Creating a slave-race: Phoenix II
When Operation Paperclip had been completed and all of the German scientists came into the U.S., they went to work at Brookhaven National Laboratories to continue projects they had been working on in Germany — namely time travel, and also mind control. (Al Bielek, Part 5)
With Truman’s reorganization of the military in 1947, stealth research was sent to Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico. Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York was put in charge of human-factor research, of which mind control was one category. Another project at Brookhaven was the invention of weather-control devices, which were called radiosondes. The weather-control project was the first to be called Phoenix.
In the early 1950s, the military decided to take invisibility research from New Mexico back to Brookhaven in New York, and put it under the umbrella of the human-factor research. From that point on, all ET-related research was known as Project Phoenix, and Dr. John von Neumann was put in charge of the entire project.
In 1970 - 1971, Project Phoenix was moved from Brookhaven to the abandoned Montauk Air Force Station. One reason for this was to avoid governmental oversight; the other reason was to make use the SAGE radar there as as a transmitter of radio waves for mind-control experiments. Jack Pruett, an Air Force officer, was the “metaphysical director” of the mind-control research, and he worked alongside Dr. von Neumann.
At Montauk, the government used adolescent boys and younger children (7 to 8 years old) abducted from local communities for its research. Using techniques developed by Wilhelm Reich (based on Satanic ritual abuse) the boys would have their heads held under water, then they would be chained to an electrified fence and shocked, and then they would be beaten and told to light up a lightbulb with their minds (see Joseph Powell, If they survived the torture, they would be given a drug that produced sexual arousal (see “The Science of Mind Control“). This combination of trauma and arousal induced a state of dissociation, and programs were then implanted in the subconscious. Psychosexual mind-control, also known as trauma-based mind-control, was the basis for all CIA MK-ULTRA programs, of which there were 150. (See Brice Taylor, “Thanks for the Memories”)
Al Bielek was in charge of the programming of the “Montauk boys” from 1976 to 1983. In 1979, he went to his superiors in the Air Force and demanded that the beatings stop and other methods be used. When the official refused to consider it, he threatened to go to the press. The official quickly changed his mind, and from then on they obtained the children’s consent and used technology to program them. (This was still a violation of their human rights since they were both minors and abductees.) Other programs, however, continued to torture children well into the 1980s, as survivors such as Tony Rodrigues have attested.
Phoenix II was a huge success for the NSA. In an August 1997 interview with Kenneth Burke, Al Bielek estimated that over the years the government had abducted and programmed ten million children.
Over 10 million Americans have been processed in the Montauk Boys project.
There’s another group, of which I only recently learned, is the group which runs the Montauk Boys project. That’s a very long story in itself, since my number-two son was a Montauk boy, and we go into it sideways because of that, finding out that there was not just one.
All the Montauk Boys projects are now away from Montauk. They went in 1980 or 1981. It went into other sectors, all underground bases (six on Long Island). Every major city in the U.S. has one. They’re processed all over the country. In fact, “Montauk boys” is a generic term. It doesn’t refer to location, only to the processing and the product. They’re hitting them all over the world. Over 10 million Americans have been processed in the Montauk Boys project.
This is a project to implant and program them for future use. The original program started in about 1975 and 1976. It’s ongoing to this day. They had to pick these kids at a vulnerable age, around puberty. This means that the candidates were selected. They are quite careful about selecting them. They have to fit a certain genetic pattern. They want these candidates to be between 12 and 16, sometimes as old as 17. Beyond that age, around the age of 17, the mindset starts to become fixed, and they can’t really be set up and trained the way they are wanted. The ideal ages seem to be from 13 to 15. They are programmed, conditioned, to be push-button controlled for remote programming already inserted into their subconscious through the implants and the conditioning of each individual.
The Montauk boys are now implanted by some very sophisticated techniques. They go through training first, processing, mind control, implants in the subconscious, command factors, personality changes and variants, preconditioning to do certain things upon command. The command will be supplied either by a final level of programming or, if the final level’s inserted, there are certain command functions which can be delivered by a radio transmission. You can transmit from an FM or AM radio transmitter (typically AM) a scalar energy announcement, which will be heard by the candidate via the scalar reception ability of the human brain.
I didn’t know for what they were being programmed, but now I know. They are being set up to be assassins, riot makers (like in the L.A. riots a few years ago, which were not limited to L.A.), spies, sex slaves, whatever. I might add that there are Montauk girls as well as Montauk boys, though I only know of one. They’re apparently a fairly rare commodity. In terms of females being converted into sex slaves, Project Monarch is much more common, as Cathy O’Brien has explained in her book. (“An Interview With Al Bielek” by Kenneth Burke)
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See also
“Olivia James: Finding your Original Self”
Super Soldier Talk interview of Olivia James -
See also, “Montauk Memories – Kimberly Lusanna”
See also, “Satanic Rituals of America’s Ruling Families”
See also, Preston Nichols, The Music of Time (Sky Books)
At a loss for words cept super psychos, beyond evil...
This understanding of mind control is incredibly powerful as the reflection I take away becomes “who the fuck am I,”assuming I’m not controlled (lol).
For me it was marketing for profit and traits from parents. That explained my most obvious behaviors. My Mom had a very high level of distrust of fellow humans. So, I didn’t do well in school. Spent 1/2 of 5th grade in the hall. Probably learned more out there! Anyways been a rebel with a cause trying to understand my fellow human to see through this mess.
So there is this class of humans that want to control us, hmmm. Seems as though the journey is to be “gray” with antennae fully up and at least one move ahead. They are coming for everyone at many different levels. Jab, social (net) media. Ect. (Net as in caught like a fish.) As far as experimenting on innocent children and young adult s, well, I’ll refrain, as we all should fell the same vengeance. I doubt I’ll get the opportunity unless I seek it out, which has a high degree of “suicide” ..