Time-travel: Phoenix III
The Delta-T transmitter was simply an antenna that could translate time waves into a receivable format, a type of time wave receptor. This Delta-T transmitter was originally designed and built by a man by the name of Nicola Turbo, which we now know today is really Nikola Tesla. Tesla knew about the technology of the Delta Time Factor, which was crucial if you wanted to return safely from any alternate reality back to this one. These Delta-T antennas were placed below ground level. This time manipulation was designed by Tesla in the 1930’s. (Montauk Project Exposed)
Preston Nichols was an assistant director of the Phoenix Project. As I mentioned above, the goal of the research being done at Montauk was to apply technologies gained from extraterrestrials to military uses. One of the projects Preston worked on during the 1970s was reverse-engineering space ships. As he explains in his book, Encounter in the Pleiades (1996), space ships are operated by an interface between the ship and the mind of the navigator. They also have a bubble-reality inside of the ship, which allows them to accelerate, stop, change direction, and travel faster than the speed of light without any effect on the crew. The bubble-reality also allows the inside of space ships to be larger than the outside.
These things were being studied by the best scientists in the country at Montauk, Los Alamos and private aerospace companies. However, though science was much more advanced than the public knew, it was primitive in comparison with the technologies possessed by predatory ETs such as the tall whites, the Aldebarans, the Draco reptilians and various greys.
Officially, the time-travel project, Phoenix III, was begun in around 1979. This was at a time when the Luciferian Brotherhood was preparing to install George H.W. Bush in the White House and Margaret Thatcher as prime minister of the UK. The Luciferian NSA was in control of the research.
In August of 1983, and in August of 1943, two unusual events occurred. On August 1, 1943, Admiral Ernest J. King, Chief of Naval Operations, ordered the Philadelphia Experiment to be conducted by August 12. On August 1, 1983, the NSA ordered that the power at Montauk was to be kept on continuously until August 12.
On that day, Satanist Aleister Crowley passed his natural son, Amado, through a toroidal-shaped stone flanked by two phallic-shaped stones in Cornwall, England. Cornwall is on the same latitude as Montauk Point, New York. (See “Montauk and Occultism” and “Luciferians and Rudolf Hess”)
Duncan and Edward Cameron were Navy officers and PhD physicists who were on board the USS Eldridge in Philadelphia Harbor on August 12. When the ship went into hyperspace, they jumped ship, but instead of landing in the water they arrived at Montauk, Long Island, in the year 1983. They were taken to Dr. John von Neumann, who was forty years older. He told them that he had been waiting for them. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/time_travel/esp_ciencia_timetravel08a.htm
The next thing we knew there was a helicopter beaming a searchlight into our faces. We did not know what a helicopter was; they were still in the experimental phases in 1943. Military police ran out, grabbed us, and took us to a building. We went down several floors in an elevator, underground. An elderly civilian walked toward us and said, “Gentlemen. I’ve been waiting for you. I’m Dr. von Neumann.”
We didn’t believe him. We told him that he couldn’t be John von Neumann because he is a much younger man and we left him about an hour ago. He said, “Oh, yes. I am. Unfortunately, you are no longer in 1943. This is 1983; I am 40 years older. Welcome to Montauk.
The ability to transport people and objects to the past and future gave the NSA the power to alter the present by changing the past. It lost no time in transferring highly advanced technologies from 1983 to the past, and the NSA sent the Cameron brothers and others to other places and times to retrieve ET technologies they wanted.
The CIA also put programs in place to locate evolved souls who had volunteered to incarnate on Earth to raise the world’s vibrational frequency. These children had spiritual powers, which the military called psychoenergetic abilities. They were abducted and mind-fractured by the military, and they were put to work in the many unacknowledged special access programs, known as black ops.
Preston Nichols has said that the abandoned Air Force base at Montauk wasn’t used for research until 1970 – 1971. However, Peter Moon reports that residents of Long Island during WWII often saw German U-boats off of the coast, and it was clear to them that there was an underwater entrance to the base. This doesn’t mean that Nichols was wrong: after 1983, the Illuminati expanded their power as much as they could without changing the outward appearance of society, i.e., everything changed except the history books. The presence of German U-boats in Long Island during WWII was probably one of hundreds of post-hoc historical changes. We are only now beginning to appreciate the cunning of the Cabal, which silently encircled humanity with its coils.
The NSA attempts to bring in the New World Order
In February 1933, Roosevelt escaped an assassination attempt by Giuseppe Zangara, who expressed a “hate for all rulers.” As he was attempting to shoot Roosevelt, a woman struck Zangara with her purse. The bullet from Zangara’s gun killed the mayor of Chicago, who was sitting next to the president. Where did this female “time cop” come from?
A man involved with Montauk, who called himself Larry James, discussed the way in which the NSA experimented with historical changes:
According to Larry, the Montauk time travel equipment was generally operational in the early 1980s. Their group performed several time-travel experiments. Apparently, they were able to alter the outcome of the American Civil War, try out different scenarios with World War II, and go all the way back to the Roman Empire to test different outcomes.
After they experimented with the past, they would evaluate if their current state was better or worse. If better, they let the revised scenario exist; if worse, they changed the scenario back.
While performing these experiments, they quickly learned about the dangers associated with these experiments. If too many trips to the past occurred causing too much change, that time-line had the potential to fracture and “blink” out of existence. (http://www.bielek.com/larry_james.htm)
In a recent interview with Michael Salla, Stewart Swerdlow explained how the Cabal planned to use the Hadron collider in Geneva to achieve their final goal of enslaving the human race:
CERN is an interdimensional portal. We learned at Montauk that there are infinite realities. Every possibility that you can think of exists. And how did we learn this? Because they had attempted to send people back in time to change history. And they found out that you can’t change history. Whatever is in this timeline, in the so-called past, must remain. If you alter an event, then it becomes another timeline—parallel to this, but not the same as this.
And so, they realized that in every possibility of existence, you could find something. So, for example, the Hadron collider in CERN: they know that there are realities where the Nazis maintained control. There are realities where Atlantis never was destroyed. There are realities where humans never existed, and so on, and so on. So what Hadron colliders do is identify alternate realities that enhance and improve the position of the deep state. And what they are attempting to do is collapse those realities into this one; blend, merge the reality where they have maintained their power. That’s the idea of the Hadron collider. And that’s why it’s been sabotaged several times by certain groups who are against that agenda. (1 hr. 9 minutes https://youtu.be/bZHmS5Dz9D0)
(For a personal account of what it was like to be a time soldier at Montauk, see Arkheim Ra below.)
Montauk Veterans Shut Down the Operation
Most people will never know how close the human race came to being turned into a race of mind-controlled slaves. If you think this is an exaggeration, read the words of another whistleblower, geologist Phil Schneider, in 1995:
They’re building two prison camps every seven months. They’re building two underground military bases every year. Each one of these military bases . . . they cost somewhere between 17 and 26 billion dollars. And these kind of huge . . . sums of monies are garnered through CIA drug activity. It’s just subverting our country. If you were going to round people up, what better prison camp than one underground? So once again, these underground bases are most likely being planned as underground prison camps and slave labor factories for the New World Order. The New World Order is taking – and the United Nations is taking – its orders from, believe it or not, these more powerful outer-space alien entities. We might call them the large greys or the small greys. Sinister forces, indeed.
There are 11 civilizations of aliens visiting this planet all the time, all of which are known by the U.S. military, nine of which are . . . pretty bad news. The New World Order right now, basically, is dismantling countries. They’re taking their orders directly from the aliens, who’ve got their own timetable. They want the one-world order because they want the planet for themselves. – Phil Schneider’s Last Talk
Four men who were involved with the Montauk Project came forward in 1986 to talk about what had been going on: Al Bielek, Preston Nichols, Duncan Cameron and Stewart Swerdlow. But even before that time, in 1983, Preston and Duncan conspired to shut Montauk down.
On August 12, 1983, Duncan sat in the Montauk chair and, prompted by Preston, thought of a large black beast rampaging through Camp Hero. A beast appeared, it rampaged through the base, and Jack Pruett and Preston Nichols set about cutting cables to shut down power to the equipment. The NSA immediately abandoned the base and shut down the other 24 Montauk bases as well, and both the Air Force and the Navy denied any involvement. This allowed Preston to go there later on, in 1984, and salvage documents and machinery. (See Preston and Duncan shut down Montauk)
Four Montauk Veterans Go Public
Arkheim Ra (Disclosure Now!): “Discussing the Great Reset with Arkheim Ra and John Whitberg”
Arkheim Ra (Disclosure Now!): “Demystifying the Montauk Project with John Whitberg”
Nichols, Preston (1992). The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time. Westbury, New York: Sky Books. (ISBN 0-9631889-0-9)
Nichols, Preston (1996). Encounter in the Pleiades: An Inside Look At UFOs. Westbury, New York: Sky Books USA. (ISBN 0-9631889-3-3)
Nichols, Preston (2000). The Music of Time. Westbury, New York: Sky Books USA.
Rink, James (2021). Lone Wolf. Available through Neological Technologies https://neologicaltech.com/products/lone-wolf-by-james-rink?nopreview
Swerdlow, Stewart (1998). Montauk: The Alien Connection. Westbury, New York: Sky Books (https://skybooksusa.com/).
Valdamar Valerian – Later investigations of Montauk Air Force Station/Camp Hero with Preston Nichols http://www.zamandayolculuk.com/html-3/montauk_delta-t.htm
Tompkins, William. Interview by Project Camelot - https://odysee.com/@The_Internationale:d/Project-Camelot—William-Tompkins—Part-1:f
Casbolt, James (2008). James Casbolt, Agent Buried Alive.
CHANNEL3X on YouTube has many invaluable videos about Montauk, the Philadelphia Experiment and the Phoenix Project.