The castle on the bottom sent me a journey I’ll never come back from, at leat not back to the land of the ignorant! There is a definite likeness between the two, the occult symbolism on the church also a Masonic symbol is creepy when there’s a Masonic temple across the street. I have actually been to this area once, I wasn’t head deep in research then though. Good find, there is definitely something standing out in that whole area.
The castle on the bottom sent me a journey I’ll never come back from, at leat not back to the land of the ignorant! There is a definite likeness between the two, the occult symbolism on the church also a Masonic symbol is creepy when there’s a Masonic temple across the street. I have actually been to this area once, I wasn’t head deep in research then though. Good find, there is definitely something standing out in that whole area.