Thank God that you recovered, found God again, and are now a witness to the darkness. I am sorry for all you have endured, and I hope that the rest of your life is filled with peace and joy.

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This is pretty significant: "...our conquistador family, specifically, was a part of the great expulsion of Spain in 1492, where the conquistadores were actually Conversos and [UI], were essentially Jews in the Jesuit order that were expelled from Europe to to the West, and were tasked with slaughtering the natives up through the Sea of Cortez, up through New Mexico, through California, and then claiming those areas for the new empire of Spain in America."

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Many ruling-class personages, such as the Rothschilds, claim to be Jewish but aren't. "Sometime around the year 740 CE, King Bulan and the ruling class, followed by members of the general population, decided to convert to Judaism." . . . "Although the Khazar king, noblemen, and part of the population did indeed convert, it seems as though much of the population never embraced Judaism."

Thus, all of these machinations were carried out by the same group, which I simply call the Luciferian Brotherhood so as not to elevate components such as the Freemasons, the 13 bloodline families, the Jesuits or the Sabbatean Frankist cult.

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The history of the Jews in Spain is a horrific saga of persecution, pogroms and forced conversion.


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Wikipedia can be good when it isn't an obviously political subject. But regarding all of the machinations against the Jews as a race, the book, The Only Planet of Choice, put everything in perspective for me. Because the "Huvids" or Hebrews were originally chosen by Huvah to learn and pass on His teachings, and because Lucifer was the declared enemy of Huvah, the Luciferians particularly targeted the Hebrews for confusion, debauchery, destruction, etc.

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Here's a self published book that purports to be a history of Jewish conversos after 1492: https://www.amazon.ca/Jewish-Conquistadors-New-World-Early/dp/B085JZZJHQ

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