Even though I have read Bill Wood’s words before (it’s been a few years at least) this time I had a “higher or heightened frequency experience”….a few very pleasant rushes.

Thank you, Diana, for writing it out and definitely thank you for resonating with the earlier mention ❤️

This is a keeper, saving on Notes.

I love how this article ties in with Q!

What an amazing time to be on the Earth ❤️🙏

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Kerry Cassidy is a warrior: she deserves the medal of freedom.

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Totally agree. Kerry is Camelot!

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God is Great and God's name is Jehovah!!

Our Father Jehovah, who created the Heavens and earth, Praise be to your name

Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this Day, our Daily Bread of our Lord JESUS CHRIST HOLY SPIRIT

Please forgive us for our trespasses and sons as we forgive those who have trespassed against us.

Let satan and his minion demons of evil, destruction and principalities of darkness, not lead us into temptation but deliver Us from his evil

For you are The Kingdom, The Power and The Glory, our light, our life and our love, The Way and Our Future,

In Your Son's Name Jesus Christ I Pray and Honor YOU Jehovah

AMEN X 10!

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interesting i viewed comments on expose the darkness which took me to scientific progress and "prof" nazar who seems to endorse the use of rules and governance to "beat the cabal", saw a couple of your comments and nudged over and see you have been introduced into project looking glass

the looking glass evidence is some of the most compelling around, it relates very precisely with the sidereal astrology (astronomical astrology) of Nick Fiorenza, who predicted Jan 2020 as being the start point of a major "upgrade" in human consciousness, something not lost to the masons and their ilk, hence in fore knowledge of this "event" the planned demic was constructed.

Fiorenza after a lifes work (he was offed in early 2020) dedicated to his work had noticed the cycles of the outer planets correlated with major "human" events, turning points, for example mayer anschell rothschilds "discovery" of "fiat" currency in the 1770s and the subsequent enslavement that has now resulted in 1% owning 90%, previous dates of outer cycle correlation relate to templars/king phillip, solomons temple, so on

Another of your comments placed a brief in yer face view of masons, they are indeed nought but the foot soldiers of lucifer, minnions who have sold their souls so long ago they are nought but empty shells.

You mention repltilian blood, indeed, when can folk start understanding that what we see before us is "terra-forming" Our world is being adapted for a different form of life, we are not fighting against humans (excepting their sold out minnion slaves) we are facing a far more existential threat

The truths that are witholden from us, the lies that are drummed into us from birth allow for the greatest deception to endure, that being we are the dominant sentient creature here in this realm, i use the word realm becuase the true nature of what we inhabit is intentionally kept from us, myself i am ambiguous as the true shape/form of our realm becuase i have not been far enough up to judge for myself and wholy know the nature of those who claim to have been far enough as the words of liars/deceptionists

The masonic system, which i have studied with interest has many avenues that are bound inside other works, i have seen the work which de-codes shakespeares sonnets, in short they depict a return of the capstone in or around 2025, whether this be literal (think stargate here..) or metaphorical (the inception of their "nwo") is moot, it could signify both, though to define "antichrist" as an individual is an intended deception to trip the unwary (as perhaps could be said of Christ)

The words of Christ we are told however were the words of an individual, but re his return i believe it is the part of him inside us, not an individual

Much i feel stems back to actions of crowley, fortune, steinner, golden dawn circa 1890s and on, JW teach that evil "satan" came to earth at that time and it is documented that seances by these idiots produced the first channeling and subsequent draw down by a "5D" entitiy who has inhabited all the main players ever since

steinner was said to have mentioned the "vaccine that would remove the soul", whilst history has its moments trying at this place in time to unravel all the early 20th C crap is exhausting, for sure the version we have been fed is utter BS, it is probably (undoubtedly) more important to concentrate on the Now.

Moving on... the Now relates very much to where i guess you are "us of a", or otherwise known as am-er-ica, makes more sense when you consider obummers roots? still humour abound i did so enjoy the meme of him opening his gob to swallow a huge hot dog with "big mike" in a dress looking on lovingly, the caption being "thats why i married him", i digress..

am-er-ica is the location/focus of the "great work of ages", the masonic concept brought full circle, at the right time in history "announce" the discovery of a "new land", populate it with diverse people from all around the known world, corral and tax for a millenia or so, long enough to give the impression of world domination for a decade or two.... then trash it wholesale, bring the whole fecking thing down, then re-build in their "perfect image"

i wonder for you good folk over there what you must feel, aware as some of you must be of what beckons, i remember something a while back about body double biden 4 saying something about how "insurrectionists" would need F15s not AR15s???

i understand that "joe" died late 2019, how must that feel to have a ghost as a president? still here in the uk we have a brahmain, hows that for reversing the roles of colonialism? here too "podcasters" are being dragged from their houses mid broadcast for spreading "malinformation" about c19/vax/climate change

Soon enough something major could happen to "global internet" and the cords we cultivate between us will be electronically severed, it will be surprising how isolated we may then feel, we know time is now quite short, the window of opportunity for theses monsters is but brief.

A couple of search terms you might find interesting and this first one incredibly hard to find despite its seemingly vague content

c.h.a.n.i an early experiment with hadron colliders in Africa, the equipment used as a channeling device, first encounters, the dialogue if you can find it is compelling, the last place i could find it was a mention of it was on "down the chupacabrahole" i just tried it and got a failure message, routing via tor may find it

There were some incredible wordpress articles some years ago by a young Christian lady in your country who used to publish as "walk in light" she understood the relevance of c.e.r.n, gottenherd tunnel etc in its scriptural relevance years before others, searching now finds her allocation under that term is occupied by some "reiki" bs, they have been buuuuuusy!

At this current late hour i think that most us that know, know enough, we have disseminated the shit, done the time, we know our guts

imho, things are likely to get pretty challenging, here in the uk we are enjoying a late breath of good weather, many of us know the winter to come will have many challenges, already the face nappies are appearing when we go shopping, the over heard conversations as the sheep relish having their most recent "booster", despite the mountain of evidence that proves there was NO virus and the jabbies only do harm, seesm they keep watching tv "programming"??

you might a read of the ramblings of satanist insider worth a brief inspection, "aloysius fozdyke", for sure hes one of them, but they do so like to brag and give away the odd pointer or two,

lastly whilst myself re "q" i did once stumble upon info re a hindu deity "kwanon" ka she who hears the childrens cries..... make of what you will, poignant or perverse, likke the missing 935 fro Lahaina who everyone seems to be forgetting so very quickly...

best regards

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Not to be a wet-blanket here, but this reads like Class-A false opposition.

"Nothing can stop what’s coming. Nothing."

What's coming?

Here's what I see as "what's coming," namely mass disease (deliberatedly proliferated), a real pandemic therefore resultant, thereby creating REAL mass chaos and societal dysfunction.

Mr. Wood should be more than smart enough to realize that the Deagel population estimates for just over a year to two years from now, requiring a 70% or so reduction in US population, are not a joke and nothing to be trifled with.

I have no idea how that's a "winning scenario."

I also question whether Mr. Wood truly realizes who's at the top of the pyrmaid, but after at least some research I see absolutely no evidence that he does. If he did, he would easily see that those people control ALL of the world's governments, notice that no one in the populations is doing anything, nor will, to disobey on any signfiicant level. Just look at the masking nonsense. It felt like hell. But most importantly, he would know that those at the top of that pyramid wouldn't hesitate in a moment to conduct a full all out scorch and burn if it became clear that they were on the cusp of losing.

I'm also suspect of people that supported the antichrist operations of the CIA and MIC while purporting to be on God's side. This is particularly true of people that had high-level clearances.

It's interesting that they always have their infusion of morality AFTER they contribute to the evil that has perpetrated us during that time. That's incongruous and is either due to extreme ignorance or extreme disingenuousness. There is almost nothing that the US Government has done over the last half century, NOTHING, that can be considered Godly.

It's difficult enough to attempt to win a war that's an uphill battle to begin with due to decades of passivity in allowing the enemy to do as it wishes without much if any interference whatsoever, but to the sit back and think that somehow God's going to intervene because of the oft-repeated lie that "... no matter what, God would win," in the earthly sense, is counterproductive to massively understate it.

There are numerous Biblical examples of believers "not winning," and that doesn't count the volumes of peoples that believed that they were godly yet were not. God also makes no susch promises, despite the heretical teachings of today in the spiritual morgues that we call churches today and that are beholden to the Government via their 501(c) charter. Absolutely NOTHING about that in the words of Christ or his Disciples.

Extreme caution should be exercised when taking this in.

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The Plan


The Greatest Show On Earth- (including The Trump Global Capitulation Tour)


Who are these “Elites” “Cabal” “Powers that be”?

The Khazarian Mafia!

And their 1600 year plan to rule the world.

We are in Babylon 2.0


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BTW, there are NO POLITICAL SOLUTIONS, and those are political "solutions."

The system is not even broken, it's entirely controlled by the enemy. Put into military terms, they have air, land, and sea superiority.

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Yeah, watched the first one, seen it. The whole theory is that once exposed, that's the end for them.

Sorry, but they ARE exposed, yet so few want to see it, and even fewer even bother looking. Most are more concerned with Taylor Swift's dating rituals or one of the Kardashian's bra sizes than they are about even the remotest issues here.

Please don't believe that crap. You're only setting yourself up.

What's interesting is that people will believe in the devil, but won't believe in Christ. But the two are counterparts of one another in essence. Hence the antichrist designation.

What we appear to have here is Rev. 20:7-9 playing out. There's not going to be internal coup to save humanity. LOL Over the past three years we've had citizens in western nations killing each other, .... FOR A LITTLE BIT OF MONEY!!!!

It's laughable that at the core there is a significant enough of a power base to disrupt the ubiquitous global Cabal that exists, and CONTROLS EVERYONE ALIVE VIA THEIR CENTRAL BANKING SYSTEM, and that are so altruistic.

This nonsense is controlled opposition designed to further demoralize and make fun of us. Among the [many] proofs in the pudding, is that Trump is haled as a solution in many of those. LOL Honestly, I don't even know how to respond to people that can't see that he's as big a part of it all as the rest.

Don't fall for that. God/Christ are what people should be reaching for. But just as Jesus asked in Luke 18:8, ... will he? Whatever he finds is going to be scattered and minimal it seems.

Expect the next 12-15 months outward to be terrifying. I'm expecting that we're going to either have to give in in one form or another, or risk death.

Rev. 12: 11,12 comes to mind.

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I’ll never give in. I’d rather face death.

As the saying goes “I’d rather fight on my feet than live on my knees”

Naysayers like yourself are why others are watching Taylor Swift. All those that follow “idols” will be shocked to learn how they truly came yo fame. The awakening won’t be for everyone.

And you’re right, we are going to see if get pretty rough over the next 15 months.

Ya see, what you don’t know is that MANY of these traitors have already been taken out. What you see on the TV are actors in masks. (And in some cases were CGI’s) Hollywood masks like the ones in this video. We’ve seen (not you) where their masks have failed. Puckering at the neck and by the ears on Biden. Kamala mask has been seen separating at the neck on two occasions. This is why so many of them look like they’ve had facelifts. Go pull up pictures of Biden in 2016 and compare it to pictures of him now. They’re not the same.


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Yes, I understand that many of those out there are not who people think they are. Anyone thinking that Biden could have made it more than a year after election is gullible. He was gone long ago, e.g.

You can call me a "naysayer," but the reality here Therisa is that you are part of the problem in thinking that man, some man, or a collective of men has the answer for you. That's patently false.

It renders questioning as to how "awake" you truly are and is a great example of why we have no earthly hope. Because people, such as yourself, turn to others for their solutions, with those others being as far away from Christ & God as could be.

I don't say that to aggravate you or insult you, I say it to attempt to jar you out of your slumber in that way.

ANYTHING that people look to for hope that is POLITICALLY BASED, is futile and worthless.

I'm hardly a "naysayer" other than to expose your false hopes, so I understand why you view it that way.

I'll clue you in on something, the PRIMARY REASON why we are screwed and continue to screw ourselves, is quite simply that we're COMPLETELY UNWILLING TO MAKE THE SACRIFICES THAT ARE REQUIRED TO WREST OUR LIBERTY AWAY FROM THE CABAL!!!

We've become so demoralized, and I am speaking to the self-proclaimed so-called "awake" here, that we have become incapable of recognizing the core issue and those at the core that are perpetrating it, that we are in a sense our own worst enemy.

But hey, it's 21st Century America and western civilization, and anyone can believe what they want and it's correct. People spend more time on what their enemy wants them to spend it on, than they do on actually attempting to educate themselves as to exactly how THEY are continually and increasingly pulling this over on just about everyone.

We, the "awake," think that we're gaining by viewing the made-for-morons political theater that they put before us, or by focusing on legal "remedies" IN THEIR SYSTEM of "justice," THAT COSTS TONS OF MONEY, THEIR MONEY, while they're on to the next phase of their agenda.

But here's why your theory is DOA, because if it were true, something would have happened long ago by now. It's absurd to think for even a NY Second that there are anywhere even approaching enough of these make-believe people that you claim are ready to pounce, when the ENTIRE SYSTEM revolves ENTIRELY around money and mammon, and how even so many of the so-called "awake" weren't brave enough, in the "... home of the brave!" to not participate in culling their fellow man and their own families and kin by implication generally speaking.

As we've been warned, often and by different people that are associated with those behind this, what's coming is going to make the mythical "Covid" look like child's play. Most cavalierly is Gates telling us that the next one will get our attention as he and his satanic wife smile with self-adulation.

While you seem to understand some of the background of it all, your faith is terminally misplaced.

Seek Christ and God. If you claim to do that, I'm stunned and perplexed that you truly believe that there's the solution that you've proposed, since that is an anti-Christ-ian take. Entirely!

The lynchpin of control is their satanic system of money/wealth/banking. This shouldn't be a reach for ANYONE claiming to understand who's behind it, and therefore what's required to dismantle it, namely a 100% riddance of the same system that began taking over full-control of the world over a hundred years ago in earnest.

But even as "awake" and so-called "followers of Christ," we insist on keeping and retaining the mammon that we've accumulated within THEIR SATANIC SYSTEM!

It truly is that simple, yet, so many people claiming to be "followers of Christ" cannot relinquish their mammon. We know what Jesus said about worshiping God or mammon, namely that it was mutually exclusive. That it was more difficult for a camel to go through the "eye of a needle" than it was for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God, which has been here on this earth since Christ's resurrection and ascension. And no, having absolutely nothing to do with a 501(c) organization, a designation which also entirely coincidentally began in 1913. SMH

The things that took place in the 191x's. SMH People are ignorant of.

And the reason why Jesus said that was not that it was impossible, but because he knew that men, given the choice here on earth, would actively CHOOSE mammon over God if they had much, almost to a man. But that's their CHOICE, is it not.

If there were enough of a critical mass still even remotely focused on God rather than on the institutions of man today, the entire SYSTEM could be upheaved overnight. But it won't be, ever at this point, for that very reason. We want our cake and eat it too.

Sorry! Ain't happening.

You say you'll never give in, but you already have if you truly believe in what you preached above, about some mythical patriots salvaging a satanic system that's presently overrun by satanists, to the extent that they will and have killed anyone that stands in their way.

File under Jewish (Khazarian) fables per Titus 1:14.

And this notion that those taken out, now in masks, are what, patriots? Presumably you don't see the ridiculousness of such an assumption given all that's transpired and CONTINUES TO TRANSPIRE today.

If you really want to help the cause, and frankly it's an uphill impossible battle at this point in time (Luke 18:8 comes to mind), then try convincing people that their hope lies in their relinquishing anything and everything that's associated with the satanic Central Banking/Currency/Money/Mammon system that's in place worldwide, which includes their precious Social Security (SMH), pensions, investments, savings, retirement incomes otherwise, stocks, bonds, etc. etc.

Good luck!! But again, THAT'S the choice we've made.

But thinking for even a moment, that people won't scramble to maintain those things, when they were and still are killing people for far less, ... LOL and SMH, I honestly don't know what to think for any fool that actually believes that except that they're anything but truly awake.

"Awake" these days seems to simply mean "aggravated at the assault on their conveniences and mammon."

The "naysayers" are the ones that cannot grasp why everything that's going on is going on, and here's a mighty clue, it's not because of the W.H.O., W.E.F., or C.D.C. Those are simply fairly low-level tools of the Central Banking Cabal.

But hey, there are sports to attend, new movies to go pay our mammon to go see to have our minds further filled with satanic filth that was easily identifiable 40 years ago, but which today is considered good entertainment; TV series that we must watch instead of educating ourselves; and most importantly, mammon in its varying forms to defend because "we've worked all our lives for it," ... LMAO

And we think we were free recently.

Whatever, ... but watching this unfold is painful, morally and spiritually painful. The solution is so simply but we'll never even sniff it because we no longer worship God despite our best reinventions of God for the purposes of proving Jesus wrong, that we can in fact worship both God and mammon at the same time.

Epochal tragedy!

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Wow! At first I thought you wrote a book but now I see it's a NOVEL!🤣 Simmer down young buck! We are all on the same team. We ain't changing no minds with a comment. Stick with picking on satan and his minion puppets. 👍🙏

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None of this stuff is trivial, which is clear by the pervasive lack of understanding of it all. It's frustrating for those that do understand, the very few, what's going on at the core. I'll even attempt to engage people with the simplest of questions, which go unanswered.

Either way, when there's blatant heretical nonsense, sorry, but I'm not going to let it slide. Otherwise, talk to her.

Look at the comments below. SMH Trump? Really? In the context of God?

I simply don't know what to say. I interacted with someone else a few weeks ago that claimed to have something akin to a "direct line to God." LOL

Most people have absolutely no idea what's truly going on. Right out of the gates anyone believing in a politician can be put right into that camp.

There IS in fact a solution, but as pointed out many times, we're not prepared to make the sacrifices required to attain it. We'll be begging for it once those the identical fruits of those sacrifices have been realized, but on the tyrannical end, with the victory already well in hand of our enemy. By then obviously it will be too late.

The tragic part is that the solution is anything but complicated. Understanding it first involves the stripping away of the existing world view of just about everyone, all but hook, line, and sinker, but we're so far from that it's not even possible.

Therein lies the greater tragedy. Very soon events are going to unfold that very very few people are going even think could possibly have happened. Even then the causes will elude most people.

So when you say "we're all on the same team," yes and no. I'm not on the pro-Trump team. Are you?

I'm not on any team that puts faith in any man rather than God which is misplace our faith by Christian standards, and which we've been firmly warned against doing.

I'm also not on the "side" that cares more about my wealth, assets, or other possessions. I'd trade every last bit of it for the solution that's available, and even at my age start over afresh, and if nothing else give my descendants that opportunity.

I'm also not on the side that supports Ukraine, much less Israel, which is really the same thing for all intents and purposes.

You say stick with picking on satan and his minion puppets. Well guess what, Trump's one of 'em. So is everything associated with Israel.

So it's difficult to do that while ignoring people claiming to be followers of Christ when they're acting out entirely heretical influences.

Just sayin'.

There's either truth, or there isn't. And if there is, and there is, than anything that does not align with the true in this context, is pretty much from hell or the devil.

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And BTW, you're absolutely correct. No minds will be changed with a comment. My aim is to attempt to get people to look more deeply at what's behind it all rather than A, merely REacting to everything, and B, simply looking for "what the future holds" rather than attempting to truly understand what's going on.

For the handful of people I've reached over the years and got to research much of this, they now get it.

The rest are too busy with the nonsense that distracts them from doing so and as a result remain blind to one extent or another.

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37, what you fail to see and understand it, we are in Continuity of Government. COG. Trump declared it when he said “I’m a wartime President” He is not the ‘acting’ President. But he is still *Commander and Chief* of the military. Ask yourself while the deep state puppets didn’t send out military to fight in Ukraine to protect their money laundering. Because they don’t have control over our military!

At the same time, we are also in Devolution.

This young Patriot has chronicled it in ‘series’ since it started https://www.devolution.link/

The Military is in control of a coup in taking out the cabal and the treasonous puppets.

Derek Johnson is an ex Army veteran, who in my option has a photograph memory for executive orders and military codes. He will explain it much better than I can. https://rumble.com/v2pro25-the-derek-johnson-rattletrap1776-red-pill-101.html

God’s hands are in this fight as well. To rid the earth of the evil that has plagued his creation for far to long.

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"God’s hands are in this fight as well. To rid the earth of the evil that has plagued his creation for far to long."

That is a completely heretical false take insofar as an earthly solution goes.

His solution is clear and has been depicted in 2 Pet. 3.

This thing preached as a "rapture" is entirely heretical too and was contrived by Zionist interests, not anything related to Christ.

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Sorry about the typos. I hit ‘send’ before doubt checking, because autocorrect hates me.. lol

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