Diana, I just feel compelled to ask, where God fits into all this. I am trying to wrap my head around all this information, and do pray for discernment in my readings.

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From Hidden Hand (2008) https://www.wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/hidden_hand_081018

Creation is based upon the 'Three Primary Distortions of The Infinite One'.

1). Free Will:

In the first Law (or distortion) of Creation, the Creator receives the Free Will to know and experience Itself as an individuated though (paradoxically) unified aspect of The One.

2). Love:

In the second Law of Creation, the initial distortion of Free Will becomes a focus point of awareness known as Logos, or 'Love' (or The Word in Biblical terms). Love, or Logos, using its Infinite Intelligent Energy, then takes on the role of co-creating a vast array of physical illusions ('thought forms') or densities, which, according to intelligent design, will best offer the range of potential experiences in which It can know Itself.

In effect, the One Infinite Creator, in engendering Logos, could be termed a 'Universal Creator'. In other words, Logos creates on a universal level of Being. Logos creates physical universes, in which It and the Creator may experience themselves. ("Let there be Light")

3). Light:

To manifest this infinite spiritual or 'Life-Force' Energy into a physical thought-form of densities, Logos creates the third distortion, of Light.

From the three original Primary distortions of The One into making the Creation arise myriad hierarchies of other sub-distortions, containing their own specific paradoxes. The goal of the Game is to enter into these in further divisions of Creation, and then seek to harmonize the polarities, in order to once again know Oneself as the Creator of them.

The nature of all such physically manifest energy, is Light. Wherever thus exists any form of physical 'matter', there is Light, or Divine Intelligent Energy at its Core or Centre.

Something which is Infinite cannot be 'other than', or 'many'. An Infinite Creator knows only Unity. Thus, drawing upon its Infinite Intelligence, the Infinite Creator designed a blueprint based on the finite principles of Free Will of Awareness and sub-level Creations, which in turn, could become aware of themselves and seek to experience themselves as Creators. And so the Russian-doll-style experiment was 'stepped down' and down and down. Levels of Creation within levels of Creation.

The One Infinite Creator (or Great Central Sun) steps down its Infinite Energy to become Logos. Logos in turn designs vast universes of space (as yet unmaterialized), stepping down and splitting Itself again, into Logoi (plural), in other words, into an array of Central Suns which will each become a Logos (or 'co-creator') of its own universe, with each unique individualized portion of the One Infinite Creator, containing within It as its very essence, Intelligent Infinity.

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Megan Rose is the "Real Deal," my opinion. Thank you, Diana, for confirming what I knew to be true re the others mentioned.

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Megan says she won't be making any more videos as she has other work to do. Maybe she explains that in her second book.

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