All cultures go through states of higher technological development prior to learning that everything they have accomplished can be achieved by way of pure thought. – Matrix II
Wilhelm Reich
Austrian psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich can be considered the father of weather control and mind control.
Reich had two obsessions. His first obsession was the idea that he could acquire the advanced technology possessed by extraterrestrials. His second obsession was with sex. He believed that thought-power, or vril, was a form of biological energy, and that biological energy was principally sexual energy. He called his imaginary energy orgone, from the word, orgasm, and he performed strange experiments on people in an attempt to harness it.
“It is sexual energy which governs the structure of human feeling and thinking.” – Wilhelm Reich
Reich immigrated to the United States in 1939, right before the start of WWII. He ended up in New York. This suggests that he had the help of Illuminati Alexander Duncan Cameron (father of Duncan Cameron and Al Bielek) in getting a State Department visa, as well as his job doing research for the Navy and the CIA at Brookhaven National Laboratories.
Reich’s first accomplishment was to take free-energy devices invented by Nikola Tesla, send these devices into the atmosphere with balloons, and change the weather. They were deceptively called radiosondes, the claim being that they transmitted data to the ground. But they didn’t transmit data, because, as Preston Nichols demonstrated, there were no receivers on the ground. (“You didn’t see a flying saucer—it was just a weather balloon.”)
Reich’s second accomplishment was to take the traditional Satanic ritual abuse of the European nobility and turn it into a mind-control weapon the CIA could use to program millions of children.
In the pursuit of his dream of harnessing sexual energy, Reich experimented on children. Trauma-based mind-control (aka psychosexual programming) is the process of fracturing a child’s personality through a combination of sexual abuse, electrical shocks, drowning, drugs, terror and pain. Once the personality is split, subconscious programs are implanted in the docile personality, and the controller can switch the control (the victim) from one personality to another through words, gestures or extremely low frequency (ELF) radio transmissions.
MK-ULTRA was created out of this research, and it was headed by a Luciferian named Ewen Cameron. Another prominent early figure was CIA chemist Sidney Gottlieb.
By Ron Patton
A Brief History of Control
The Mystery Religions of ancient Egypt, Greece, India and Babylon helped lay the foundation for occultism, meaning “hidden knowledge.” One of the earliest writings giving reference to occultism is the Egyptian Book of the Dead, a compilation of rituals explicitly describing methods of torture and intimidation (to create trauma), the use of potions (drugs) and the casting of spells (hypnotism), ultimately resulting in the total enslavement of the initiate.[1] These have been the main ingredients for a part of occultism known as Satanism, throughout the ages.
During the 13th Century, the Roman Catholic Church increased and solidified its dominion throughout Europe with the infamous Inquisition. Satanism survived this period of persecution, deeply entrenching itself under the veil of various esoteric groups.
In 1776, a Bavarian Jesuit by the name of Adam Weishaupt was commissioned by the House of Rothschild to centralize the power base of the Mystery Religions into what is commonly known as the Illuminati, meaning “Enlightened Ones.” This was an amalgamation of powerful occultic bloodlines, elite secret societies and influential Masonic fraternities, with the desire to construct the framework for a “New World Order.” The outward goal of this Utopia was to bring forth universal happiness to the human race. However, their underlying intention was to gradually increase control over the masses, thus becoming masters of the planet.
The Anglo Alliance
By the 19th century, Great Britain and Germany were recognized as the primary geographic areas of Illuminati control. It then should be of little surprise to know the first work in Behavioral Science research was established in England in 1882, while much of the early medical and psychiatric techniques involved in mind control were pioneered at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany.
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up in London in 1921 to study the “breaking point” of humans. Kurt Lewin, a German psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute in 1932, about the same time Nazi Germany was increasing its research into neuropsychology, parapsychology and multigenerational occultism. Interestingly, a progressive exchange of scientific ideas was taking place between England and Germany, most notably in the field of eugenics: the movement devoted to “improving” the human species through the control of hereditary factors in mating. The nefariously enigmatic union between the two countries was bonded, partly through the Order of the Golden Dawn, a secret society that had high-ranking officials in the Nazi party and British aristocracy.
Top SS Nazi officer Heinrich Himmler was in charge of a scientific project called Lebensborn, which was for the selective breeding and adoption of children, a peculiarly large number of twins among them.[2] The purpose of the program was to create a super-race (Aryans) who would have total allegiance to the cause of the Third Reich (New Order). Much of the preliminary experimentation concerning genetic engineering and behavior modification was conducted by Dr. Josef Mengele at Aushwitz, where he coldly analyzed the effects of trauma-bonding, eye coloring and “twinning” upon his victims.
Besides the horrifying surgical experimentation performed at the concentration camp, some of the children were subjected to massive amounts of electroshock. Sadly, many of them did not survive the brutality. Concurrently, “brain-washing” was carried out on inmates at Dachau, who were placed under hypnosis and given the hallucinogenic drug mescaline. During the war, parallel behavioral research was led by Dr. George Estabrooks of Colgate University. His involvement with the Army, CID, FBI and other agencies remains shrouded in secrecy. However, Estabrooks would occasionally “slip” and discuss his work involving the creation of hypno-programmed couriers and hypnoticallyinduced split personalities.[3]
After WWII, the U.S. Department of Defense secretly imported many of the top German Nazi and Italian fascist scientists and spies into the United States via South America and the Vatican. The code name for this operation was Project PAPERCLIP.[4] One of the more prominent recruits for the U.S. was German General Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s Chief of Intelligence against Russia.
Upon arriving in Washington, DC in 1945, Gehlen met extensively with President Truman, General William “Wild Bill” Donovan, Director of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and Allen Dulles, who would later become the head of the CIA. The objective of their brainstorming sessions was to reorganize the nominally American intelligence operation, transforming it into a highly efficient covert organization. The culmination of their efforts produced the Central Intelligence Group in 1946, renamed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in 1947. Reinhard Gehlen also had a profound influence in developing the National Security Council, from which the National Security Act of 1947 was derived. This particular piece of legislation was implemented to protect an unconscionable number of illegal government activities, including clandestine mind-control programs.
Evolution of Project MKULTRA
With the CIA and National Security Council firmly established, the first in a series of covert brainwashing programs was initiated by the Navy in the fall of 1947. . . .
The CIA decided to expand their efforts in the area of behavior modification, with the advent of Project BLUEBIRD, approved by Director Allen Dulles in 1950. . . . In August 1951, Project BLUEBIRD was renamed Project ARTICHOKE, which evaluated offensive uses of interrogation techniques, including hypnosis and drugs. The program ceased in 1956.
Three years prior to the halt of Project ARTICHOKE, Project MKULTRA came into existence on April 13, 1953, along the lines proposed by Richard Helms, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, with the rationale of establishing a “special funding mechanism of extreme sensitivity.”[6]
ULTRA was the first U.S. program that addressed extraterrestrial contacts, which always revolved around technologies. The presumed etymology of “MK” is that is stands for “Mind Kontrolle.” A host of German doctors, procured from the Nazi talent pool, were an invaluable asset toward the development of MKULTRA. . . .
Of the 149 subprojects under the umbrella of MKULTRA having been identified, Project MONARCH officially began by the U.S. Army in the early 1960’s (although unofficially implemented much earlier) appears to be the most prominent and is still classified as TOP SECRET for “National Security” reasons.[9]
Project MONARCH could be best described as a form of trauma-structured dissociation and occultic integration in order to compartmentalize the mind into multiple personalities within a systematic framework. During the process, a Satanic ritual, usually including Cabalistic mysticism, is performed with the purpose of attaching a particular demon or group of demons to the corresponding alter(s).
There are an inordinate amount of alters in the victim/survivor, with numerous back-up programs, mirrors and shadows. A division of light-side (good) and dark-side (bad) alters are interwoven in the mind and rotate on an axis. One of the main internal structures, (of which there are many) within the system is shaped like a double-helix, consisting of seven levels. Each system has an internal programmer who oversees the “gatekeepers” (demons?) who grant or deny entry into the different rooms. A few of the internal images predominately seen by victims/survivors are trees—the Cabalistic “Tree of Life” with adjoining root systems—infinity loops, ancient symbols and letters, spider webs, mirrors or glass shattering, masks, castles, mazes, demons/monsters/aliens, sea shells, butterflies, snakes, ribbons, bows, flowers, hour glasses, clocks, robots, chain-of-command diagrams, and schematics of computer circuitry boards.
Bloodlines and Twinning
A majority of the victims/survivors come from multigenerational Satanic families (bloodlines) and are ostensibly programmed “to fulfill their destiny as the chosen ones or chosen generations” (a term coined by Mengele at Auschwitz). Some are adopted out to families of similar origin. Others used in this neurological nightmare are deemed as the “expendable ones” (non-bloodliners), usually coming from orphanages, foster-care homes, or incestuous families with a long history of pedophilia. There also appears to be a pattern of family members affiliated with government or military intelligence agencies.
– From Brice Taylor, Thanks for the Memories
Stewart Swerdlow is a Montauk survivor who was in the Illuminati mind-control and genetic breeding program for 13 years, beginning in the early 1970s. He was finally able to deprogram himself, and has been lecturing and writing books ever since. In Blue Blood, True Blood (2002), he describes the Luciferian child-sacrifice rituals that regularly took place at the Montauk base. He claims that many prominent people took part, including Sir Laurence Gardner, William F. Buckley, Sean Connery, Spiro Agnew, Henry Kissinger, John F. Kennedy Jr., the Shah of Iran, and “numerous other actors, military personnel and Middle Eastern figures whose names I did not know.” According to Swerdlow, “All but Kennedy and Connery shapeshifted ito reptilian form during the ceremonies” (p. 84). (Before you judge JFK or JFK Jr., remember that Luciferians such as Joseph Kennedy subject their own children and grandchildren to SRA mind-control from before birth.)
Aleister Crowley
From Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness
by Preston Nichols & Peter Moon (1995)
(Sky Books,
As The Montauk Project was published, further discoveries would establish that there was a real basis to the wild information Preston was talking about. But the most shocking of all these corroborations was the discovery that the Montauk Project was linked to the most infamous occultist of all time: Aleister Crowley, often described as “the wickedest man in the world.” According to reports, Crowley had used the practice of sexual magic in order to manipulate time itself, communicate with disembodied entities, and travel interdimensionally. It was even suggested that the interdimensional nature of the Philadelphia Experiment was somehow connected to Crowley’s magical ceremonies.
The startling proof of Crowley’s association developed over a long period of time, but the discovery began to take shape in my very first conversation with Preston (Preston Nichols), when he said that he was connected to Aleister Crowley. He believed that in a previous life, he and Duncan had been Preston and Marcus Wilson, respectively. These brothers were twins, and had been the first manufacturers of scientific instruments in Great Britain. In addition to being friends of Aleister Crowley’s family, they had been involved in a joint business venture with them.
I began to look for references to the Wilsons in Crowley’s various books, but none turned up. To my surprise, though, I discovered that not only had Crowley visited Montauk in 1918, but he had mentioned a Duncan Cameron in his autobiography. [Probably Alexander Duncan Cameron Sr., who traveled often to Europe.] Subsequent to this, I discovered numerous instances of synchronicity between the Cameron and Crowley families, which are detailed in Montauk Revisited.
I discovered that not only had Crowley visited Montauk in 1918, but he had mentioned a Duncan Cameron in his autobiography.
These synchronicities began to make sense when I found out about a woman who called herself simply Cameron.1 She was married to Jack Parsons, the world’s first solid-fuel rocket scientist and a disciple of Crowley. Together, they had participated in a series of sex-magic rituals called the Babylon Working.
I flew to Southern California on business, and while there met a friend of Cameron quite by “accident”. Discovering that Cameron lived in California, I soon found myself telling her about the Philadelphia Experiment, the Montauk Project, and the Crowley-Cameron relationship. Much to my surprise, she informed me that her real name wasn’t Cameron at all: it was Wilson!
I received an astonishing letter several months later that would close the case as regards whether or not the Wilson brothers had existed. It was from a man named Amado Crowley, who claimed to be an illegitimate son of Aleister Crowley. Amado not only stated that his father had talked about the Wilson brothers, but he gave a spectacular account of his father’s whereabouts on August 12, 1943, the day of the Philadelphia Experiment.
On that day, Aleister Crowley had directed a magical ceremony at Men-an-Tol in Cornwall, England. where a large doughnut-shaped rock stands upright.2 According to Amado, Aleister put him through the hole in the rock, whereupon a line of rough water ran west toward Long Island, New York.
Peter Moon (
Taylor, Brice Thanks for the Memories: The Truth Has Set Me Free (1993). The memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s mind-controlled slave.
Moon, Peter (1997). The Black Sun: Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connection. Westbury, New York: Sky Books.
Nichols, Preston and Moon, Peter (1995). Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness. Westbury, New York: Sky Books.
Swerdlow, Stewart. (2002). Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict and Creation–A Personal Account. St. Joseph, Michigan:Expansions Publishing Company, Inc.
Marjorie Cameron Parsons Kimmel (1922 – 1995), who professionally used the mononym Cameron, was an American artist, poet, actress and occultist. A follower of Thelema, the new religious movement established by the English Satanist Aleister Crowley, she was married to rocket pioneer and fellow Thelemite Jack Parsons.
The word menhir originates from Brittonic languages: ‘men’ means stone, and ‘hir’ means long. The leader of the Illuminati is called the Pindar, which means “Pinnacle of the Draco” or “Penis of the Draco.” Men-an-tol is a stone with a hole in it. There is a menhir on either side of the Men-an-tol, so either way you look through the opening, you see the Draco’s penis.
Very instructive, thank you.
Thank you for sharing this important information.