It's all or nothing for the Khazarian banking cartel. They've used Ukraine for money laundering for 10 years. They need to control Iran because the old family wealth of the Persian empire is major competition for them. They need control of all the banks in the world because they don't want anyone to have a choice other than to truck with their criminal cartel. That was the original rationale for an Israeli state in Palestine. They've been invested in disrupting Iran for 100 years. They (Khazars) have been invested in disrupting Russia for many more centuries.

I don't believe you're giving enough credit to the idea that the Khazarians are name-stealers. That means they murder people and then assume their identities. They've been doing it for many centuries (the Oera Linda tells us about them). They did it to Paul McCartney and John Lennon. They may have done it to DJT in 1989: https://pressofatlanticcity.com/3-trump-execs-2-pilots-die-as-helicopter-crashes-in-parkway-median/article_4071dbca-24e3-11e4-8835-0019bb2963f4.html


Trump was absent from the public eye for many years before being introduced on TV in 2015. Trump is pro-vaccine and pro-capital punishment. Pro 5G. Pro-corporate everything. He's unconcerned with corporate poisoning of the food supply. He is useful to our controllers as he is used to calm revolutionary sentiment and to make people believe there is someone in government on the side of the people. There is no one in a government leadership position on the side of the people. When the government attacked the American states with bioweapons, it forfeited all constitutional duties and privileges and voided all contracts. What is a dollar? (a contract signifying a dollar's worth of debt). Federal agents are trespassing on the states or are active participants in a war against the states, signified by the American war flag flying at the UN building with a pike standard. The defacto government of the states is a British holding (CTBE). The corporate ownership of the USA company never lets us see a face they don't control. That's the Black-pill. How do you like the taste of it? It's bitter, right? You'll get used to it.

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