Finding Light in Darkness: Greg's Path to Healing and Transformation
Greg joins Dan Duval with a testimony about the incredible darkness, trauma and abuse that Greg survived, along with his journey toward healing, truth and transformation through accepting Jesus Christ.
Despite growing up in an extremely difficult environment involving ritual abuse, occult practices, poverty, homelessness and the loss of family members, Greg found hope, purpose and new life. He is here to talk about it!
His story highlights both the power of evil but also the redeeming power of God's love and grace to overcome even the deepest darkness and brokenness in one's life.
Covered in this episode: • Satanic ritual abuse • The Jesuit-Levite connection • Childhood trauma and supernatural experiences. • Skin walkers • The Elemental Kingdom • cartels • Los Alamos National Laboratory • His near-death experience • Spiritual transformation through Jesus Christ.
Well friends, welcome back to Discovering Truth with Dan Duval. And I am sitting here with Greg Romero. Welcome to the podcast, Greg.
GREG: Thank you, Daniel.
DAN: We'll just start from the beginning. Talk to us about the house you were born into, the things that your [great]-grandmother was involved in, and walk us through the story what happened.
(5:30) GREG: I was born in the state of New Mexico, and I am half Spanish and half Native American — Spaniard on my on my father's side, Native American on my mother's side. And actually I'm a direct descendant of the famous conquistador, Hernan Cortez. And my family has kept records; we records of that elite bloodline that are held in a private library that traces our bloodline pretty far back. But on both sides there's been a a history of involvement with the occult masked in organized religion and Catholicism.
So. I was born into a very devout Roman Catholic family, but my parents, my mom and dad, they were the first people to break away from the Roman Catholic order. My father, again descending from Hernan Cortez and even further up, is in the patriarchal line of the Levitical priesthood — or priestcraft, as they call it.
And so, these men down certain lines of the generation are chosen to be priests, or some kind of Jesuit position within that church order. So, my father was chosen to be in that order as well, was raised and and groomed to be a Catholic priest. He ended up breaking away from that, and when he was 16 years old, he had a conversion to Christianity and was exiled from his family. His family actually beat him up and left him on the road for dead.
But he met my mom a couple years later, got her pregnant. My mom was only 16, so I had teenaged parents that I was born to. And we were homeless for the first five years of our life, as we were being just shunned by the family for our belief in Jesus, basically — it was interesting.
But to talk about what you saw in my post on that Blurry Creatures Podcast posting is that my mom's grandmother — so, my great-grandmother — she was heavily involved with the occult and witchcraft. And I haven't confirmed this — I have to do a lot more research — but I believe that she was a part of a coven and had made an agreement with them, and was dealing with those types of ceremonies. And if you look at any of the folklore in New Mexico and Arizona and those areas, you’re dealing with — especially with the native tribes — talking about skin walkers and different things of high strangeness. Well, she was involved in those various things.
But when my [maternal] grandfather was 10 years old, his mother was tied to her kitchen stove and sacrificed by three witches — burned alive. And his father came came in and actually witnessed what was going on, and he went insane. He was taken to an insane asylum, and I was told that he was murdered the very next day. And this is oral history that was passed down to me by my mom. And my grandfather, who is still alive — he's on his deathbed, he'll be passing away any time now — but he was 10 years old when this happened. So, this left my grandfather and his siblings orphaned.
So, after his parents were murdered, his mother sacrificed in this ritual, one of the witches came back to get my grandfather. And the coven took him in as his legal guardian, so at ten he was coerced into make an agreement with the coven, that as long as he pledged his allegiance to Satan, he would have a long life; he would have health, wealth and power in the region, which he did. He was the most powerful man and the most hated man in that region. He was connected to people in high authority in government; he was connected to various secret societies and mafia groups.
And so, I was born into that. He's had five different wives. My mom, I believe, was by his fourth wife, and she was the youngest of that group. He has 25 children, if not more.
And again, he was a devout Roman Catholic, as was my dad's parents’ side of the family. And my dad’s side of the family, by the time I was born, they had already kind of disassociated with him. They really didn't have much contact with him. So, a lot of this comes from my mom's side of the family.
And so, my parents, being young Christians and being only teenagers, had nothing. As I mentioned, we were homeless for essentially the first five years of our life. We lived in a little teardrop camping trailer, and they gave birth to a younger brother. And they adopted a a first cousin of mine, because my mom's sister ended up going to prison through some cartel activity.
And when I was five years old is when I started to kind of remember my life and what was going on. And I remember that one of my mom's sisters, they were really involved in the church, so at this point a lot of them had converted to Christianity — specifically in the Pentecostal Church of God. And so, there was a church movement where they would have these radical church groups, but behind the scenes it was just a mask: they were participating in Satanic rituals, animal sacrifices, in some cases, human sacrifices.
And when I was five, I was told by my godmother that I was chosen to be used by God, that I was going to be a minister by God, but that there was a process of breaking of my ego that would have to take place before I would become [suitable]. Little did I know that shortly after, I would be raped in by an adult cousin of mine in a Satanic ritual, that essentially shattered me. I was five years old when it happened. I totally remember when it happened, all the pain and experience that I went through. And it didn't just happen that one time: it [was the beginning of] a process that would last until I was about thirteen years old.
DAN: Wow. Well, you’ve brought up a number of points, Greg. The connection between the Catholic priesthood and the Levitical bloodline is something you mentioned. Have you done further investigation into that?
GREG: I've actually done extensive research on the Levitical priesthood in my adult life. My uncle on my dad's side — there was a reconciliation with some of my dad's family members that converted to Christianity, people it was safe for me to be around. One of my dad's older brothers is a genealogist, and he's the one that is in control of the family library and has done most of the genealogical research and holds all that documentation.
(14:30) So, I've worked with him over the years to trace that those physical documents, and have found some really interesting connections within that. [I learned] that our conquistador family, specifically, was a part of the great expulsion of Spain in 1492, where the conquistadores were actually Conversos and [UI], were essentially Jews in the Jesuit order that were expelled from Europe to to the West, and were tasked with slaughtering the natives up through the Sea of Cortez, up through New Mexico, through California, and then claiming those areas for the new empire of Spain in America.
So, I've done extensive research on that. And my family specifically has been selected to work with the federal government on classified projects. Members of my family have had top-secret Q clearance, other types of clearances. In my young adult life I also had a clearance and worked as a federal liaison for technology consulting for server storage, and backup automation for various four-letter agencies within the government. So, we have been selected for also several abilities that we have. Some might sound weird, but psychic abilities, remote viewing, astral travel, things of that nature.
DAN: So, the conquistadors were Jews in the Jesuit order expelled from Spain that came here to slaughter.
GREG: That's right. There was a specific task. And they were called Conversos and Marranos. What I learned is that they were actually Jews that had to pretend that they were Catholics and change their last names. They came up with these family crests, which I found out were actually occultic sigils. Are you familiar with what a sigil is?
DAN: Let's talk about it.
So, a sigil in the occult is a symbol that is created by the patriarch of the family when it's created. And it's an occultic ritual, and they put together a symbol. And the symbol of my last name, it's essentially a cauldron with wolves dancing around it, and there's rosemary that is traced around the cauldron. And they make it to look like a shield to hide in plain sight the meaning of it. And I forget the witchcraft order that is behind it, but when I was doing my research and I looked side by side, there was a— I mean, they matched perfectly. So, essentially what I found was evidence of the Synagogue of Satan masked as the Catholic Church.
DAN: Fascinating. And so, the U.S. government kept tabs on your bloodline, reached out—
(19:00) GREG: We had a lot of communication. My dad's mother actually worked with Oppenheimer in Los Alamos. A lot of my family was connected to Los Alamos National Laboratories, and my dad's mom worked with Oppenheimer in their group there — she was actually a cleaning lady for them. And I recall her telling stories that they would perform these really interesting rituals, and she was tasked to go in. She was told to sign a non-disclosure agreement for confidentiality, but before she passed away, she started to disclose certain things to me and my father as we were meeting with her. And she would mention things of really high strangeness, things like black goo that they would deal with, things like shapeshifting rituals and those types of things, entity summoning through portals, through various seances, and things like that. So, pretty intense.
So, when I was six years old — so, jumping back to my story a little bit. So, my mom and dad, as I said, they converted to Christianity. And my mom and dad, they never had any direct influence with the SRA that I had endured. However I believe that they were manipulated in a way where they were essentially kept they were kept out of the loop of what was going on. I know that they had an idea something was going on, and as I've gone through my recovery and been able to reconcile with my parents— because for years, I had essentially emancipated myself from my family. I had to completely disconnect from everything in order to find out who I was and my identity, because I didn't have one.
But my father became an ordained minister, and my mom was a worship director, and starting from when I was around five or six, they were selected to travel abroad, through the United States, to teach Pentecostal teaching through the tent-revival movement. So they were gone quite a bit and myself my brother and my sister were left behind to be cared for by my mom's side of the family, who, again who claimed to be Christians but were heavily involved in occult rituals.
And so we stayed primarily with my godmother and my godfather, and they were essentially the leaders of the group. And I, myself, and my two older cousins and my brother received majority of the abuse that took place there. So I was initiated into the occult when I was six years old, and it was done through a ritual where I was locked into a dark closet, completely dark, for hours upon hours, and members of my family — including my uncles and other males that I did not know — would come into this closet and they would rape me repeatedly for hours.
And I remember the moment of feeling myself detached from my identity; I disassociated with myself. And when that happened, something just didn't feel right. I felt disconnected from my body, if that makes sense. The pain was just so intense that I dissociated. And I remember the night that it happened. I was told that I would be assigned a spirit guide. So when I was sleeping that night, I remember specifically that I was sleeping in my bedroom and the the lights had turned on, the TV had turned on in the living room where I was staying, and there was a video game that was playing. And my dad used to work graveyard, and as I said, he was gone a lot, so I thought, “Oh, maybe my dad came home and he's playing video games. So I went out to the living room to see what was going on, and I see this boy that I did not know sitting in my living room.
And this boy when I walked up to him I said, “Hey, what are you doing in my house?” he turned around and looked at me, and he had completely black eyes. And he had a muscle shirt on that was worn, and these kind of brown shorts, and he looked like he had been outside playing in the dirt. And he looked at me and it startled me; it actually scared me. I ran back to my room, and he called me back out to the living room and said that he wouldn't hurt me. This really startled me. I really didn't understand what was going on, really kind of my first supernatural experience. I had seen some other kind of minor things like shadow people and stuff like that in that area, but this was like a fully manifested entity in my house.
And so, this kid had mentioned to me like, “Hey, I'm not here to hurt you; I'm actually your guide,” and told me his name was Galeo, and that he would be with me through the process of my— through my growth in this upbringing in the occult. And he said that whenever I was going through pain, that I could just call upon him and that he would comfort me and guide me. And so, I befriended, you could say, an imaginary friend, or whatever you want to call it.
DAN: At this point did you very try to physically touch him?
GREG: Yeah. There was physical touch. It was a very interesting experience. When I had those experiences, I don't honestly don’t know if I was an astral state or if it was actually me physically. But I do remember that it was very real, very real to me.
Anyway, so, the the abuse continued, and I actually got injured. So, during this abuse, my colon was stretched to a point where I couldn't hold my bowels in. And so I would be at school just trying to just contain myself. I couldn't sit still, the teachers didn't know what to do with me, my parents didn't know what to do with me. I was going to the bathroom in my pants. My mom was thinking that it was the hard water of the area that we lived in, which I never really understood. I don't know if she knew what was going on. I know that both my parents were also abused in their childhoods, so I think this was kind of like a generational-kept secret — I don't really know.
But I remember like going to the doctor and everything, and the doctors were saying like, “Hey, things going on.” But it was dealt with in a way where, I mean, this sounds really crazy, but even doctors and nurses were involved. I mean this is a really, really small town, and at this point, I mean, it seemed like I was just a sex magnet. I was being touched and molested by everybody. I mean, I remember even the nurse, when I went to go get seen, was touching my genitals and telling me that this is just a part of life, and that I'm a very special boy, and that if I say anything, that I'm going to get hurt.
And when I was when I got when I went through the initiation, I was coerced into taking a blood oath — I actually still have the scar in my hand — taking a blood oath of silence that I wouldn't say anything, otherwise, my parents and my brother and sister would be killed. And when you're six years old and you're told something like that, you're not going to say anything, especially when that's by your godmother and your godfather. And when my parents were gone on travel preaching the gospel of Christ, they would force us to sit and watch orgies, Satanic seances, I would witness people levitate over pentagram circles, and just all kinds of crazy stuff.
But when I was six was when I came to this point where I knew that there was a God per se, because of what I had seen, but I was told that because of my behavior, because of what I was involved in — you know, I was coerced into— part of my ritual was sacrificing young animals, puppies and kittens, and killing them and skinning them alive and just horrific things — and I was told that I was just innately evil, and that God didn't care about me, and that I should just give into who I was.
So, I came to the conclusion that God put me on this planet, but He didn't care about me, that He left me alone to deal with my life on my own, and that was that. So, I rejected God, I rejected faith, I rejected religion. And I had to— my parents were extremely religious in that Pentecostal Church of God, so in my parents' home, I was basically a dual personality. At home I had to be this Goody-Two-Shoes Christian boy, same with my brother and my sister, and then when my parents were traveling and we would be with our family, then I'd participate in these rituals with members of my family who were doing occult activities.
(29:30) DAN: So, as this is going on, your spirit guide materialized to you as a black-eyed child.
GREG: Yeah.
DAN: And you did have what felt like a physical encounter with it, but you are not sure. And this is normal. I've talked to many people, and with some of these supernatural experiences, sometimes it's very hard to tell what realm it's occurring on. Oftentimes it's multiple [realms] simultaneously, like you're in the astral and the physical — like everything's kind of involved at the same time. And so, it's very confusing; at the same time it's literally happening.
But when you would call on the spirit guide, would it materialize in those situations? Would it just be there in the astral plane showing up? Like, how did that interaction proceed forth, and did it guide you into deeper occult knowledge as well?
GREG: Yeah, it did. So, yeah, it would it oftentimes, like I felt like— In a lot of this, I'm going to smile; it's a little bit of anxiety-inducing talking about all this stuff, because this is just kind of— I thought all this was normal in my childhood, until I went into therapy, and they're like, “Yeah, no, this is not normal.” But yeah, when I was alone, I would be able to call upon it, and then it would show up. Typically I had to be in a dark space; I would actually go into my closet when I was really upset. I actually found solitude in really dark and tight spaces. So, I used to think that I was a vampire, because I just loved to be inside of a small space in the dark. And then, I know he would be the there with me. I could feel him; I could feel his breath on my neck. And he would whisper in my ear and just tell me, like, “Everything is going to be okay,” like, “You're fine: just breathe.”
And then he would tell me future things that would happen, or he would say, “This person is going to die,” or “this is going to happen.” And I wouldn't say anything, but then it would happen. I'd be like, “Oh, wow, that's really incredible.” Or sometimes when I would be sleeping, I would astral-project. At that young age — I remember being like seven or eight and sleeping in my bed — and I remember coming out of my body, looking back and seeing my body, seeing Galeo there in my room. He would take my hand, and then we would walk around the neighborhood, and then we would see various things. We would see anything from, like, what the natives call Little Kachina people, you know, little shadow-people with with red eyes. So it was a crazy, crazy experience.
DAN: Did he also introduce you to the Elemental Kingdom of the New Mexico region?
GREG: Um, yeah, I would say so. He would instruct me on who to talk to, and I ended up getting really close with one of the Native American tribes. Because the geographical area where I lived, it was a little town called Espanola, which translates to Little Spain. And when the conquistadores came in there, they came in there, conquered the Indians, the natives there, and then when they had to a allot the reservation land around Espanola, they had like five or six different tribes around it. And the Apache tribe was the one that I identified the most with, because I'm half Apache through my mom's side.
So I'd go over there, and I just got introduced to them and told them that I was instructed by my spirit guide to be a part of their community. They knew exactly what that was, so they brought me in. They would bring me into their various sweat and smoke rooms, where they would do summoning rituals for, I mean, just interesting types of creatures. I remember one time in one of their kilas they had summoned— this sounds crazy, but they summoned like a big-foot-type character. And I remember they would call it Tnictic or something — I can't really recall. It's been a long time now, but—
(34:00) DAN: Can you repeat that?
GREG: It's was like Tnactic, I think it was.
DAN: Tnactic?
GREG: Yeah, Tnactic. I have a hard time pronouncing that, but—
DAN: Sure, sure.
GREG: —I believe that's what it was called. I’d have to look up my notes when I was researching more into that. Because what kind of sparked this part of my involvement, like listening to Blurry Creatures Podcast, you know, I've always been able to— I don't know if you know what a seer is, but I've always been able — essentially since I was six years old when that whole situation happened — been able to see into the unseen realm and see various entities — demonic entities, angelic entities. I've seen the goat man, or whatever.
I’ve actually seen my grandfather shape-shift into a goat-person creature, a skin-walker type creature. My grandfather was feared in that neighborhood, and there was a period of time he— Well, where we lived specifically in this little town — it was called El Rancho — and we were in the center of this geographical area— it has grown over the last 30, 40 years, but it was essentially his little compound. He was gifted 11 acres of land that— it used to be native land and all this land was on top of a Native American burial ground.
And the coven of witches— There was my grandfather's house. Right behind his house was the witch that actually raised him and then later married him. So he married this witch lady, and then there was a warlock, and then there was another one that lived to the left of us, so they were surrounding his home. And so, my grandfather would oftentimes commune with them. He would have them over; they would have what they call these discos, where they would make a pentagram in the form of these various types of rocks in the area, and then they would do alchemy and put these, like, chemicals in the center of it, and it would cause this purple flame. It was really bizarre; it was this purple flame, and the purple flame, when they would do the seance, the purple flame would actually levitate in the center. And they would stand on each of the points of the pentagram star. And then my grandfather would go into the middle, and they would speak in this native language, or this weird language that I couldn't understand, and they would dance around, and my grandfather would literally shape-shift into like a skin-walker creature.
And when this would happen — it happened even when my parents were home — we would hear it because we were right next door to it, so we hear it going on. And my mom would be like, “Oh, no, they're doing the rituals again. Let's turn off all the lights and close the windows, close the blinds, and everybody get on the floor. And it was at least once a week, midnight, and my grandfather would walk from his home all the way down our half-mile stretch of road down to the Rio Grand River, and then to the native tribe. As he would walk down there, all the dogs would howl and you could just sense the evil, and we were petrified.
There were some times where he would show up on our front door, and he would be trying to get inside. And my mom being a devout Christian, she would rebuke him in the name of Jesus. And I remember one time specifically, we had this cocker spaniel, family dog, that was outside, and the skin-walker creature — and I call it this creature because when it would transform, it wasn't my grandfather. I knew my grandfather was one person when he was sober, and then when he would be doing these rituals he became something else.
Well, I witnessed this with my very eyes — so did my mom my brother and my sister. He was walking, it was like late at night, it was snow outside, and walked into our yard, and he would go on these rages where he wanted to kill all of his children. And he went in our yard, and my mom screaming, we're screaming, he picks up our dog and just rips it in half and throws it up against the side of the house. And I was scared for my life; my brother and sister under the covers, I was trying to tell them, “It's going be okay.” My mom was praying, and he was pounding at the door trying to get in, and he was saying, “Let me in! Let me in! Let me in!” And my mom had rebuked him in the name of Jesus, and in an instant, he actually vanished, just vanished off of our front doorstep. And then shortly after, his wife at the time came looking for him, asking where he was; well, it turns out he ended up at the Native American reservation. And he was there and he ended up getting in a fight with a couple of dogs there, and just a a wild story.
(40:30) Dan: You know, it's so interesting how these things play out, because there you are, and you're living next to this grandfather, this is happening, but you guys didn't move. I mean, were you at his house later that year ever visiting or having family time together? I mean, did that happen, or was it like, “Yeah, we live on the same street but we have nothing to do with each other”?
GREG: Well he was very oppressive to the family. He was essentially a cartel boss in that area, and so all of his family members, like, he allotted like quarter-acres of land down the way, but there were specific stipulations that I don't really know. I've often wondered and asked my parents, “Hey, why didn't we ever move? Well, I would say like up until I was around ten, we we were extremely poor. I mean, we were out in the middle of nowhere. We had no vehicles, and it would take days to walk anywhere, and so we were just forced to live out there. I mean, I remember hunting for rabbits for for food, washing our clothes with wash boards, and taking baths in horse troughs, and literally living off the land.
And then, when we finally got this trailer that was just not really sufficient to live in — pipes would freeze in the winter and there was holes in it, and animals and stuff would get in — then we would live with my grandfather. Well, me and my brother and sister would stay there. And, again, you know, my parents, they traveled quite a bit when we were kids; they were gone a lot. You know, they were really devoted to the ministry. So, yeah, so we were there, and we were just forced to deal with it. I mean, I honestly don't know why my parents didn't move. My dad tried to be a positive influence as much as he could in that area, but, yeah. That part I really don't understand.
DAN: Right. So he was also a cartel boss. And this is so interesting, and this is, I think, one of the pieces: people don't fully understand the cartel. They don't understand how the cartel builds itself into the ranks of the Kingdom of Darkness. And I think the supernatural abilities that sit in these cartel bosses, they're not just normal people that are maybe a little smarter or a little quicker with the numbers, or they can just throw a good right hook — they're initiated.
(43:20) GREG: Yeah. Yeah, they they definitely— In my experience, as I said, part of that ritual when I was six was also being born into the life. You know, it's what they call it, is being born into the life. And I was trained in criminal activity, so part of my responsibility to what I did was we went around to different areas, and, because of how small I was, I always placed into areas where I would sneak into people's homes through their bathroom windows or unlocked windows and whatnot, and I would steal jewelry or money or things like that. And then, too, there's the astral-travel part of it, where you do those types of activities, as well: view people, view other families, kind of get a competitive edge on people.
You know, the drug aspect of it is,big too, a lot of psychedelics. I was doing drugs like acid and ‘shrooms and things like that by the time I'm, like, seven, eight years old. Started smoking cigarettes when I was six years old, started drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana when I was about seven years old. And very quickly, it became a coping mechanism for me to deal with was was going on, and I'm sure it contributed to me being able to experience some of these supernatural things as well.
DAN: This is a bit of a side note. Obviously, at Bride Ministries and through our coaching platform or prayer, we are reaching out to folks from all kinds of extreme trauma backgrounds: most of those are highly interfaced with the occult. But I do talk with people that are in the realm of human trafficking and trying to help those that have been part of the life — especially females that are trying to walk away from the prostitution side of things and all of that. But when I really talk to these people, like, What's really going on?” they say these girls now are not just broken. They have been through experiences. They're putting them through the rituals. They're being prostituted in ritual settings with drugs. And those bondages that are present, like, a lot of these people, if they're honest, they don't know how to deal with it. It's like, we want to help you recover and escape, but until you break that connection to the occult world and the handlers that sit and can do the astral work and call them back and do everything else, it's really tough, really tough.
GREG: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And I think it was you that had talked about soul-fracturing. That very much is a a real thing. Part of my recovery right now is, I call myself beautifully broken, because when I heard the term, soul fracturing or shattering, and dealing with even dark trade of fragments of souls in the dark market, in the occult market, it's very much a real thing. And people don't understand the blending that occurs. And I guess that in a way can explain why my family — especially my mom and dad — stayed in that area for so long, because I believe that they were bound to be in that area. I mean, we just couldn't escape.
(47:15) My mom was approached, because my mom has some abilities; she has some psychic abilities, definitely ability to astral-travel, and some other abilities. And she was specifically selected to work for the government and top-secret clearance. She has not disclosed any of the information that she had witnessed, but there were a lot of dark things that occurred. I can say that she worked in areas where UFO-kind of extraterrestrial-type stuff involving those types of things, and Los Alamos (48:00) and reverse-engineering technologies, and technologies of us utilizing the brain to manipulate certain technologies and certain things.
And she brought home some interesting stuff, too, that I saw as a kid in the late 1980s, early 1990s that was really intriguing, that she would tell us, “Hey, can't talk about this when I have this device on me.” Because it was essentially like a cell phone. It was like 1989 or 1990; it's like a smart phone. Looked just like my phone, with a chrome plate on top. And she’d hold it, and this thing would make noises, and she would say, “When I have this with this guy, this is for work. We cannot talk about work.” And she would get calls on it and have to step out and take these calls, you know, just really interesting things.
But, yeah, the abuse carried on. I was continually abused throughout my childhood, as I said, started doing drugs pretty early on. Got involved in gang- and cartel-related activities, I’d say by the age of nine, ten. At that point, I had gotten into this mindset where I just believed that I was— that I belonged to the Kingdom of Darkness. So, I joined this brotherhood called the Brotherhood of Chaos, and it was the Chaos Crew, and I actually had an engraving of the eight-pointed star of chaos that was engraved into my arm. And it was a brotherhood of just that — of just causing chaos. And so, we would just go to various neighborhoods and wreak havoc on people's lives and disrupt people, hurt people — things like that.
DAN: Okay. So as you are going through this, I assume that you continue to go deeper and deeper in, because you said the abuse itself went from five to thirteen. But you were also in initiated into the life, and going deeper into that side, the criminal activity side, all of that, I assume that your abilities continued to [improve] as you went into your teen years.
GREG: Yeah, I had— well when I was ten, my sister had found a— I was told that I would be given an ability. I was told that I would be given like a supernatural ability and be able to work magic. We learned they would do magic— Aleister Crowley was a big influence on my grandfather and on the group there. And so, they would do sex magic — you know, magik with a K — with the rituals, and they would get filled with these supernatural strengths. And I was pretty clumsy as a kid. I never could really, for example, hold a plate of food without dropping it, or walk very far without tripping. And later I found out that those are all signs of abuse, too.
But when I was ten, my sister found a skateboard behind a dumpster in Santa Fe, where I grew up, and I immediately took to it. I got on it and just was a natural at it. And I remember my spirit guide — or the voice in my head or whatever you want to call it — telling me, “This is going to be your ability.” And so, I became obsessed with it, and I— essentially it became my magic wand. Very, very quickly, I became very skilled in the art of skateboarding and was able to do things that I can't even explain. And it became very ritualistic to me. Later on, I ended up getting sponsored and was a semi-professional skateboarder in my earlier years, in my late teenage years or whatever. So, I had gotten that ability.
But when I was eleven or twelve, I had a couple of things happen. From when I was nine to about twelve years old, I had a couple of really good friends that were murdered; they were killed. And I was told that it was accidental, but I believe that it was done through human sacrifice, just looking back.
(53:00) And then, I remember specifically when I was twelve, I was visited by, I think it's called an incubus, where I was sleeping and I woke up, and there was this demonic entity, like, physically having sex with me. This thing was, like, on top of me and I just lay there. I was completely paralyzed, and I finished and everything, and this thing, like— when it happened, I couldn't move, but she grabbed my chin and she blew smoke in my mouth. And I became, like, I don't know — I just had this weird feeling, and after that, I was extremely addicted to pornography, and I just couldn't get enough of it.
And I remember that my friend told me there— one of my friends knew somehow that it happened, and he was involved with the occult activity too. And he was like, “Oh, did you have a good time the other day with so and so?” And I'm like, “What are you talking about?” He's like, “Yeah, dude, we sent her to you. She comes and, you know, she pleasures us from time to time. And we have a task for you: we want you to go and steal pornography from this one store as an initiation into— you know, you'll be a teenager soon, so we want you to do this, so that way, you can move up in the ranks of our little chaos crew” or whatever it was.
And so I went and went to the store and stole a bunch of porn mags, tried to put them in my clothes and whatnot and walked out. Ended up getting caught, got arrested for that, and ended up being on house arrest. Well, that really rocked me, getting arrested and everything. I was shamed by my parents, by my father; my dad actually didn't speak to me for like six months, just was really ashamed of my behavior. And that point my mom was like, “We don't know what to do with you; you're just out of control.”
And so, I just didn't care. I just didn't care about life or what anybody thought about me or what I was doing. So, I was supposed to be on house arrest, and my friend that was an influence of mine came with some drugs and wanted me to sneak out and go and ride motorcycles with him — we used to go and do jumps on motorcycles. And so we went and took some drugs. I didn't have any safety gear on or anything like that. Well, I ended up crashing. I end having a crash going about 45 miles an hour, and I ended up breaking my back in two places, broke my vertebrae, actually, had a severe spinal cord injury, broke my pelvis, my right hip, a bunch of different bones in my body, and was essentially paralyzed from my chest-down.
And I knew in that moment when it happened. I came to and I coughed up this, like, black goo out of my mouth, and it came and hit me back in my face, and I was just gasping for air. I had a collapsed lung and I knew that I was dying. And my friend was freaking out; he wasn't sure how I was even able to breathe or anything. I was just a tangled mess. I got wrapped up in the bike and it just crushed me as it flipped over, end over end about five times. So, he actually dragged me on the bike still work dragged me back to my parents’ house.
My parents were sleeping at the time, and he ran in, dragged me into the house and ran in, and was yelling to my mom and dad: “Hey, your son, he got into an accident!” And my dad’s like, “No! He's not supposed to be out!” My dad’s screaming at me while he's coming out of his bedroom, comes out seeing me in this mess, and he immediately told my mom to call 9-1-1. He picks me up, and this was really the first time I saw my dad cry. He was sobbing for me and he was praying for me. He put me down on the couch. And I remember feeling this— my ears were ringing really loud. And then my hearing went out, and then I remember feeling like I was actually dying.
And I thought, “Okay, well this is I'm dying; I've reached the end of my road and this is what's happening.” And so, like I said, we lived in the middle of nowhere, and my dad prayed for God to save my life. And it just so happened that one of my school classmates had broken her leg in a cheerleading practice down the street — broken her femur or something — so the ambulance was literally just down the road caring for her. Well, they got my critical call, so they came over to get me; and they got there essentially right on time. They got there, they put me on the gurnie.
When they flipped me over on the gurnie, I remember sitting up out of my body and turning around and seeing myself on the gurnie. And then they took me outside, and I floated above the house and I was above the ambulance and watching them put me in the ambulance. They had to cut off all my clothes, and I was just a tangled mess. And my mom was in the front of the ambulance holding on to my clothes; she was sobbing, crying.
And during this experience, it was interesting: up above my right shoulder, I felt this warm feeling in this light, and I look up and I see this tunnel of light. And it felt so welcoming. And I heard this voice coming from the tunnel, saying, “You can come home; you can come home with me.” And I was able to look around, and I can see other entities there. I saw these 8-foot tall creatures that looked like golden fire — it was really interesting. But then I saw smaller creatures that were also beings of light, but I could recognize them. It's almost as if they were family members that I recognized or something.
Well, turns out I had gone into cardiac arrest during that time, and I had crashed three times on the way to the hospital. Finally, they got me there, put me in a drug-induced coma, and I was just in this state of like in-between, is what I would call it. And so, I was having this conversation with what I believe was God at that point, saying, “God, I don't want to die; I want to live. I feel like I have a purpose, like I know that there's something else now that is the afterlife and I want to have a
chance to live.”
So, I had a lot of people praying for me, and essentially I had a miracle happen. so my dad had my dad and a group of people came and prayed for me, and I received pretty much a full recovery. I do have some nerve damage from that incident. And I had a grace period for—
(1:00:00) And this is why I’d say the abuse stopped around this point, because when I woke up from this situation, my mom and dad were there, obviously, and I was just broken apart, and I just came clean. I told my parents everything that was going on. I told them, I said, “Hey, this is what's been happening. I can't do this anymore.” And so, that essentially started to unravel the whole structure of abuse in my family.
My uncle, who is my godfather and godmother, I outed them about what was going on. And so, my mom and dad challenged them with it. Turns out that my 16-year-old cousin was being raped by her father repeatedly — just repeatedly, repeatedly raped. And she came to me and visited me, and I told her, I said, “Hey, I'm sorry I had to tell my parents everything.” Like, “I had to tell them everything, because this is what happened, and I feel like if I don't do this, God is not going to let me live.”
And so, she just started crying, and she was like, “I’m ready to tell the truth, too.” So she went public with it, and she went to the police, and her father was then arrested, and the whole family fell apart. Her father was arrested, sent to prison. She and her two brothers were taken out of state and put into, like, a witness-protection program and a therapy program, and I never saw them. I actually reconnected with them in adulthood. But her father went to prison and he ended up committing suicide in prison. And then other family members just started killing themselves. And, yeah, it started to all fall apart. And so, that was a good, I would say, three, four years of that turmoil.
(1:02:30) And then there was an Italian family that moved in from the East Coast that was trying to take some of the territory from where my grandfather was dealing there, and they ended up murdering one of his daughters, one of my aunts. And that started a drug war between the two families. And from when I was fourteen till around seventeen, both sides of the families — the males — essentially killed each other off.
(1:03:00) And I did well; I started going to a youth group when I recovered and stuff, and I started getting more into the Bible and whatnot. But then I slipped back into destructive patterns, because even though I had survived all that, I didn't go through any therapy with all that. I had, no kind of recovery treatment at all. My mom had tried to put me in a therapy program and I just I just couldn't do it. The the therapist that was working with me, he had asked me if I wanted to smoke a joint at our first session. He was just like a hippie-type dude.
And this came after my younger sister was killed when she was fourteen years old; I was seventeen, she was fourteen. Ahe was killed, and my brother at that point, he couldn't take everything that was going on; I mean, he got it worse than I did, honestly. And he ended up going insane, and he ended up being admitted when he was fifteen — fifteen, sixteen — he was admitted to a psychiatric asylum, and has never fully recovered.
So, my parents, when I was around fifteen, I was getting into some trouble, getting back into gang-related activities and things, they ended up putting me into a private school for troubled kids. And this was actually the foundation for me accepting Jesus as my savior. Because I was in a two-year facility where I was essentially put in a 4-by-8 cell, where all I had was the Bible, the King James version of the Bible, and then my schoolwork. And while I was in there, I couldn't talk at all; we couldn't communicate with any other person in there. We had armed guards that would walk up and down watching the students, and if we wanted to go to the bathroom we would put up an American flag — they would know we needed to go use the bathroom. If we had a question on our school work, we would put up a Christian flag. So, we’d put the Christian flag up, and then an instructor would come and help us with our studies, but it was very Bible-based, Christ-based.
And I was still very egotistical then. I was very hot-headed, thought I was all that and a bag of chips. So, when I got out of that when I was seventeen, my dad was basically done with my nonsense and he kicked me out of the house. So, at seventeen years old I became homeless, and all I had was my skateboard. I did have a couple of sponsors at that point, so I went to Santa Fe, where I knew that my sponsors would at least give me some money, food, and clothes and stuff, and I slept at the skate park for almost five months. And then I got my own place and started my life there. And then, simply because all I knew was how to deal drugs and get into gang stuff, I had a job as a shift manager of the local Dairy Queen, but then late nights I was dealing drugs and doing runs with my brother, and, you know, making a lot of money doing that.
So, my parents had gotten divorced at that point. My mom had left the church; she denounced church and Christianity and God and left the state, and I didn't hear from her for several years. When my sister died, it kind of was like a domino effect. My aunt got murdered, my sister's real dad was killed in prison — again my uncle was suicided in prison — and then all the death that we saw. And then my sister died. When my sister died, my parents divorced, my brother got mentally ill, and then, I mean, literally everything fell apart.
And I was so angry and so upset; I was like, “There is no possible way that there could be a loving God that would allow for any of this to happen.” So, again I got to this place of darkness, where I was like, “You know what? F— you, God.” Like, “I don't want anything to do with you.” Like, “I know that I can go back to the Brotherhood and they would love me unconditionally.” Of course, there's all kinds of things that are involved in in gang activity; you know, homosexuality, and all those types of things that come with it. And they all do all these dark things together, so that way they don't snitch on each other.
And I was determined to rise up in the ranks, and I wanted to be God. I was like, “You know what? I’m going to be my own God.” And in the occult, a lot of what they teach is becoming God, and that man himself is God. And so, I just dove into it and started practicing my own type of ritualistic magic and meditation of my own, getting deeply involved, and got involved with my grandfather again, rose up in the ranks, and became like a general in the family.
DAN: So here's the deal: I don't really want to rush a good thing. This is a part of your story that I actually want to allow you to explore a bit more fully, leading up to the total ttransformation work that Jesus did in a part two. Can we do that?
GREG: Yeah, because that's coming. I mean, because the the transformation of my life came in— I remember the day: it was September 3rd, 2005, was the day I met Jesus. And where I’ll leave it off on part one was, essentially from seventeen to twenty-one. I did as many drugs as I possibly could, I participated in as much dark magic as I possibly could, as much debauchery and, you know, sexual darkness as I possibly could. And I told God, I said, “If you want to stop me, stop me.” Well, on September 2nd, the night of September 2nd, 2005, I experienced a drug overdose and died and was sent to hell. And I'll continue that story on the part two.
Expulsion of Jews from Spain (Wikipedia)
Juan Marco Bejarano Gutierrez (2020). Jewish Conquistadors in the New World.
Robert Aleksander Maryks (2010). The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews: Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry and Purity-of-Blood Laws in the Early Society of Jesus.
Part 2: Deliverance
Thank God that you recovered, found God again, and are now a witness to the darkness. I am sorry for all you have endured, and I hope that the rest of your life is filled with peace and joy.
This is pretty significant: "...our conquistador family, specifically, was a part of the great expulsion of Spain in 1492, where the conquistadores were actually Conversos and [UI], were essentially Jews in the Jesuit order that were expelled from Europe to to the West, and were tasked with slaughtering the natives up through the Sea of Cortez, up through New Mexico, through California, and then claiming those areas for the new empire of Spain in America."