Horrendous bus not the word … Very punishing to read. Very Brave to relate of Cali. and why is she still alive? I would not have been able to have endured over a life time…. I don’t want to know but need to know of the widespread unspeakable behavior such a huge part of the world population has existed through endless beyond severe abuse. I have so many people who simply don’t want to hear about it as it upsets them or they don’t believe it. That takes care of a fair few people in my life briefly or permanently… so some of us surely must endure the dreadful process of at least witnessing these beyond atrocities….. I must find a way and take ann opportunity to stand in their name/s to be a witness albiet silent. I would have no words just compassion unlimited. Acceptance unlimited and hopefully be involved in restoration for ever and ever. Makes me disgusted that I complain and don’t rise to be the ultimate human, I have no thing to complain about in comparison with millions and millions. I trust we must find a way back and would love to find a group of people like minded to support and grow with. 🙏♥️🔥

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Thank you for caring. I think that every time someone is willing to see, it helps everyone. It's like a silent prayer.

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We need to prosecute all involved

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I feel so far removed from the world these children have been forced to live in (and still do) all their lives. I'm horrified and I do believe them, but it's so far removed from what most of us view as the "normal" world, I find it hard to stretch my imagination enough to bring it to life. People need to be forced to confront this terrible world, forced to acknowledge the reality of it, that our everyday world is a mere façade for unspeakable evil. Otherwise, it will forever be brushed aside as too fantastical to even consider, too uncomfortable to explore. It's a small concession, in light of the fact that these children LIVE and experience these atrocities. Do we not owe them? But at the same time, can we still maintain our trust and belief in the inherent goodness of humanity? Diana Barahona, I sincerely thank you for exposing this horrific world. It becomes more real to me with every one of your posts.

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Absolutely: that's why I post these testimonies. If they had to endure it, if they're going to all the trouble and putting themselves at risk by speaking out, we owe it to them to listen.

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Be kind Be compassionate

Don't judge what you don't understand

I suspect that a lot of these scientists are programmed themselves.

2 wrongs really do not make a right it just continues to create more wrongs. General deterrence does not work with these people.

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I understand the justice system. It's only because society has police, prosecutors and courts that victims/survivors have the freedom to be compassionate towards their tormenters.

Imagine you are a slave of the American Nazis: can you feel compassion towards those who are torturing you while they have power over you?

Now, imagine that the torturer is in custody. Can you feel compassion towards him now?

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This is beyond belief. I think my step brother and sister, whose father was a surgeon was part of a sex cabal. I don't think I was part of sex cabal. I think they used me for testing new "products" I was very pretty when I not in the throws of alcohol and depression.

Bringing thus to the light, the roaches will scatter however they deserve forgiveness if they stop this and turn around and help heal all of the people.

Sex is a terrible addiction.

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Looking at this from the perspective of justice, people must be punished for crimes. I say punished, not held accountable, because the people committing crimes against humanity cannot be allowed to live.

Forgiveness is a psychological and spiritual condition, and has no place in the justice system. If a criminal is sentenced by a judge or military tribunal, his victims may forgive him, but the judge doesn't have the right to let this forgiveness affect his sentence. The judge is responsible for protecting society, i.e., preventing future victimizations.

Just one example, the prosecutor and judge who let Jeffrey Epstein go free in 2007 are responsible for all of the deaths and torture of children--including babies--that followed until Trump finally put an end to it. The judge and prosecutor should be punished for that crime.

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There is NO forgiveness for those who harm babies/ children you can not expect a demon like that to think forgiveness is something they understand, they have NO Souls, or hearts to feel. These people must be punished by the strictest law available to rid the world of vermin like that, no child should ever be treated like a piece of meat, or go thru such pain and sadness. I have No empathy for such demon scum. They know dam well what they are doing and don’t care. Their punishment should be the most egregious and painful allowed. Stop hurting children enough!

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There are many lenses from which to analyze. I am very emotional therefore tend to chose looking at it as evolution of systems.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

I agree but some have the technology to heal, for example the LIDA machine. I was horrified after reading Anne Jacobsens Operation Paperclip,. Only a few people were prosecuted. What a sham Nuremberg.

Oh guess where I was from 80 to 85 at Brooks AFB School of Aerospace Medcine. There were odd things occurring...

There are tunnels from the labs over to the AF hospital to Randolph to Kelly.

Are you sure Trump put an end to it?

One thing I have learned is to not trust anyone.

I am still being tortured however it has slowed down over the last few months.

They need to shut down the infaguard database as well.

Trump was raised in a DFS he was the golden child therefore he has a deep need for being worshipped.

But this doesn't mean that I think he is all bad and may vote for him.

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Nuremberg was a sham, which is why I haven't mentioned it. President Truman signed an unconditional surrender to the Nazis in 1952, after the failure of the military to defeat the Nazis in Antarctica (Operation Highjump) and after the Nazis flew one or more antigravity discs around Washington DC and landed one on the WH lawn.

The president's unconditional surrender to the Nazis was behind Paperclip, which brought 50,000 Antactic Nazis to the United States, where they were embedded in the government, the military and the armaments industry. That's what Dwight Eisenhower meant when he warned about the MIC: the military and industry were by 1961 controlled by Nazis.

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TJ needs to read your work someone replied bull%^&$ when I posted that 1500-1700 Nazi scientists went to Texas they were assigned to the research labs. That may have been an underestimate

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TJ needs to read your work someone replied bull%^&$ when I posted that 1500-1700 Nazi scientists went to Texas they were assigned to the research labs. That may have been an underestimate

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That makes since, I looked at this differently after reading Karen Stewart's info.

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