed to me a book — two books, actually — about the size of a regular New York phone book — big, thick book, you know? The first one was [a manual on] how to create the perfect mind-control slave through the MK-Ultra programs, and a whole outline of the MK-Ultra programs — of what it was and how they did it, the different types, the alphas, the deltas, the thetas, etc.
And the other book looked like a phone book: it was just names and addresses and phone numbers. And I read the whole thing, you know — took me about two days going there. That was a weekend, so I had them.
And then when I got done, he said, “That is a phone book, yes, but it is a phone book and the call number. The phone number you're seeing there is not a phone number: it's a call number. It activates them. We enter that frequency, [and] that person is activated.”
I say, “This is just the island of Oahu?”
He says, “No, that's all the [Hawaiian] islands.”
[The 1990 census states there were 1,108,000 people in Hawaii.]
“Even so, it's enough for there to be one person per block.”
He says, “That's pretty much true throughout the entire United States.”
“What? There's an MK-Ultra for every block of every city in the U.S.?”
He says, “Yeah, they've been busy.”
“That’s an understatement. Where do they do this? It's a massive effort.”
He says, “Have you heard of DUMBs?”
“I think I've seen one.”
“Even so, it's enough for there to be one person per block.”
He says, “That's pretty much true throughout the entire United States.”
I want to cry. This is just unbelievable. Have you ever heard of Tory Smith and the Theron chip implants. He has been radiated as a former cia whistleblower. You can still find him on YouTube. He outed child trafficking on Pence mafia and the mind control being used by AI. He is hard to understand bc if I’m not mistaken he’s whistle blowing while under a DID persona. But I always hoped to get my research up and going on Substack but I am no journalist. But if you understand Gene maybe you can look into Tori. There are about Seven videos and each one you can see the effects of the radiation. But he is a goldmine of info.
So glad to make your acquaintance. Thanks for the follow but I am so glad that I followed you and subscribed to your lovely Substack. I’ve been following Gene wherever I can FOR OBER FIVE YEARS. Sometimes I’ve wondered if he is real. I’ve just begun to scratch the surface of your Substack. To God be the Glory. Blessings