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Thanks, Diana.

It's a quagmire - the whole subject of visitors who have come to this planet.

I have no doubt on a paleo presence, that has been here a long time. The Old Testament and many other ancient texts discuss it clearly. Probably far more visitors that we can imagine, some of which are still here, some of which are likely integrated into humans, some underground but still influencing things and then the interdimensionals that are perhaps - for me - creepiest of all because the infiltration is invisible.

A big soup.

I also think the increase of frequencies coming in are making it impossible for them to stay. The bandwidth is moving beyond fear and control frequencies. I don't know what all that looks like, or how long it all takes, but I have a strong sense that humanity is on the cusp of being freed -the first time in a long time.

I find I can't get too worked up over the details - though appreciate the work of those who do try to sort out this complex and hidden part of our world. I think it's essential knowledge, that we push our context for understanding where we are to this universal/cosmic level.

We are operating mainly in a tiny box, and it's time we graduated.

Thank you.

I liked this interview with Billy Carlson and Paul Wallis who politely shred the old testament as about god.


I also liked this interview with Len Kasten on Open Minds on the Reptilian presence.


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