The more I find out about some of the elite individuals and families that hold prominent positions in society. The more I question what is going on. We have some truly evil people at these levels imposing their ideas on us.

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Is it just me or do many roads lead to these people?

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The evil in this world can certainly be traced to them. "The reptilian agenda"


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Old, but relevant. Have you seen this by David Icke? Revelations of A Mother Goddess | David Icke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiaZ_Kk3TZM

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Diana, this is a good post. You did good work on it.

obanana is the luciferian's feckless, failure of an antichrist. obanana has no 'supernatural powers' to do things as mentioned in the bible.

There are more than 1 antichrist, obanana is one of them. I believe just in turd dough is another antichrist. So is hilacky clinton.

obanana the antichrist is an earthly tyrant and trickster.

obanana came preaching peace.

obanana is a homosexual married to another homesexual baphomet, 1/2 man, 1/2 woman, the rest is goat. If the luciferians could sew goat parts on to their bodies, they would do it.

Lied to the world that he was heterosexual married to a woman as big as a football linebacker.

obanana was very charismatic.

He made many wars, and continues to push wars.

He got the Noble Peace Prize, for doing nothing.

Matthew 7:16-23 Ye shall know them by their fruits.

Here are the seven facts that mark out the beast:

Sign 1: World Domination (Revelation 13:1) obanana pushing wars to win this world for lucifer. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN PER HEAVENLY FATHER.

Sign 2: Great Authority (Revelation 13:2) obanana still wielding authority 1 mile away from the white house behind o'biden the puppet.

Sign 3: An Amazing Healing (Revelation 13:3) Happens behind closed doors? luci's have no super natural 'powers' of any kind.' The luci's do have world, materialistic power, short term, not for much longer.

Sign 4: Sign of Satan Worship (Revelation 13:4) Happens behind closed doors and in public when he does the devil hand signs which mean: 'hail satan.'

Sign 5: Sign of Extreme Arrogance and Blasphemy (Revelation 13:5) obanan is very arrogant in public. Blasphemy happens behind closed doors. Although you could say the baphomnet statues placed all over the USA are acts of blasphemy.

Sign 6: Sign of Opposition to God, Jesus, and Angels (Revelation 13:6) Happens behind closed doors.

Sign 7: Persecution of Believers (Revelation 13:7-10) Happening every day to Christians. Look at what he did to Christian Palestine Ohio.

The Bible Code Definitively Proves Obama Is The Antichrist! https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/the-bible-code-definitively-proves-obama-is-the-antichrist/

Stephen Colbert with President Obama - Do you wish you had a third term? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCfpxx0NH9I .45 seconds

Obama Third Term Interview Stephen Colbert (Biden Earpiece?): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUMeS-fWvOs

The Bible Proves Obama's The Antichrist, 'Again:' https://www.wonkette.com/the-bible-proves-obamas-the-antichrist-again

OMG! Is Barack Obama the Antichrist? Proof ??? Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcbloBA2Lek

FINAL PROOF! OBAMA IS THE ANTICHRIST! https://www.landoverbaptist.net/showthread.php?t=11944 Jeb Stuart Thurmond - Didn't write the Bible, just obeys it

Obama Third Term Interview Stephen Colbert (Biden Earpiece?): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUMeS-fWvOs

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Obama is just a mind-controlled puppet of the Luciferians. Although he was the phoenix on the Satanic Council, I'm not convinced he could be the antichrist because Frazzledrip was supposed to win, and Michael was supposed to be president after Frazzledrip.

The antichrist will bring Tribulation Earth together, so I'm looking for someone who has a clean record. King John III is one candidate, although he's more Satanic than charismatic.

As for those who revere God and know Trump and the Alliance are in control, there will be no tribulation and no antichrist.

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Interesting ideas. I've heard it is chukie too. I believe there is more than one antichrist to pull the take over of the planet in the name of their feckless god, lord luci. Ofcourse they are delusional.

Mathew 24:22 22 “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.

I like how you call the luci witch frazzledrip. I knew who you meant right away.

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