Information compartmentalization mirrors what MK Ultra did to people's minds - Cathy O'Brien
Write out your thoughts by hand to deprogram yourself
Once Mormon Missionaries completed their indoctrination, they would be recruited right off their bicycles into the FBI.
LISTEN to Cathy read this essay:
Intelligence? Agencies
“Intelligence is lost to mind control,” Mark would say. “And I’m talking about Intelligence Agencies.”
MK Ultra mind control inhibits critical analysis, creative application of information, discernment of truth, and a moral compass. Nevertheless, it had been determined that the need for compartmentalized secrecy was more important than agents thinking beyond their Need-to- Know, so MK Ultra became as common in Intelligence as it is in the military.
MK Ultra became as common in Intelligence as it is in the military.
“Wisdom outthinks their programmed minds every time,” Mark would forewarn. Wisdom comes with free thought, while programmed minds are also vulnerable to mind hacks who can easily access codes, keys, and triggers to turn an agent faster than they can blink.
Mark Phillips worked the highest levels of Intelligence mind sciences to preserve the sanctity of free thought and was deeply discouraged to witness some of our nation’s greatest minds being lost to MK Ultra. He was not the only one in Intelligence with eyes to see, ears to hear, and soul to know this truth.
Many aware individuals in Intelligence were not affected by MK Ultra since knowledge is our defense against mind control. Spy masters, including Col. Fletcher Prouty, shared Mark’s concern that an ongoing infiltration, destruction, and control of U.S. Intelligence agencies by a shadow Deep-State globalist government was underMinding U.S. sovereignty.
Mind control is their tool being used to usher in a global slave society agenda- beginning with infiltration of all Intelligence agencies through MK Ultra.
The formula for mind control is the same whether it is of an individual, classroom, Intelligence agencies, nations, or the world. Trauma is the basis of it, with no trauma more horrific on the human mind than sexual abuse of a child prior to age 5 while the brain is still forming.
The formula for mind control is the same whether it is of an individual, classroom, Intelligence agencies, nations, or the world. Trauma is the basis of it, with no trauma more horrific on the human mind than sexual abuse of a child prior to age 5 while the brain is still forming.
Pedophilia is a mind control agenda. Transgenderism is a depopulation mind control agenda. Both are used in black mail ops to compromise agents, politicians, and people of influence which is what Epstein Islands and Diddy Parties are all about. Who are the puppetmasters holding those videos?
Sexually abused children are often groomed to be recruited into ‘Intelligence’ Agencies. I was targeted for MK Ultra mind control since I had been born into a multigenerational-incest-based family. It had been found through Hitler/Himmler research, that was brought into the U.S. through Project Paperclip in the wake of WWII, that after 3 generations any knowledge base, belief system, or abuse base becomes autogenic in the brain. It becomes genetically inherent.
Equally, suppression of birthright information, such as how the human brain responds to trauma and our innate knowledge-base defense against mind control, becomes lost after 3 generations. It is still there deep in the subconscious, where humanity needs to be reminded to access it.
Consider that Intelligence agencies are structured akin to our brain’s natural response to trauma too horrible to comprehend. In the brain of an MK Ultra victim, there is no inner-communication between compartmentalized memory. Agents operating on a Need to Know have no inner-agency communication due to compartmentalized information. Compound secrecy erodes truth that makes us free.
My sexual abuse began at infancy before I could think to know what my father was doing was wrong. My brain knew, though, and responded to pain and suffocation by repressing memory of the abuse deep into my subconscious mind.
Neuron pathways actually shut down around the trauma so the rest of the mind can develop and function normally. I could not think to bring it to mind until that repressed, compartmentalized memory was triggered open when my father came in to sexually abuse me again. More traumatic events became compartmentalized and repressed from being used in child pornography, being trafficked to politicians at my grandfather’s Blue Masonic lodge, and being raped by pedophile priests subjecting me to occult trauma. As more and more neuron pathways shut down, suggestibility heightened as I lost more and more capacity for conscious free thought.
Dark global puppetmasters thought, what better place to store government secrets than in the brain of someone who cannot think to bring it to mind until triggered? MK Ultra mind control substituted triggers of causation with words, vibrational harmonic tones, hand signals, etc. Whoever held the codes, keys, and triggers to an MK Ultra victim had total control—unless a mind-hack accessed those codes.
Secrecy and lack of information is very destructive considering that we all formulate our thoughts, opinions, perceptions, and actions based on what we know. Our knowledge base has been altered for a long time.
Without free thought, there is no free will soul expression. No discernment, creative application of knowledge, or critical analysis. How can this possibly be a good idea for intelligence agencies? Intelligence is indeed lost to secrecy.
Compound secrecy inhibits access to truth that makes us free. If Intelligence agents cannot think to preserve freedom, what or who are they working for?
Birthright information on mind brain function, response to trauma, and ultimately our defense against mind control was censored under National Security and buried deep in archives, while puppetmasters imposed MK Ultra as their means of power and control. Secret knowledge = Power.
PerpeTraitors of MK Ultra mind control always met in secrecy, and the Epstein Island of its time during my childhood was at the Mackinac Island Michigan Governor’s Mansion. There it was discussed how information would be controlled through Global Education now known as Common Core. All aspects of society were being infiltrated, from religions to Intelligence Agencies.
The Epstein Island of its time during my childhood was at the Mackinac Island Michigan Governor’s Mansion (Governor George Romney, a Mormon)
CIA-Jesuit alliance produced a powerful form of mind control that was activated in the Mormon Church, while MK Ultra victims the Osmonds were pied pipers in drawing followers to the church. Harmonics vibrate neuron pathways in the brain, and between the Osmonds, Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and sub-audible harmonic equipment, MK Ultra expanded into technological control over LDS. Combined with “Brigham Young and Bring ‘em Often” childhood sexual and ritual abuse as detailed in Mormon Bishop Pace’s infamous Inner Office Memo, and with religious control over sleep, food, and water, technology effectively advanced MK Ultra mind control. It had been determined that once Mormon Missionaries completed their indoctrination, they would be recruited right off their bicycles into the FBI. This was a giant step and prime example how Intelligence was easily taken over through MK Ultra mind control.
Follow the money to learn that there are only a handful of self-appointed, self-anointed global puppetmasters who use mind control to create the illusion that they are a majority. By placing a puppetmaster as FBI Director, FBI Agents conditioned to follow orders do as they are told. FBI has authority over all local law enforcement, and can take over any case under guise of National Security. Now it becomes clear how 1 FBI Director has control over all law enforcement (except for our Constitutional Sheriffs who answer to We the People) due to MK Ultra mind control’s infiltration of Intelligence Agencies.
FBI has authority over all local law enforcement, and can take over any case under guise of National Security.
With technological advancements in MK Ultra mind control, Intelligence Agents could be programmed to secrecy to the point where the old cyanide pill was no longer needed. Agents are being programmed to die with their secrets.
Still, knowledge is our defense against mind control! Even death programming can be overcome in light of truth by deprogramming the program first, which is akin to understanding the magic trick. Once you know the trick, the spell is broken. Our brains, driven by the strength of the human spirit, are capable of overcoming any outside influence in light of understanding.
PTSD: Time to Heal empowers healing from any level of control, from childhood abuse to military and Intelligence. It is within us all to heal.
Because puppetmaster perpeTraitors know this and fear we will remember our own power, oftentimes our military and Intelligence agents are forbidden to write out their memory. The very act of moving a pen activates the logic, critical analysis part of the brain whereby shifting repressed secrets over to logic where it can be written out on paper and consciously dealt with. Neuron pathways re-open. Information on this mind-brain function has been suppressed, while writing by hand is taken from our education systems, military and Intelligence debriefings, and society because it is a self-brain-hack that frees us from any level of mind control.
When MK Ultra survivors tell me they cannot write by hand, I ask, “who told you that?” Before they can verbally answer, I remind them to Write it Out, hand them pen and paper, and leave them to self healing in silence. Once that program is written out, all other programs- death programs included- can be written out as well.
In deed, “Intelligence is lost to mind control” yet can be reclaimed with Free Thought.