(18:15) MERRILY: So, back to Atlantis. We have three, or maybe four, eras of Atlantis, and you came in at the very beginning, which you’re describing, but you also had to do something at the very end. So, any other details that you can share? So, it pretty much matches the pictures we see of circles, right?
The circles you will see all over the world. The largest Atlantean outposts are the Bermuda Triangle, South America, Egypt (not found yet) and in the Yucatan Peninsula.
APOLLYMI: You're going to see those all over the world. The biggest ones are going to be in the Bermuda Triangle, there’s one in South America, there should be one in Egypt — but that was a long time ago; I don't think they found it yet — and there's another one in the Yucatan (Peninsula).
MERRILY: And the citadel-ship-arks, what are you talking about?
APOLLYMI: It wasn’t really an ark, but it has the ability to create life around it. The harmonics coming off of this gave a lot of life, a lot of prana — which is like Source energy — around it.
The citadel in Atlantis itself had the tablets of the Laws of One, which the Immortal Seven ended up teaching humanity. Mind you, this is a humanity that had all species and types. Earth travel off and on for UFOs and everything was legal. It wasn't like it is now; not everyone looked the same. There were so many species that came over here; it was a huge trading port.
So, they tried to teach the Laws of One to everyone and they welcomed everybody, as long as they were honest. So, many of the laws of Hanova (the first universe, pronounced “Anuva”) applied if you wanted to be a member of Atlantis and the sister cities and all of the little ports. Because they had a very large navy, and the navy was actually more for protection while outside of Atlantis, because not every place was peaceful. You had a lot of people who were mercenaries or bandits; you still had the Draco King, Lucifer's people, to occasionally deal with.
So, all of the smaller rings that people see all over the world, those were our trading ports. People did live there, they had housing there sometimes, but they weren't as big as the sister cities.
MERRILY: So, it started off as the first experiment of a seed planet that allowed multiple extraterrestrial species to come, like open territory, right?
APOLLYMI: We had open territory for everything all the way up until the Fifth Era of Man, and then they shut everything down.
There was no cap hindering any prana, there was no matrix. They had one of the matrices up, obviously, because it was an experimental planet, but apart from that, they didn't have to wear matrix suits to come down here. If you were an ET and you came down here, you could be yourself.
MERRILY: If I have this right, the objective of every seed planet . . . is the ascension. Is that true?
APOLLYMI: Ascension is not usually the objective of creating a seed planet. The Star Seed Council of Hanova has specific laws that every creator of a seed planet must follow. This their own agenda from Source. The council of creators of a seed planet has its own agenda — what kind of evolution are they looking for, who are they going to put down here, what's the desired outcome of this. They usually have a goal that they work together on, but they also have goals of their own, because every creator who invests in that planet may seed that planet with whatever species he wishes. He could teach his beings to behave in one way, and other creators could teach theirs to behave in another way.
MERRILY: So, the objective is not necessarily the ascension/maturation process?
(25:00) APOLLYMI: The ascension is safety protocols, so that experiments do not destroy the balance by becoming too destructive and destroying everything. Because if the planet becomes too destructive and becomes a virus, it has to be wiped out. The same applies to the universes: if a universe becomes too destructive and starts taking and taking, and destroying the fabric of reality, it will also get wiped out, and that's from the Arbor Council.
On 18 June, 2004, CERN unveiled an unusual new landmark, a 2-meter-tall statue of the Indian deity Lord Shiva. https://cds.cern.ch/record/745737?ln=en
MERRILY: And are you allowed to share your job in the wipeout?
APOLLYMI: Yes, I worked for the Star Seed Council, as I've mentioned before. My job is to evaluate and assess seed planets to see if they are passing or failing. Further ascension.
MERRILY: But you’re the one who actually does the wiping.
APOLLYMI: Yes, that's also part of my job. I also end up doing the wiping. I have wiped this planet too many times.
MERRILY: Yes, which is very, very hard to do.
APOLLYMI: It's not an easy job at all. You have to go through a lot of training. The [Star] Seed Council makes sure that you have the mentality for it, that you’re unbiased, that you can do your job no matter what happens to you on the planet. And it's one of the hardest jobs I’ve had. Because normally, our team would get dropped down for four years before a wipe, but because of the karmic debt that I have to carry over from Maldek, I ended up staying here.
Yes, that's also part of my job. I also end up doing the wiping. I have wiped this planet too many times.
But you try not to get attached to people, but you still have to value and see the quality of life. I've gone through a lot of planets for my job, and it's never easy to commit mass genocide, ever. Because it's not just people — it's animals, plants, everything. We're talking about [destruction on a] global scale.
MERILY: So, if [the experiment] is becoming too negative, you are the one that has to wipe them out; is that correct?
APOLLYMI: Yes, that is correct. If we get too attached to anything and can't do our job, there are others who work for the [Star] Seed Council that do the same thing on other seed planets. I'm not the only one: there are hundreds of us. The other group that we come down with, they give the warning signs. So, my job is the final protocol, and then they usually allow around a thousand years to pass before we do the true wipe.
MERRILY: We talked about all those rules in part two, so people can refer to that. It's just an intense job: I really feel for you.
APOLLYMI: I've only had to be pulled from two planets, that I remember, because I couldn't do my job. I got too attached to things.
MERRILY: How often are seed planets successful? What's the percentage? Do we even know?
APOLLYMI: It really just depends. Out of all of the seed planets that I have had to be doing since I got onto the Council, it's about 50/50 in this universe. So it really just depends.
From interview #2 - How Apollymi accidentally destroyed Maldek
(17:00) MERRILY: What was your unique soul mission for coming to Earth?
APOLLYMI: Well, it’s a long story, but basically, I’m here for punishment, and I’m also here for Source. I work for the Star Seed Council—not the ones that everyone knows: this one is actually from Source itself. And we go and make sure that everyone’s abiding by the rules for experimentation. I evaluate the planets’ evolution of consciousness and damage to the planets, and then I report back.
(18:30) MERRILY: I have to ask you, did you blow up a planet?
APOLLYMI: I did. It was not intentional; I was actually aiming at Mars.
So, what happened was, there was a faction of the dark Dracos: they’re the ones who are basically messing everything up for everybody else. They ended up infiltrating Mars when it was going through its seed-planet phase, which means that everyone had to be assessed. The planet had to be assessed to see if they were going to be a part of the galactic society, where they could come up from the planet and live with everybody else.
And they ruined it for them. There was a huge raid on the planet, and we had to shut the experiment down early, and basically nuke it from orbit to try and annihilate all of these bad people. We tried to get as many good people off as possible who had passed their ascension. I mean, teleporters were going from the pyramids on Mars to Earth, to Venus, some towards Jupiter’s moons—they were trying to get everyone off as fast as possible.
And me being who I am and what my job entails, it was my job to do what we call the wipe, where we cause a huge cataclysm that literally wipes out 90 percent of the life on the planet. And that huge scar on the side is actually from the energy weapon I used. Well, I missed my mark and ended up hitting Maldek instead.
Now mind you: I do jump parallel universes, so, these are the events that happened in my existence.
So, Maldek got blown up, and I was put on trial for every single death that happened on that planet, which is why I’ve been here for so long.
(21:30) MERRILY: I’m not making light of this, but I understand your position, and I understand how easily you could do that.
APOLLYMI: Well, I was out there alone, completely, or so I thought, but I felt a pushing energy, actually, push my trajectory out. But it was my energy weapon. Whether I had control of the situation or not, every soldier is responsible for his actions and his weapons. And so, when in front of the Star Seed Council—the real one—I got tried for every child, parent, adult of every species, animals, plants— So, I got tried by the true laws of Source. And instead of them destroying me, I got sentenced to here. And I’ve been here for about 34,000 years.
MERRILY: Reincarnating over and over and over again.
APOLLYMI: Yeah. Every single time that I die, I have maybe a year or two, and then I’m back.