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The Philadelphia Experiment - August 12, 1943
The Philadelphia Experiment was the culmination of research carried out by the U.S. Navy into stealth technology. The idea began with Nicola Tesla at the Univeristy of Chicago in 1931, where it was known as the Invisibility Project, and also Project Rainbow. The goal was to make ships invisible to enemy radar.
When Franklin D. Roosevelt was inaugurated in 1933, he already knew Tesla from his work for the Navy during WWI. He invited him to Washington and asked him what he was working on. Tesla metioned his invisibility research, and Roosevelt invited him be part of a new initiative bringing together the country’s top scientists at Princeton University. This became the Institute for Advanced Study. Roosevelt made Tesla the director of invisibility research, and Hungarian mathematician John von Neumann worked alongside him. Albert Einstein was also at the Institute as a theoretical consultant.
Tesla’s approach was to render ships invisible by using electrical generators to create an “electromagnetic bottle” around a ship. A series of experiments were conducted, and in September, 1940, a small unmanned ship was made invisible in the Brooklyn Naval Yard. Roosevelt was pleased with the success of the experiment, and he ordered a battleship be assigned to the project. It arrived in the Philadelphia Navy Yard in January of 1941.
The United States entered WWII in December 11, 1941. Because German U-boats were sinking many ships, the scientists were under pressure to make stealth technology a reality (the chief medical officer of the Eldridge, Oscar O. Schneider, had sunk 68 Allied ships as a German U-boat captain before he was captured by France and turned over to the U.S. Navy). An experiment with a crew was scheduled for March of 1942. However, the electromagnetic field was now 100 times as powerful as the one used in the previous test, and Tesla informed the Navy that he was concerned about the safety of the crew. The Navy told him that the test had to go forward, so on the evening of the experiment, Tesla sabotaged the equipment. The next day, the experiment failed; the battleship didn’t become invisible. Tesla quit the project, and Dr. John von Neumann was put in charge.
In September of 1942, a new ship was commissioned for the experiments—the USS Eldridge. Von Neumann re-designed the field-generating equipment and much work was done building, installing and testing it. On July 22, 1943, a somewhat successful test was carried out: the Eldridge became invisible for 20 minutes before the order was given to stop it. But there was a problem: the crew became nauseous and mentally disoriented from the EM radiation. Von Neumann now began to share Tesla’s concern about how the field was affecting the men. Nevertheless, the Navy informed him that he was to conduct an experiment with a manned ship by the deadline of August 12, 1943.
On the day of the experiment, the Eldridge was taken to the middle of Philadelphia Harbor, where it was surrounded by three ships. When the equipment was turned on, the Eldridge turned invisible, with only a greenish ozone haze around it. Suddenly, there was a flash of blue light and the ship completely disappeared. It reappeared four hours later, but terrible things had happened to the crew. Additionally, the equipment on board the ship had been intentionally destroyed.
The Navy tried one more invisibility experiment in late October of 1943–this time without a crew. The ship became invisible, but when it reappeared they found the equipment had again been damaged. Project Rainbow was terminated and the government turned its attention to developing the hydrogen bomb. (Al Bielek – Part 5)
Who really won the war?
Secret mind-control programs began in America in September of 1946, when President Harry Truman quietly authorized Project Paperclip, a U.S.-government program that allowed the Department of Defense to recruit and hire high-ranking Nazi-German doctors, scientists and spies into the United States. More than 1,600 Nazis and Italian fascists and their dependents were ushered in through South America, with passports and assistance provided by the Vatican and the Red Cross. The purpose of this clandestine immigration was to infiltrate American governing jurisdictions, fortify secret societies, and establish new agencies with the ongoing agenda of the New World Order.
Among the recruits was Wernher von Braun. When NASA was established in 1958, von Braun became the first director of the Marshall Space Flight Center. Employees at the center used the Nazi salute.
Another prominent Nazi recruit for the U.S. was German general Reinhard Gehlen. Upon his arrival in Washington DC in 1945, Gehlen met extensively with President Truman, General William Donovan — director of the Office of Strategic Services — and Allen Dulles. The objective was to reorganize American intelligence operations and transform them into the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947, of which Dulles would become the director. Reinhard Gehlen was also instrumental in creating the National Security Council, from which the National Security Act of 1947 was derived. This particular piece of legislation was passed to protect and conceal a number of illegal government activities, including secret mind-control programs. – Cathy O’Brien Trance: Mind Control, Human Slavery and Healing the Nation
Between 1946 and 1947, President Truman put the government of the United States in the hands of a secret group, the Majestic Twelve, that considered itself above the law and the Constitution, and who were all members of Luciferian bloodline families. Truman worked with German Nazis such as Reinhard Gehlen to create the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency. He completely reorganized the military.
With the National Security Act of 1947, the government claimed the power to keep any and all information about its covert activities secret, which included the power to abduct, torture, maim and murder anyone who might expose them. This was extended to anyone who exposed the dangers of vaccines, election rigging, drug running or child trafficking. Truman authorized unlimited “milabs” — or military abductions — as well as experiments on humans, in violation of fundamental human rights.
The capture of the United States government by fascists didn’t occur without resistance. In 1946-1947, Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal ordered Admiral Byrd to put together a task force, which included over 40 ships, to seize the Germans’ Antarctic base. Ostensibly a scientific expedition, this task force was called Operation Highjump. When the ships arrived in Antarctica, the Germans and their ET partners used flying saucers to destroy most of the aircraft and at least one of the ships.
Truman made Forrestal Secretary of Defense, but fired him in March of 1949. He confined Forrestal to a psychiatric hospital under orders not to speak to anyone, and Forrestal was thrown out of a window of that hospital in May of 1949. The deep state’s mafia-style execution of the defense secretary sent a clear message to anyone who was thinking of exposing the government’s unlawful, immoral and unconstitutional activities.
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See also:
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What is really scary to me is that these are only the projects we know about; projects and episodes TPTB (The Deep State Cabal) have allowed to be uncovered and talked about in the public arena! One can only imagine the true horrors our earthly governments are involved in that we will never hear or read about!!!
This is a wonderfully informative review that I highly recommend, especially if you have heard of The Montauk Project but are not too familiar with it. Thank you, Diana.