In the beginning, the first human being was genetically engineered by the Sirians in 368 000 B.C. His name was Adam. Adam was created out of the E-N-L branch of primates, and his appearance marks the point at which the E-N-L primates became human. (See Forgotten Genesis p. 139.)
I haven’t uncovered information about when the people of Africa—who were part of the E-N-K genetic family, were considered human, but the Sumerian gods, the Anunnaki, claimed that they created them.
Tablet VI (105-123)
May the son, our avenger, be exalted,
Let his lordship be superior and himself without rival.
Let him shepherd the black-heads, his creatures,
Let them tell of his character to future days without forgetting.
Let him establish lavish food offerings for his fathers,
Let him provide for their maintenance and be caretaker of their sanctuaries,
Let him burn incense to rejoice their sanctums.
Let him do on earth the same as he has done in heaven:
Let him appoint the black-heads to worship him.
The subject humans should take note and call on their gods,
Since he commands they should heed their goddesses,
Let food offerings be brought their gods and goddesses,
May they not be forgotten, may they remember their gods,
May they . . . their . . , may they . . their shrines.
Though the black-heads worship some one, some another god,
He is the god of each and every one of us!
Come, let us call the fifty names
Of him whose character is resplendent, whose achievement is the same.
May they . . . their . . , may they . . . their shrines.
May they [offer up] their [children], may they [sacrifice them in] their shrines
The Enuma Elish says that the gods created the black race to serve them. Zecharia Sitchin believed that they wanted workers for their gold mining.
The plan to extract gold from the oceans fails. There is only one choice left: to go and dig for the gold. The number of rank-and-file Nefilim is increased to 600, and some are sent to southeastern Africa to dig for gold. Special “sunken boats” — submarines — transport the ore to southern Mesopotamia, where it is smelted and refined. (The Anunnaki Chronicles, p. 13)
Stewart Swerdlow (2014) claims that the Anunnaki did alter the genes of the blacks of Africa: “Also, another reptilian-like group, the Anunnaki, set up base in Africa after the destruction of Atlantis, where they created the black race.”
Megan Rose has said the same thing.
So, the Anunnaki are not members of the Federation, and they made an alliance many years ago with the Draco reptilians to experiment on the human race genetically. He’s saying, “This is correct.” He’s saying, “Make them into a slave race.” He’s showing me our brains—humanoid brains—the left brain, the right brain, and he’s showing them rewiring the brain. It’s a symbolism, but rewiring the brain using genetics. He’s saying, “They are master geneticists.”
Here is where the Enuma Elish describes the creation of mankind:
Tablet VI
1 When Marduk heard the gods' speech
2 He conceived a desire to accomplish clever things.
3 He opened his mouth addressing Ea,
4 He counsels that which he had pondered in his heart,
5 "I will bring together blood to form bone,
6 I will bring into being Lullû, whose name shall be man.
7 I will create Lullû—man
8 On whom the toil of the gods will be laid that they may rest.”
11 Ea answered, as he addressed a word to him,
12 Expressing his comments on the resting of the gods,
13 "Let one brother of theirs be given up.
14 Let him perish that people may be fashioned.
25 Let him who instigated warfare be given up
26 That I may lay his punishment on him; but you sit and rest.
27 The Igigi, the great gods, answered him,
29 "Qingu is the one who instigated warfare,
30 Who made Tia-mat rebel and set battle in motion."
31 They bound him, holding him before Ea,
32 They inflicted the penalty on him and severed his blood vessels.
33 From his blood he (Ea, or Enki) created mankind,
34 On whom he imposed the service of the gods, and set the gods free.
It is possible that when the Anunnaki altered the genes of people in Africa, they did create human beings, as they claimed in the Enuma Elish. Just as the appearance of Adam in 368 000 B.C. marked the transformation of the E-N-L branch of hominids into human beings, genetic engineering by the Anunnaki may have transformed the African E-N-K hominids into modern humans. We don’t know one way or the other.
And the gods took rest
The other unsolved mystery in this creation epic is the fact that the chief Anunnaki god, Marduk, created mankind to give the gods rest—but rest from what?
The part of the Enuma Elish where the gods address their new chief with some grievance, which is at the end of Tablet V, is damaged (lines 132 - 158). In fact, it looks just like a redacted document.
154 Now you are our king, . . [ . . . ]
155 He who . [ . ] . [ . ] preserved [us]
156 . . [. . . ] the aura of club and sceptre.
157 Let him conceive plans [ . . . . ] . . [ . . . ]
158 [ . ] . . [ . . . . . . that] we . [ . . ."
I’ve come across several references to the fact that one of the Luciferian gods—here called Marduk—preserved either the demigods or the hybridized ruling class from being destroyed by Noah’s flood. That may be the meaning of “He who . . . preserved . . .”
Zecharia Sitchin believed that what bound the gods was the fact that they had to work in gold mines. It follows from this that the creation of man in Africa set the gods free from hard labor, as the Enuma Elish implies:
I will create Lullû—man
On whom the toil of the gods will be laid that they may rest.
On the peoples that he [Ea] created, the living beings,
He imposed the service of the gods and they took rest. (Tablet VI)
For my part, however, I don’t believe that the same gods who possessed space ships, submarines, powerful energy weapons and crystal technologies were incapable of building mining machines. But if the gods had mining machines, why does the Enuma Elish say that man was created so that the gods could rest?
One explanation is that the Anunnaki—the ones identified as Enki—were slavers, who believed that the natural order of things was that inferior beings served superior beings. This leads to the question of the relationship between the Anunnaki and Luciferianism.
In a session of questions and answers that took place over several days in 2008, a high-ranking Luciferian calling himself Hidden Hand explained the power structure of Earth.
Our Lineage can be traced back beyond antiquity. From the earliest times of your recorded "history", and beyond, our Family has been directing the 'play' from behind the scenes, in one way or another. Before the rise and fall of Atlantis. We are 'born to lead'. It is part of the design for this current paradigm. - Hidden Hand
Among other revelations, Hidden Hand made the following points:
The Luciferians have ruled mankind since the beginning, and have survived the periodic catastrophes that ended each era and removed evidence of previous civilizations in preparation for the subsequent era.
The Luciferians view YHWH as their principal adversary.
YHWH was angered by the success of the Luciferians in convincing mankind to worship their deities and practice abominations such as sexual misconduct, human sacrifice and cannibalism.
Identifying the beings described in the Enuma Elish, such as Enlil and Enki, with respect to the beings described in the Torah is rendered impossible by the fact that the Anunnaki attributed to their chief god, Marduk, the accomplishments of all gods. This includes the destruction of Tiamat, the creation of Earth from Tiamat’s debris, the creation of heavenly bodies and the judgment of souls. The Enuma Elish even says that Marduk creates and annihilates, and that his “great weapon” is the storm flood.
121 Come, let us call the fifty names
122 Of him whose character is resplendent, whose achievement is the same.
123 (1) MARDUK
As he was named by his father Anu from his birth,
124 Who supplies pasturage and watering, making the stables flourish.
125 Who bound the boastful with his weapon, the storm flood,
126 And saved the gods, his fathers, from distress.
127 He is the son, the sun-god of the gods, he is dazzling,
128 Let them ever walk in his bright light.
129 On the peoples that he created, the living beings,
130 He imposed the service of the gods and they took rest.
131 Creation and annihilation, forgiveness and exacting the penalty
132 Occur at his command, so let them fix their eyes on him.
Because it confusingly attributes all deeds and powers in the universe to a young god, Marduk, I believe the Enuma Elish should be regarded as reliable for describing events but not reliable regarding the reasons the events happened.
As I was looking for connections between the Anunnaki and the Luciferians, something that Hidden Hand said caught my attention. He revealed that his people had been imprisoned, which made me wonder whether there was any mention that the Anunnaki had been imprisoned.
We returned to Earth and had a cordial meeting with Yahweh, discussing how we could best implement the free-will option. Yahweh was adamant that his offspring would choose to be loyal to him anyway, and that they were so contented with their way of life, that they would always trust him and do as he said was best. That, he said, was his main reason that free will would not work well as the catalyst.
That's why he agreed to the experiment of the tree of knowledge. He believed it would prove him right. When it did not, he became angry, threw his toys out of the pram, and his offspring out of the garden, and laid a big guilt trip on them about how they had broken his trust and disobeyed him. That's not really an honourable way for a logos to behave, but hey, that's the beauty of free will, I guess.
Next problem to occur was that his offspring were so grateful to us for our help that Yahweh became (by his own admission) a “jealous god". Then we had the whole "you shall have no other gods than me" thing. We were not pleased with the situation at all, as a logos should not be behaving like this with his offspring: they are One, after all. When we attempted to leave the planet to return to the Council, Yahweh prevented our departure. We tried to leave again, and were then thrown down into the astral planes and confined therein.
The Council of Elders ordered us to be released, but said we would have to cancel our contract to help the souls on Earth to evolve. We didn't want to leave. We found them very likable beings, really positively polarized, and we wanted to stay and help. We just wanted also to be free to come and go as we pleased. The only way we could stay was to stay confined as a group soul, which meant cycles of incarnation for us (as individuated souls), which we had not done for a long while.
We tried to leave again, and were then thrown down into the astral planes and confined therein.
If the Anunnaki were the Luciferians, and if they were unjustly imprisoned in the astral by YHWH, then one wonders what sort of compensation they were granted. At the end of Tablet V of the Enuma Elish, the gods present some grievance to Marduk. We don’t know what that grievance was, but we do know the gods thought they were working too hard. Maybe the hard work that the gods objected to wasn’t swinging a pick and shoveling ore into railroad cars, but ruling mankind. In that case, we are talking about the creation of two different races to give the gods rest: the black slave race and the Aryan master race.
As evidence for this theory, the Enuma Elish refers to “black-heads,” which means that the Anunnaki did make distinctions among racial groups. Furthermore, there was another race created in Sumer: a master race. Maybe it was the creation of this race that gave the gods rest: after all, being an evil ruler is hard work.
As Hidden Hand says, the Luciferians chose to remain on Earth and fulfill their contract; but if they did, they had to reincarnate on Earth as if they were human beings. Their reasoning at the time may have been thus:
“We are sixth-dimensional beings but we are forced to endure third-dimensional lives. If this is to be the case, and since we must rule over mankind in order to turn him to evil, we need a human ruling class to do the work for us. We will call our ruling class Aryans, and the blacks we created long ago will be their slaves.”
Here is what Hidden Hand said about the known ruling families (the aristocracy) and the unknown ruling Family:
The British Royalty is not the most powerful line. The names that you know do not hold the real ancient power. There are others above these lineages in the Hierarchy. You will not know the names of these lines.
The world of my own Family is very different from that of the lower Earth-based bloodlines. . . . The Earth lines are not aware of the entire picture. They themselves are not of our Lucifer Group Soul, and as far as they are aware, they are out to rule the world, to control and enslave, and create as much suffering and negativity as is humanly possible. That’s what they get out of the deal—world domination. You’d have to say, with that in mind, they're doing a great job.
Cinamar, Radu (2020). Forgotten Genesis. Westbury New York: Sky Books.
Enuma Elish: The Babylonian Epic of Creation -
“Hidden Hand” -
Sitchin, Janet, editor (2015). The Anunnaki Chronicles: A Zecharia Sitchin Reader. Rochester: Bear & Company.
Swerdlow, Stewart (2014). True World History: Humanity’s Saga. St. Joseph, Michigan:Expansions Publishing Company, Inc.