Trump set the conditions for literally increasing pollutions his first chance around in office, and now, he only says things that people want to hear because he wants that bad to get back into office to once again roll back key safety regulations, like he did before, so that his pals in the corporations won't have to enact very costly safety regulations that directly affect their wallets. One example of Trump's rollback of such safety regulations that work to protect us, the people, was the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment to which people are still suffering from. Moreover, the people of East Palestine were, by majority, Trump voters in 2016, and the only other irony there is that because they are also mostly poor, a good percentage of those most affected depend on the Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") to pay for their hospital bills and resulting medications mostly connected to various cancers and severe bronchitis. Trump still claims he wants to do away with the Affordable Care Act for the exact same reason aforementioned, corporate insurance companies are losing out some of the profits they could make if Obamacare didn't exist, and with corporations, and those who back them, it's always profits over people.

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I looked at your web site. It's creepy and dark and designed to rob humanity of hope--except I doubt anyone reads it.

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I don't know why you're attacking me personally when I wasn't approaching you negatively in any way. I wanted to write some counter information to what you presented. That is all. I know Trump's people *only* want to read glorifying reports about Trump and thus find it difficult to think in any other terms but glorifying him, but we are adults and adults can handle counter information to what is being presented while staying completely on topic. I stayed on topic. I certainly never attacked you.

Immediately attacking me, and then my website in the way you've done was not called for when we have overlapping fields of interest - which is why you were suggested to me by Substack to begin with. I read some of your (non-Trump related) conspiracy writings and found them fascinating. There is nothing wrong with that. As far as my website goes, I patterned it after what used to be the top website on the internet in the late 1990's and early 2000's exposing Satanism and British/American Freemasonry. It was called Freemasonry Watch, as can still be seen here --


Long before today's social media to connect with, there were only a handful of websites out there like FreemasonryWatch exposing what still needs to be exposed. My website was therefore started in 2000 and carried on the work of that website and others. I am sorry if you cannot see its worth because of the Trump factor, but try to remember, there was a time we had in America long before Trump, when all of us were coming against the Bush family and the Clinton's, Obama, Hillary, etc. and connecting them to what we have determined to be an evil corporate elite that cares for none of us, but has its own globalist goals far outside of what we love and cherish.

EDIT: I'm completely aware Trump claims he will destroy evil itself when back in power, but there again, Trump says a lot of things to achieve power. When he was in power, what did he do against that entrenched corporate evil working against us all from behind the scenes? Not much, is what I and too many others have concluded.

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You're right that I was wrong to make an ad-hominem attack on you. But since you're familiar with the Luciferian Brotherhood, you should know that the Brotherhood wants Trump dead because he's bringing down their system of human enslavement. Corporations aren't evil; they tools of the Brotherhood.

As a few examples, when was the last time you saw the real Oprah Winfrey (the old, fat one), Beyonce, Tom Hanks, the real Hillary or the real Nancy Pelosi? Of course, Jacob Rothschild, the pope, Queen Elizabeth, David Rockefeller and Marylou Whitney are officially dead, and so, I suspect, is Elon Musk's father.

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