Apollymi participated in six interviews with Merrily Milmoe (Cosmic Brilliance (https://cosmicbrilliance.com) of which this post covers part 3.
Part 3
(51:00) Yahweh is a— in Hanova (pronounced Anuva) he would be considered a second-tier creator. That is right below the Immortal Seven. So, he has a lot of knowledge, a lot of power. He is one of the creators who is in charge of this universe, and I’m sure he has others. The Creator Council of this universe, there are several species in that council, and he is one of them. He’s not the only one, but he is one.
MERRILY: And Yahweh as a species is considered humanoid, correct?
APOLLYMI: Yes. If he wanted to, he could walk around here. He’d be tall, really tall.
MERRILY: Describe how he normally shows up for you.
APOLLYMI: When I go to see him — and I’ve been visiting him ever since I was a little girl — he has long white hair, kind of wavy. He has his long beard, down to the mid-part of his stomach. His eyes look like you’re just staring into universes; it’s very pretty. He has kind of peachy skin. And he dresses— he wears a toga.
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(1:13:00) APOLLYMI: To my knowledge it was the avatars of The Immortal Seven who came to this universe and created Atlantis. It was then handed off to mortals.
During the first fall of Atlantis, Dark Draco King Lucifer, who is a Draconian (who caused Mars to fail its ascension), came and attacked Earth in multiple areas. And being a champion of one of The Immortal Seven, I was ordered to protect Atlantis while we got everyone out of there; and I ended up fighting the fleet ships that came in, and I died in that battle. And so, that was before the Great Flood that wiped out the Fourth Era of Man.
MERRILY: According to what I’ve heard, Lucifer is a title, not the name of a being. What do you say?
APOLLYMI: The only Lucifer I know is the Lucifer who was created in Hanova: he’s an archangel. He is no longer in the celestial heavens—he’s in other realms of the lower planes. But he is not a dragon: he is still an angelic. Just because you fall doesn’t mean you are stripped of your species. But names are [not unique to one person]: people have been called Yahweh, people have been called Jesus. So, titles and species are very important, and also where you come from—I am from this city, from this planet, from this galaxy.
(1:16:00) MERRILY: Ashtar is the same: people thought Ashtar was one being, and it’s a title.
APOLLYMI: It is a title: yes. So, there is a Draconian who is red, whose name is Lucifer. He was the king of the Draco constellation. That kingdom has now fallen.
MERRILY: When did it fall? This is the Dark Draco, just to be clear.
APOLLYMI: This is the Dark Draco faction, yes. I believe it was like two to three years ago; I will have to look at my journal, because I wrote that down.
MERRILY: That’s what a lot of emissaries said. Their version of it was, We’ve cleared a lot of the Dark Draco out of this sector of space. That was their version.
APOLLYMI: Yeah, there were a lot of kingdoms that ended up falling—there were three of them, in fact. And the Draco constellation was the first one: the queen was assassinated. And then a couple of weeks to months after that, the other two Dark Draco queens who—I believe one of them was in the Orion constellation, and the other one I can’t remember—but they ended up stepping down and turning themselves in. And then, there was another queen who was aassassinated also.
MERRILY: Okay, so a lot of the information we’re hearing about cleaning up underground bases, the situation with the Dark Draco, is mostly true.
APOLLYMI: Yes, that is correct. There are still a lot factions out there that are rogue and it’s the rogue factions that are trying to create as much chaos as possible. They need all of the energy and resources to try to rebuild themselves, but we’re doing our best to crush them.
(1:23:00) MERRILY: Don’t we have multiple aspects, multidimensional aspects, of ourselves in our astral body that we’re living simultaneously? So, can’t we be here in third density, also in ninth density, also in this, also this over here, as long as my oversoul or higher self across time and space can be coherent with that?
(1:24:00) APOLLYMI: So, this universe has its own Source. That would be Source for you, not for other universes. It would be Source for this universe.
And then, underneath that is your oversoul. And your oversoul is just starting to come out of Source. If you were in Source-consciousness, you would not have your own identity — you would be one with everything.
So, your oversoul is your single identity that is separate from Source. Now, that one only has very small dimensions and physics that it can go to. Because everyone thinks that Source is at the very top of all dimensions and all things; that is not actually accurate. It would be called dimension-zero, or plane-zero, as I like to call it, because even though it is all, it is also nothing. And so, you start at the bottom, your oversoul is right here.
And then, because there’s not that much physics that you can really— you’re basically floating in a black void of nothingness, because you are in your own reality-bubble. You’re no longer part of the conscious connection.
MERRILY: So, you’re saying that the void that people experience when they cross over, and they describe that as black nothingness, no thought, is what you just said, right?
(1:26:00) APOLLYMI: If you are reincarnating into your over-soul, you’re going to be lonely. It gives you time to reflect, time to think about yourself. And so, that over-soul, because it doesn’t have a lot of physics, or anything to interact with, will split off again. And this time, it goes from a full circle to the vesica pisces, to the infinity symbol. The infinity symbol would be your higher self.
So, you have the golden and silver spiral touching for the infinity symbol to be your higher self. And now you are no longer just aware of yourself: you are aware of other things. You are aware of more dimensions and physics to interact with. And now it’s not just about you: it’s about other things and other people. And so, you start creating interactions with all these things, but you still can’t interact fully.
It’s like going from, first, like a dot on a piece of paper. If I draw someone on a piece of paper, that can only interact dimensionally a certain way. It can only interact with what I draw on the paper. But if I draw that out into a 3D model, now it’s got something else that it can interact with; it’s got more things that it can do.
So, now it’s got more things that it can interact with, because the dimensions are changing. And with this, you get your astral body. And your astral body can separate itself into what I call shards, because I always think of crystals. But you call them fractals.
(1:28:00) MERRILY: But the SSP calls them shards. Now, when they’re taking parts of souls for a clone, are you saying those shards come from the astral body, not the higher self or oversoul?
APOLLYMI: So, the astral body’s chakras are usually what they are harvesting, and then they condense it into an actual crystal, because it’s all of the vibrations and frequencies of that node-point.
When they’re taking parts of souls for a clone, are you saying those shards come from the astral body, not the higher self or oversoul?
The astral body’s chakras are usually what they are harvesting, and then they condense it into an actual crystal, because it’s all of the vibrations and frequencies of that node-point.
MERRILY: So, we have Source-Creator, everything and nothing. Then that goes to an oversoul, which is kind of like a void, and it’s like a single-identity consciousness?
APOLLYMI: Right. Correct.
MERRILY: And then that goes into a higher self. But if the higher self wants to have maximum experience, it can now divide into—millions of astral bodies?
APOLLYMI: It just depends on the higher self’s intention. So, if it wants to experience everything, if it gets really excited, “I’m so excited! I’ve never been here before! I want to make twenty of me!”—those twenty, each astral body could be born of consciousness in any plane of existence.
So, the first level, the second level, for what most people call dimensions—what you call densities—so, it can feel out the physics that are best to make its consciousness, because every individual oversoul has its own unique energy signature. And so, when those consciousnesses are created, they can make it in different planes of existence, and the consciousness can experience things from that, and it then do its own thing
(1:30:00) MERRILY: So, a higher self divides into multiple astral bodies, depending on its choice. So, higher self has control and overview of all the different astral bodies living in different lifetimes, different experiences, different planes, correct?
APOLLYMI: Exactly. And they can exist all at the same time. You can meet your astral body on the astral plane, and then, your astral bodies can go into physical bodies.
MERRILY: We have multiple aspects of ourselves in different astral bodies, for maximum experience, in different astral bodies, all of which belong to one higher self.
APOLLYMI: Correct.
MERRILY: Okay. And then, each one of those astral bodies chooses a physical body? Or many stay in astral form or a different body? Because you were saying that every world, or every dimension still has a form.
APOLLYMI: Right—they still have physics of their own. And so, it could choose to stay in its astral body that has different physics, to do stuff with. But for those who chose a form up in density, then that tether would be created from the astral body to the physical form, so that it can communicate. But that’s what creates the link to the physical body.
MERRILY: And that silver cord is created by the higher self?
APOLLYMI: No, it’s created by the astral body. The single astral body decides what it’s going to do.
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Cosmic Brilliance – https://www.cosmicbrilliance.com/
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