I want to cry. This is just unbelievable. Have you ever heard of Tory Smith and the Theron chip implants. He has been radiated as a former cia whistleblower. You can still find him on YouTube. https://youtu.be/8u1SZHHZ328?si=jWgoOvZnMTjLqRWz. He outed child trafficking on Pence mafia and the mind control being used by AI. He is hard to understand bc if I’m not mistaken he’s whistle blowing while under a DID persona. But I always hoped to get my research up and going on Substack but I am no journalist. But if you understand Gene maybe you can look into Tori. There are about Seven videos and each one you can see the effects of the radiation. But he is a goldmine of info.
I read about the OG Pence quite a while back. He was, allegedly, a real monster of a pedophile Not sure if the Tori Smith is who I think he is? Was he an older gentleman w whitish hair and made a video where he talked about various pedos? That's been a while also and I bread so much I gets difficult to keep straight. I used to hear Gene ALOT on different shows but haven't heard him recently. He appeared very knowledgeable and on the up and up.
So glad to make your acquaintance. Thanks for the follow but I am so glad that I followed you and subscribed to your lovely Substack. I’ve been following Gene wherever I can FOR OBER FIVE YEARS. Sometimes I’ve wondered if he is real. I’ve just begun to scratch the surface of your Substack. To God be the Glory. Blessings
I want to cry. This is just unbelievable. Have you ever heard of Tory Smith and the Theron chip implants. He has been radiated as a former cia whistleblower. You can still find him on YouTube. https://youtu.be/8u1SZHHZ328?si=jWgoOvZnMTjLqRWz. He outed child trafficking on Pence mafia and the mind control being used by AI. He is hard to understand bc if I’m not mistaken he’s whistle blowing while under a DID persona. But I always hoped to get my research up and going on Substack but I am no journalist. But if you understand Gene maybe you can look into Tori. There are about Seven videos and each one you can see the effects of the radiation. But he is a goldmine of info.
Thanks for the link to the Tory Smith video. It was reported that he died after being taken to a hospital against his will, but who knows?
I believe all of his testimony about DARPA and Pence -- pure evil.
I read about the OG Pence quite a while back. He was, allegedly, a real monster of a pedophile Not sure if the Tori Smith is who I think he is? Was he an older gentleman w whitish hair and made a video where he talked about various pedos? That's been a while also and I bread so much I gets difficult to keep straight. I used to hear Gene ALOT on different shows but haven't heard him recently. He appeared very knowledgeable and on the up and up.
Comment read and appreciated.
Sorry about typos. Thanks for that interview w Gene I got to listen to it after. I get really good vibes from him, I think he's awesome.
So glad to make your acquaintance. Thanks for the follow but I am so glad that I followed you and subscribed to your lovely Substack. I’ve been following Gene wherever I can FOR OBER FIVE YEARS. Sometimes I’ve wondered if he is real. I’ve just begun to scratch the surface of your Substack. To God be the Glory. Blessings
Wow, I did not know that about Gene Decode. 🤔
The 'great awakening' IS mind control. Its the next stage if it.
Ever considered that 'god' likely is an AI? A control mechanism.
What about your soul? That is not your mind.
Thank you!
Blessings ~