June 14, 2023
6:00 There's a couple base terms we're going to identify first. One is altars, like the ones in the Old Testament, which were made of stone or wood, where individuals would offer sacrifices and offerings to not only demonic spirits, but also to Lucifer—or Satan, as we call him. And I would propose that the Luciferian Brotherhood system have specialized in creating altars that are not just physical, made of stone or wood, but that also have a spiritual access to them.
And they have several different types. Commonly what you'll see is that their altars are laid out in a circular formation with defined points, which could be six or eight or nine, and those defined points are replications of what King Solomon did in his studies of the spirit world and summoning the 72 demonic spirits.
The other [altar] formation that you'll see is rectangular. The system [defines] sacred spaces with circles or rectangles. When you enter onto a sacred space, step onto it, you are going to have access to the spiritual dimension.
So, the first thing we notice with this flag is it's being hung vertically. And one of the things that happens is that upon these altars, they'll begin to place items. Typically you'll find a chalice. You'll find their Great Book.
They also will burn intentions. Intentions are thoughts: they could be negative, they could be positive. But they'll burn those intentions so that whatever they're asking for is more likely to come forth.
9:00 So, as we look at this [flag], it's really important to notice first that that white is on top. We see a few other colors [pink, light blue, brown, black] which represent— actually, we’re not going to go into what they represent, but that V-shaped chevron represents the chalice.
And the white on there is the first recognition color within the vows and the offerings. In the system, as you come [dressed] in white, you usually come in a triangular formation. So, notice how they even [display] three flags. That [display] of three is very important, and that represents Isis or the goddess. But at the higher level, the reason they put white at the top of the flag is because it represents the light of Lucifer shining on the face of the woman.
And then you see the colors [pink, light blue, brown, black], which then become, in the system, the woman offering on the altar the things that she's giving to Lucifer.
And this is at the highest levels, but some of this representation you'll see at the lower levels, where they'll bring the ribbons or the silken cords. And usually there are seven, so you would have the [six] colors of the rainbow, and then you would also have the the white ribbon, which is going to represent the great light, which is Lucifer.
11:00 For some of those that are in the Jesuit Catholic or the Lutheran Synod, more of the Southern Baptist, where, at those higher levels in some of those religions you're going to have [priests] who are involved in the Brotherhood or Freemasonry, you'll notice that in those churches they won’t use the black-cover Bibles: they will only use the white-cover Bibles. And even the great white book that they use, which will always be King James, it will have those white covers. And that refers to the great white light, which they believe is Lucifer, and that he was the first ray of light that shone on the face of a woman [the chevron]. And they say that that love between the first light that shone is “strong as the chain of steel binding creation together.” And they'll call that love, they'll call that immortality, and that white light becomes that symbol of immortality, the higher ascension that you can achieve.
13:00 So as they begin to lay [on the altar] these cords or silk cloths, which are represented by the other colors, there are deeper layers. On the surface, for a trainee in the system, they'll just see these colors as associated with the rainbow. They'll see it associated with fun games. And they're going to begin to go through their vow preparations; they're going to begin to practice the wording. They're not going to fully understand what these colors represent. And what they really represent are the seven deadly sins. And you have the red representing the lust, orange representing wrath, yellow representing gluttony, green representing envy, blue representing greed, and the purple representing pride.
15:00 So, as we're looking at that flag, you've got the black. The system will hide certain sins or spirits. When we were looking at the the rose and the cross that they use in programming at the higher levels, we talked about the fact that they would often use that black or a gray color in-between, and that that represented the spirit of sloth. So, you have all seven here being represented. And why do they have that sloth [black stripe] where they have it? It's because that is where it starts to get into the blood offerings within that system [black also signifies death].
So, as they begin to go through this ritual prep, the young girls will come in dressed in white robes. And they're going to be given colored ribbons. And it might only be one girl; it might be several that go and place it up on the altar. And with each placement, they'll say a vow. And what they're told is that it represents the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And within that pot there are three items.
17:00 Now when we think about the deeper symbology of that, what does that pot represent with the three items in it? It represents the Ark of the Covenant that Israel had that carried the essence, the glory, the Shekhinah [Hebrew - presence] glory of the Lord God almighty.
And in the real Ark we're told that the three items were the manna—the jar of manna that the Lord had told Moses and Aaron to put in the Ark—that manna representing the bread that literally fell from heaven as God sustained Israel in the desert for 40 years.
It has the almond branch or staff that was Aaron's staff that he used. And it was a dead staff, yet that staff budded and bloomed, meaning that it still had life with it.
And the last item were the tablets. God called Moses to come up on the mountain and talk with him, He gave him the Ten Commandments. And when Moses came down the mountain, he found that the people had taken all their gold and [formed] it into a calf, and that they were bowing down and worshiping that calf. And they were committing idol worship. And it was more than that: there was a sexual component with it as well. And in anger, Moses threw down those tablets that had been inscribed by God's own hand and they broke into pieces.
So, those were what were put in the Ark. Now, Moses did go back up on the mountain after that. He confessed his anger, his sin, but this time instead of the Lord inscribing a new set of tablets, the Lord actually had Moses chisel out those Ten Commandments on stone. So, that's where you get the second set of tablets.
So, in my course, The Rise of the Righteous, and Beautifully Adorned, I break down really what is behind those items in the Ark. But what we have, though, is that the system—again the system is all about the spirit realm—it's all about [their desire] to become gods. And how do you begin to release eternal life as well as your spiritual giftings and abilities so that you're operating as an ascended being? In this, you're not the only ascended being; you're not the only illuminated one.
So, here we bring in now another layer to this flag. What do those seven colors represent in the system? They also represent the seven ascended masters. Who are those ascended masters? One of the books is called the Legendo, where it gets into the Lords of the Seven Rays, and you could read some of that. There are some different prophetic book where they connect those seven rays of light to the seven ascended masters, those that they believe have attained godhood. So you have individuals like Muhammad, Gandhi, they do include Jesus in there, and some others.
21:30 But at the deeper level, those seven rays represent the top seven demonic generals. There are nine that I grew up recognizing, but out of those nine you have seven main ones: Ashtoreth (Astarte), Baal, Moloch, Abaddon (angel of the abyss), Azazel, Toth and Baphomet. And the two that they really don't consider the seven seas or seven rays are Leviathan and Samael. [For information about the Jesuit generals, see Svali, Vatican Book Part 1]
So, they have connected each of those ascended masters to those seven demonic generals. So when we think about it that way, what happens at an altar? You're worshiping, you're sacrilficing to someone or something. Who are these offerings going to? It's going to these demonic generals.
And each of those colors we talked about on the LAMEN, how the military uses them for programming to represent the seven deadly sins with the colors, and how each of those colors then connects to a demonic general.
Red is connected primarily to Abaddon and Baal. Purple and blue are primarily connected to Baal and Moloch and Baphomet.
Baphomet is primarily blue, and some of the green colors; so the sins are greed [blue] and envy [green]. Baphomet's specialty is the sexual sins. So, when you look at that, what sins are behind [the sex]: you see the pride [purple], you see the greed [blue] and the envy [green].
Then you're going to have the green and the yellow, which are connected to Azazel. And orange represents wrath, which is connected to Azazel and Toth. So, that's who those offerings are going to.
And as they bring each one, again, we talked about that connection to the seven deadly sins. And each one, then, is also an offering, meaning that you're placing something on that altar as an exchange with that spirit. So, it’s like a contract; those colors are representing the contracts that have been made by all these girls and women in the system.
And what have they been laying on the altar, what are their contracts with these demons? That's where it gets into the the really scary parts. You can try to find these vows. The interesting deeper part is that as they're making these contracts and vows, they say “this is for womanhood” or “the sisterhood.” Those aren’t just friendly terms that they’re using where they're saying, “Oh, you're my sister.” No, it's deeper. I mean, even the wording of brotherhood: why is it called the Great White Brotherhood? It’s because they've made a pact; they’ve made a treaty both physically and spiritually that they’re bound to one another. They're bound in service, they're bound to keep each other’s secrets, they're bound to the system’s silence. And all of that is is being represented.
27:00 If they’re coming out of the system, they'll tell you that there’s much, much more to that pot of gold that has the three items that really represents the Ark. Why did they change the symbology? Why did they change the shape? Why do they make it a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Well, really it represents a [witch’s] cauldron.
28:00 And one of the items that they place in the cauldron is the [American] flag. Now, why do they place an American flag in that cauldron? I would propose that it’s because that American flag represents two things. First, it represents the women or the founding mothers, those who came over who helped found the country, who also were the first women to hand-sew the flag that then became the image for our nation, the banner that we would stand under.
Anna was born in Washington, D.C., on 11/11/1942, a date specially chosen for astrological reasons. Her birth was carefully planned, and she was considered to be the reincarnation of Inanna, the daughter of Enki in ancient Sumer.
Deriving from a line of blue-bloods, Anna’s family is of pure Aryan lineage and is traceable beyond Germany. Belonging to one of the most prestigious organizations in America, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the family also belongs to an organization that predates even that: the Daughters of the American Colonies.
Most of Anna’s family were involved in the military and the occult. Her great-grandfather was an astrologer and was one of Hitler’s mentors. Anna’s mother worked for the OSS and was tied to (Nazi agent) William Donovan and (MK-ULTRA chief) Ewen Cameron.
Anna explained that Cameron’s family, like hers, were multigenerational occultists. Both families embraced the same occult philosophy as those who surrounded Hitler. They believed that as Aryans, their genetic lines predated ancient Sumeria. Identified as the Sumerian Brotherhood of the Snake, or the Vril, these people . . . [founded] the Knights Templar, the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and every other secret society. Anna refers to these as the controllers and says that this elite group changed the very nature of time. - Peter Moon - The Black Sun
Why thirteen stars? Why thirteen red and white stripes? Those represent the bloodline families, the 13 families: the 12 tribes of Israel as well as the extra, which is Joseph. The last son of Jacob was awarded a double portion because he had twins. So, both of Joseph’s sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, received a portion. So, in that number 13 we see that double portion included.
Now, in the system it also goes beyond that because there’s a purer race than the tribe of Israel that also stems from the line of Abraham that the system upholds. So, in essence there are 14 bloodlines—that 14th being the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the purest race. You even see in that culture how they genetically keep that pure. And it's very specific. It's done for very specific reason, because out of all the bloodlines, that is the one that is— In science you always will have your untainted part of the experiment, the part that youa keep pure and keep the genetics as close as you can to the original, which is what they're breeding for, are those genetics that go back to Abraham. So, they keep that line very pure. That is what the white represents.
So, we see the American flags representing the work of the hands of the mothers. Also, what specifically are the mothers in the system? And we're not only talking about the mothers of darkness: you have many different positions within the system called mothers. Primarily they're going to be headship positions, so, particularly the grand high priestesses will be referred to as mothers, or with a capital M.
Also, at a regional level, we've talked about the five departments. And who runs those departments? You've got the Masons, the Mormons, the Satanists, Kabbalah and the Jesuit Catholics.
But at a regional level you have the men who are running the system’s assets from one region to the next, and those who oversaw that in the system were called dragons. The name of that order was the KKK. And within the KKK, those who were dragons, their wives who helped out in the system were called mothers.
So, we do see that term used a lot. In these vows that fall under the womanhood or the sisterhood, the women who are running those ritual preps or those who are receiving the vows from initiates—or people who are coming into their positions in the system—are referred to as mothers.
So we'll see that terminology a lot, and they do elevate the founding mothers. And we've gone from thirteen to how many states now? How many stars have they spread to regionally? And I think that [the stars] symbolize more than just states.
So, in their vows they refer to that cauldron, that “pot of gold,” and these ribbons come out of that pot, and then the girls will take their vows and begin to place them on the altar. As they do, they consider that act of placing these ribbons on the altar to be a step of faith. And you'll purposely do it with your left foot [forward], and they'll say, “Take, then, this color, the symbol of a woman's love and devotion.”
That connects to the deadly sin of lust. And they'll carry it to the altar and lay it there. But that red one doesn’t just represent that love and devotion to God. What I learned in the system was that it also represented your menstrual blood.
Girls as young as seven start with this vow, and then each time you do the preparation, you're learning the wording, you're you're learning to practice laying things down on the altar, you're learning how you should approach it. But at the same time, every time that you do it it's going to get you closer to that real deal, where you're really offering something. And in the system, women or girls are required to make a monthly offering of their menstrual blood to Lucifer as willing blood. So, that's really what that represents.
Here Jessie explains that the plan in California to give little boys sanitary pads—and doubtless Tim Walz’s order to stock boys’ restrooms with tampons—was to collect blood from boys who were being sodomized as offerings to Lucifer.
42:00 Now let's get to pride. We know that with a lot of these sins, it’s not just the name of the sin. You're looking at the names of of demonic fallen angels that were so evil that the Lord chained many of those fallen ones down in the lower realms until the day of judgment, because in their heart there was no difference between them and the sin that they had fallen into.
And what is pride? It's that pride that Satan declared where he rose himself up above God and said, “I am God; I am like God and I will reign and rule like God.” But all that was in his heart, every intention, was continuously evil.
And I want to read the most important passage in scripture about pride. And the consequences of being under that spirit is in Romans Chapter 1, starting at verse 18. And in scripture, one of the most interesting studies you can do is on the wrath of God. I encourage people to look up verses about God's wrath. Once you do that, it really puts stuff into perspective because you see that God is loving, God is just, but there comes a point where he says “no more” to wickedness and sin.
And so in scripture there are four things that will [provoke] the wrath of God. Those four things are unbelief, unrepentance, loving wickedness and applauding the wicked.
So, in Romans chapter 1, in verse 18, it says:
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven and against all the godlessness and wickedness of people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.
Now, before I read on, I want to make a statement. The hanging of those flags is purposeful. It is not just something that they do to promote what they believe. Flags are used to make declarations in war. And what are the declarations that are being made? We talked about what those colors mean. What we have is the women in the system raising up a banner declaring their intentions. Against who? Against We the People and against God Himself. They're literally putting it in God's face, saying, “This day, we're putting in your face all the offerings. All those blood offerings that we women have brought to these demonic generals, we’re now throwing in your face, God. See who has control of the U.S government, the White House.”
They're flaunting it in God's face and they're flaunting it in our faces. And because we don't understand, we aren't even understanding it's a declaration of war, with this contract with seven demonic generals who are now stepping to the forefront in the spirit world.
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven and against all the godlessness and wickedness of people who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what has been made known about God has been plain to them. For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities, His eternal power and His divine nature have been clearly seen being understood by His creatures, so that these people have no excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God, nor did they give thanks to Him, but their thinking became unfruitful and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools. They exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal human beings, birds and animals and reptiles.
Therefore, God gave them over to their sinful desires and their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the creator, who is forever praised. Because of this, God gave them over to their shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned their natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men and received in themselves the just penalty for their error.
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God—
This goes all the way back to King Solomon. What is this knowledge, this wisdom that the Brotherhood system possesses? It's the wisdom that God gave to King Solomon about how everything works in His kingdom. God revealed everything to Solomon.
And what does it say in verse 28:
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, and using that knowledge, to bring forth life and goodness and truth—
Instead, how do they use that knowledge? We just gave you an example today with the flag. They used it to continue to worship idols, to make pacts with demons, to engage in sins.
It says:
—therefore God gave them over to a depraved mind so that they do what they ought not to do. They have been filled with every kind of wicked evil greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful.
Now notice that in all those things, they're listing those seven deadly sins.
They invent ways of doing evil and they disobey their parents. They have no understanding, no fidelity, no faithfulness, no love, no mercy. Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these things but they applaud those who practice it.
And we’re seeing the applauding, the parade, the display, the celebration: they want it to be a big event.
Since Pedo Joe's takeover of the White House in 2020, the United States has become the laughingstock of the world! I traveled to Italy this Summer, and the folks in Italy would say Joe Biden and follow it with a belly laugh! People around the world have no respect for him or his administration; they think it is a joke. I can't imagine what the United States will be like with four years of Kamala!
When did pride stop being considered one of the seven deadly sins? Asking for a friend.