Aquarius Rising Africa Ⅱ
Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, b. 1982, princess of Wales since 2022
Issue: Prince George of Wales, Princess Charlotte of Wales, Prince Louis of Wales
JESSIE: I don't think it's her [Kate]. That's my personal opinion. I don't think it's her. Part of that being that all of a sudden her body is a little bit more elongated than it used to be, her face. Her neck, her shoulders, her arms, her extremities are longer than they used to be.
One of the things I pointed out a long time ago [regarding] people in these high positions within the system is that they've been trained for these positions since the time they were very little. And in that training, you have something that's called posture. I mean, it's so rigorous, the abuse and the extent of the training, that you don't just forget. You don't just make a mistake. These are people that are being trained for the worldwide end-time events that the system has been planning, and in those they have to be perfect in every way. That's why they start training so young: so that there are absolutely no mistakes.
And we see all these people in their adulthood making massive mistakes that just wouldn't happen. They're not going to stand in the wrong spot; they're not going to even have their clothing disheveled; they're not going to pause and be like, “Oh, look at that.” You're just not going to have that. So what I see is that it's not the individuals that were there at the rigorous training sessions; it's not them. But you've got fakers. They're trying to make it look good.
Why is this happening? I think because the system has to. They don't have backups for these individuals. They don't have other people who have gone through the rigorous training to fill that person's position, so, what do they do? They're having people step in that look a lot like them, and they're trying to catch them up quick and have them be ready to fill these positions. But I think those people are struggling to do so.
CHANTELLE: Are the replacements family members?
JESSIE: There are only a few options. Either the system has bred children from the same family lines that come out with traits that are so similar, or they’re doppelgangers—other kids that look very similar. Or they're clones.
My top guess would be that they're people in masks, because a clone or an identical twin is going to be pretty much identical, where you wouldn't be able to see any big differences. With doppelgangers you'll see little differences, like the fake HRC.
All these deaths, all this weird stuff. We know stuff's going on on. We know that the Knights of Malta have been dismantled. We know they've lost all their money. And there are [rumors about] Charles being the antichrist. And what happens? Oh, poor Kate, she gets deathly ill and has to go through cancer treatment. Now everybody feels so bad: we have to support her; we have to love her; we have to love and support this family. And what is nobody doing? Nobody's addressing the crimes that have been committed against children by the royals. Nobody says, “My God, did they put George and Charlotte and Louis and other children in the family through this training?”
[CHANTELLE advances a theory that William has gotten rid of Kate because he wants to marry his lover.]
JESSIE: But it doesn't work that way in the system, Chante. These people are part of circle groups. Within that circle group they're— I guess I'll just say their fidelity is not just to their spouse. They all have sex with one another.
So it could go two different ways, but I think the question is: if they already took Kate out, then why do we have somebody filling in? It's because they have to soften the blow to people. They can't just come out and say. “We took her out.” They have to soften it for the fans.
CHANTELLE: Why have they taken her out?
JESSIE: I think the main things are, one, if behind the scenes she's been found guilty of crimes against children and been held accountable for that. That's my top pick. I think that they're having to find a way to cover it up, as I said.
You know, the system is notorious for having these fakers step in. They did that when I was a kid. They'll make it where all of a sudden people just don't exist and never existed. Or they'll bring people in and be like, “Oh, that's Bob.” And you're like, “That's not Bob: that's a different guy.” And they're like, “No, that's Bob.”
So, they'll do stuff like that; that's not new to them. They'll pass people off as certain individuals and that's the story. Then all of a sudden that person's in the news with everybody at all these elite parties being introduced, so everybody knows that that's the Bob.
So, I see a lot of these tactics going on, which, why would they be doing it? In my experience as a kid it was if the circle groups were scared. Something happened, and they were trying to protect the rest of the group. They have to keep a story going. They can't just say, “She was found guilty of such and such,” because then everybody's attention is going to be on everybody else who's connected to that circle group.
What do they want? They want Charles to step up as king, because that's part of one of their plans to have that. Look, they want everybody in place. They want to keep William in his place. So, I see them trying to salvage and trying to preserve people in their places. We noticed, too, all of a sudden all the kids are being taken out of the public light. And then, what happened with some of the kids? Like, little Charlotte all of a sudden is like a young woman. How did that happen?
Is it possible that that's not even Charlotte, too, that that's a doppelganger they have, the one they're presenting to us as Charlotte now? All of a sudden the kids are taken out of the limelight. There's a lot of things that don't make sense in the images, the stuff that we see, and I think that they've got different people in there.
CHANTELLE: When you spoke about Kate and crimes against children, what type of crimes are we talking about?
JESSIE: I would put the whole royal family in that. It's my belief that the children have been trained in the Brotherhood ways. We brought out on a show long ago about Prince George going through something that was exactly what I went through, where they made it look like he was making bread pudding. They kept adding more and more ingredients until he was using the spoon to chop at the dough because it was so thick. And that's how they do stabbing training in the system, to build up the child's muscles so that they can stab their victims with a dagger. So, there's things that I've seen that make me believe they've been through that Brotherhood training.
So, what crimes are we talking about? All of these crimes would be classified under Satanic ritual, where you're going to have rape, torture, adrenochrome, organ harvesting—even on down the line to cannibalism. You know, at the end of the day these individuals— There are terms like, “Oh, they're part of the Ninth Circle.” The Ninth Circle is a special group in connection to the Ninth Council, which the Queen sat on. And what is the Ninth Circle notorious and known for? It's known for its cannibalism. They're cannibals.
So, what kind of things are we talking? We know the stories. They've already been called out for the children that they took out on a so-called picnic who didn't come back. They've already been found guilty of cannibalism. I think the whole lot is [guilty].
I would not necessarily say Diana was. I think that she was the one person in that family who was fighting against that. And I do believe Diana was born into it, but I think that she was trying to get out and trying to get those kids out, and I think that she stayed so long because she was trying to get the kids out.
26:00 JESSIE: Did you get the crest that I sent? Because in hers there's some specific symbols that speak to the type of training, the breeding, like what comes down in her family line in the system that they're looking for.
JESSIE: So, in their coat of arms, they use these to indicate their authority, the jurisdiction, the scope of skills that these families have. What are the things that they're going to specialize in? And they're going to look at these when they make their alliances.
Now, the first thing that we notice is, in the middle you have this crest-looking shape. That crest shape actually is pointing down. In the system you have two triangles. One is going to point up and that's going to represent the holy trinity. The other is pointing down, as we see here, which represents unholy trinity. So, that tells you that that's a contract within this family line. They tend to make more unholy trinities than they do holy trinities.
We also see around that crest it looks like there's a circle. But the circle's cut off, so that you have this shape. In the system they would use that as the laurel shape. It looks like a caesar crown that would go half-way around the head. That shape is used to represent priestesses, so you know they're high in having priestesses.
Now those priestesses are going to be connected to certain things which you see, like the acorn and the oak leaves. That's really significant, because the oak tree and all of that imagery is associated with Druidism in the system, and special tinctures and things that Druids make from the oak plant.
And we see that they're able to make those that are going to be connected with the colors. You've got the blue and the red. The blue, representing the Roman side of the system, are those connected to the Vatican and the Holy See, and the red are connected to the Leviathan system or the Judaism side. So, they're going to have both coming from both family lines: those that are considered the Jesuit—connected to the Vatican—and those who are connected to Judaism—the Sadducees and the Sanhedrin.
But who are they looking for? Is it necessarily with those Druids? Who are they looking for with that? Well, we see a male chevron that looks like the the upside-down V. So you know they're looking for priestesses that have these males who are going to be high Druids that could fill into either the Vatican side or the Sanhedrin side of the system.
And then in the bottom left-hand corner we see a gold harp. Usually that harp is seen with the Order of Hibernians. And that's just one of the base orders; like you'll see it with some of the other orders as they are coming into the recruitment phases of Freemasonry and choosing their specialties. But that gold harp is very significant, because what it represents is escorts, that they're breeding escorts—those who are going to cater to the elite, those who are going to marry into family lines, whether male or female, and provide entertainment.
You see the lion and the deer-type creature. In the international crest, those are going to be connected to the cherubic signs: the eagle represents the Northern Quadrant, the lion represents the Eastern Quadrant. So we see the connection to the east there with the lion.
32:00 Those cherubic signs are also going to represent connections to Upper Council things. But it means their are seats open. It doesn't mean that Kate is going to have a seat for sure: it just means that that family line has seats open. You also see— the Southern Quadrant is going to be the man, and then you have the Western Quadrant, which is the ox. But that also could be symbolized by the deer, by any forestry or farm animal; it could be horses, whatever it is, that's going to represent the west. So we see that [the family has] seats in the east [lion] and the west [deer] on the [Satanic] Council.
And then down at the bottom we see the cross for the Knights of Malta. That's going to be the connection between the system positions. There's also going to be connection to the system Sovereign Military. And what group or what part of that Sovereign Military is there a connection to? It's going to be to the Knights of Malta, which they use in some of their military; they have special people.
CHANTELLE: Why has that lion got red toenails?
33:45 JESSIE: Yeah, that's a red upside-down shell, and that's going to be connected to the water magic. They have it on the lion, and then you also see it shift into that upper-left quadrant. Now with that, you get contracts, because in the system, three pillars are going to represent the Solomonic magic contracts. So, that middle [pillar] is going to represent the contracts with Abaddon, Ashtoreth [Astarte] and Leviathan.
And then because there's a shell right there in the middle, you're also going to have a high connection to different water deities and water spirits. And then the other two poles are going to represent the Ashteroth and the Baal poles. In the Freemasonry it's going to be the Boaz and the Jachin poles.
Boaz and Jachin were two copper, brass or bronze pillars which stood on the porch of Solomon's Temple, the first Temple in Jerusalem. They are used as symbols in Freemasonry and sometimes in religious architecture.
But in that in Solomonic magic, that threefold contract, they're going to go through certain rituals, one of them being that they take certain verses out of Scripture. When you write those verses into three pillars, you end up with all these three-letter names up and down those three poles, that represent the 72 Keys of Solomon, which basically were the 72 demonic names that Solomon summoned. So, that represents the 72 contracts that King Solomon made that are in his “grimoirs,” the 72 Keys of Solomon. So, it just represents their magic in that house.
36:00 And behind it, what do we see? Heavy with the lions from the east. So, beyond Druids, you're going to have those who are skilled in water magic as well as in Solomonic magic. With that flat header you have spiritual gates. You know that they're going to oversee certain buildings or temples that have spiritual gates, and will be guardians of those buildings and places.
So, all of these things in here are contracts. It shows their authority, their jurisdiction. So, there are certain things that they'll have to fulfill with their line, that they'll have to pass on—knowledge, wisdom, contracts that they have to keep and secure and pass on.
CHANTELLE: What information is given to the parents at this point in time?
38:00 JESSIE: They just have two options: either they're going to be compliant to the system or they're not. And if they're going to be compliant to the system, they have to go with the system's narrative.
I mean, I had an entire school, I had teachers, I had an entire community of 20 or more houses in my area that, after they claimed they took out my training partner [by burning down his house], all of a sudden it was like “No, there was never a house there.” “There was never a Nazi whose name was Michael Karkoc. There was never a little boy or two little boys who lived with him. There was never anybody there.” Even at school, “there was never anybody here by that name.” That's the narrative.
And your choice is you go with it or you don’t. If you don’t, you know there's going to be consequences, and those consequences could be your life or the life of another loved one. And most of the time, if they think you're going to break their narrative, they may even do something before you make your move. So, that's the end of the story: you're compliant or you're not.
Sometimes they'll pull people in, give them certain drugs, mind drugs that are going to make it seem like anything that they would question or doubt is not the truth, that there's just a dream that they're having. “Oh, that's just a bad nightmare that you had, but that's not your daughter.” And then they usually send in the virtue squad while you're drugged up: “You're a good mother; you love your daughter. She has cancer and you're her biggest supporter.” They're going to fill in that narrative that they want you to follow.
CHANTELLE: I have questions as to whether Kate even birthed those children.
JESSIE: I don't think she did. I don’t think they're hers or William’s. You know, often with the elite, they hand-pick children from the family lines they want. Many times they will use siblings. But they're bringing in kids from other family lines and giving those children to people. Sometimes they're not even given; sometimes they buy those children that they want based on their spiritual specifications and their skills, the family line that they come from, because they want to have the best in their line.
CHANTELLE: How are they getting them to look so similar to their parents? Are they using siblings’ kids? Are they playing around with their DNA? Are these specially spliced kids, so to speak?
JESSIE: Yeah, I mean, that's the question. We don't have all the exact answers to that, but I think that all of those are are possibilities in different situations. We know that there's other children. We even know that Queen Elizabeth had other children. She had others, that— there were multiple children who grew up as Harry. And the real Harry was one who was sick and spent most of his life indoors put away somewhere. How many other children did they have?
43:00 CHANTELLE: Did Diana give birth to those two boys of hers?
JESSIE: I don't think she did. I don't think they were her kids. But I believe she deeply loved them and didn't want them to go through what they were going through.
They really don't care about the children, and if the children break, then they just find a way to cover that in a way that makes that child look bad. “Oh, they turned to drugs; they can't help themselves.” Or they'll come up with something scandalous that turns the eye away from the Brotherhood and the training and just puts [the focus] on something scandalous that child is choosing: they're rebellious, they make their own choices.
There are people behind the scenes pulling strings, and that's going to be the Satanic Council that sits above them. The quadrant leaders are going to be the main ones making those decisions.
CHANTELLE: But who would be Charles's handler, for example, or even the Queen's handler?
JESSIE: You have to remember these people sit in circle groups. So, they're going to have their whole circle group putting pressure on them. It's not even a matter of handling in a way, because you have to make decisions together. For example, for my position as a mother of darkness, who were we directly under? It's Lucifer. And who are we responsible to? We're responsible to the other mothers. Every decision that we make has to be based directly on Lucifer's will, and our job is to keep each other accountable to that—even if it was something we didn't agree with or didn't want to do. If I'm going to rebel, it would have been against Lucifer, right? It would have been against these other mothers.
Now in that, the councilmen, who are they directly responsible under? You know, both special chambers and councils are going to be under the Mothers of Darkness, who get those orders directly from Lucifer.
So, you have a whole spiritual aspect to the accountability that many times we forget about. It's not their own agenda. It's Lucifer's agenda that's going forward, and you have principalities, powers and authorities. So, it’s the people who are in those Council seats for the Western Quadrant internationally that are going to be over Charles. He's not grand high priest status; he's a very specific position, so that is going to be directly under that council.
Now, ironically, because you have the main Council of 300, one of those people was Soros until May of 2021. But who's the phoenix of the council now? That's Barack Obama.
Now we also know Jacob Rothschild sat in a seat overseeing Western Quadrants—he passed away. So who were two of the main people who were overseeing Charles? You had Jacob Rothschild, you had Soros, you have Barack Obama.
You also have, out of Scotland area over the special chambers you have Somerset Belenoff. So who's really overseeing the throne? It certainly is not Charles or his family line. You have the Satanic Council, those three people in particular, as the heads of the Council. Well, now it's the two. But who stepped into Rothschild’s seat? That's the question. Who stepped into his seat? I think we need to look into that and see who's vying for that seat.
You'll see all of a sudden these humanitarian efforts. I don't think it's been settled yet. I think that there's still— whether it's battles, or vying for all of his assets, I think one of the strong contenders who's trying to get his foot in there is that Hallett guy [Joseph Gregory Hallett - King John III] And in fact, because the Sovereign Military was dismantled, it was through that Hallett guy, where he had a representative flash a seal and put out a video, and they called all the Sovereign Military to come back to Avalon.
So, he's trying to gain the military control, but we know who's the head over the Sovereign Military in that region. That's going to be Charles’s sister. So, whoever wants that control is going to have to make a contract or alliance with her, because she has all the military power right now.
Anne, Princess Royal is the second child and only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and the only sister of King Charles III.
CHANTELLE: What do they trade with in these alliances?
51:00 JESSIE: Well, power, alliances is a big one. We see two other significant ones stepping up besides Hallett which are kind of ironic. You've got the connection between Spain and Portugal. You've got Prince Afonso [Afonso Santa Maria de Bragança], with his wavy long gold locks. He's going to try to get his foot in the door. And then you've got Princess—I think her name's Anne, too, of Sweden [Princess Madeleine of Sweden, b. 1982].


So, they've declared an alliance between Spain, Portugal and Sweden, which is interesting, because you're getting into the older—the Norwegian, the Swedish—those are some of the hidden royal bloodlines. You've got in that all the Odinism coming in with the Brotherhood. So, you've got some of the older alliances resurfacing and coming to the forefront.
And in that, what do they use to gain alliances? Well, they have to have power and authority. So, they're going to flaunt their contracts, particularly spiritual contracts. Because the Illuminati have to have that form of godliness, right? So some of the things that you are going to see coming out are the seals, the special spiritual artifacts. Who has the Sword of Destiny? Who has the Ark of the Covenant? Who has the Holy Grail? Who has the Shroud of Turin? Who has Solomon's ring? Who has all these things that supposedly wield power?
We’re going to start seeing these flashes, like who has these specialty big massive diamonds or jewels, right, after the Vatican's already been emptied of all their diamonds. The Holy See doesn't have any more: they're bankrupt. The Knights of Malta are bankrupt, which, guess what? What were the Knights of Malta known for? The old Knights of Saint John Christiandom, what what was the main thing the Vatican had that was their source of power? It was the Holy Grail and some of these artifacts. Where did it go? Who's got it?
So, we're going to see stuff resurface as they're starting to bid and and vie for their power, their authority.
CHANTELLE: Apparently Princess Anne fell off a horse and got kicked in the head and has lost her memory.
JESSIE: Is that Charles's sister?
CHANTELLE: Yes, the head of the military, head of MI6.
55:00 JESSIE: Well, who’s going to step in? Now Sweden or Afonso [Afonso Santa Maria de Bragança] they're going to come in to help, of course, because they're the light side of the system, and they'll make it look like a good humanitarian effort. So, we'll see. Maybe it will be Hallett who gets to step up with that. Are all the Sovereign Military going to make an alliance to him? He's called them up.
CHANTELLE: Why did the royal brothers split? [Harry and William]
JESSIE: Well, you saw that split after a major seat of power was lost to them. They lost a seat of power when Beyonce stepped in. So after that, what is there? They don't have a seat of power now; someone else has that. And that Eastern Quadrant seat, they try to have seats in the east and in the west, and they they lost a seat of power.
CHANTELLE: Is that why Harry and Meghan got married? Because I remember right in the beginning we were speaking about Meghan and Beyonce having their witchy battles for the High Priestess of the Eastern Quadrant.
JESSIE: Yeah, for Gloria Vanderbilt's position, yeah, in the United States.
CHANTELLE: Was that why Meghan got married to Harry, because it was expected that she would fill that position?
JESSIE: Well, I think it would have been a great cover story, because it would have it would have explained why she was spending so much time in the U.S. But we'll see what they contend for.
CHANTELLE: I don't believe that Meghan gave birth to those babies.
JESSIE: I don’t believe that she did, either.
CHANTELLE: She and Harry were here in South Africa not long after Archie was born and spent time with Archbishop Desmond Tutu. And Tutu was known as Archie; he died maybe a year ago now. He was South Africa's Anglican Archbishop, and he was the one we were speaking about who sold his grandson into child trafficking so that he could get his archbishop's crown.
JESSIE: Right. I guess that's the question: did he sell another child from South Africa to the royals?
JESSIE: So, this is William’s [coat of arms], and in the middle you see that crest. And we see also that it's pointing downward. We see up towards the top of that, notice it's not just in one quadrant of the crest, but we see that three-cord contract, with the Solomonic contract going across the whole top of that crest. We also see it on both the lion and the horse in that one, representing different things that he'll have jurisdiction and authority over.
But instead of the priestess laurel around [the crest], we see what looks like a belt buckle. And he wears that same buckle on the shoulder of his lapel, cape, and that represents a Sovereign Military order—the Order of the Bath. And so, he's going to be connected to the knights group that are part of that Order of the Bath. And you also have Order the Garter that we see.
If we follow that straight down, at the bottom we see another crest that's all black, and in that we see an upside-down triangle shape representing an unholy triangle, and we see the gold pearls. Now, what's interesting is that those gold pearls signify the Order of Melchizedek, but in that there are special military groups that also will use the gold pearls—particularly an order connected to the Sovereign Military coming out of Australia.
So, we see that he has more than one crest. Also, on the bottom right-hand corner, we see a dragon. Why is that? What does he have to oversee? Are there really mythical creatures? Do they exist? Is part of his duty to make sure and care for things that are connected to the dragon lines? That's one of the possibilities.
On the left-hand side we see these three feathers that come up and out. There's a couple different significant things about that. One, when the feathers look like arrows like that and you have three of them, you've got a three-fold contract there. But that also goes to the higher orders. You have a line of orders that starts with the Order of the Monitor, and then the arrows go up to the Order of the Scarlet Cord. That whole order is based off of the brotherly relationship between Saul's son, Jonathan, and King David. So, I think that represents that he's part of those upper echelons of the Order of the Scarlet Cord.
You also have, usually when you see a single quill, looking like a quill pen, which those feathers can look like, that's the Order of the Quill, which is connected to different types of law, contracts, things like that. So, are there significant contracts that he oversees? We’re seeing that displayed here.
You even see this odd chain going around the horse. Usually when we see those chain links, that's going to be connected to the Odd Fellows in the system.
And again, we see the house of Leo; we see a knight's helmet. That tells you there's Sovereign Military that's in that family line. Again, we see the escort symbol [harp]. His has many more lions in it, which means that there's a lot with the Eastern Quadrant that they're overseeing, with a little bit of the Western Quadrant.
1:07:00 But in the middle of that crest, and the main contracts below—those three, with the unholy triangle for the Orders of Melchizedek, the dragons, and the quill, we'll call it the Scarlet Cord contracts—I think those are the main ones of concern in his family line that he's having to oversee.
Where the dragons are even tells you the spiritual gates and the connection. Now, this is just a closeup of that quill. You see the quill pens, the three of them, again representing three-fold contracts between Wales and—
You know, and Wales was on the eastern side, so the western side is where the dragon contracts are. So.
Draco Takeover Through Hybridization
JESSIE: So, we see her wearing her contracts and emblems badges. You've got the blue with the little bits of red representing the jurisdiction of the Holy See in the Vatican. We see the connection there with the Sovereign Military. And notice how the ribbon, the way she wears it on her side there. It's got that little bow, and then you've got the Sovereign Military emblem right underneath it: that's exactly the same as how it's presented in her crest.
And their contracts, why do the royals wear them like this? Why are they laid over their hip? It's because literally the contract is taken in your physical and spiritual body, and a breaking of that contract will come with physical injury.
In Scripture, you saw the same sinew of the hips. New contracts were made when Jacob received his father's blessing. He put his hand under the hip around that sinew area, and then his father blessed him. So you have blessings and curses associated. That's why they wear it on the hip like that, or going down the side.
You'll even see the lapels, which basically are a government that's laid over their shoulder. It's a mantle that represents their authority, their jurisdiction, their government that's laid on their shoulder. We see that in Isaiah 9, where it says, “The government rests on his shoulder.” What was it talking about in Isaiah 9? It literally is a mantle that is put over the shoulders.
The one to the bottom left there, again, we see the cross for the Knights of Malta, but we also see this weird star shape, with all these little dots or pearls representing the Order of Melchizedek. But also, when we see it like that with all the the pearls in those lines like that, not only is it Order of Melchizedek—and you see the one above it, too, on the left with all the sunshine rays—both are going to represent a connection to the York Right Freemasonry, but it also is going to represent Nazism.
And then within that top one there's an R and a V, representing the royal things, but what is that V? It's an upside-down chalice and through it you have an R, which they're going to connect to some sort sort of Latin word. But those are contracts with certain spirits. So, what spirits are represented by the R? What spirits are represented by the V? Where are you going to find those symbols and which spirits those connect to?
You'll find them in the sigils for the 72 demonic spirits. You'll see those those exact contracts, the V, the R. Even in that, straight through the R and the V there's an I or a single pillar. We've talked about that contract. That single pillar represents a contract between Abaddon, Ashtoreth [Astarte] and Leviathan. So we see they openly wear who their alliances are with, which spirits they're aligned with in those contracts.
Let me show one more thing too. We see the ribbons in the bottom left corner there. And the way that the ribbon is done, you end up with the three. See how you've got the three ribbons that come down that are red and white together, each with two red and one white, representing a three-fold contract. But in that they're representing the three-pillar contracts, and the white represents their contracts to Lucifer, the red represents their contracts with the Sanhedrin, and you have the blue behind it representing their contracts to the Vatican.
But we see that same exact imagery because, what does it look like? The way that they've done it, it looks like you've got the two poles on each end with a header for a spiritual gate. And what is that usually in the system? They call those the Gates of Baal. And who is connected behind that? We see that exact same imagery. Even in our FBI logo, you've got the crest and you've got the the red lines with the white that come down forming the two poles. So all of it is just— it's their imagery of contracts and displaying them right in front of our faces.
Prince William. So, you've got again another imagery of the Knights of Malta. On his lapel there, you have the buckle. And in the middle of the buckle we see the the crest, which is the other way that you'll see the Knights of Malta cross. You'll see the Red Cross with the white behind it.
Then we see certain imagery on his gold up here. We see the white ribbons up top, which are contracts with Lucifer. So, those are the big ones. We also see the rope where the lapel is tied, and you see other ropes behind that, too. So all of those things represent different cords, different contracts with certain Brotherhood orders.